View Full Version : Property Crime in Alberta

08-15-2018, 09:24 AM
Now, I'm originally from Red Deer (explains a lot, right?), and recently it was reported that Red Deer has the highest crime rate in CANADA for cities over 100k people. That's nuts, because Red Deer I feel is a VERY safe place, but apparently its the property crimes that are doing it. I'd have no problem being blasted out of my mind walking anywhere in Red Deer at 2am in the morning. Edmonton or Calgary? Fuck that noise.

(The point of all this background info is in the final sentence).
I now have a rural located shop, and let me tell you, crime is rampant. Luckily, I also have 10' chainlink around the whole 1.5 acres of land and security cameras, plus what essentially amounts to a moat on two sides of the property and a slew on the 3rd. But the reports I am getting from neighbours is just crazy.

Additionally, in the past week, I personally know two people who had a race car trailer stolen from a storage property, and just last night somebody cut through the barb-wire fence at a friends acreage/shop property and stole a STi from it.

This is starting to get serious, if the local police and judicial system do not stop this, people are going to have to start (and they have) taking matters into their own hands. You do not have a society if criminals are allowed to freely do their shit. The cops are not busy, they are on the fucking highway catching people speeding (EIGHT god damn cops on the Friday before last long weekend between Edmonton and Red Deer alone in the afternoon). In my opinion, us citizens need to start demanding and holding our police forces accountable.

Your thoughts on the subject Beyond? :devil: What I really want to get ideas for is how to change this? More funding isn't the answer, as mentioned, there are cops sitting on the side of the road all day doing nothing. Even when calling during the middle of the robbery, the police will tell you that they are not coming.

08-15-2018, 09:50 AM
While I would love to see less hwy enforcement... I feel like you generalizing “cops” is sensationalizing this a little. From my experience in central AB on hwy 2 is that you are being pulled over by sheriffs, not rcmp. Their entire existence was to crack down in vehicle related offences on the hwy

08-15-2018, 09:52 AM
Not only that, but you'll rarely find general constables dedicated to traffic. They have a traffic unit, and they have other units.

That being said, it sounds like the solution is to move out of Red Deer.

08-15-2018, 09:56 AM
Shoot them and throw them in the slew.

08-15-2018, 09:56 AM
Now, I'm originally from Red Deer (explains a lot, right?), and recently it was reported that Red Deer has the highest crime rate in CANADA for cities over 100k people. That's nuts, because Red Deer I feel is a VERY safe place, but apparently its the property crimes that are doing it. I'd have no problem being blasted out of my mind walking anywhere in Red Deer at 2am in the morning. Edmonton or Calgary? Fuck that noise.

(The point of all this background info is in the final sentence).
I now have a rural located shop, and let me tell you, crime is rampant. Luckily, I also have 10' chainlink around the whole 1.5 acres of land and security cameras, plus what essentially amounts to a moat on two sides of the property and a slew on the 3rd. But the reports I am getting from neighbours is just crazy.

Additionally, in the past week, I personally know two people who had a race car trailer stolen from a storage property, and just last night somebody cut through the barb-wire fence at a friends acreage/shop property and stole a STi from it.

This is starting to get serious, if the local police and judicial system do not stop this, people are going to have to start (and they have) taking matters into their own hands. You do not have a society if criminals are allowed to freely do their shit. The cops are not busy, they are on the fucking highway catching people speeding (EIGHT god damn cops on the Friday before last long weekend between Edmonton and Red Deer alone in the afternoon). In my opinion, us citizens need to start demanding and holding our police forces accountable.

Your thoughts on the subject Beyond? :devil: What I really want to get ideas for is how to change this? More funding isn't the answer, as mentioned, there are cops sitting on the side of the road all day doing nothing. Even when calling during the middle of the robbery, the police will tell you that they are not coming.

Don't blame the cops, blame the shitty judicial system that has these sleeze bags back on the streets after a small slap on the wrist.

Cops are sick of it, I personally know a few that want to make a difference that are losing their passion for the job because they are fighting a losing battle.

08-15-2018, 10:19 AM
I live on a rural acreage myself and we are a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes response time if a car was to have to leave an RCMP detachment the second a call was placed so this is a big concern. I don't know the answer that will fix the problem because realistically there are only so many bodies to patrol more KM's of road and areas than one can count. I think telling people to call and hide is absolutely ridiculous though. I absolutely think that we should have the right to protect not only our being, but our property as well. It is easy to say it is only stuff, but I have spent a huge a amount in pieces of my life traded in the building of my life and for someone to know they can just walk up and steal pieces of my life that I can't get back without fear of confrontation and/or consequence does not sit well with me.

I think current laws about protection of body and well as property need to be clarified, and if not in place there should be new laws protecting individuals defending their property rather than protecting only the trash that chooses to take what is not theirs to take.

08-15-2018, 10:43 AM
From my experience in central AB on hwy 2

I drive H2 literally everyday. It's 50/50 Sheriffs and RCMP, the RCMP especially pisses me off, but the sheriffs are bullshit too because those are resources that could be going towards something that actually matters. Patrolling the highway does not matter and makes zero god damn difference to anything.

Not only that, but you'll rarely find general constables dedicated to traffic. They have a traffic unit, and they have other units.

That being said, it sounds like the solution is to move out of Red Deer.

You know I don't live in Red Deer :p When there is actual crimes being committed, the last thing we need is a "dedicated" traffic unit. They are not policing crimes.

Don't blame the cops, blame the shitty judicial system that has these sleeze bags back on the streets after a small slap on the wrist.

Cops are sick of it, I personally know a few that want to make a difference that are losing their passion for the job because they are fighting a losing battle.

For a long time I was of this opinion, but during my last few interactions with the police for robberies being committed against friends and families, as well as the incredible BS I've gone through myself combined with some bogus tickets, I've honestly had enough. The police are part of the problem, regardless if its the overall system causing issues. They need to stand up for what is right just as much as we do. A little pushback on their part over retarded policies would be appreciated.

08-15-2018, 10:49 AM
^^^^ This is why I’m not weighing in. I knew you’d already made up your mind, so what’s the point? I have a lot to say about this but I seriously doubt you’d hear me out.

08-15-2018, 11:11 AM
^^^^ This is why I’m not weighing in. I knew you’d already made up your mind, so what’s the point? I have a lot to say about this but I seriously doubt you’d hear me out.

I would be really keen on hearing your input Phil. Whether live or via PM if you have any thoughts you think might benefit us rural property owners or help us deal with the issues, I am all ears!

08-15-2018, 12:01 PM
^^^^ This is why I’m not weighing in. I knew you’d already made up your mind, so what’s the point? I have a lot to say about this but I seriously doubt you’d hear me out.

You are allowed your opinion. I don't have to agree with it. And maybe, just maybe, if you disagree with my sentiments, it might be you that needs to be a bit more open minded. The only reason I say that is because you quite literally are displaying the close mindedness you accuse me of.

Would honestly love to hear it. I won't pull you into a debate. I have an extremely high respect for police, I honestly have zero idea how anyone can do the job especially in this day and age.

08-15-2018, 12:48 PM
I would be really keen on hearing your input Phil. Whether live or via PM if you have any thoughts you think might benefit us rural property owners or help us deal with the issues, I am all ears!

1. buy a stolen gun
2. shoot any tresspasser
3. plant stolen gun

08-15-2018, 08:01 PM
I drive H2 literally everyday. It's 50/50 Sheriffs and RCMP, the RCMP especially pisses me off, but the sheriffs are bullshit too because those are resources that could be going towards something that actually matters. Patrolling the highway does not matter and makes zero god damn difference

Without enforcement we might as well not have laws relating to driving. It’ll just be Mad Max in a few years.

08-15-2018, 08:47 PM
I don't know the age demographics of the Deer that is Red.

BUT if you can get old people scared then they will start talking to the councellor. The councellor will HAVE to have a word with the police.. Because old people have fuck all to do and have the potential numbers to vote the councellor out.

Maybe deliver some pepperidge farm cookies to a old folks home, get your face familiar and then suddeny bring up crime is shooting up. Old people get scared...Hint at them to write to the local boob. The councellor gets a shit ton of letters from folks like Gertrude, Ethel and Dorris. He freaks out that his pot of gold is under threat. So the next time the councellor shares a joint with the local police cheif he might just say 'oh yeah Bob could you just keep a eye on the rural crime? The peasants are starting to get restless'.


I dunno.. are there old people in Red Deer..? I have a image in my head that its only full of 20-37 single mothers, and young single guys driving pickup trucks pretending to be conservative but stuggling to make child welfare payments. Or am I getting confused with Airdrie..?
I dunno. :dunno:Old people have power that thats my angle..

08-15-2018, 08:50 PM

08-15-2018, 09:17 PM
I had the distinct pleasure of catching one coming put of my neighbors garage. Neighbor saw him go in, i saw him panicking on the phone with the police.

He keeps a pair of vice grips on the door tracks, so the thief only had then door up maybe 16".

It was pretty dark, I ran over and the only thing handy was a widnow squeegee. I grabbed that and as the crook popped out, soon as i saw the whites of his eyes I smoked him with the squeagy. Stupid thing broke at least he screamed. We pulled him out and sat on him while the police came.

Ex fortmac guy, hooked on drugs now unemplyef trying to feed a drug habit. The police told me lethbridge and medicine hat are especially bad, and theres a semi organized car theft ring from there moving up here similar mos.

08-15-2018, 11:33 PM
Justice for Colten

08-16-2018, 07:47 AM
Justice for Colten

There was justice, the variety that saw him put 6 feet under :clap:

08-16-2018, 10:34 AM
You are allowed your opinion. I don't have to agree with it. And maybe, just maybe, if you disagree with my sentiments, it might be you that needs to be a bit more open minded. The only reason I say that is because you quite literally are displaying the close mindedness you accuse me of.

Would honestly love to hear it. I won't pull you into a debate. I have an extremely high respect for police, I honestly have zero idea how anyone can do the job especially in this day and age.

I don’t expect total agreement. I just don’t know if it’s worth speaking it when you demonstrated in your response to another poster that you already have your mind made up. That’s all. I’m happy to share facts and real world operating knowledge of how it works if you really want to hear it!

08-16-2018, 10:51 AM
I don’t expect total agreement. I just don’t know if it’s worth speaking it when you demonstrated in your response to another poster that you already have your mind made up. That’s all. I’m happy to share facts and real world operating knowledge of how it works if you really want to hear it!

Like I said, please do. I won't endlessly debate your points or try to beat you. Would simply like to see your opinion.

08-17-2018, 03:25 AM

08-17-2018, 10:14 AM
You need a crack head deterrent system. Water sprinklers with a sensor that spit out ammonia after hours, electrical fences that deliver less than lethal zaps.....etc.

08-17-2018, 11:26 AM
If the cops are too tired to combat crime and the criminal justice system is too ineffective to bring these people to proper justice, then I ask:

why are the cops not too tired to prosecute someone who beats the shit out of someone breaking into their home? Why are they not too tired to prosecute someone who used a firearm to defend their farm/acreage?

I don't see a bunch of exhausted cops when they are complaining about vigilante-ism.

08-21-2018, 04:48 PM
Sorry, haven’t forgotten this. Just haven’t had time. :)

08-21-2018, 05:40 PM
If the cops are too tired to combat crime and the criminal justice system is too ineffective to bring these people to proper justice, then I ask:

why are the cops not too tired to prosecute someone who beats the shit out of someone breaking into their home? Why are they not too tired to prosecute someone who used a firearm to defend their farm/acreage?

I don't see a bunch of exhausted cops when they are complaining about vigilante-ism.

Ah but one is breaking the law, and the other is taking the law into your own hands. Never try to take on the government ;)

08-22-2018, 12:08 PM
So, A+ help from Wetaskiwin RCMP last night, I am actually super impressed.

Had what appeared to be someone casing the place at 11pm while I am away on vacation show up on the cameras (car pulled up on range road with lights on just outside, lights kind of flickered as it looked like people were walking in front of the lights). They had a cruiser out within 20 minutes. They also checked my neighbour's place as I try to watch it for them.

Chatted with the officer a bit, she said 100% call in even if I only think there is an issue, it helps get resources dedicated to hotspots and our area is a hotspot.

08-22-2018, 12:58 PM
I know a guy who has been in and out of jail since he was 18. Asked him why he's a POS and continues stealing stuff knowing he goes back to prison... His response was "Prison isn't so bad actually."

Prison time isn't even a deterrent for some of these people.

08-22-2018, 01:25 PM
I know a guy who has been in and out of jail since he was 18. Asked him why he's a POS and continues stealing stuff knowing he goes back to prison... His response was "Prison isn't so bad actually."

Prison time isn't even a deterrent for some of these people.

For a lot of them, 3 hots and a cot is better than their current living situation, and they don't even have to pay for it!

08-22-2018, 02:00 PM
I know a guy who has been in and out of jail since he was 18. Asked him why he's a POS and continues stealing stuff knowing he goes back to prison... His response was "Prison isn't so bad actually."

Prison time isn't even a deterrent for some of these people.


08-22-2018, 07:46 PM
If the cops are too tired to combat crime and the criminal justice system is too ineffective to bring these people to proper justice, then I ask:

why are the cops not too tired to prosecute someone who beats the shit out of someone breaking into their home? Why are they not too tired to prosecute someone who used a firearm to defend their farm/acreage?

I don't see a bunch of exhausted cops when they are complaining about vigilante-ism.

You know that cops don't prosecute, right? That might be one of the reasons why.

08-22-2018, 08:06 PM
You know that cops don't prosecute, right? That might be one of the reasons why.

Your dreary semantics are boring to me.

08-25-2018, 01:00 PM
We prepare better now days, leave vans unlocked in the yards, and avoid leaving anything worth money where it’s easily accessible. Not sure what else to do without hiring security and that just isn’t worth it. I’d advocate for a “castle law”, it would surely change the tune of some of these fools when the first few examples are made, but for now the worst case scenario is an uncomfortable sleep with a cheese sandwich and a juice box to energize them for their next hitch.

I wouldn't put too much faith in castle laws being much of a deterrent. I have family in Alaska where everyone is armed to the teeth with castle and stand your ground laws to back them up. In-spite of this they still have crazy amounts of property and drug related crime up there right now.

I'm really not sure how we fix it the revolving door just throws them back on the street however locking them up is also a huge burden on society and very costly. The roots of the problem seem to be poverty, drug use and i'm sure likely a sprinkling of mental health adds to both the for mentioned. With out tackling these core issues I feel property crime will continue regardless of what the punishment is for such crime.

Now, I'm originally from Red Deer (explains a lot, right?), and recently it was reported that Red Deer has the highest crime rate in CANADA for cities over 100k people. That's nuts, because Red Deer I feel is a VERY safe place, but apparently its the property crimes that are doing it. I'd have no problem being blasted out of my mind walking anywhere in Red Deer at 2am in the morning. Edmonton or Calgary? Fuck that noise.

Also is it really that surprising that Red Deer has a lot of crime? It's a drug trafficking hub between Calgary and Edmonton that has for as long as I can remember a healthy biker gang presence as a result. I've never felt unsafe at 2 a.m. in Calgary, or Edmonton (even living in DT Edmonton) it's so safe in Canada the odds of being robbed or the victim of a random violent crime are pretty low unless you are purposely cutting through an extra dodgy area. Even some of the rougher cities I've visited you're pretty unlikely to run into to trouble unless you are out looking for it or short cutting through dark alleys.

EK 2.0
08-25-2018, 02:14 PM
We need Judge Dredd!!.....

08-26-2018, 07:23 AM

08-26-2018, 07:47 AM
I wouldn't put too much faith in castle laws being much of a deterrent. I have family in Alaska where everyone is armed to the teeth with castle and stand your ground laws to back them up. In-spite of this they still have crazy amounts of property and drug related crime up there right now.

I'm really not sure how we fix it the revolving door just throws them back on the street however locking them up is also a huge burden on society and very costly. The roots of the problem seem to be poverty, drug use and i'm sure likely a sprinkling of mental health adds to both the for mentioned. With out tackling these core issues I feel property crime will continue regardless of what the punishment is for such crime.

Also is it really that surprising that Red Deer has a lot of crime? It's a drug trafficking hub between Calgary and Edmonton that has for as long as I can remember a healthy biker gang presence as a result. I've never felt unsafe at 2 a.m. in Calgary, or Edmonton (even living in DT Edmonton) it's so safe in Canada the odds of being robbed or the victim of a random violent crime are pretty low unless you are purposely cutting through an extra dodgy area. Even some of the rougher cities I've visited you're pretty unlikely to run into to trouble unless you are out looking for it or short cutting through dark alleys.

I know many, many people in Calgary and Edmonton who have had problems downtown, including one held at knifepoint.

I never said Edmonton or Calgary were scary, I said that I can walk anywhere in Red Deer with no problem, which is not the same as in the bigger cities (which you even agree with).

As for Red Deer being a "trafficking point", I don't think that is really the issue at all. High percentage of labour based oilfield jobs, lots of unemployment, and one of the youngest average populations in Alberta is a firey mixture.

What this has to do with anything really in regards to the conversation at hand is beyond me, besides you not liking Red Deer. I don't really like Red Deer (hence why I don't live there) but it certainly isn't as bad of a place as "highest crime rate" indicates.

08-26-2018, 09:04 AM
The only thing that might happen to you in downtown RD is maybe a crazy guy yells something strange at you or someone piles their vehicle up onto the raised concrete flowerbed in front of Hudsons. you also might be asked for cigs or a 'bite of your hotdog' from 7-Eleven. haha

I had a guy the other night yell at me, "I have enough explosives in my backpack to level half of Red Deer!!!". Lol, unless it's a tactical nuke, I don't think you have enough there buddy.

02-05-2021, 01:10 AM
Truck thief shoots at neighbor after getting stuck on driveway

Calgary Herald: Truck thief gets stuck in rural driveway, exchanges shots with owner.

02-05-2021, 05:52 AM
Truck thief shoots at neighbor after getting stuck on driveway

Calgary Herald: Truck thief gets stuck in rural driveway, exchanges shots with owner.

Many wounds will get the slap and ready to reoffend in less than a month. Fucking joke.

02-05-2021, 10:02 AM
Truck thief shoots at neighbor after getting stuck on driveway

Calgary Herald: Truck thief gets stuck in rural driveway, exchanges shots with owner.

That's crazy. Even weirder that the rcmp isn't pressing charges against the neighbor. Common sense prevails.

02-05-2021, 11:24 AM
it was just a guy trying to steal someone’s vehicle and then this

RCMP mentality towards property crime... displayed perfectly.

02-05-2021, 11:36 AM
it was just a guy trying to steal someone’s vehicle and then this

RCMP mentality towards property crime... displayed perfectly.

My mom worked for the RCMP for 25 years. They're all like this. It's basically the laziest force of police around. Go for the easiest thing. (She wasn't a cop but saw what happened around her)

02-05-2021, 11:40 AM
This is where you wish the dog bit the face off this guy. Too bad.
Don't kill him, just permanently scar his probably already ugly ass face.

02-05-2021, 11:41 AM
This is where you wish the dog bit the face off this guy. Too bad.
Don't kill him, just permanently scar his probably already ugly ass face.

Im thinking of getting a recreational property but it'll have a fucking moat to cross to get in and some weird blair witch shit everywhere to creep people the fuck out.

02-05-2021, 11:48 AM
Rural gun laws should be vastly different than in the cities.

02-05-2021, 11:50 AM
his probably already ugly ass face.

More story:

02-05-2021, 11:55 AM
Rural gun laws should be vastly different than in the cities.

Should drop him off at the train station Yellowstone Ranch Style.

02-05-2021, 11:58 AM
:rofl: yup

02-05-2021, 11:58 AM

More story:

The manslaughter one is a diff Blaine Manywounds I think (second article said he was 38yo, the guy that stole the car is 32).

On a related note, the 32 year old that stole the car looks like he's at least 40. He's put on some tough miles.

02-05-2021, 01:00 PM
The manslaughter one is a diff Blaine Manywounds I think (second article said he was 38yo, the guy that stole the car is 32).
Totally a typo. Should be 28, and it was 4 years ago

02-05-2021, 01:28 PM
Ah, typo indeed.

That guy seems like a real piece of work.

02-06-2021, 12:54 PM

More story:

More proof that the justice system is a joke. Imagine if that property owner did end up getting hit by one of those rounds and died. Good thing he was prepared and armed to defend himself

02-06-2021, 01:42 PM
it was just a guy trying to steal someone’s vehicle and then this

RCMP mentality towards property crime... displayed perfectly.

I couldn't believe that was the actual quote. Whomever said that needs to be sent back to depot.

02-06-2021, 01:47 PM
Manywounds sounds like he just needed one wound.
Round put just below top of steering wheel.

02-06-2021, 02:03 PM
This is needlessly becoming an epidemic race war. I'm familiar with a farm where similar situation occurred. Firearms were brandished and a dog absolutely mauled the shit out of (insert name) Cardinal before the police arrived. Mr. Cardinal climbed a tree to escape the incessant mauling just before the RCMP arrived, but found his way down very awkwardly with the partial aid of a chainsaw.
Results not typical in rural policing interactions.
I have it on good authority that the dog will eat steak for all of his remaining years.

02-10-2021, 09:21 PM
Speeding tickets are much more profitable than catching thieves or real criminals lol. To prosecute a murderer/real criminal is an actual cost to the city/province. While speeding tickets has volume, easy to catch, rarely escalate to court (cost). Thus, profitable.

08-06-2021, 11:56 AM
This is great and I don't think it was posted yet:

RCMP say a homeowner who shot and killed a man who broke into his home in central Alberta will not be charged.


08-06-2021, 12:54 PM
I guess the rule is you need to let the guy break in twice prior and beat you senseless before you give them a shotty to the chest.

08-06-2021, 12:55 PM
I guess the rule is you need to let the guy break in twice prior and beat you senseless before you give them a shotty to the chest.
And you get one chance too. Any more than 1 shot, you've used excessive force for self-defence.

08-06-2021, 12:58 PM
Hug a thug policies lead to great outcomes

08-06-2021, 01:26 PM
Of all the flavours a home invader or thief comes in, dead is my favourite.

08-06-2021, 02:02 PM
Edit to remove potentially inflammatory comment. #notwoke

08-07-2021, 09:34 AM
That's ok neither am I