View Full Version : Near Miss at Sarcee / Glenmore interchange

12-01-2018, 03:08 PM
This is the intersection I am talking about https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Glenmore+Trail+SW+%26+Sarcee+Trail+SW,+Calgary,+AB+T3H+3C8/@51.0132796,-114.1653596,18.26z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x537171f8857f569b:0xf88d0ab007c42e42!8m2!3d51.01403!4d-114.1653948

Due to the construction work on the ring road they now have a set of lights with two distinct lanes that turn left from glenmore onto glenmore again. This is travelling west. If you are waiting at the lights and the lights go green the left lane has to turn inside of the small barrier between the two lanes and the right lane goes on the outside of the barrier. The barrier is drawn in dashed red on the left of my terrible drawing of this intersection below.


In the last two times I have driven it both cars on the inside lanes have gone around the outside of this barrier(as depicted my the green arrow) as they must think the barrier divides traffic going north on sarcee from cars going west on glenmore. Last night when I was driving home from work this happened and despite my horn the lady was completely oblivious that she had driven into my lane. I had to brake and slow to a crawl to avoid her from hitting my drivers side door.

I have no idea who I would call to tell them to somehow fix this from happening because people are clueless here and Im sure im not the only person that this is happening too.

12-01-2018, 03:43 PM
Was it your MIL behind the wheel?

12-01-2018, 03:49 PM
I have no idea who I would call


12-01-2018, 03:54 PM

Maxx Mazda
12-01-2018, 03:55 PM
Why’d you let her in? That’s your first mistake.

We need to stop catering to the retards out there.

12-01-2018, 04:19 PM
Nope it was an East Indian Girl.

Was it your MIL behind the wheel?

My MIL hasnt driven since she got her license. I dont think she realizes shes spending $200 a month on car insurance for a car she doesnt use.

Why’d you let her in? That’s your first mistake.

We need to stop catering to the retards out there.

Being that she was in the inside lane she was slightly quicker off the mark and had a shorter turning circle than myself. And if I had not let her in there was a good chance she would of hit me in the side drivers door.

12-01-2018, 04:52 PM
Why’d you let her in? That’s your first mistake.

We need to stop catering to the retards out there.

Getting hit isn't a win for most people. You only have a chance of winning if they see you there.

12-01-2018, 05:00 PM
You’ve literally described every dual lane turn in Calgary.

12-01-2018, 06:02 PM
I think this one is just confusing for people because instead of dotted lines in the middle there is not a clear distinction between the oncoming traffic and the lane and the other lane is seperated by initially a 3m long barrier.

12-01-2018, 07:44 PM
I think I saw you, your girls and mother-in-law at the new library on the November long weekend. You guys parked in the Arts Common parkade close to us. She looks young for her age so I'm surprised she can't drive.

12-02-2018, 07:43 AM
You’ve literally described every dual lane turn in Calgary.


12-02-2018, 09:04 AM
we Went there a few Saturday’s ago but parked at the restaurant attached to the new music Center and my wife was with me not mil. Mil always stays home on weekends.

12-02-2018, 12:57 PM
You’ve literally described every dual lane turn in Calgary.

This. I go through two of them every single day on my way to work, and *almost* every single day, someone goes into the wrong lane. I just expect it now, and stay on the inside most lane myself so that nobody hits me because 9/10 times it's people moving to an outer lane rather than taking the corner too tight. I often look over at these people and they just look like they haven't a clue what is happening. The clearly painted lines on the road for them to follow through the entire intersection become invisible for some reason.

And if it's a larger vehicle like a truck or bus, they are almost always going across 2 lanes and just expect people to be out of the way.