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01-01-2019, 04:18 PM
I got pulled over today cuz my plate expired back on sept 30 and I have been driving months without it being updated lol

I honestly forgot ??? but thank god I had updated insurance papers in the vehicle tho.

Anyway, I'm getting it renewed first thing tmr but the ticket is for $310. Anyone have luck fighting these? Hoping to get it reduced and these are non demerit tickets right?

The officer told me i can go tmr to get it reduced so I asked her, don't you have to submit it into the system so generally 2 weeks ish? She looked at me confused so I tried asking again but don't think she got it :dunno: she looked younger so not sure if she didn't know or if the rules have changed :dunno:

01-01-2019, 05:26 PM
I can't answer your questions but sign up for an email reminder here:


01-01-2019, 05:36 PM
They seem to do a sweep every November to December as tons of people forget. Have heard at least 4 of these in the last couple weeks

01-01-2019, 05:45 PM
Yea it probably won't do you any good to go tomorrow. Wait a couple weeks. I got mine tossed out completely. You'll be able to get it reduced at the very least. Probably 40% discount

01-01-2019, 06:21 PM
Yea it probably won't do you any good to go tomorrow. Wait a couple weeks. I got mine tossed out completely. You'll be able to get it reduced at the very least. Probably 40% discount

+1. You will be wasting your time going tomorrow as it won’t be in the “system “ for at least a few weeks
Go to the JP after that and explain your case it is worth it. The JP might also have the Holiday Spirit with you like when he threw out my speeding ticket and wished me a Merry Christmas ;)

01-01-2019, 06:39 PM
They seem to do a sweep every November to December as tons of people forget. Have heard at least 4 of these in the last couple weeks

because it goes by last name, i know S is october, which is a big number of people

01-01-2019, 10:04 PM
Thanks guys. Going for a 2 year renewal now haha :facepalm:

Officer was cute tho. I was trying to be super polite and looked her straight in the eyes :love: but my charm no good. Need the EK 2.0 skills :bigpimp:

01-01-2019, 10:36 PM

01-01-2019, 10:38 PM
You would have gotten away with it in the Porsche, haha

And or if she was a he.....muuuuaahahaha:love::love:

D'z Nutz
01-01-2019, 11:11 PM
Anyway, I'm getting it renewed first thing tmr but the ticket is for $310. Anyone have luck fighting these?

Isn't that like max_boost chump change? Or were you planning on using that as tip for an evening out? haha

01-02-2019, 09:39 AM
I can't answer your questions but sign up for an email reminder here:


I did that but how does the registration one know how to remind you with just your first & last name and no other info?

01-02-2019, 09:40 AM
I did that but how does the registration one know how to remind you with just your first & last name and no other info?

your month is determined by the first letters of your last name

01-02-2019, 09:44 AM
your month is determined by the first letters of your last name

I didn't know that - thanks!

01-02-2019, 10:16 AM

01-02-2019, 12:05 PM
My brother just got jacked yesterday but they let him off with a bylaw ticket which was only $75.00

01-02-2019, 01:14 PM
I remember fighting this when I was 17 or 18. I think they reduced it to a $220 ticket for me when I went in and talked to the JP. I know it was reduced, just not by much.

01-02-2019, 08:03 PM
Such a cunty ticket. Registyration is basically for nothing more than to prove ownership. If I register it when I buy it, why do I ever need to register it again? I asked a cop that one time when I missed my renewal by 3 days. I said "So do they still know where to send my photo radar tickets?" Yes of course. "Ok, so why do I need a fine for this? Can't you just give me a friendly reminder that I forgot and I'll go take care of it? Who has been served or protected through this interaction?" Fuck you and have a nice day with your 300$ ticket. It's basically a revenue generation ticket, with a slight check and balance to keep dummies from driving around with no insurance. Which is another farce, why do I have to show insurance proof before I can get my proof of ownership? Why am I even allowed to insure something the Province does not recognize as me owning yet? Seems like a set up for insurance fraud. You can technically handwrite yourself a BOS for your neighbors car, go get insurance, then burn his car down to collect the insurance, all without ever registering the thing. Yay Alberta!

01-02-2019, 08:27 PM
Just be glad it’s not a full on yearly tax like in California.

01-02-2019, 08:28 PM
I think Arizona is also like that, registration fee is proportional to vehicle cost. Nuts.

Hate to say it OP but this was the entire point of them stopping sending reminders, so they could boost revenue with fines. Not a solid piece of ground to request a break on... just another tax.

01-02-2019, 09:41 PM
To answer your questions;

There are no demerits.

They won't drop it completely unless some exceptional circumstances exist (eg. you set it for a trial and the cop doesn't/fails to show up). They'd give you some $ reduction, likely not more than $100 or so. You just gotta see if it's worth your time to go there and get that reduction.

01-03-2019, 12:52 AM

01-03-2019, 01:43 AM
Oh it’s definitely a cash grab and an expensive one at that lol

EK 2.0
01-05-2019, 11:03 AM
Thanks guys. Going for a 2 year renewal now haha :facepalm:

Officer was cute tho. I was trying to be super polite and looked her straight in the eyes :love: but my charm no good. Need the EK 2.0 skills :bigpimp:

Hahaha....Pimpin' Ain't Easy....

01-06-2019, 10:14 PM
Am I the only one who hopes they don't reduce it? I dont' know how long you have been driving but registration is due the same time every year, its not rocket science. And its not like it was expired by only a few days but September?? You forgot, I get it-we are all busy, but its a 100% legit, deserved ticket.

01-07-2019, 01:01 AM
Lol okay bro.

To answer your question, you probably aren’t the only one who hopes it doesn’t get reduced but props to you, you actually said it haha

01-07-2019, 01:45 AM
Am I the only one who hopes they don't reduce it? I dont' know how long you have been driving but registration is due the same time every year, its not rocket science. And its not like it was expired by only a few days but September?? You forgot, I get it-we are all busy, but its a 100% legit, deserved ticket.

thats a little extreme. It's not like people are trying to avoid paying 80 bucks for it. relax your anus

01-07-2019, 02:12 AM
Officer was cute tho. I was trying to be super polite and looked her straight in the eyes :love:

Lol okay bro.

To answer your question, you probably aren’t the only one who hopes it doesn’t get reduced but props to you, you actually said it haha

Hoping you'd go to court to see the officer again.

01-07-2019, 05:56 AM
thats a little extreme. It's not like people are trying to avoid paying 80 bucks for it. relax your anus

No kidding.

So glad the world is a safer place due this cop harassing the OP. Now go pay your ticket so you can learn your lesson. The lesson being to, uhhh, umm, do what the gubernment tells you, or else!

01-07-2019, 07:22 AM
I think you got off easy. 15-20 years ago I got pulled over for expired registration 2 blocks from my house. I was ticketed and the cops impounded my car.

01-07-2019, 07:39 AM
I think you got off easy. 15-20 years ago I got pulled over for expired registration 2 blocks from my house. I was ticketed and the cops impounded my car.

Exact and thing happened to me in the Peg when I lived there. Was literally a snow balls throw away from my house. Cop would have none of any excuse. Ticketed and towed literally right away. Luckily officer DNF so once I saw the JP as a starving Red River student it was thrown out. ( it’s a brutal fine)

01-07-2019, 07:47 AM
I have always setup a reminder in my calendar for mine (I do forget) but I thought these tickets were the type where you could show up to court, explain that you forgot and if it's your first time, show them you did get the car registered for another year and they judge says "ok" and cancels the ticket. If you do it every year then you get the book thrown at you.

01-07-2019, 10:30 AM
I think you got off easy. 15-20 years ago I got pulled over for expired registration 2 blocks from my house. I was ticketed and the cops impounded my car.
Werd. Buddy got the same. Tow and impound.
Consider the $300 ticket and easy win.

01-07-2019, 12:04 PM
Holy shit that's savage. Tow and impound?! :eek:

01-07-2019, 12:18 PM
Is the expired registration ticket the same as not having registration on you? I one forgot to put my registration papers in my car after someone the car and I was fined $187, $300 seems steep.

01-07-2019, 12:28 PM
Is the expired registration ticket the same as not having registration on you? I one forgot to put my registration papers in my car after someone the car and I was fined $187, $300 seems steep.

It's different.

My car registration was expired. $310

Yours was registered but you didn't have the slip in the car. $187

Heck she could have given me a ticket for having expired registration AND expired insurance papers too. :nut:

Always be nice when pulled over.

01-07-2019, 12:30 PM
Such a cunty ticket. Registyration is basically for nothing more than to prove ownership. If I register it when I buy it, why do I ever need to register it again? I asked a cop that one time when I missed my renewal by 3 days. I said "So do they still know where to send my photo radar tickets?" Yes of course. "Ok, so why do I need a fine for this? Can't you just give me a friendly reminder that I forgot and I'll go take care of it? Who has been served or protected through this interaction?" Fuck you and have a nice day with your 300$ ticket. It's basically a revenue generation ticket, with a slight check and balance to keep dummies from driving around with no insurance. Which is another farce, why do I have to show insurance proof before I can get my proof of ownership? Why am I even allowed to insure something the Province does not recognize as me owning yet? Seems like a set up for insurance fraud. You can technically handwrite yourself a BOS for your neighbors car, go get insurance, then burn his car down to collect the insurance, all without ever registering the thing. Yay Alberta!

Aren't most tickets basically revenue generation tickets? That's how I see them anyways.

Alberta isn't as bad as Ontario. Talking on the cell there can get you a $1,000 ticket for first offense, $2,000 for second etc.

01-07-2019, 12:31 PM
At least you didn’t get frisked


01-07-2019, 01:10 PM
Aren't most tickets basically revenue generation tickets? That's how I see them anyways.

Alberta isn't as bad as Ontario. Talking on the cell there can get you a $1,000 ticket for first offense, $2,000 for second etc.

I agree with those fines. Get off your damn phone when driving.. not needed. $1000 is cheap considering what you could do.

01-07-2019, 01:23 PM
Alberta isn't as bad as Ontario. Talking on the cell there can get you a $1,000 ticket for first offense, $2,000 for second etc.
Good fine amounts, as long as they are being enforced.
Calgary has $500 fines for littering, $750 for throwing garbage from a car, and $1000 for cigarette butts thrown out a window but how many of these do you see these being handed out? I don't get the point of having stiff penalties if they aren't being actually enforced.

If I was a cop and wanted to generate revenue, I'd be a fucking rock star from what I see on a day-to-day basis. Those would be tickets I would have 0 shame giving out.

01-07-2019, 01:51 PM
This use to be a $200 ticket.. I would get a lot of these when I was young... usually cause I switched cars so often... and to register the new one I would have to pay $$$$ to clear up outstanding tickets. For some reason the excuse of “well if you stopped giving me tickets then I could register the car” didn’t work, nor did “I’m actually driving to the registry right now” ... one time that was actually true also :rofl:

01-07-2019, 02:37 PM
Holy shit that's savage. Tow and impound?! :eek:
This happened to me a couple years ago. Had the whole family in the car, had to call 2 cars to pick everyone up. Over $1k all said and done haha.

Problem was my other car was in storage, pulled it out for the day to get some miles on it and forgot registration lapsed. First world problems.

01-07-2019, 03:27 PM
Heck she could have given me a ticket for having expired registration AND expired insurance papers too. :nut:.bro, expired insurance too? That's a huge deal.

01-07-2019, 03:30 PM
Am I the only one who hopes they don't reduce it? I dont' know how long you have been driving but registration is due the same time every year, its not rocket science. And its not like it was expired by only a few days but September?? You forgot, I get it-we are all busy, but its a 100% legit, deserved ticket.

But buying 2 years at a time definitely work against you a bit.

01-07-2019, 03:44 PM
Just sign up for reminders.

01-07-2019, 04:10 PM
bro, expired insurance too? That's a huge deal.
Bro I had the updated insurance papers to prove I have insurance and also had expired insurance papers in the vehicle at the same time.

You can get a ticket for having expired documents lol

You can get a ticket for anything lol

01-07-2019, 04:38 PM
Bro I had the updated insurance papers to prove I have insurance and also had expired insurance papers in the vehicle at the same time.

You can get a ticket for having expired documents lol

You can get a ticket for anything lol

Truth. I had a 2 sets of insurance documents in my booklet one was current and one was expired underneath the current set. I didn't think much about it at the time when I was putting the documents in the car. Got pulled over and the cop told me I could get a ticket for having another set of documents that were expired. I had a wtf look on my face but just accepted his comments.

01-07-2019, 04:52 PM
Yea, there's an actual ticket for keeping expired documents lol.

01-07-2019, 05:16 PM
Bro I had the updated insurance papers to prove I have insurance and also had expired insurance papers in the vehicle at the same time.

You can get a ticket for having expired documents lol

You can get a ticket for anything lol Bro! I didn't realize that was what you meant. Bro hug?

01-07-2019, 05:39 PM
I am another guy that got tow and impound for being two days late. I had the renewal in the glove box (that they used to mail) and offered to drive with the officer to the registry to pay and told him I just forgot and I had no outstanding tickets I was trying to avoid paying for. He said he didn't care and told me to get out of the car. lol Brutal day.

01-07-2019, 07:18 PM
I will reserve judgement until I see what side you put the sticker on. Get it wrong and I hope they double your fine :rofl:

01-08-2019, 12:11 AM
Aren't most tickets basically revenue generation tickets? That's how I see them anyways.

Alberta isn't as bad as Ontario. Talking on the cell there can get you a $1,000 ticket for first offense, $2,000 for second etc.

I wouldn't say that. Without a doubt, speeding is the most crooked revenue enforcement scam going. How the hell does something that accounts for less than 1% of accidents, be what 80% of tickets are written for?

But anything distracted driving related I can't say is revenue based. It is a legit massive safety concern as it is the number one leading cause of accidents.

Then you have stuff like failure to stop at a stop sign. It can be dangerous, but if you confirmed the way was clear and safe then a complete stop ticket is just ignorant. That's the problem is Cops are stupid. They're jar heads, they aren't trained to think for themselves. So they just go out and execute marching orders, they never stop to think about whether what they are doing is relevant to their job description or not.

01-08-2019, 07:28 AM
I wouldn't say that. Without a doubt, speeding is the most crooked revenue enforcement scam going. How the hell does something that accounts for less than 1% of accidents, be what 80% of tickets are written for?

But anything distracted driving related I can't say is revenue based. It is a legit massive safety concern as it is the number one leading cause of accidents.

Then you have stuff like failure to stop at a stop sign. It can be dangerous, but if you confirmed the way was clear and safe then a complete stop ticket is just ignorant. That's the problem is Cops are stupid. They're jar heads, they aren't trained to think for themselves. So they just go out and execute marching orders, they never stop to think about whether what they are doing is relevant to their job description or not.

You certainly are special.

- - - Updated - - -

This use to be a $200 ticket.. I would get a lot of these when I was young... usually cause I switched cars so often... and to register the new one I would have to pay $$$$ to clear up outstanding tickets. For some reason the excuse of “well if you stopped giving me tickets then I could register the car” didn’t work, nor did “I’m actually driving to the registry right now” ... one time that was actually true also :rofl:

Pay $$$$ to clear outstanding tickets, that hasn't been around that long has it. I don't think it's even been 10 years.

01-08-2019, 08:38 AM
I wouldn't say that. Without a doubt, speeding is the most crooked revenue enforcement scam going. How the hell does something that accounts for less than 1% of accidents, be what 80% of tickets are written for?

But anything distracted driving related I can't say is revenue based. It is a legit massive safety concern as it is the number one leading cause of accidents.

Then you have stuff like failure to stop at a stop sign. It can be dangerous, but if you confirmed the way was clear and safe then a complete stop ticket is just ignorant. That's the problem is Cops are stupid. They're jar heads, they aren't trained to think for themselves. So they just go out and execute marching orders, they never stop to think about whether what they are doing is relevant to their job description or not.

Hee hee. :rofl:

I have nothing more to offer on these topics these days because I’m a jar head and stupid, but just wanted to let you know that was a good laugh while having my morning coffee. :rofl:

01-08-2019, 08:45 AM
Hee hee. :rofl:

I have nothing more to offer on these topics these days because I’m a jar head and stupid, but just wanted to let you know that was a good laugh while having my morning coffee. :rofl:

At Tims? ;)

01-08-2019, 09:57 AM
At Tims? ;)

Naturally, it's where I spend the other half of my time when I'm not out mindlessly handing out tickets for traffic offences that aren't hurting anyone. ;)

01-08-2019, 02:28 PM
Pay $$$$ to clear outstanding tickets, that hasn't been around that long has it. I don't think it's even been 10 years.

i think i've been doing that for at least 10 years? just an annual payment for all tickets from the year at the registry when i renew. haven't pissed away half a day at the court house since i was a minor!

01-08-2019, 02:41 PM
i think i've been doing that for at least 10 years? just an annual payment for all tickets from the year at the registry when i renew. haven't pissed away half a day at the court house since i was a minor!

Don’t you end up paying more than if you just paid off when you received the ticket? I don’t know I haven’t received a ticket in almost 10 years haha

01-08-2019, 02:50 PM
This thread made me check and I only had my 2018 insurance slip in the car a++.

01-08-2019, 02:57 PM
Don’t you end up paying more than if you just paid off when you received the ticket? I don’t know I haven’t received a ticket in almost 10 years haha

convenience always has a cost... wooooorth it

01-08-2019, 03:09 PM
I got lucky then ~ 8 years ago in Edmonton. Got pulled over by a speed trap and couldn't find the registration anywhere in my glove compartment. After ~ 5-8 mins of me frantically searching, the officer just walked back to his cruiser and came back saying he looked me up in the system and confirmed that I renewed my registration. Ended up with only a speed ticket and a warning that I should have it in the car.

EK 2.0
01-08-2019, 03:41 PM
convenience always has a cost... wooooorth it


01-08-2019, 04:04 PM

plus... you gotta help keep dannie in new Porsches!

01-08-2019, 08:27 PM
Yup happened to me too. Got pulled over on 42nd ave and Macleod trail north bound literally 3 blocks from the impound. I asked the officer to help me out and escort me to the impound lot to save me the tow. Fucker refused and still towed me. Wonder why police have such a bad reputation, scum bags some of them literally.

01-08-2019, 09:04 PM
Hee hee. :rofl:

I have nothing more to offer on these topics these days because I’m a jar head and stupid, but just wanted to let you know that was a good laugh while having my morning coffee. :rofl:

I don't know you personally, but there is exceptions to every rule. And I probably should've been more specific and said TRAFFIC cops, not police in general. But if you do happen to be in traffic, I'd actually love to hear your mindset on enforcement. I know any RCMP that I've known over the years when I was up north, they hated their time in traffic, because it is exactly as I said, they are out senselessly executing marching orders and not making a difference at all.

01-08-2019, 09:14 PM
I don't know you personally, but there is exceptions to every rule. And I probably should've been more specific and said TRAFFIC cops, not police in general. But if you do happen to be in traffic, I'd actually love to hear your mindset on enforcement. I know any RCMP that I've known over the years when I was up north, they hated their time in traffic, because it is exactly as I said, they are out senselessly executing marching orders and not making a difference at all.

Counter to your point. You specifically highlighted rolling through a stop sign and a cop ticketing.

Who is the stupid jar head in that situation? The cop for giving the ticket? Or the guy so idiotic or oblivious that they rolled a stop sign in front of the cop?

01-08-2019, 10:12 PM
Counter to your point. You specifically highlighted rolling through a stop sign and a cop ticketing.

Who is the stupid jar head in that situation? The cop for giving the ticket? Or the guy so idiotic or oblivious that they rolled a stop sign in front of the cop?

Cop has no idea if you made due diligence to ensure a clear path before your roll through. I got no sympathy for anyone getting nailed for that. I'm sure a traffic cop could make better use of his/her time, but that is probably the one scenario where their BS excuse of "I'm just doing my job" holds up.

01-08-2019, 10:14 PM
Cop has no idea if you made due diligence to ensure a clear path before your roll through. I got no sympathy for anyone getting nailed for that. I'm sure a traffic cop could make better use of his/her time, but that is probably the one scenario where their BS excuse of "I'm just doing my job" holds up.

Just a page ago you used a cop giving out a rolling stop ticket as an example of why they are idiot jar heads :dunno:

I wouldn't say that. Without a doubt, speeding is the most crooked revenue enforcement scam going. How the hell does something that accounts for less than 1% of accidents, be what 80% of tickets are written for?

But anything distracted driving related I can't say is revenue based. It is a legit massive safety concern as it is the number one leading cause of accidents.

Then you have stuff like failure to stop at a stop sign. It can be dangerous, but if you confirmed the way was clear and safe then a complete stop ticket is just ignorant. That's the problem is Cops are stupid. They're jar heads, they aren't trained to think for themselves. So they just go out and execute marching orders, they never stop to think about whether what they are doing is relevant to their job description or not.

01-08-2019, 10:21 PM
Just a page ago you used a cop giving out a rolling stop ticket as an example of why they are idiot jar heads :dunno:

Way to try and take things out of context again.

01-08-2019, 10:22 PM
Way to try and take things out of context again.

Explain your context then if I missed it? Were you being sarcastic in your first post?

01-08-2019, 10:36 PM
Cop has no idea if you made due diligence to ensure a clear path before your roll through. I got no sympathy for anyone getting nailed for that. I'm sure a traffic cop could make better use of his/her time, but that is probably the one scenario where their BS excuse of "I'm just doing my job" holds up.

So what exactly is a traffic cop, who as far as I am aware CHOOSES to work traffic (at least this is the case in Sheriffs, EPS, CPS, etc.) supposed to do day to day? You do understand their duty is to enforce the TSA, right?

01-08-2019, 10:40 PM
Explain your context then if I missed it? Were you being sarcastic in your first post?

What is there to explain? Traffic police do not generally make any subjective effort whatsoever, they execute marching orders. I already pointed out the statistical support for this by talking about the massive percentage of tickets being for speeding, despite that it is not a statistically important variable in traffic safety. And how many people just in this thread have been towed and impounded for a lapse in registration, despite it being a victimless issue that is not remotely tied to traffic safety whatsoever.

You seem hung up on the stop sign thing, without ever taking into account the separate conversation I was having at the time. There is plenty of stop signs we all know about that can be safely rolled through without question, cops are not oblivious to this themselves, yet for the most part that's an instant ticket despite the officer knowing full well you did nothing unsafe. Whether the person safely rolling through that stop sign is stupid or not is irrelevant. It was an example of how police can be fairly clueless about the purpose of their job.

01-08-2019, 10:50 PM
So what exactly is a traffic cop, who as far as I am aware CHOOSES to work traffic (at least this is the case in Sheriffs, EPS, CPS, etc.) supposed to do day to day? You do understand their duty is to enforce the TSA, right?

Awww, the great misconception. I knew it would come up. This might be a small detail, but it has huge consequences in the way police operate. The purpose of a police officers job is NOT to blindly just enforce laws. Their primary function is to protect and serve the public. The laws are the tools they have at their disposal to protect and serve. It only takes a bit of critical thinking to understand if the ticket they are issuing serves the public or the government. The overwhelming percentage of traffic tickets do not serve or protect the public. So that means you have 3 types of traffic police.

A) One who follows orders to issue irrelevant tickets despite knowing better.
B) One who just doesn't know better, and believes the nonsense they're told about the reasoning behind the tickets they are being told to issue.
C) One who is just an asshole that enjoys handing out fines to random people.

Part of me wants to believe there is a D) One that makes it his/her mission to enforce traffic safety, and tells his/her superiors to shove it every time their performance appraisal comes up and they get ragged on for not issuing enough speeding tickets. Haven't seen any evidence of this type yet though. Maybe Phil is the guy!!!

Oh, and what are they supposed to do day to day? They should fulfil their primary function, which is to protect and serve through enforcement. Therefore they should be enforcing behaviors that have high statistical probability to cause accidents. Distracted driving is the big kicker as it's responsible for majority of accidents by a landslide. It's not like these people are hard to catch, you drive beside them and they're staring into their lap not even aware you're next to them. These officers certainly should not be doing revenue collection for the Province or Municipality.

01-08-2019, 10:51 PM
What is there to explain? Traffic police do not generally make any subjective effort whatsoever, they execute marching orders. I already pointed out the statistical support for this by talking about the massive percentage of tickets being for speeding, despite that it is not a statistically important variable in traffic safety. And how many people just in this thread have been towed and impounded for a lapse in registration, despite it being a victimless issue that is not remotely tied to traffic safety whatsoever.

You seem hung up on the stop sign thing, without ever taking into account the separate conversation I was having at the time. There is plenty of stop signs we all know about that can be safely rolled through without question, cops are not oblivious to this themselves, yet for the most part that's an instant ticket despite the officer knowing full well you did nothing unsafe. Whether the person safely rolling through that stop sign is stupid or not is irrelevant. It was an example of how police can be fairly clueless about the purpose of their job.

You don’t seem to seeing the conflict in your logic. I’m not hung up on the example it’s just the example you gave.

First you say cops are stupid jar heads for not using subjective effort to determine if the driver did something unsafe rolling through a stop sign when you’ve ‘checked’ and the coast is obviously clear. Then on the next breath you say

Cop has no idea if you made due diligence to ensure a clear path before your roll through. I got no sympathy for anyone getting nailed for that. I'm sure a traffic cop could make better use of his/her time, but that is probably the one scenario where their BS excuse of "I'm just doing my job" holds up.

If you can’t see the massive logical discontinuity between your first statement and the quote above I don’t know what to tell you :dunno:

Edit: here are your two statements, I just removed the preamble in the first not directly related to the stop sign ticket. No taking out of context, no misrepresenting.

Then you have stuff like failure to stop at a stop sign. It can be dangerous, but if you confirmed the way was clear and safe then a complete stop ticket is just ignorant. That's the problem is Cops are stupid. They're jar heads, they aren't trained to think for themselves. So they just go out and execute marching orders, they never stop to think about whether what they are doing is relevant to their job description or not.

Cop has no idea if you made due diligence to ensure a clear path before your roll through. I got no sympathy for anyone getting nailed for that. I'm sure a traffic cop could make better use of his/her time, but that is probably the one scenario where their BS excuse of "I'm just doing my job" holds up.

01-08-2019, 10:54 PM
I don't think you understand what enforcing laws means. The purpose of a ticket is in reality a teaching tool. its not always required to get the point across. people often will pay much more attention when there is a monetary punishment. a slap on the wrist doesn't always do it. you need to get your head out of your ass, your tinfoil hat is going to give you an infection.

Bring it back to the OP, Do you think he will remember next year the EXACT date he has to renew for? you betcha.

01-08-2019, 10:59 PM
You don’t seem to seeing the conflict in your logic. I’m not hung up on the example it’s just the example you gave.

First you say cops are stupid jar heads for not using subjective effort to determine if the driver did something unsafe rolling through a stop sign when you’ve ‘checked’ and the coast is obviously clear. Then on the next breath you say

If you can’t see the massive logical discontinuity between your first statement and the quote above I don’t know what to tell you :dunno:

If you don't understand that not every stop sign controlled intersection is exactly the same, that says a lot more about your logic than mine. I'm sure most times a cop can tell if your rolling stop was safe or not, but regardless, it's a stop sign, just stop for it. It's usually there for a reason. Traffic police being jarheads, and me not having sympathy for a driver getting caught running something that is generally there for a reason is not mutually exclusive. It's called seeing both sides of the coin, try it some time.

01-08-2019, 11:02 PM
If you don't understand that not every stop sign controlled intersection is exactly the same, that says a lot more about your logic than mine. I'm sure most times a cop can tell if your rolling stop was safe or not, but regardless, it's a stop sign, just stop for it. It's usually there for a reason. Traffic police being jarheads, and me not having sympathy for a driver getting caught running something that is generally there for a reason is not mutually exclusive. It's called seeing both sides of the coin, try it some time.

Guess you missed my edit, you are saying a cop is an idiot jar head yet completely justified giving a rolling stop ticket. That isn’t seeing both sides of the coin, that’s massive logical inconsistently.

Then you have stuff like failure to stop at a stop sign. It can be dangerous, but if you confirmed the way was clear and safe then a complete stop ticket is just ignorant. That's the problem is Cops are stupid. They're jar heads, they aren't trained to think for themselves. So they just go out and execute marching orders, they never stop to think about whether what they are doing is relevant to their job description or not.

Cop has no idea if you made due diligence to ensure a clear path before your roll through. I got no sympathy for anyone getting nailed for that. I'm sure a traffic cop could make better use of his/her time, but that is probably the one scenario where their BS excuse of "I'm just doing my job" holds up.

I’m saying nothing about the relative safety of intersection, just your logic

01-08-2019, 11:03 PM
The purpose of a ticket is in reality a teaching tool.

DING DING DING!!! You're getting somewhere now. Well almost, the rest of your post says otherwise. So if the point of a monetary fine is to teach something, why would we issue them for infractions that have no lesson?

01-08-2019, 11:05 PM
If you don't understand that not every stop sign controlled intersection is exactly the same, that says a lot more about your logic than mine. I'm sure most times a cop can tell if your rolling stop was safe or not, but regardless, it's a stop sign, just stop for it. It's usually there for a reason. Traffic police being jarheads, and me not having sympathy for a driver getting caught running something that is generally there for a reason is not mutually exclusive. It's called seeing both sides of the coin, try it some time.

Exactly like I mentioned in the other thread you're going on a run in: You standardize how a stop sign works, there is no questions. It doesn't matter if its "safe", the law is the law.

Stopping before entering highway
36(1) In this section, “street” means a street within the meaning of
the Highways Development and Protection Act.
(2) A person driving a vehicle that is about to enter
(a) onto a provincial highway or street from a road, service
road, alley or driveway, or
(b) into an alley or onto a road from a driveway,
shall, unless the intersection of the 2 roadways is marked with a
“yield” sign or a “merge” sign, bring the vehicle to a stop
(c) before entering on the intersecting roadway and at a point
no further than 3 metres back from the intersecting
roadway, or
(d) in the case where there is
(i) a marked crosswalk on the near side of the
intersection, immediately before entering on the
crosswalk, or
(ii) a marked stop line on the near side of the
intersection, at the stop line.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), a person driving a vehicle
(a) that is emerging from an alley or driveway shall
(i) stop the vehicle before driving onto a sidewalk or a
vehicle crossway over a sidewalk, and
(ii) yield the right of way to any pedestrian on the
sidewalk or the vehicle crossway over the sidewalk,

(b) that is entering an alley or driveway shall yield the right of
way to any pedestrian on a sidewalk or a vehicle crossway
over a sidewalk.
AR 304/2002 s36;152/2009
Stop signs
37 A person driving a vehicle that is about to enter onto a
highway from another highway that is marked by a “stop” sign
shall bring the vehicle to a stop
(a) before entering on the intersecting roadway and at a point
no further than 3 metres back from the intersecting
roadway, or
(b) in the case where there is
(i) a marked crosswalk on the near side of the
intersection, immediately before entering on the
crosswalk, or
(ii) a marked stop line on the near side of the
intersection, at the stop line.
Proceeding after stopping
38 When a person driving a vehicle is required to stop the vehicle
pursuant to section 36 or 37, that person
(a) shall not cause the vehicle to proceed until the condition
of the traffic on the highway being entered on is such that
the vehicle can enter onto the highway in safety, and
(b) shall yield the right of way to all vehicles and pedestrians
approaching that person’s vehicle and that are on the
highway being entered.

It does not get more clear how a stop sign works in all situations. There is ZERO valid arguement for contravening ANY traffic law set in place.

- - - Updated - - -

DING DING DING!!! You're getting somewhere now. Well almost, the rest of your post says otherwise. So if the point of a monetary fine is to teach something, why would we issue them for infractions that have no lesson?

Please name any instance in this thread where there is not a teaching lesson?

01-08-2019, 11:08 PM
Guess you missed my edit, you are saying a cop is an idiot jar head yet completely justified giving a rolling stop ticket. That isn’t seeing both sides of the coin, that’s massive logical inconsistently.

I don't understand your problem? There is times it would be justified, and others it wouldn't be. It doesn't matter if it's justified or not, 9 times out of 10 you're getting a ticket because the officer will not utilize any subjective analysis of the specific situation.

- - - Updated - - -

Exactly like I mentioned in the other thread you're going on a run in: You standardize how a stop sign works, there is no questions. It doesn't matter if its "safe", the law is the law.

It does not get more clear how a stop sign works in all situations. There is ZERO valid arguement for contravening ANY traffic law set in place.

- - - Updated - - -

Please name any instance in this thread where there is not a teaching lesson?

Ok so you're opinion on traffic enforcement is that it is NOT based on safety. Fair enough, that's your opinion and you're welcome to it despite how ignorant it might be.

01-08-2019, 11:12 PM
I don't understand your problem? There is times it would be justified, and others it wouldn't be. It doesn't matter if it's justified or not, 9 times out of 10 you're getting a ticket because the officer will not utilize any subjective analysis of the specific situation.

Yes but then you yourself then say there is no way a cop can tell if you’ve done your due diligence and is therefore justified giving you the ticket.

Am I not explaining the logical discontinuity well?

You say: “at some intersections it’s safe to do a rolling stop if you ensure it’s clear- if a cop gives you a ticket in those cases he’s an idiot jarhead”
You also say: “there is no way a cop can tell if you’ve done your due diligence and ensured the path is clear therefore it’s a logical conclusion to give you a ticket”


01-08-2019, 11:13 PM
Ok so you're opinion on traffic enforcement is that it is NOT based on safety. Fair enough, that's your opinion and you're welcome to it despite how ignorant it might be.

Where did i say this? Traffic enforcement is absolutely based on safety. as an example (of which you still cannot comprehend) a stop sign. If I use a stop sign as directed EVERY SINGLE TIME CORRECTLY, the likelihood of an incident occuring is minimized substantially.

It doesn't matter if its "safe", the law is the law.
This is in reference to you pointing out "WeLl ThE InTeRsEcTiOn WaS cLeAr So WhAt DoEs It MaTtEr!?" what i mean by this is the rules of the road need to be followed regardless of how you feel about the situation. Is it okay to run a red light at 3am because no one is around? absolutely not. Its the "what if" Factor.

Also keep in mind cowboy, driving in this country is not a right.

01-08-2019, 11:17 PM
Where did i say this? Traffic enforcement is absolutely based on safety. as an example (of which you still cannot comprehend) a stop sign. If I use a stop sign as directed EVERY SINGLE TIME CORRECTLY, the likelihood of an incident occuring is minimized substantially.

This is in reference to you pointing out "WeLl ThE InTeRsEcTiOn WaS cLeAr So WhAt DoEs It MaTtEr!?" what i mean by this is the rules of the road need to be followed regardless of how you feel about the situation. Is it okay to run a red light at 3am because no one is around? absolutely not. Its the "what if" Factor.

Also keep in mind cowboy, driving in this country is not a right.

You're making some grossly opposing logical fallacies right now.

Please inform me what safety lesson is to be learned from a 300$ registration ticket?

01-08-2019, 11:20 PM
You're making some grossly opposing logical fallacies right now.

Please inform me what safety lesson is to be learned from a 300$ registration ticket?


Registration of vehicles
52(1) Except as otherwise permitted under this Act, a person shall
not do any of the following:
(a) operate a motor vehicle or trailer on a highway unless
there is a subsisting certificate of registration issued in
respect of that vehicle;
(b) knowingly operate a motor vehicle on a highway
RSA 2000
Section 52 Chapter T-6
(i) while the certificate of registration or permit issued
under this Act in respect of the motor vehicle is
cancelled, or
(ii) while the certificate of registration or permit issued
under this Act in respect of the motor vehicle is
under suspension;
(c) operate a salvage motor vehicle on a highway unless there
is a subsisting in-transit permit issued in respect of that
(d) where the person has possession of or control over a
motor vehicle or a trailer, permit another person to operate
that motor vehicle or trailer on a highway unless there is a
subsisting certificate of registration issued in respect of
that vehicle;
(e) apply for, acquire or attempt to acquire the registration of
a motor vehicle or trailer during any period when the
registration of the vehicle or the certificate of registration
is suspended or cancelled;
(f) apply for, acquire or attempt to acquire the registration of
a motor vehicle or trailer in the name of
(i) an applicant that purports to be a corporation if the
corporation does not exist, or
(ii) a corporation, incorporated otherwise than under the
laws of Alberta, that
(A) is required to be but is not or has ceased to be
licensed as an insurer under the Insurance Act,
(B) is required to be but is not or has ceased to be
registered under
(I) the Business Corporations Act,
(II) the Companies Act,
(III) the Loan and Trust Corporations Act, or
(IV) the Co-operative Associations Act or the
Cooperatives Act;
(g) use any certificate of registration that is in the name of a
corporation that does not exist at the time the certificate of
registration is used;
RSA 2000
Section 53 Chapter T-6
(h) unless the motor vehicle is an insured motor vehicle,
(i) apply for the registration of a motor vehicle, or
(ii) obtain the registration of a motor vehicle.
(2) Subsection (1)(h)(i) does not apply to a person to whom a
financial responsibility card has been issued pursuant to the
Insurance Act by an insurer who has issued an owner’s policy
outside Alberta.

The TSA says you must have a vehicle with valid registration. OP did not at the time. OP was in contradiction to the law above. after fined, there is a good chance OP will not forget to register his vehicle in the future. OP has learned what happens when law is not followed. pretty fucking straight forward.

Registration is part of the vehicle administration portion. it may not reflect OPs safety primarily, but say he hit and runs a pedestrian. Now the police can easily find the accused in this case, as it prompts everyone to keep records up to date. "cash grab" or not, its part of the PRIVILEGE to drive.

01-08-2019, 11:25 PM
Yes but then you yourself then say there is no way a cop can tell if you’ve done your due diligence and is therefore justified giving you the ticket.

Am I not explaining the logical discontinuity well?

You say: “at some intersections it’s safe to do a rolling stop if you ensure it’s clear- if a cop gives you a ticket in those cases he’s an idiot jarhead”
You also say: “there is no way a cop can tell if you’ve done your due diligence and ensured the path is clear therefore it’s a logical conclusion to give you a ticket”


Sounds like you ARE the logical discontinuity. lol. If you can't wrap your head around it it's not getting any simpler. Just forget the stop sign stuff. You're basically using it to deflect from the entire discussion anyway.

- - - Updated - - -


The TSA says you must have a vehicle with valid registration. OP did not at the time. OP was in contradiction to the law above. after fined, there is a good chance OP will not forget to register his vehicle in the future. OP has learned what happens when law is not followed. pretty fucking straight forward.

Registration is part of the vehicle administration portion. it may not reflect OPs safety primarily, but say he hit and runs a pedestrian. Now the police can easily find the accused in this case, as it prompts everyone to keep records up to date. "cash grab" or not, its part of the PRIVILEGE to drive.

Ok so you've contradicted yourself and we are back to square one.

01-08-2019, 11:25 PM
Ok so you've contradicted yourself and we are back to square one.

Care to elaborate? You've said this a lot but never actually shown it.

01-08-2019, 11:28 PM
Care to elaborate? You've said this a lot but never actually shown it.

Traffic enforcement primary function is for safety. Yes or NO?? If you say no, then fine we can agree to disagree. If you say yes, then answer the question...........

What is the safety lesson to be learned from a 300$ registration ticket?? If your answer is "Because it's the law" That's not an answer so refer back to question 1.

01-08-2019, 11:33 PM
I am curious as to where i ever referenced it to be a safety lesson? I referred to it as a teaching tool. the TSA states (as i have quoted) a vehicle MUST be registered to be considered roadworthy. OP contradicted this law. as a teaching tool, OP was given a fine. (OP could have very easily had his car impounded and other potential fines levied, so he got off lucky.) please show me where i stated it was a safety lesson. A stop sign is a stop sign. that law is absolutely about safety. Administration is a part of the TSA. The document AS A WHOLE is about safety. I am not sure how you can argue that it is not.

01-08-2019, 11:34 PM
Sounds like you ARE the logical discontinuity. lol. If you can't wrap your head around it it's not getting any simpler. Just forget the stop sign stuff. You're basically using it to deflect from the entire discussion anyway.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok so you've contradicted yourself and we are back to square one.

Man go back and read your two statements a few times back to back. That’s all I can say at this point.

Rat Fink
01-08-2019, 11:35 PM

01-08-2019, 11:37 PM
Man go back and read your two statements a few times back to back. That’s all I can say at this point.

I think the legal cannabis is a little strong tonight bud. Oh well, good chat.

01-08-2019, 11:42 PM
Registration is a way to cut down on unsafe vehicles. Vehicles branded as “Salvage” or as “Unsafe” can’t be registered, and therefore can be taken off the road more easily and permanently. If nobody registered their vehicles you’d have a heck of a lot more junk on the road to worry about. Being able to renew your licence or registration also means your unpaid fines need to be taken care of, so the idiot with 4K in unpaid fines can be taken off the road easier as that person wouldn’t be able to renew their licence or register their car if they can’t afford to drive.

Pretty easy to wrap your head around that concept but it doesn’t shock me that you can’t.

Well then it should be pretty easy to wrap your head around the fact that a cop can see your status when he checks your papers, and see whether you've just outright avoided registration or simply lapsed. Therefore he can make a simple decision on the spot as to whether a fine would be necessary because a lesson needs to be taught, or if a warning would suffice since the lapse was not intentional or with malice.

01-08-2019, 11:44 PM
Well then it should be pretty easy to wrap your head around the fact that a cop can see your status when he checks your papers, and see whether you've just outright avoided registration or simply lapsed. Therefore he can make a simple decision on the spot as to whether a fine would be necessary because a lesson needs to be taught, or if a warning would suffice since the lapse was not intentional or with malice.

You mean the same discretion the officer took when he gave a small and reasonable fine, and didn't tow OPs car?

01-08-2019, 11:44 PM
I think the legal cannabis is a little strong tonight bud. Oh well, good chat.

lol seriously man. I’ll try one last time

You first say in some situations it’s safe to roll a stop sign if you have ensured the coast is clear a cop that gives you a ticket when you’ve ensured the coast is clear is an idiot jarhead.

Then you say a cop has no way to tell that you’ve ensured the coast is clear therefore is justified in giving you a ticket

Now what I think you may now have switched to is “a cop shouldn’t give you a ticket if the coast is clear and it’s safe- no harm no foul”, but in your second response the issue you highlight is not that the coast is clear but rather that the driver ensured the coast is clear. Therefore for that reason a cop is justified because the ticket is not predicated on only the coast being clear but also the driver ensuring the coast is clear which as you yourself stated the cop can’t confirm

01-08-2019, 11:45 PM
I am curious as to where i ever referenced it to be a safety lesson? I referred to it as a teaching tool. the TSA states (as i have quoted) a vehicle MUST be registered to be considered roadworthy. OP contradicted this law. as a teaching tool, OP was given a fine. (OP could have very easily had his car impounded and other potential fines levied, so he got off lucky.) please show me where i stated it was a safety lesson. A stop sign is a stop sign. that law is absolutely about safety. Administration is a part of the TSA. The document AS A WHOLE is about safety. I am not sure how you can argue that it is not.

You said traffic fines are to teach a lesson.

Then you agreed on this.

Traffic enforcement is absolutely based on safety.

So make up your mind.

01-08-2019, 11:46 PM
Those don't contradict.
in case you've forgotten what contradiction is, I will post the definition below.

noun: contradiction; plural noun: contradictions
a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another.
"the proposed new system suffers from a set of internal contradictions"
a person, thing, or situation in which inconsistent elements are present.
"the paradox of using force to overcome force is a real contradiction"
the statement of a position opposite to one already made.
"the second sentence appears to be in flat contradiction of the first"
synonyms: denial, refutation, rebuttal, countering, counterstatement, opposite; More
antonyms: confirmation, reaffirmation
contradiction in terms — a statement or group of words associating objects or ideas that are incompatible.
"“true fiction” is a contradiction in terms"

01-08-2019, 11:48 PM
lol seriously man. I’ll try one last time

You first say in some situations it’s safe to roll a stop sign if you have ensured the coast is clear a cop that gives you a ticket when you’ve ensured the coast is clear is an idiot jarhead.

Then you say a cop has no way to tell that you’ve ensured the coast is clear therefore is justified in giving you a ticket

Now what I think you may now have switched to is “a cop shouldn’t give you a ticket if the coast is clear and it’s safe- no harm no foul”, but in your second response the issue you highlight is not that the coast is clear but rather that the driver ensured the coast is clear. Therefore for that reason a cop is justified because the ticket is not predicated on only the coast being clear but also the driver ensuring the coast is clear which as you yourself stated the cop can’t confirm

Don't hurt yourself. lol.

I didn't switch anything. I'm sorry if you were confused, but I've done more than enough to get you past that, you're still trying to ignore and go back to original misunderstood wording. Take care.

Rat Fink
01-08-2019, 11:48 PM

01-08-2019, 11:50 PM
Those don't contradict.
in case you've forgotten what contradiction is, I will post the definition below.

noun: contradiction; plural noun: contradictions
a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another.
"the proposed new system suffers from a set of internal contradictions"
a person, thing, or situation in which inconsistent elements are present.
"the paradox of using force to overcome force is a real contradiction"
the statement of a position opposite to one already made.
"the second sentence appears to be in flat contradiction of the first"
synonyms: denial, refutation, rebuttal, countering, counterstatement, opposite; More
antonyms: confirmation, reaffirmation
contradiction in terms — a statement or group of words associating objects or ideas that are incompatible.
"“true fiction” is a contradiction in terms"

Rather dense one aren't you. If traffic enforcement is a function of traffic safety, then what other lesson would there be to learn from the enforcement but a safety one? If you want to change your stance now that's fine, like I said, we can just agree to disagree.

01-08-2019, 11:50 PM
Don't hurt yourself. lol.

I didn't switch anything. I'm sorry if you were confused, but I've done more than enough to get you past that, you're still trying to ignore and go back to original misunderstood wording. Take care.

....Well I gauruntee I’m not the only one that sees this discontinuity in your logic. It’s pretty cut and dry

You have not been able to explain your two comments without contradicting your logic, it seems to be a repeat pattern

01-08-2019, 11:53 PM
And that exact situation happens every day with discretion invloved just as you stated. You have argued what the point is of paying registration multiple times in this thread and I told you why.

I briefly mentioned registration. Not even remotely the conversation that is currently going on right now.