View Full Version : iphone backup /restore issues

05-09-2018, 11:35 AM
I'll start off by saying I made the mistake of running the ios Beta for the last 6 months or so. I am wanting to change back to the normal ios, but when you go to restore your files, it is not supported.

I tried doing an icloud sync and paying for 50gb storage. I uploaded all my contacts and such, but when I put the normal ios back on, only contacts from about 4 years ago show up.
Is there any tools I can use to manually pick which things to restore? All I want is all of my notes and full contact list, text message history back.
Photos and music aren't an issue.

05-09-2018, 12:09 PM
Are all your contacts saved to iCloud? Or are some of them from exchange, Gmail or some other account.

Because none of that shit will backup to iCloud but should be able to be restored by adding those accounts back.

All your new contacts are probably on a different service, you set the default account to save new contacts with in settings.

For example, mine all syncs to a gmail account not iCloud.

05-09-2018, 12:40 PM
If you're on the latest beta, you have to live with it till the release is out. Then get off the beta profile for stuff in your backup. Your backups are higher version than the release version, and release version will not restore newer backups.

With that being said, notes and contacts should be able to move into the cloud so that should technically work. Your message backup isn't in the cloud (yet) so you'll have to wait it out.

05-09-2018, 03:06 PM
Any idea when the next Ios is coming out? And if I was to leave the beta on, will it automatically upgrade and keep my stuff, or will it say too bad because I had the beta version?
I'm fine for waiting another few months if it will fix itself, otherwise I wanna take care of it even if it means manually restoring some stuff.

05-09-2018, 03:14 PM
Any idea when the next Ios is coming out? And if I was to leave the beta on, will it automatically upgrade and keep my stuff, or will it say too bad because I had the beta version?
I'm fine for waiting another few months if it will fix itself, otherwise I wanna take care of it even if it means manually restoring some stuff.

iOS 12 will probably be September. As for the incremental 11.x.x updates they have so far been slightly more often than monthly.

05-09-2018, 03:24 PM
I would be surprised if 11.4 isn’t out before or at WWDC in June.

05-09-2018, 04:44 PM
So ya I’m assuming you’re on 11.4 beta. That should be a month away, if even. Once it’s out, remove the beta profile from your phone. Reboot. Check for updates and it’ll update to 11.4 release. Do a backup. You’re now back on the release track for OS and backups.