View Full Version : Rogers sim card for free? - APEGA deal

The Cosworth
12-01-2017, 03:27 PM
Signing up for the APEGA deal, but I can't send in the form for the deal without Rogers SIM #'s. Seems kind of weird that I am moving providers and have to 'buy' my sims. Anyone done the same?

12-01-2017, 03:44 PM
Correct me if im wrong, but don't most providers make you pay the $10-$15 for the sim card? I bought one for $15 I think and then signed up and ported over.

I do agree that since you're switching providers some incentive would be nice.

Good phone plan though :thumbsup:

12-01-2017, 03:46 PM
I have moved 3 lines to the APEGA plan in the last month ( Myself, wife, and a friend ). But all of these were rogers lines already so I already had sims.

I think apple gives free sims or at least they used to...

Plan is great, even better they are having some billing issues so i haven't had to pay a cent yet in after a month of a half.

Switchover is very quick too, all of a sudden you get a text to reset your voicemail and its done.

No frills, no incentives, that's the whole point... 10 dollar one time cost to pick up a rogers sim is a small price for how much this plan saves you.

When I did the math on my wife's rogers plan with the savings you could buy a new device every 18 months with the savings and it tripled her data. No brainer, both our lines together cost less than what she was paying...

12-01-2017, 04:14 PM
Yeah I received an email this morning saying they haven't received any payments. Then another email this afternoon saying the morning email was sent in error to everyone.

I did have a credit card saved in my profile, but it seems to be gone now, not sure whats going on with the payment system.

Website interface is pretty good though, and easy to navigate.

The Cosworth
12-01-2017, 04:37 PM
Fair enough, thanks guys. I'll try and save a buck where ever I can and paying money in order to give them more money just feels strange. nagooro, yeah you could be right that all the plans come with it, been a while. When I got my Bell Business accounts they were throwing crap at me. I didn't pay at activation and I didn't pay for the first 6 months.