View Full Version : Office Christmas Presents?

12-13-2018, 09:25 AM
I work in a newly formed group and its pretty small (supervisor and another employee) would like to get them something for Christmas but don't know what. The supervisor is having a baby in March but is it too soon to get something for the new born?

I'm thinking a bottle of some sort of booze is a the safest bet but looking for other ideas as well.

12-13-2018, 09:40 AM
Can't go wrong with wine.

Don't get something for the baby unless it's a GC or it's unique. We had a baby earlier this year, and got a shitload of generic baby clothes. She only wore half of them, the other half she's outgrown before we even took the tags off.

One example of a good one for a baby is a buddy of mine and his wife got us some burp cloths that were different than all our other ones (they're very narrow and long, and made of soft terry) and my wife absolutely loved them. Another is buying something absolutely ridiculous that the parent wouldn't otherwise buy, like an $80 small toddler sized Adidas track suit (this only works if you know them well and know a specific novelty item they'd get a kick out of). Unless you wanna do something like that, stick to booze IMO.