View Full Version : Best Health & Fitness Apps for Android

01-23-2019, 09:36 AM
What is your favorite android app while loosing weight which you use every single day. I'm on a journey to maintain my body weight so I want to know the best app which has all the features I need.

I've recently came across an app called Healthify Me (https://androidcrew.com/app/workouts.smart.healthifyme) and it's pretty perfect for my needs so far.


01-23-2019, 10:16 AM
Google Drive. Because I use a spreadsheet to track my workout program.
TDEE Calculator
FitBit (when I wear it)
Clock (to time my rests while at the gym)

That's my workout folder on my phone.

01-23-2019, 10:30 AM
MyFitnessPal as it is the easiest to track macros in
Right now I use JEFIT to track my workouts. It is the best app I have found so far but it is annoying like MFP that I can't just buy it and not have ads. I liked FitNotes a lot more however, it didn't have a timer between sets. Also it can take a bit of time to build your programming into there but it is the best I have found to date.

Edit: one I don't use anymore but is excellent is Fit Men Cook if you are looking for recipe ideas.

01-23-2019, 10:33 AM
My wife and I both had good results with MyFitnessPal and learned a lot about where the extra calories are sneaking in. Eventually you learn so much about your macros you can do it all in your head, so we've been off it for 1-2 years now and still maintaining the results.