View Full Version : 1m buffer around bicycles on roadways

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11-26-2018, 08:16 AM
City Hall is looking into if there should be a required 1m space given to bikes while passing.
City is looking for feedback.


11-26-2018, 08:38 AM
Would bikes be required to give 1m buffer to vehicles too? Same logic apply?

11-26-2018, 08:40 AM
How about we just allow them on sidewalks instead?

11-26-2018, 08:41 AM
Sweet, lets give cyclists a 1m buffer so they can be more safe as they continue to ignore the rules of the road. Left my feedback.

11-26-2018, 08:46 AM
How about we just allow them on sidewalks instead?

They all use the sidewalks anyways.

Won't bikes just pass cars at lights (which they're not supposed to), forcing the cars into another lane to pass them again? What about single lane roads?

11-26-2018, 08:48 AM
Left my feedback.

11-26-2018, 08:58 AM
I already do this. It's not that big of a deal. Yeah there are bad cyclists but there are far more bad motorists.

11-26-2018, 09:02 AM
My issue with this is the lack luster snow removal in this city always takes up half a lane as it is. Making it almost impossible to leave 1m of space while passing other vehicles. This bylaw is being worded to include that distance between any road user, not just bicycles.

11-26-2018, 09:06 AM
I rarely bike on the road so it doesn't really bother me much but IMO as a driver, giving some space to the cyclist would be the courteous way just like giving space or moving to the left lane if a car is stopped on the side of the road if possible.

11-26-2018, 09:58 AM
How about we just force them to use sidewalks instead?


11-26-2018, 10:22 AM
I use sidewalks when I bike. There's barely ever any people on them and I just go onto the grass when I have to pass someone

11-26-2018, 10:25 AM
I bike often on a 'shared lane' on 11th St SE (i'd take the pathway..if there was one).. I'd love for a 1m buffer to at least suggest people not attempting to clip me with mirrors and the like. Add snow to the mix, and i have virtually no where to actually bike anymore as the entire 'shared' lane is gone, and would require me to take the full lane.

1 m around a cyclist isnt going to make your commute to work any harder or longer, but it will sure make it safer for the guy riding the bike. We don't win many of those collisions..

11-26-2018, 10:40 AM
How about we just allow them on sidewalks instead?

This 100%. Nobody walks on sidewalks anyways for those that bitch about safety. Also, keep your god damn eyes open and its not an issue :facepalm:

11-26-2018, 10:43 AM
Would bikes be required to give 1m buffer to vehicles too? Same logic apply?

Bikes are 'vehicles' when convenient and 'pedestrians' when convenient, whether that means holding up 50 cars block after block or cruising down the sidewalk, they just do whats best for them and screw everyone else. They would never even consider leaving 1M of room haha - imagine what that would do to the courier business!

I'm sure there are some courteous road cyclists out there but I can't recall the last time I saw one. The ones I see all seem to ride around like they are in a little bubble, oblivious to all traffic / actual pedestrians.

11-26-2018, 10:58 AM
I already do this. It's not that big of a deal. Yeah there are bad cyclists but there are far more bad motorists.

I agree that I already do this but I do not think it needs to be a bylaw. I always leave as much space as possible and if it’s gonna be too tight for comfort I slow down and wait.

11-26-2018, 11:09 AM
Bikes are 'vehicles' when convenient and 'pedestrians' when convenient, whether that means holding up 50 cars block after block or cruising down the sidewalk, they just do whats best for them and screw everyone else. They would never even consider leaving 1M of room haha - imagine what that would do to the courier business!

I'm sure there are some courteous road cyclists out there but I can't recall the last time I saw one. The ones I see all seem to ride around like they are in a little bubble, oblivious to all traffic / actual pedestrians.

I find at least half the commuters are courteous. All the couriers are dicks.

11-26-2018, 11:25 AM
I find at least half the commuters are courteous. All the couriers are dicks.

I look forward to seeing my first one :) The couriers are just dangerous, I'm honestly surprised more of them don't get hit. They straight up cut drivers off.

Maybe I just notice the a-holes more, but it sure does seem to be the overwhelming majority of them. What I hate the most is when the ride through traffic and park at the front of a line at a red light, then make 50+ cars drive at 10 km/h, missing all the lights down the street/avenue.

11-26-2018, 11:48 AM
This 100%. Nobody walks on sidewalks anyways for those that bitch about safety. Also, keep your god damn eyes open and its not an issue :facepalm:

That's the irony of the safety argument. There is far less speed differential between peds and bikes, as there is between bikes and cars. It's a no brainer that safety wise it's more appropriate to keep bikes on the sidewalk. Plus it gives an excuse to split sidewalks and enforce keeping right. For some reason it is deemed unsafe to allow something with less than 50cc engine to operate on major highway due to the speed differential that exists. But a bicycle doing half the speed of a moped? Yeah have at er bud.

11-26-2018, 12:49 PM
I would absolutely welcome a 1m buffer for passing, especially when I'm commuting with my 3 year old in the Chariot behind me. Realistically though, I don't expect it to be practical to enforce and therefore it wouldn't change drivers' behavior at all... Just a pat on the back for city council for making the city safer for alternative commuting. :clap:

11-26-2018, 12:51 PM
MAMILs pfft.

Apparently they ride on the grass too to get around people on sidewalks :facepalm:

11-26-2018, 01:34 PM
How about we just allow them on sidewalks instead?

Well to Lime Bike users, it's already legal.......

11-26-2018, 01:49 PM
I would absolutely welcome a 1m buffer for passing, especially when I'm commuting with my 3 year old in the Chariot behind me. Realistically though, I don't expect it to be practical to enforce and therefore it wouldn't change drivers' behavior at all... Just a pat on the back for city council for making the city safer for alternative commuting. :clap:

You... bike on the road with a child behind you?


11-26-2018, 02:16 PM
You... bike on the road with a child behind you?



11-26-2018, 02:19 PM
You... bike on the road with a child behind you?


Kind of my thoughts as well. Alternative commuting is great, but actual rush hour commuting on roads with a kid in the bike trailer... that seems nuts to me. The rewards definitely do not outweigh the risks IMO.

11-26-2018, 02:34 PM
Kind of my thoughts as well. Alternative commuting is great, but actual rush hour commuting on roads with a kid in the bike trailer... that seems nuts to me. The rewards definitely do not outweigh the risks IMO.

Yea, I'm not saying not to do it, but with how AWFUL people are at driving, especially if on any sort of main road (even a major artery through a suburbs), the risk is just so high for the reward of what? Going for a bike ride with your kid in the back who would be entertained by a cardboard box in the backyard? And on top of all of this, going slower than bikers already do because of the extra weight?

I know a lot of people who bike. All of them have either nearly been or have been in major incidents with cars, all on roads with speed limits below 60.

Put me in the "don't get it" column. Guy probably gets his flu shot though :devil:

11-26-2018, 02:37 PM
You... bike on the road with a child behind you?


Almost as bad as raising your kid Vegan.

11-26-2018, 02:52 PM
I would absolutely welcome a 1m buffer for passing, especially when I'm commuting with my 3 year old in the Chariot behind me. Realistically though, I don't expect it to be practical to enforce and therefore it wouldn't change drivers' behavior at all... Just a pat on the back for city council for making the city safer for alternative commuting. :clap:

It would be nice as mentioned just to raise awareness of the issue, but again I don't think it will change much behavior or be enforced.
For my commute downtown from the NW I avoid major roads and stick to 90% pathways and bike lanes for my 22km commute downtown.

However, Most of the near misses I've had are with passing vehicles are on the highway. (Most have been trucks with trailers, that possibly don't realize/forget the trailer is wider than the truck)

11-26-2018, 03:06 PM
Kind of my thoughts as well. Alternative commuting is great, but actual rush hour commuting on roads with a kid in the bike trailer... that seems nuts to me. The rewards definitely do not outweigh the risks IMO.

All I can picture is the tragedy of someone’s foot slips off the brake at a stoplight with you in front of them... and there isn’t a damn thing you could do about it.

Same logic as a motorcycle, what would be a fender bender turns into a proper disaster.

And people get in fender benders all the time.

That said, I am pro 1M if it means that filtering is more formally banned and enforced. Amazing how close morons take it and I know I am going to get a nice 2 foot long handlebar scratch across the side of my car one of these days.

That was just one bullet point of the law though, there’s a lot of other garbage that points me in the direction of no for this.

Allow cyclists to yield instead of coming to a full stop when entering/exiting a roadway or sidewalk from/to a pathway. Currently cyclists must come to a complete stop prior to entering/exiting from/to a pathway, unless the intersection is marked with a yield sign.

What is the motivation behind this garbage?

11-26-2018, 03:18 PM
What is the motivation behind this garbage?

It's really stupid for me to have to do a full stop coming off a pathway, to cross a road, to get back on the pathway, when it is fully apparent that no one is coming or am not at risk. I am pretty sure they are just making this 'legal', cause no one does this anyway.

Technically, to the letter of the law, you have to do a full stop, and then cross. Full stop to get back onto the path.

Its funny all the drivers that bitch about the little things that cyclists do. For example, i typically am going to ride across at a crosswalk. it makes it faster for everyone as im out of the intersection in 1/10th the time it would take to walk, yet still you get some people in cars bitching for the sake of bitching...

11-26-2018, 03:27 PM
What is the motivation behind this garbage?

aka Idaho stop, rolling stop...… It doesn't mean you can go when it's unsafe or when you don't have the right of way. When you are rolling slow on a bicycle you have a lot of time to figure out if it's safe to proceed or not. Obviously when there is a lot of traffic you probably end up stopping or you have some mad track stand skill. It just makes it easier if you can go when it's good.

11-26-2018, 03:46 PM
cars should be able to do rolling stops tooooooo.

also i dont care if you get off your bike before crossing the road, but you sure as shit need to stop and yield if I am coming. want me to stop? get off your bike ahaha.

11-26-2018, 03:56 PM
cars should be able to do rolling stops tooooooo.

also i dont care if you get off your bike before crossing the road, but you sure as shit need to stop and yield if I am coming. want me to stop? get off your bike ahaha.

If you have a stop sign, and i do, and im there first, why should i have to stop..? It's going to be faster for both you and I if an Idaho stop happens..

11-26-2018, 04:19 PM
If you have a stop sign, and i do, and im there first, why should i have to stop..? It's going to be faster for both you and I if an Idaho stop happens..

Because if a car played by the same logic, he would probably run down the cyclist who would just run the stop sign by default :rofl:

Cyclist logic: “if it’s more convenient for me, why should I have to obey the law”

11-26-2018, 04:41 PM
If you have a stop sign, and i do, and im there first, why should i have to stop..? It's going to be faster for both you and I if an Idaho stop happens..

The same logic can go for cars at a 4-way intersection.

11-26-2018, 04:42 PM
If you have a stop sign, and i do, and im there first, why should i have to stop..? It's going to be faster for both you and I if an Idaho stop happens..

What about all the instances where it's faster to do the same in a vehicle? Like running a red light at 2AM instead of waiting for it, or treating every stop sign as a yield, or driving down the shoulder then forcing myself in front of a huge lineup of cars. All of those things would be faster for me.

This is exactly what I posted about earlier - the typical cyclist mentality is that they are vehicles when convenient and pedestrians when convenient - and who cares what the rules are or who else it inconveniences.

11-26-2018, 04:46 PM
Honestly, we should just have roundabouts everywhere instead of stop signs, then nobody stops unless there is traffic they need to yield to. BAN STOP SIGNS!!

11-26-2018, 04:50 PM
This is exactly what I posted about earlier - the typical cyclist mentality is that they are vehicles when convenient and pedestrians when convenient - and who cares what the rules are or who else it inconveniences.

An Idaho stop is more efficient, and safer for everyone.. How does this make it ANY less convenient for you, as it clears the intersection faster? I am not advocating blowing stop signs or cutting infront of traffic, but it is faster for everyone involved if the biker is there first, to allow them to use it as a yield instead of a stop.

11-26-2018, 04:51 PM
Honestly, we should just have roundabouts everywhere instead of stop signs, then nobody stops unless there is traffic they need to yield to. BAN STOP SIGNS!!

Driving in Europe is so smooth because of this, in some cities you almost never stop.

11-26-2018, 04:52 PM
As much as I do rolling stop riding on the back roads around the outskirt of the city, I don't think it's good idea to put that in the bylaw. It's not suitable for urban area. Leave it as is, use your own discretion.

11-26-2018, 04:57 PM
An Idaho stop is more efficient, and safer for everyone.. How does this make it ANY less convenient for you, as it clears the intersection faster? I am not advocating blowing stop signs, but it is faster for everyone involved if the biker is there first, to allow them to use it as a yield instead of a stop.

I'm not arguing otherwise, I am arguing that it would be illegal do to many of those things in my vehicle, and when a cyclist is on the road they are a vehicle. Why is it OK for cyclists only to ignore the rules of the road and run stop signs at their discretion? It would be faster for me in my car to treat stop signs as a yield if I got there first too, but what is that ticket, $280?

11-26-2018, 05:02 PM
I'm not arguing otherwise, I am arguing that it would be illegal do to many of those things in my vehicle, and when a cyclist is on the road they are a vehicle. Why is it OK for cyclists only to ignore the rules of the road and run stop signs at their discretion? It would be faster for me in my car to blow through stop signs too if I got there first.

You said its somehow inconveniencing you. Is it? I never said it's not illegal, but you can run stops at your discretion too...the cops might not like that defence though

11-26-2018, 05:06 PM
double post

11-26-2018, 05:31 PM
An Idaho stop is more efficient, and safer for everyone.. How does this make it ANY less convenient for you, as it clears the intersection faster? I am not advocating blowing stop signs or cutting infront of traffic, but it is faster for everyone involved if the biker is there first, to allow them to use it as a yield instead of a stop.

How would you confirm who was there first if the bicycle doesn't have to stop?

11-26-2018, 05:39 PM
You said its somehow inconveniencing you. Is it? I never said it's not illegal, but you can run stops at your discretion too...the cops might not like that defence though

No, I specifically said I am not arguing that it wouldn't be faster - obviously it's faster if you don't stop, just like it would be faster if I didn't stop my car or drove at 200km/h down the highway. My point is that it would be faster for me to do all the same things in my car, so what makes cyclists special? Or are you admitting to simply riding illegally when convenient for you?

I could run stop signs at my discretion, but I don't. The fine is steep and just because I think the intersection is clear before I roll though, doesn't mean it is. If nobody stopped at stop signs, how would you know who goes in a 4-way?

It keeps coming back to cyclists wanting to be whatever suits them (pedestrian, vehicle, whatever else).

11-26-2018, 05:53 PM
Always :rofl: at the stereotyping and wild hyperbole that comes out on Beyond whenever a bike is mentioned.

One cyclist is seen riding on the sidewalk from the bike rack to the intersection = all cyclists ride on any sidewalk whenever/wherever they feel like it.
By that logic, I saw someone who was speeding glance at their phone the other day. Everybody here must be posting on Beyond from behind the wheel at 80km/h in a playground zone.

Even though the "Idaho stop" isn't within the scope of the current changes, I disagree with introducing it into the bylaw, it leaves too much room for poor judgement.

11-26-2018, 06:23 PM
One cyclist is seen riding on the sidewalk from the bike rack to the intersection = all cyclists ride on any sidewalk whenever/wherever they feel like it.

Nope, this judgement comes from people hopping on and off the sidewalk all willy nilly whenever they feel like it to cut lights and use crosswalks/crosswalk signs and to cut in front of people or just general asshattery.

- - - Updated - - -

Honestly, we should just have roundabouts everywhere instead of stop signs, then nobody stops unless there is traffic they need to yield to. BAN STOP SIGNS!!

The two roundabouts they've put into Red Deer work well, except I've heard the H11 overpass from Sylvan gets fucked up in heavy traffic.

Roundabouts are great... until they aren't.

11-26-2018, 06:32 PM
Creating safe spaces for hippies is what I’m getting out of this?

11-26-2018, 09:28 PM
Beyonders Getting Coffee In Cars Behind A Cyclist: Seinfeld Calgary Edition

11-26-2018, 09:54 PM
Hard fucking no, to Idaho stops. I've almost killed a bicyclist a few times in the belt-line, trolling on thru. They'll blow through the stop-signs if they're allowed to, raising the stakes.

I bike often on a 'shared lane' on 11th St SE (i'd take the pathway..if there was one).. I'd love for a 1m buffer to at least suggest people not attempting to clip me with mirrors and the like. Add snow to the mix, and i have virtually no where to actually bike anymore as the entire 'shared' lane is gone, and would require me to take the full lane.

1 m around a cyclist isnt going to make your commute to work any harder or longer, but it will sure make it safer for the guy riding the bike. We don't win many of those collisions..
Actually, it does make it longer. And if safety is your concern, cut through the sanctuary. Won't take you much longer.

11-26-2018, 10:06 PM
Roundabouts are great in theory (and other places in the world), but our drivers are FAR to stupid to learn a new set of rules; they can't even learn the set we have already had in place for decades.

11-27-2018, 01:16 AM

11-27-2018, 07:22 AM
It's really stupid for me to have to do a full stop coming off a pathway, to cross a road, to get back on the pathway, when it is fully apparent that no one is coming or am not at risk. I am pretty sure they are just making this 'legal', cause no one does this anyway.

Technically, to the letter of the law, you have to do a full stop, and then cross. Full stop to get back onto the path.

Its funny all the drivers that bitch about the little things that cyclists do. For example, i typically am going to ride across at a crosswalk. it makes it faster for everyone as im out of the intersection in 1/10th the time it would take to walk, yet still you get some people in cars bitching for the sake of bitching...

It's also really stupid for me as a driver to come to a complete stop at a stop sign when I can clearly see for 10 seconds before I stop whether it is clear or not. But I can't imagine them changing the rules on rolling stops to accommodate actual vehicles and reduce congestion. Nice double standard.

You'll never hear me bitch about riding through a cross walk. By all means, keep that worthless hunk of shit on wheels off the main roadway, and cross as quickly as possible.

11-27-2018, 08:10 AM
It's also really stupid for me as a driver to come to a complete stop at a stop sign when I can clearly see for 10 seconds before I stop whether it is clear or not. But I can't imagine them changing the rules on rolling stops to accommodate actual vehicles and reduce congestion. Nice double standard.

You'll never hear me bitch about riding through a cross walk. By all means, keep that worthless hunk of shit on wheels off the main roadway, and cross as quickly as possible.

The thing is though, if you can see clearly 10 seconds before you stop that it’s clear like you say, then you would be observant enough to be able to see any cop around so it doesn’t matter if it’s law to stop at a stop sign.

It’s like distracted driving tickets, I hate when people argue them, really? You didn’t see the cop? And you’re arguing you weren’t distracted?

11-27-2018, 08:44 AM
A cyclist who has to start and stop produces virtually no carbon emissions.... and isn't this what riding to work is all about? Saving the environment?


I ride cause I like the exercise and save a bit of money on gas. I drive a Tacoma daily... im not saving the environment

11-27-2018, 09:24 AM
The thing is though, if you can see clearly 10 seconds before you stop that it’s clear like you say, then you would be observant enough to be able to see any cop around so it doesn’t matter if it’s law to stop at a stop sign.

It’s like distracted driving tickets, I hate when people argue them, really? You didn’t see the cop? And you’re arguing you weren’t distracted?

Wouldn't matter if there is a cop or not. I stop at stop signs, period. I'm not taking a risk of a 3 demerit ticket when there could very well be an UC parked right across the street. Not like a full stop really loses any time. Unfortunately we can't say the same about the absurdly low speed limits.

I can't say I even know anyone who has got a distracted driving ticket. Seems they don't even enforce it. Too busy out running racketeering scams collecting speed revenue for the government coffers to care about traffic safety. But your analogy reminds me of people with multiple DUI's. As we all know, as a whole distracted driving is far more dangerous than what is considered drinking and driving. But I always get a laugh at people with multiple DUI's saying "I'm a perfectly good driver when drinking". Obviously you're not or you wouldn't have been caught 4 times. lol.

11-27-2018, 09:29 AM
I know several people that have gotten distracted driving tickets.

11-27-2018, 09:34 AM
I ride cause I like the exercise and save a bit of money on gas. I drive a Tacoma daily... im not saving the environment

You know what’s great for exercise? Stopping and starting again at intersections :rofl:

11-27-2018, 09:36 AM
You know what’s great for exercise? Stopping and starting again at intersections :rofl:

ha! well can't argue with that one

11-27-2018, 10:27 AM
If I receive a 1m buffer from the bicyclette then I shall award them their 1m buffer. Fortunately for me, I know that no pot-head shaved-head dread-head bicyclette rider will EVER give me any type of buffer zone at all. I was sitting in traffic (kensington rush hour) in our recently sold 3/4 ton one day, minding my own business, I check my sideview mirror and all I see is a helmet full of smelly green dreadlocks. This MF is on his bike leant up against my truck, smoking a fucking marijuana cigarette. I whipped my door open and said
"HEY -- man give me some of your marijuana cigarette". He said ok and he gave it to me and rode away.
No. Buffer. Given.

11-27-2018, 10:39 AM
Dafuq did I just read.

Mista Bob
11-27-2018, 10:52 AM
This is just going to turn into a complete shit show if it's implemented, most people out there are completely incapable of gauging distances of any length.
Cars already freak out about what to do when they encounter a bicycle on the road, this is just going to to make things worse. Then you just know entitled assholes on bicycles are gonna freak out on people if they think they didn't get their required 1 meter (but only when it's convenient to them). Maybe this could work if people weren't blind idiots, but if that were the case then we wouldn't be here having this discussion.

11-27-2018, 10:58 AM
So when someone swings their door open and hits your car as you pass them it's your fault? I guess it will be legal to door a cyclist if they're too close to parked cars.

11-27-2018, 11:02 AM
If bikes gave cars a 1m buffer nobody woukd ever get "doored".

11-27-2018, 11:17 AM
Perfect time for a new Snowcat to emerge.

This time on a bicycle.

11-27-2018, 11:28 AM
Dafuq did I just read.

I think CMW mugged a hippy.

12-01-2018, 01:31 PM
exactly what I came in here to ask.

So the next time I'm sitting in traffic on crow child and in my rearview I see some jerk-off on a crotch rocket riding the dotted line weaving in between vehicles... At this point he is violating that rule literally every tenth of a second he passes a vehicle on the left and a vehicle on the right.

I think we should be allowed to kick our doors open and stop this bullshit.

Mista Bob
12-01-2018, 01:53 PM
exactly what I came in here to ask.

So the next time I'm sitting in traffic on crow child and in my rearview I see some jerk-off on a crotch rocket riding the dotted line weaving in between vehicles... At this point he is violating that rule literally every tenth of a second he passes a vehicle on the left and a vehicle on the right.

I think we should be allowed to kick our doors open and stop this bullshit.

This is one big reason why this is a horrible idea, because it will only further embolden people like this to do stupid things.

12-01-2018, 02:58 PM
exactly what I came in here to ask.

So the next time I'm sitting in traffic on crow child and in my rearview I see some jerk-off on a crotch rocket riding the dotted line weaving in between vehicles... At this point he is violating that rule literally every tenth of a second he passes a vehicle on the left and a vehicle on the right.

I think we should be allowed to kick our doors open and stop this bullshit.


Motorcycles filtering on roads like that is mutually beneficial. They get where they're going faster, and are also taking up that much less space in the traffic jam.

Regardless, if you're the one that throws a door open into them, you're definitely the jerk off in that exchange.

12-01-2018, 03:08 PM
It's generally faster for everyone if every vehicles stops stopping at stop signs as well.

12-01-2018, 03:24 PM

12-01-2018, 03:45 PM
Haha you guys are impossible. Filtering does actually work elsewhere in the world, even if it might not work here since our drivers all seem to have the "me first" attitude.

IMO filtering is like traffic circles. It's definitely the better system, Canadian drivers are just too shitty to wrap their heads around effectively adopting it.

12-01-2018, 05:27 PM
Haha you guys are impossible. Filtering does actually work elsewhere in the world, even if it might not work here since our drivers all seem to have the "me first" attitude.

IMO filtering is like traffic circles. It's definitely the better system, Canadian drivers are just too shitty to wrap their heads around effectively adopting it.
Should apply to any vehicle that can fit through the gap. Bicycles, motorbikes, smart cars, whatever. No need to arbitrarily apply rules to one vehicle type and not another.

Plus every stop sign should be replaced with a yield.

12-02-2018, 08:50 AM
Since this is a thread about bicycles I absolutely would never support encouraging cyclists to filter. Filtering only makes sense if the person filtering to the front doesn’t hold up the entire line of traffic behind them.

As a commuter cyclist I refuse to filter and have been yelled at for blocking the curb lane with my bike so other cyclists couldn’t pass at the light haha!

As for motorbikes I’m not opposed to them filtering but only if any accident that involves a motorbike filtering is deemed 100% the filtering bikes fault regardless. Speed differential is what kills, whipping up on someone doing 30kph less than you isn’t intelligent.

12-02-2018, 09:26 AM
Should apply to any vehicle that can fit through the gap. Bicycles, motorbikes, smart cars, whatever. No need to arbitrarily apply rules to one vehicle type and not another.

Well it's not arbitrary. Can't tell if you're trolling me or not haha. The difference is when a motorcycle filters through, you'll never see him again. When a bike filters through, he's going to be an obstacle holding up traffic again within seconds.

Since this is a thread about bicycles I absolutely would never support encouraging cyclists to filter. Filtering only makes sense if the person filtering to the front doesn’t hold up the entire line of traffic behind them.

As for motorbikes I’m not opposed to them filtering but only if any accident that involves a motorbike filtering is deemed 100% the filtering bikes fault regardless. Speed differential is what kills, whipping up on someone doing 30kph less than you isn’t intelligent.


12-02-2018, 09:51 AM
Can't tell if you're trolling me or not haha. I'll call that a win.

12-02-2018, 10:42 AM
Creating safe spaces for hippies/environmentalists is what I’m getting out of this?

Gonna be so many rules in another 5 years.
There is nothing wrong with Darwin's theory. Let it be the judge.

12-03-2018, 02:28 PM
I'll call that a win.

You sir, need a job :rofl:

I actually completely agree with getting rid of every stop sign. Should be a yield sign.

More importantly, every intersection should have rules for sightlines, that's the most dangerous part. Some rural roads even with stop signs, you basically can't see if anyone is coming until you are into the road.

12-03-2018, 04:54 PM
You sir, need a job :rofl: Actually, this is my job now. Rage2 pays me to rile people up for a month, and then the next month, he pays me nearly as much to spread positive vibes. I may never have a "real" job again, this is surprisingly lucrative.

12-03-2018, 04:57 PM
Paid to post on beyond could be... lucrative.

12-03-2018, 07:59 PM
Paid to post on beyond could be... lucrative.

And a bonus for positive reputation comments!

01-04-2019, 06:22 PM
The Idaho stop in action


01-04-2019, 07:04 PM
The Idaho stop in action

So basically he’s going to file for bankruptcy after losing the civil suit for damages after?

01-04-2019, 07:26 PM
So basically he’s going to file for bankruptcy after losing the civil suit for damages after?
Seems appropriate for this dangerous murderer.

01-04-2019, 07:31 PM
The Idaho stop in action


Kinda fucked up that some poor bastard had to actually die for them to lay a single charge against a cyclist ever.

03-18-2019, 07:28 AM
More talk about the so-called "Idaho stop". https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/councillor-proposes-idaho-stop-for-cyclists-allowing-bikers-to-yield-on-stop-signs

I identify as an Idahoan, and as such I object to this offensive cultural appropriation.

03-18-2019, 08:39 AM
So basically he’s going to file for bankruptcy after losing the civil suit for damages after?

One can only hope if the max penalty of killing someone is only 6 months.

03-18-2019, 09:07 AM
There is a public hearing at city Hall today on this topic

03-18-2019, 09:19 AM
There is a public hearing at city Hall today on this topic

I really hope to god this does not happen. 1m buffer is just straight up stupid.

03-18-2019, 09:06 PM
Wait until we allow rolling stops, murdered senior pedistrians here we come!

03-18-2019, 10:54 PM
The Idaho stop in action


If you fail to yield, it's illegal, even with Idaho stop legislation.

08-26-2019, 12:47 PM
Head's up, new rules for drivers with respect to cyclists starting September 1, 2019.. Basically, distance separation to a cyclist when a driver is passing them on a roadway, link (https://www.calgary.ca/Transportation/TP/Pages/Cycling/Cycling-Education-and-Safety/cycling-information-for-drivers.aspx)...


Good, bad, I just do not know but certainly sounds like something that could possibly incite a few more road rage incidents.

08-26-2019, 12:57 PM
So more rules that people will ignore and the police wont enforce.

I do however see a lot of cyclists trying to make complaints until they realize that it would never hold up.

08-26-2019, 01:02 PM
So more rules that people will ignore and the police wont enforce.

I do however see a lot of cyclists trying to make complaints until they realize that it would never hold up.

If the cyclist is riding with a camera/go pro. Could that hold up..?:dunno:

08-26-2019, 01:03 PM
Good, bad, I just do not know but certainly sounds like something that could possibly incite a few more road rage incidents.
The problem is that filtering is going to be a massive problem downtown now. This would've been better if there was a rule against filtering that's actually enforced. There rarely enough room to pass, and when you do, the bike filters back up to the front, and you're done. This is going to be bad for road rage. Add to the fact if you honk at a cyclist and they just move far enough away from the curb so you can't pass? Cue the fireworks.

08-26-2019, 01:05 PM
So more rules that people will ignore and the police wont enforce.

I do however see a lot of cyclists trying to make complaints until they realize that it would never hold up.

Speaking of complaints that will never hold up.

The day I see cyclists obeying the rules of the road is the day I will be sympathetic towards them complaining about cars.

08-26-2019, 01:09 PM
The problem is that filtering is going to be a massive problem downtown now. This would've been better if there was a rule against filtering that's actually enforced. There rarely enough room to pass, and when you do, the bike filters back up to the front, and you're done. This is going to be bad for road rage. Add to the fact if you honk at a cyclist and they just move far enough away from the curb so you can't pass? Cue the fireworks.

Just hit them with the meter stick we are all going to be keeping in our cars :rofl:

08-26-2019, 01:33 PM
Speaking of complaints that will never hold up.

The day I see cyclists obeying the rules of the road is the day I will be sympathetic towards them complaining about cars.


Such a tiny percentage of cyclists are courteous, let alone obey the rules, that it's pointless to even try. Same old story - they are a 'vehicle' when convenient, and a 'pedestrian' when convenient. The filtering is the absolute worst though, because it isn't convenient for them to be a 'vehicle' if they are behind anyone.

08-26-2019, 01:40 PM

Such a tiny percentage of cyclists are courteous, let alone obey the rules, that it's pointless to even try. Same old story - they are a 'vehicle' when convenient, and a 'pedestrian' when convenient. The filtering is the absolute worst though, because it isn't convenient for them to be a 'vehicle' if they are behind anyone.

License plates, registration, and mandatory liability insurance to drive on the road.

Would be amazing how much cyclists would be forced to clean up their acts if people could actually identify them and report their bullshit.

08-26-2019, 01:41 PM
The day I see cyclists obeying the rules of the road is the day I will be sympathetic towards them complaining about cars.

I say the same thing about drivers complaining about cyclists.

08-26-2019, 01:43 PM
Having started biking to work, other cyclists are the main problem.