View Full Version : Thoughts on Ontario Provincial Election

06-06-2018, 09:25 AM
I am simply astounded at how god awfully shitty all of the candidates are.

Is there something going on in politics that I am not seeing? It seems all elections in North America lately have had just completely beyond useless individuals leading the parties.

Scheer, Trudeau, Clinton, Trump, Sanders, Harper, etc etc.

While I like Harper, his time had certainly come. So why the fuck are all party leaders so awful? While lots of people say things (that I agree with) about Paul Martin, Jean Chretien, and Brian Mulroney, one thing that can't be argued (I feel) is that they led, and were not nearly as toxic and in general poor at running the country.

The same can be said for the likes of people in the USA like Bill Clinton (his thoughts/policies back then compared to now are drastically different).

Which leads into the Ontario election; Ford, Wynne, and Horwath.

Ford is a clusterfuck (if anybody can be compared to Trump, he is literally a spitting image in most ways, loose cannon, no ideology at all pure populism, and campaigning on business sense when his business is in ruins, plus additionally being sued), the Liberals might lose official party status, but get this, Ontario folk are so upset at a liberal government that they may try and elect a full blown socialist one (and unlike the few warning signs the media dug up on the NDP here, they actually did their job and uncovered all sorts of craziness already that is in the Ontario NDP). Even though they already can't afford the Liberal policies as it is, the NDP has said it WILL raise taxes further AND spend more money and run deficits while the economy is booming :nut:

Like what?

06-06-2018, 09:30 AM
No good people will go into politics now and the trend will continue.

Ontario front, PC actually got Doug Ford out to be leader is what astounded me. And he came out, got 0 policy and no plan to reduce debt. All 3 are on a spending platform.

Winn's "I'm not going to win" play is interesting tho. Wonder if that will actually get the pity votes out or make Liberals stay home.

Another NDP government it is.

06-06-2018, 09:33 AM
We are on an inevitable, irreversible downward spiral. Your only hope is the cheap beer thread.

06-06-2018, 10:21 AM
No good people will go into politics now and the trend will continue.

Ontario front, PC actually got Doug Ford out to be leader is what astounded me. And he came out, got 0 policy and no plan to reduce debt. All 3 are on a spending platform.

At first, I was thinking that Doug Ford is only one person, it takes a team to lead. But he doesn't have a team, just like Trump. How in the actual fuck do you campaign to run a government and not have some form of plan in place before the election even starts??

We are on an inevitable, irreversible downward spiral. Your only hope is the cheap beer thread.

Naw, as one of the most indebted (on a personal basis) countries in the world, and specifically being an Albertan, only top shelf hipster beers for me!

Joking. Hard alcohol is a much better value proposition. Bacardi White on sale for $20 for a 26 the other day at CooP. 13 doubles will get a man well and truly plastered while out camping.

Now I need a drink...

06-07-2018, 07:29 PM
Looks like PCs are going to win decisively.

06-07-2018, 08:04 PM
Publicly funded religious schools are in, 100,000 government jobs are out.

It's not hard given the hydro fuck up.

We are about the have one ourselves given how fucked up AESO is under NDP.

06-08-2018, 11:55 AM
^ IMO, biggest fuck up in AB NDP gov was the PPA's. There have been a few major gaffes by the AB NDP, mainly PPA's, the saga that has been Trans Mountain, Bill 6 (and the recent resurgence of family farm issues) but what will be the AB NDP legacy? Public debt. We are going to be talking about the NDP debt for years and years to come. This is what they will be remembered by. It will be mentioned in conversations 10 years from now, the same way 'debt-free' is mentioned in conversations about Klein.

The AB NDP had the same plan the AB PC gov had in 2015, increase taxes and spend our way thru the recession. PC gov presented their budget and actually allowed us to vote on it, which we tossed into the trash. Then the AB NDP come along and present basically the same thing (increased spending) with no long term plan to recover. I believe they still don't have a plan except to go into $96B debt by 2022.

Ontario Libs had made some major mistakes, with hatred directed at Wynne. Her party totally collapsed and doesn't even have official status anymore, but rightfully so, given how truly fucked everything was.

06-08-2018, 12:22 PM
I am loving the autistic screeching that is Facebook and Twitter right now about a White Cis-Male becoming premier :rofl:

Wait until they see what premier ford is really like lol

06-08-2018, 12:29 PM
I am loving the autistic screeching that is Facebook and Twitter right now about a White Cis-Male becoming premier :rofl:

Wait until they see what premier ford is really like lol

I don't know what I really want out of it.

In reality, Ford needs to be Ontario's Klein. Slash and burn baby.