View Full Version : Scammed looking for your help *picture of scammer punk added*

03-21-2018, 04:21 PM
Had a user on Kijiji pay me with some really good counterfeit bills.

License Plate . K-29571

587-404-1069 was the number he called and texted with (guessing it is spoofed) when I look up that phone number on a facebook account comes up but it isn't the same guy at all. Looked and sounded of Lebanese decent, had a beard roughly 5'8 thicker build, wore blue contacts. Rolled up to my building in a white Hyundai, had a driver waiting for him. I've included links from my buildings security.

These guys used fakes of the new 100's with the plastic and all, the major give away after was the serial numbers and lack of braille





03-21-2018, 04:57 PM
Oh shit sorry to hear dude. Fkn scammers. :thumbsdow:

03-21-2018, 06:25 PM
that sucks man, can you say what you sold? Long shot but posting a wanted ad for what you sold just in case the person wants to unload the stuff for cash. Or post something related to that item for sale?

Long shot but might be fun to set a trap

03-21-2018, 06:36 PM
sorry to hear shadowz, hope they get caught. buddy fast walked to his getaway pretty smoothly

03-21-2018, 07:58 PM
Yeah sorry to hear that Shadowz, post the ad so that we know what he bought.

You've been here since day 1, you're fully aware of our detecting skills...

If its something of high demand chances are there is someone else on beyond who's looking for the item you sold and could run into this/these guys.

03-22-2018, 07:31 AM
Subscribed before this thread blows up.

Sorry to hear. Would be curious to see image of the bills.

03-22-2018, 01:26 PM
It was for a Louis Vuitton back pack, I just got an update from a few mutual friends that their friends also got scammed by the same guy. Did it to two others we know yesterday. Cocky guy was wearing the jacket he bought off one person. The bills are now with the police unfortunately.

03-22-2018, 01:32 PM
Super shitty, sorry to hear. I think most people would 'fall' for this, especially with good counterfeits. I certainly can't say I check all the bills when people buy stuff from me.

For the last cash transaction I did recently ($2000+) I had it done at the bank, and the teller handed me the buyer's money themselves. Even suggesting to do the deal through a bank will be enough to scare off any scammers.

03-22-2018, 01:57 PM
RCMP in high river just posted about some good counterfeit 50s floating around. Said the clear part being really clear - not printed on - was the giveaway.

Maybe related?

03-22-2018, 02:24 PM
Funny my GF posted an ad of something similar, I think the same guy has messaged her. Reached out to CPS, they aren't really willing to do much

03-22-2018, 02:31 PM
Funny my GF posted an ad of something similar, I think the same guy has messaged her. Reached out to CPS, they aren't really willing to do much

CPS won't do anything at all.

Coworker had a similar situation - straight up handed them a conviction with a meeting place, time, phone number, conversation records, and purchase records with serial numbers matching the serial numbers on the stolen goods. Further to this, the exact same guy with the exact same phone number and exact same meeting place stole from her friend a week before. It would have been the easiest arrest imaginable, literally the only thing CPS had to do was meet the guy, and they didn't do it. Sorry to say there is zero chance they will be going after the guy.

03-22-2018, 02:40 PM
CPS won't do anything at all.

Coworker had a similar situation - straight up handed them a conviction with a meeting place, time, phone number, conversation records, and purchase records with serial numbers matching the serial numbers on the stolen goods. Further to this, the exact same guy with the exact same phone number and exact same meeting place stole from her friend a week before. It would have been the easiest arrest imaginable, literally the only thing CPS had to do was meet the guy, and they didn't do it. Sorry to say there is zero chance they will be going after the guy.

Sadly, I've come across quite a few lazy cps members as well

03-22-2018, 03:19 PM
CPS won't do anything at all.

Coworker had a similar situation - straight up handed them a conviction with a meeting place, time, phone number, conversation records, and purchase records with serial numbers matching the serial numbers on the stolen goods. Further to this, the exact same guy with the exact same phone number and exact same meeting place stole from her friend a week before. It would have been the easiest arrest imaginable, literally the only thing CPS had to do was meet the guy, and they didn't do it. Sorry to say there is zero chance they will be going after the guy.

Yeah. I got scammed out of money before; under different circumstances, but still essentially still fraud. Police won't do anything.

Best case scenario is you take the guy to court, if he even gets caught. Even then, you just come out with nothing in the end.

Hopefully a better outcome comes out of it, but such an outcome won't be the result of police action.

03-22-2018, 05:14 PM
My lady is very angry and very persistent, she posted up another bag and the guy bit. Here is his face, the Hyundai they were in and the license plate. Help me find this scum.



03-22-2018, 05:44 PM
Damn what a guy. Best of luck with this. Did they get a clear read of the plate? Can't make it out in the video

03-22-2018, 05:51 PM
Might be worth going on either Calgary crime Facebook pages or community watch pages. If you don’t want to post yourself contact an admin and have them post it on your behalf.

Did he give you the bag back in the end?

03-22-2018, 05:53 PM
Nope he ran off back into the car, the license plate is K-29571. He texted me after saying I was smart then started threatening me saying he knows where I work and such

03-22-2018, 06:00 PM
Surprised you let him get away....
Few bats would have probly done the trick
Not like he's going to call CPS

03-22-2018, 06:05 PM
Man if the cops don’t do anything at this point might be time to go to the media

03-22-2018, 06:20 PM
Surprised you let him get away....
Few bats would have probly done the trick
Not like he's going to call CPS

Yea I think that’s maybe because the OP is a good guy and has no interest in harming someone else? Unlike the perp

03-22-2018, 06:31 PM
You should post this to the Calgary subreddit.

03-22-2018, 07:03 PM
If plate started with a"K" it's likely a rental.

03-22-2018, 10:18 PM
Any update? Any know know this guy?

03-22-2018, 10:53 PM
reposted it into a few calgary buy/sell groups. someone's gotta recognize this guy...

03-22-2018, 10:54 PM
My lady is very angry and very persistent, she posted up another bag and the guy bit. Here is his face, the Hyundai they were in and the license plate. Help me find this scum.



No offense at all, but why would you confront him? People get stabbed/shot for far less with all the psychos out there, it's not worth it... Things can escalate really fast and no offense again, but shame on your woman for putting you in that situation over a few hundred dollars? She obviously doesn't care.. Am I crazy?

03-23-2018, 02:17 AM
No offense at all, but why would you confront him? People get stabbed/shot for far less with all the psychos out there, it's not worth it... Things can escalate really fast and no offense again, but shame on your woman for putting you in that situation over a few hundred dollars? She obviously doesn't care.. Am I crazy?

I placed myself in the situation. I’m the one who went to meet him, you know why? To try and prevent anyone else getting scammed by this guy. Have your opinion, but it does nothing to aid anything at this point.

03-23-2018, 02:41 AM
I assume most counterfeit shit is basically one degree of separation from big-time organized crime. I would expect this idiot to disappear before anything happened to the OP.

03-23-2018, 09:00 AM
No offense at all, but why would you confront him? People get stabbed/shot for far less with all the psychos out there, it's not worth it... Things can escalate really fast and no offense again, but shame on your woman for putting you in that situation over a few hundred dollars? She obviously doesn't care.. Am I crazy?

He assumed the risk; I would have done the same thing. It's a huge violation to be stolen from, and if this guy isn't stopped he's going to keep doing it to others. I, for one, am thankful somebody tried to do something about it.

Him now threatening should be charge-worthy. Unfortunately, he didn't appear to have said anything specific enough to get a conviction.

Good on you, Shadowz. Good luck getting this guy delivered to the cops.

03-23-2018, 09:11 AM
Don't get me wrong, what he's doing is definitely helpful in preventing others from being scammed, and I'm definitely grateful to see a pic of him so I personally don't get scammed either...I guess if it were me I would just have the camera hidden and when he comes, get the image and then mwhen i count the cash just casually say hey you know what I think these bills might be fake where did you get them and then have him go on his way...I wouldn't openly confront him and risk getting stabbed or shot, there's just too many psychos out there, the cops would suggest the same too, it's just not worth the risk.

03-23-2018, 09:22 AM
Do the cops listen a little more now that he's threatened you?

03-23-2018, 09:26 AM
Rolling around in the same rental, wearing the stolen goods. My money would be that they are from out of town. Spend all the fake coin, then off they go back home. Whole “don’t shit where you eat” and whatnot

03-23-2018, 09:28 AM

03-23-2018, 09:36 AM
This will go semi viral now - with video that good - just like that skirt camera guy last summer.

03-23-2018, 09:48 AM
Do the cops listen a little more now that he's threatened you?

Nope - not until they actually do something to you. Nor do they care that if you take matters in your own hands because CPS won't help, you might get hurt (they recommend you don't, but won't try catch the guy to prevent it). Why they don't want to bolster their conviction rate with cases handed to them on a silver spoon I have no idea. Literally all they have to do is show up and meet this guy.

03-23-2018, 09:58 AM
Nope - not until they actually do something to you. Nor do they care that if you take matters in your own hands because CPS won't help, you might get hurt (they recommend you don't, but won't try catch the guy to prevent it). Why they don't want to bolster their conviction rate with cases handed to them on a silver spoon I have no idea. Literally all they have to do is show up and meet this guy.

So that's a universal thing, not just my town hey? Lame. I had a major issue with a guy years ago that ultimately was going to get violent - tons of direct blatant text threats/voicemails, couple in person confrontations. Cops here didn't do much either other than "take a report" and say that same kinds of thing you are. Ultimately had it handled privately, which admittedly was far more effective lol But that comes with it's own set of risks obviously.

03-23-2018, 09:59 AM
What is confusing me is how much different cops seem to be over counterfeit currency. Clearly much different than about 15 years ago. I had some guys from school who weren't the brightest and thought faking a few 5/10 dollar bills to use at 17th ave Mcdinks was a smart idea. Second time they went in they got arrested and was a very big deal. The place quite clearly took the two guys pictures and the second they came in again they delayed, called cops and were arrested before the food was even bagged up.

And yah... going and smashing this guy with a bat like some people have suggested, probably won't go well. I doubt Shadowz needs to find himself in jail over this pos.

03-23-2018, 10:00 AM
Nope - not until they actually do something to you. Nor do they care that if you take matters in your own hands because CPS won't help, you might get hurt (they recommend you don't, but won't try catch the guy to prevent it). Why they don't want to bolster their conviction rate with cases handed to them on a silver spoon I have no idea. Literally all they have to do is show up and meet this guy.

Its a question of resource allocation. For eg. you have a choice of a case of where some fucknuts beat his GF or some clown buying shit with fake bill.

It depends on the AMOUNT of counterfeit bills. If its 50-100$ they wont bother, but now that this is high profile and this guy has obviously gotten around a lot, the CPS will notice more.

03-23-2018, 10:03 AM
Anyone suppose there is a media angle here?

I know a guy in the media who could get this story out there. Want me to ask if he is interested?

03-23-2018, 10:08 AM
Anyone suppose there is a media angle here?

I know a guy in the media who could get this story out there. Want me to ask if he is interested?

Absolutely! Seems like the media route is the only way to go to help shed some light on this situation.

asp integra
03-23-2018, 11:28 AM
This guy looks like such a tool. Time to bring him down! Organized Beyond Sting?

03-23-2018, 11:52 AM
This guy looks like such a tool. Time to bring him down! Organized Beyond Sting?

You're offering?

03-23-2018, 12:04 PM
It looks like there is a case number with the police already. With the rental license plate, that could potentially lead to his real identity and eventually, residential address.
Hopefully the constable in charge is trying to do that.

03-23-2018, 12:06 PM
OP, seeing your video, I suspected that you wouldn't see your bag again. The next time that you run into him take his jacket, sunglasses, shoes, etc., as collateral.

Maxx Mazda
03-23-2018, 12:27 PM
No offense at all, but why would you confront him? People get stabbed/shot for far less with all the psychos out there, it's not worth it... Things can escalate really fast and no offense again, but shame on your woman for putting you in that situation over a few hundred dollars? She obviously doesn't care.. Am I crazy?

Not crazy, just a victim of the "hurt feelings" generation. I'd have done the same thing. Sure, there are psychos out there, but I certainly was not raised with the mentality that if someone steals from you, you just let them get away with it. It's the lack of the fear of repercussion or confrontation that allows these guys to continue to get away with shit like this.

- - - Updated - - -

OP, seeing your video, I suspected that you wouldn't see your bag again. The next time that you run into him take his jacket, sunglasses, shoes, etc., as collateral.

Funny you mention this, he looked scared shitless at the time. I'd have suggested that very thing as well. "Ok, go get the bag, and in the meantime, give me the rest of your envelope of fake cash so I can turn it into the police, your jacket that you "bought" from my friend, and your glasses and hat too while we're at it." He looked scared enough that he would probably comply.

03-23-2018, 12:38 PM
Send him the clip from "Taken". "I will find you and ...." :-)

03-23-2018, 01:49 PM
You should have blocked his car so he couldn’t go then call the cops..

03-23-2018, 03:37 PM
Its a question of resource allocation. For eg. you have a choice of a case of where some fucknuts beat his GF or some clown buying shit with fake bill.

It depends on the AMOUNT of counterfeit bills. If its 50-100$ they wont bother, but now that this is high profile and this guy has obviously gotten around a lot, the CPS will notice more.

The two scenarios I was talking about before involved $5000-$7000 generators, two of them. Wasn't even enough for CPS to raise an eyebrow, even with an easy serial number conviction, phone numbers, meeting already set, etc. If they simply showed up they would have got him.

The unfortunate ending to the above story was that the owners actually met the thief (he didn't know they were the victims) and they bought back their own stolen property from the thief themselves, because it was still cheaper than buying a new one or making an insurance claim. After CPS refused to do anything, this became their best option. How sad is that when enabling and rewarding the thief becomes the victim's best option because CPS refuses to do anything? It's an absolute failure.

To add insult to injury, if a citizen showed up to one of those meetings and forcibly took their own property back, THEN the police all of a sudden care, and the victim gets in trouble.

03-23-2018, 04:00 PM
What happened to the videos?

03-23-2018, 04:26 PM
No offense at all, but why would you confront him? People get stabbed/shot for far less with all the psychos out there, it's not worth it... Things can escalate really fast

That was definitely a very bad idea but what baffles me even more is why would you set up the meet at Joes shop? instead of putting yourself at risk the one time you put Joe and his place at risk for who knows how long. If this guy gets caught or he gets wind that this is going around about him(which he deserves) he could very well retaliate

03-23-2018, 06:12 PM
The two scenarios I was talking about before involved $5000-$7000 generators, two of them. Wasn't even enough for CPS to raise an eyebrow, even with an easy serial number conviction, phone numbers, meeting already set, etc. If they simply showed up they would have got him.

The unfortunate ending to the above story was that the owners actually met the thief (he didn't know they were the victims) and they bought back their own stolen property from the thief themselves, because it was still cheaper than buying a new one or making an insurance claim. After CPS refused to do anything, this became their best option. How sad is that when enabling and rewarding the thief becomes the victim's best option because CPS refuses to do anything? It's an absolute failure.

To add insult to injury, if a citizen showed up to one of those meetings and forcibly took their own property back, THEN the police all of a sudden care, and the victim gets in trouble.

You keep referring to this case over and over again when you decide to contribute to these threads, so I’m curious as to why you haven’t made a complaint with professional standards and receive an official explanation of why this went down the way you say? This isn’t helpful to the OP, and instead of discouraging him during what’s clearly a very new and ongoing investigation, maybe it would be helpful to just not get all negative about it right now. This hasn’t even had a chance to go anywhere yet and you’re already coming down on the efforts to resolve this.

Chill man!

03-23-2018, 06:20 PM
That was definitely a very bad idea but what baffles me even more is why would you set up the meet at Joes shop? instead of putting yourself at risk the one time you put Joe and his place at risk for who knows how long. If this guy gets caught or he gets wind that this is going around about him(which he deserves) he could very well retaliate

Wait. It wasn't even OP's shop? Dafuq.

03-23-2018, 08:38 PM
What happened to the videos?

shit head probably flagged video

03-23-2018, 11:09 PM
Would police advise to take them down if there's an ongoing investigation?

03-24-2018, 10:28 AM
That was definitely a very bad idea but what baffles me even more is why would you set up the meet at Joes shop? instead of putting yourself at risk the one time you put Joe and his place at risk for who knows how long. If this guy gets caught or he gets wind that this is going around about him(which he deserves) he could very well retaliate

Joe is my best friend, he wanted me to come to the shop and thought that would be best and safest place. CPS has had me take down the videos. The shop has HD cameras everywhere for us to gain footage of the people involved. Trust me I thought of meeting him anywhere else but Joe wanted us to have the footage acquired at the shop. The scammer returned my bag. The investigation is on going.

03-24-2018, 10:31 AM
The scammer returned my bag.
Details pls

03-24-2018, 10:36 AM
Joe is my best friend, he wanted me to come to the shop and thought that would be best and safest place. CPS has had me take down the videos. The shop has HD cameras everywhere for us to gain footage of the people involved. Trust me I thought of meeting him anywhere else but Joe wanted us to have the footage acquired at the shop. The scammer returned my bag. The investigation is on going.


Props for keeping your cool and handling it so well. Otherwise HQi4Rk9KT5A

03-24-2018, 11:47 AM
Joes a good guy like that! Glad to hear you got it back

03-24-2018, 11:50 AM

03-26-2018, 11:14 AM
You keep referring to this case over and over again when you decide to contribute to these threads, so I’m curious as to why you haven’t made a complaint with professional standards and receive an official explanation of why this went down the way you say? This isn’t helpful to the OP, and instead of discouraging him during what’s clearly a very new and ongoing investigation, maybe it would be helpful to just not get all negative about it right now. This hasn’t even had a chance to go anywhere yet and you’re already coming down on the efforts to resolve this.

Chill man!

Wouldn't you be frustrated? Anyway, my colleagues who this happened to have already gone down all those avenues to no avail, they have moved on. Nothing ever came of it to my knowledge.

03-26-2018, 11:39 AM
CPS has had me take down the videos.

I find that a little odd - you arent naming anyone specifically (looking for info) and I see security tapes of these kinds all the time posted by the CPS. Have they even posted this onto their social media?

You WANT exposure and this clown to be identified, which is exactly what your high quality video did.

03-26-2018, 12:12 PM
Wouldn't you be frustrated? Anyway, my colleagues who this happened to have already gone down all those avenues to no avail, they have moved on. Nothing ever came of it to my knowledge.

Yes I would, but had they actually gone down that path there would have been an answer. PSS is overseen by the police commission (a civilian body) and things don’t just go away without some sort of resolution. I suspect you aren’t getting the whole story here, and it’s shaping your view of these things and you’re spreading it around like it’s a rampant problem.

Yes there are lazy cops but most of the time it’s bonafide resource and legal issues that stop us from just arresting people with a “conviction handed to them”, and just assuming it’s the former isn’t fair to the majority of us who do our jobs properly - especially this particular incident which is very early in the investigation. As the OP said, it doesn’t seem like we are interested and I’d love to know what was actually said to OP that led to the conclusion.

- - - Updated - - -

I find that a little odd - you arent naming anyone specifically (looking for info) and I see security tapes of these kinds all the time posted by the CPS. Have they even posted this onto their social media?

You WANT exposure and this clown to be identified, which is exactly what your high quality video did.

What if it forces this guy to go underground and interferes with an active investigation? Or they’re trying to discourage a confrontation with him? Having been part of these investigations, I can say without a doubt there is a very good reason.

03-26-2018, 12:43 PM
- - - Updated - - -

What if it forces this guy to go underground and interferes with an active investigation? Or they’re trying to discourage a confrontation with him? Having been part of these investigations, I can say without a doubt there is a very good reason.

I see what you did there Phil; I gather that the CPS already knows the ID of this person (since they dont want the video posted, ie no need to request the public for ID) and are just waiting for the perp to make the next move ;) (probably best that I dont state any more thoughts about this)

03-26-2018, 01:19 PM
I see what you did there Phil; I gather that the CPS already knows the ID of this person (since they dont want the video posted, ie no need to request the public for ID) and are just waiting for the perp to make the next move ;) (probably best that I dont state any more thoughts about this)

I honestly have no idea if that’s the case with this specific investigation but there is usually a reason for it, and it’s among many reasons an investigator may ask for that to happen. Either way, hopefully it’s a sign of something!

03-26-2018, 02:25 PM
Yes I would, but had they actually gone down that path there would have been an answer. PSS is overseen by the police commission (a civilian body) and things don’t just go away without some sort of resolution. I suspect you aren’t getting the whole story here, and it’s shaping your view of these things and you’re spreading it around like it’s a rampant problem.

Yes there are lazy cops but most of the time it’s bonafide resource and legal issues that stop us from just arresting people with a “conviction handed to them”, and just assuming it’s the former isn’t fair to the majority of us who do our jobs properly - especially this particular incident which is very early in the investigation. As the OP said, it doesn’t seem like we are interested and I’d love to know what was actually said to OP that led to the conclusion.

I'm not "spreading it around like it's some rampant problem" I am saying based on my experience, nothing will happen. Several others seem to have had very similar experiences with CPS. I hope the OP has better luck.

Can you shed some light on what should have happened then?

- Generators stolen and posted on Kijiji
- Kijiji photos containing serial numbers of the stolen goods matched purchase records from the victims.
- Victims met him and it was the exact same individual, phone number, and meeting place who stole from the victim's colleague only a week or so prior. Also confirmed serial numbers once again, this time in person.
- Police won't do anything, they complained a lot to whoever would listen, talked to everyone they could, etc. This was extremely time sensitive.
- After learning the police won't be doing anything to help, and setting it up so the police literally just had to show up, check a serial number, and arrest the guy (or bring him in for questioning, or follow him to his stockpile of other stolen goods, whatever), they went and bought their own merchandise back from the thief because it was cheaper than buying new, and it would be gone to someone else in 1-2 days tops on Kijiji.

Should they have just done nothing, let the crook sell them to some unsuspecting third party instead, and paid double for new generators? Would CPS not arrest (or take some sort of action against) someone in possession of stolen merchandise, and with proof that he stole from others in the exact same way? Doesn't really leave the victims with many options if the only people who can get the stolen goods back are refusing to do anything.

03-26-2018, 03:04 PM
I'm not "spreading it around like it's some rampant problem" I am saying based on my experience, nothing will happen. Several others seem to have had very similar experiences with CPS. I hope the OP has better luck.

Can you shed some light on what should have happened then?

- Generators stolen and posted on Kijiji
- Kijiji photos containing serial numbers of the stolen goods matched purchase records from the victims.
- Victims met him and it was the exact same individual, phone number, and meeting place who stole from the victim's colleague only a week or so prior. Also confirmed serial numbers once again, this time in person.
- Police won't do anything, they complained a lot to whoever would listen, talked to everyone they could, etc. This was extremely time sensitive.
- After learning the police won't be doing anything to help, and setting it up so the police literally just had to show up, check a serial number, and arrest the guy (or bring him in for questioning, or follow him to his stockpile of other stolen goods, whatever), they went and bought their own merchandise back from the thief because it was cheaper than buying new, and it would be gone to someone else in 1-2 days tops on Kijiji.

Should they have just done nothing, let the crook sell them to some unsuspecting third party instead, and paid double for new generators? Would CPS not arrest (or take some sort of action against) someone in possession of stolen merchandise, and with proof that he stole from others in the exact same way? Doesn't really leave the victims with many options if the only people who can get the stolen goods back are refusing to do anything.

Yea I dont quite understand this - I've read (here and elsewhere) where the CPS have shown up with the victim at the Kijiji ad and just claimed the stuff back and the person who was selling was let off the hook - unless they were know criminals in which case they would have been slapped with a PSP.

But again, its dependent on time of day and call stack. If you asked for a meet-up on a Friday or Saturday night, you will 99% of the time be disappointed, esp if the meet up is in a place like 4 District.

03-26-2018, 04:42 PM
I'm not "spreading it around like it's some rampant problem" I am saying based on my experience, nothing will happen. Several others seem to have had very similar experiences with CPS. I hope the OP has better luck.

Can you shed some light on what should have happened then?

- Generators stolen and posted on Kijiji
- Kijiji photos containing serial numbers of the stolen goods matched purchase records from the victims.
- Victims met him and it was the exact same individual, phone number, and meeting place who stole from the victim's colleague only a week or so prior. Also confirmed serial numbers once again, this time in person.
- Police won't do anything, they complained a lot to whoever would listen, talked to everyone they could, etc. This was extremely time sensitive.
- After learning the police won't be doing anything to help, and setting it up so the police literally just had to show up, check a serial number, and arrest the guy (or bring him in for questioning, or follow him to his stockpile of other stolen goods, whatever), they went and bought their own merchandise back from the thief because it was cheaper than buying new, and it would be gone to someone else in 1-2 days tops on Kijiji.

Should they have just done nothing, let the crook sell them to some unsuspecting third party instead, and paid double for new generators? Would CPS not arrest (or take some sort of action against) someone in possession of stolen merchandise, and with proof that he stole from others in the exact same way? Doesn't really leave the victims with many options if the only people who can get the stolen goods back are refusing to do anything.

I say that you spread this like it's a rampant problem because you've mentioned it in numerous threads seemingly everytime someone wants help from the police or is complaining. YOUR experience does not reflect what will happen every time, and stating it as simple fact doesn't help the situation. That's all I'm saying.

As far as that situation, I don't know all the details. I don't know what exactly the hold up was or why it wasn't dealt with in a way that you or anyone else saw fit, but the fact that we do this all the time and we even have a dedicated unit to deal with this sort of thing tells me that something about this particular situation isn't just as cut and dry as you make it out to be. We don't just ignore our duty to recover property and potentially solve a criminal act. Sometimes it's not just a matter of us "literally showing up" and that's all there is to it, bada bing bada boom. I'm sorry that your perception of this is such, but it's not just that simple.

I'm not going to weigh in on what people should or should not do in terms of recovering their property. People can make their own decisions on that. What I am saying is that (again, because you said REFUSING to do anything) you clearly have your mind made up about how this turned out and given that you and I don't know why investigative decisions were made or why this turned out the way it did, to maybe stop discouraging others and turning them off of what the police may be doing. No two situations are exactly alike, and constantly comparing that to another and then saying "well, they failed me so they'll fail you" is incredibly unhelpful.

- - - Updated - - -

Yea I dont quite understand this - I've read (here and elsewhere) where the CPS have shown up with the victim at the Kijiji ad and just claimed the stuff back and the person who was selling was let off the hook - unless they were know criminals in which case they would have been slapped with a PSP.

But again, its dependent on time of day and call stack. If you asked for a meet-up on a Friday or Saturday night, you will 99% of the time be disappointed, esp if the meet up is in a place like 4 District.

Exactly. There are so many things happening in this city right now, and even if it seems cut and dry like people think, many times it's not. We can't be everywhere at once and if there are more pressing life and limb matters, property crimes end up falling far down the priority list.

That said, I don't know if that's the case with what mitsu is talking about, and I'd still encourage him to find out why it ended up going the way it did. I for one hope it wasn't due to laziness or incompetence, but none of us know and there is no way to fix it if someone only complains and doesn't use the process in place to prevent it from happening next time.

Anyways, hope the OP's incident is being investigated and something comes of it. That's what matters at the present time.

03-26-2018, 05:16 PM
I'm not "spreading it around like it's some rampant problem"

Except, it is indeed a rampant problem.

The rampant problem is that policing has gone from to serve and protect, to make money. Period.

03-26-2018, 05:27 PM
Yes, Seth, because for example, the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse unit members are actively wondering on how to increase their revenue stream instead of solving cases.

You're so jaded about everything man. Who hurt you? But actually?

03-26-2018, 05:36 PM
Yes, Seth, because for example, the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse unit members are actively wondering on how to increase their revenue stream instead of solving cases.

You're so jaded about everything man. Who hurt you? But actually?

It's no big secret the Policing has evolved (devolved?) into a source of funding for municipalities and a network to maintain social control. That doesn't mean there aren't vital functions required by our society that are provided but, it doesn't fully negate his train of thought either. You could really get into a conversation about whether current Policing models are a construct of our society or, if the opposite is true? However that's a whole different kettle of fish.

03-26-2018, 05:38 PM
Except, it is indeed a rampant problem.

The rampant problem is that policing has gone from to serve and protect, to make money. Period.

Maybe in corporate America-land.

In Canada, policing is in crisis mode right now. There are too many shit heads on drugs doing too many shit things and the judges and the Trudeau government are doing sweet fuck all about it.

There is very little time for regular members to sit there and wait around for someone to break a menial traffic law - unless you're IN the Traffic Unit of course - which is exactly what they do (among crash cleanups, DUI, etc.).

Note that many detachments and districts have (sometimes monthly) quotas, eg. 30 tickets a month, or 1 contact per motorist, per shift (not necessarily a ticket).

03-26-2018, 05:44 PM
It's no big secret the Policing has evolved (devolved?) into a source of funding for municipalities and a network to maintain social control. That doesn't mean there aren't vital functions required by our society that are provided but, it doesn't fully negate his train of thought either. You could really get into a conversation about whether current Policing models are a construct of our society or, if the opposite is true? However that's a whole different kettle of fish.

I think part of this view (the devolving of policing into a municipal funding function) stems from the fact that for a typical law abiding citizen like yourself the only interactions you’ll likely have with police in any frequency are in “money making” situations (ie: traffic tickets).

03-26-2018, 07:55 PM
Except, it is indeed a rampant problem.

The rampant problem is that policing has gone from to serve and protect, to make money. Period.

Even for you, that’s a bold and ridiculous claim. Heavens to Betsy. Wow.

03-26-2018, 08:01 PM
Heavens to Betsy.+1, heavens to Betsy.

03-26-2018, 08:55 PM
Even for you, that’s a bold and ridiculous claim. Heavens to Betsy. Wow.

Let's put it this way Phil:

Since you know what Heavens to Betsy is, then you should probably lead in your particular discipline.