View Full Version : Police Auction..

03-27-2004, 01:46 AM
Anyone know anything about does. Heard a 98 prelude went for 500$ :nut: becuase it had 2 broken windows and a scratch on the side, anyone have a site i can visit :)

03-27-2004, 01:49 AM
I am callin BS on that....no way in hell that a 98 lude would go for that much, I'll grab a link for you in a minute and post it up...just have to find it

03-27-2004, 02:13 AM
Yeah, i;ve also heard that at auctions in the US, (Washington state, actually) that a BMW X5 4.4i went for "4,500."

BS on almost ALL those police auctions.
I've checked out a lot of auction sites, espically RegalAuctions, and 90% of their cars go for a realistic market price...A few slip away kinda cheap, but...not often.

03-27-2004, 02:17 AM

check there, they do a lot of auctioning in calgary.
Bank Repos and such.

03-27-2004, 02:21 AM
Can't find the exact link but here is the info you need for police auctions:

Vehicle auctions
Vehicle auctions are held the third Saturday of every month at the Impound Lot located at 400 - 39 Avenue S.E. The auction starts at 10:30 a.m. The public may view the cars the morning of the auction starting at 10 a.m. For more information about vehicle auctions, contact the Impound Lot at (403) 268-5977.

IMO I'd stay away from police auction, I mean the viewing starts 1/2 hour before the auction.....not much you can really check out in that time...you're going to be rushed in checking flaws etc..

If you are looking for regular auctions then check out regal auctions, saved a fair bit of $$$ on the jetta by goin to the auction (got really lucky that there weren't many price jackers on that day :) ) You can view the car ahead of time and get a good idea of what kind of condition it is in by going to regal

also, just do a quick search here on beyond with the word "auction" there was a thread on this a while ago which lists all the places to go etc...

03-27-2004, 02:41 AM
yeah then I'd check out regal auctions, you can thorougly inspect the the vehicle and everything. If you don't know much about cars then make sure to bring someone along who does :)

The only cars I'd personally buy from auction are newer bank repos which are in near new condition, much lower chance that something is wrong with teh vehicle.....never know what could be up with all the older vehicles there

03-27-2004, 02:43 AM
Does regal do motorcycles?

03-27-2004, 02:50 AM
Reposessed cars are almost always a bad buy. Think about it - They are reposessed from financially strapped people. Do financially strapped people change their oil scrupulously? No, they dont.
Do they flush their rad? Do they get their trans serviced every 48000 km? Do they fix anything properly? No.

I used to work for Ford Motor Credit waaayy back when. I got to go out skulking around and scooping cars (which we would take and dragrace the shit out of before taking them back to the compound) All of these reposessed cars, even the new ones, were peices of shit.

03-27-2004, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by Ducati
Reposessed cars are almost always a bad buy. Think about it - They are reposessed from financially strapped people. Do financially strapped people change their oil scrupulously? No, they dont.
Do they flush their rad? Do they get their trans serviced every 48000 km? Do they fix anything properly? No.

I used to work for Ford Motor Credit waaayy back when. I got to go out skulking around and scooping cars (which we would take and dragrace the shit out of before taking them back to the compound) All of these reposessed cars, even the new ones, were peices of shit.

ducati: Your generalization that most of the repo'd cars are POS's is wrong. I did a check up on the TDi's service records the day after it was purchased by contacting the VW dealership where all work was done. The previous owner RELIGIOUSLY followed the maintainence guidelines/intervals. The car was purchased knowign that it was time for a timing belt change....but after calling the dealership I find out that the previous owner had just gotten the timing belt replaced 2000kms prior to it being repo'd. Also, all the kms on the car were highway between lethbridge and calgary (the only area of teh car that even looks like it has been sat in is the drivers seat). Best part is...the car was a steal of a deal (i wont' give exact price but I havent' even seen 2000 TDi's selling for this cheap yet..) :)

also, back before I had my drivers license (ahh the days of the bike ;) ) my dad bought the 95' Pathy as a bank repo as well. Glovebox was PACKED with records..the previous owner of this vehicle also followed the guidelines strictly and there was even complete records of oil changes from day 1. Also ended up paying a couple thousand less than market value for this car :) Had low kms and still under warranty....can't beat that kidn of a deal

just got to know what to look for I guess

03-27-2004, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Kobe
Anyone know anything about does. Heard a 98 prelude went for 500$ :nut: becuase it had 2 broken windows and a scratch on the side, anyone have a site i can visit :)

maybe a 89 lude, but no way in hell a 98 lude went that cheap

i go there all the time...

03-27-2004, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by nismodrifter
Can't find the exact link but here is the info you need for police auctions:


Yeah it's not a great place if you're looking for a reliable running car. It's more of an auction for parts cars.

03-27-2004, 12:38 PM
No i've been to them a few times, i'm just looking to pick up an e30 for super cheap, cuz i wanna engine swap it as soon as i get it so i go pretty much each month, k here is the main thing about the acution this is what screews people and why cars done go for high, its basically you get what you pay for, there is no way for you to know if the engine is running or anything like that. The best thing i guess you could do to see if the engine is still in good shape is check the oil. But some cars you know will work like a 98 prelude, i actually saw that car being bid and it didnt go for 500 but 5000, so basically at the auction you buy something with the risk, either way their prices are pretty damn low like for a 98 prelude, thats amazing 5000.

03-27-2004, 12:46 PM
i got my omni from the cop auction for 100 bucks, but that was with full intention of replacing the drivetrain, suspension, exhaust, EVERYTHING. i don't think i'd buy a car from the cop auction if i was looking for a definate daily driver.