View Full Version : Mice dropping and hantavirus risk

01-06-2018, 07:49 AM
First off I know I probably shouldn't be asking this in a forum or general section but I'm a bit panicked.

Took the kid out to our trailer to do some sledding and skiing this weekend and he's a toddler.

While shovling out and unpacking he ran around everywhere and of course jumped on the bed.

What I didn't realize until later was some mice dropping on the bed.

I picked it up with some Lysol wipes, probably a handful of them... But by that point already he rolled on them.

I can't tell how fresh it was and we've never had mice issues before.

Along with washing the sheets, duvet covers and pillows, I'm going to sanatize as required.

That said... Im scared of the risk of exposure for my son to any risks associated such as the very dangerous hantavirus.

Sigh... Not sure what advice anyone can provide.

01-06-2018, 08:57 AM

01-06-2018, 09:18 AM
109 confirmed instances and 27 deaths since 1989, probably a very remote chance that you'll have a problem. Source (https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/hantaviruses/surveillance-hantavirus-related-diseases.html).

01-06-2018, 10:16 AM
Pretty sure the droppings must also be recent as the virus only survives for a day or 2, chances are good the droppings weren't even affected by it. Don't even worry about it, if he happens to get sick in a month it's probably just the flu, but then you could mention it to your doctor just to be safe.

01-06-2018, 02:20 PM
Pretty sure the droppings must also be recent as the virus only survives for a day or 2, chances are good the droppings weren't even affected by it. Don't even worry about it, if he happens to get sick in a month it's probably just the flu, but then you could mention it to your doctor just to be safe.

Thanks... Just paranoid me...

Mice have been a big issue in the Columbia valley and the hospital confirmed that the last reported case was 1996... So they don't even sample the deer mice here for the hantavirus.

Still they said, bleach wash and use a face mask while doing it, but they did say that most old farmers just sweep out their barns and haven't gotten sick.