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02-07-2019, 10:03 PM
36 hours of print, as tight as I can pack them, and they've paid for themselves, 84813
If this was done and running, it's meant to handle this flow of work. It's printed on a conveyor belt and meant for speed/accuracy, without me needing to touch it...

My cr10s and JGAurora while they handle the big jobs, not as handy for this kind of production work.

Yeah have to think about follow-up products...

02-07-2019, 10:29 PM
I want to get another 3d printer. The one i had started with wasn't very good. I need to find a new one lol

02-07-2019, 11:50 PM
I may have some good ones available soon lol

Maxx Mazda
02-08-2019, 12:22 AM
Can I ask what these widgets are that you’re making? If they’re that cool maybe you’ll have some buyers here on Beyond!

02-08-2019, 12:32 AM
Wow this is so cool. Good for you (whatever it is that you're doing)!
I second the "buy more printers and equipment" option. I'd also warn that shipping will be delayed and estimate two days longer than you think it will so you don't over promise and under deliver. Don't raise the price though. I don't think you should do that until sustained higher sales.

02-08-2019, 01:00 AM
More craft / bulletjournal / sewing / office focused. Mounts and peg systems are separated, so I can do the thick and thin imperial, Ikea skadis, metric then I added screw, magnetic and 3m tape mounts by request.
These move easy, 10$ for 20 and they require force to remove them.
2.5kg shipping weight on a single peg, actually stronger than some of my princess Auto ones.

This is where it started really, I wanted the apprentices Nerf stuff off the floor. The mounts on thingiverse sucked hardcore. So I built some functional mounting systems.

02-08-2019, 08:59 AM
I actually noticed the battery dispensers you had in one of the pics on another post, I'd be interested in those. With kids in the house we have battery storage issues! I've even contemplated getting a printer. So let me know if you're willing to print a few of those dispensers, and then maybe I'll even get one of your old printers off you too!

02-08-2019, 09:49 AM
I actually noticed the battery dispensers you had in one of the pics on another post, I'd be interested in those. With kids in the house we have battery storage issues! I've even contemplated getting a printer. So let me know if you're willing to print a few of those dispensers, and then maybe I'll even get one of your old printers off you too!

Doozer these ones?
They're off the shelf thingiverse designs that get tons of attention but nobody buying. I was going to rework then into my system later - but yeah could print some, the AA version sucks just FYI (needs that elastic or batteries go flying)

Misterman yeah great problem when the pieces start coming together, just scary when it's all at once. I ordered enough material yesterday to print all weekend, but Etsy and PayPal both haven't deposited yet (the bulk of orders) so hopes of actually shipping and buying stuff today kinda goes out the window lol.

02-08-2019, 09:57 AM
Yep, those are the ones. It was just a quick view but I thought it was a pretty clever idea, and I'm all about pegboard organization, I've got it all over the garage and in a few other places in the house.

02-08-2019, 10:10 AM
It's nice the AAA version works well. I'm planning to revise soon.


It's become pretty common as has the frustration with the effin home depot hooks falling out every time you walk by ;)

That green (Tiffany blue-ish?) Pegboard is what I spent last weekend working on, people kept asking if I could supply them the pegboard in ready to hang. That one's still available if anyone wants to spend 50$ to appease a wifey ;)

The pink piece on top - is a printed corner, so anyone with a screwdriver could build almost the same. Trip to home Depot, get board cut by panel saw guy. Go to baseboard aisle, 4" baseboard, square profile, cut one for each side, about 1/2" less preferably, no need for straight and perfect just a bit shorter than the adjacent pegboard edge.

Pegboard clamps down with a 3mm machine screw, MDF baseboard is screwed in, voila framed ready to hang pegboard

Working with a MLM manager to possibly start supplying specific systems so their trade show setups are consistent and clean

02-08-2019, 10:10 AM
For those batteries, I think the middle vertical part that is currently empty space should be covered more. If I keep them in the shop, there is a chance they get dusty and whatnot. This will also fix the rigidity issue.

02-08-2019, 12:33 PM
I gave myself a goal to create a scale model of my Ruckus build. 3D modelling has a pretty steep learning curve, so I enlisted the help of my newly retired father-in-law.
Its getting there.


02-08-2019, 01:12 PM

3dconnexion mouse.

I bought one off a nait washout. I'm seriously getting 4-5x more production in a day now as a relative newcomer. Think having your non dominant hand on the model in your fingers, pull towards you - gets bigger push away smaller left & right moves it laterally on screen, lean fingers it rotates on X/Y twist for z, up and down move it up and down in relation to the screen.

OMG it's made the navigation easy which seems to be 98% of the time the challenge

02-08-2019, 01:22 PM
This is my current print farm so far. 5x Prusa MK3, 1x Prusa mk2.5, and a formbot raptor. I have an ultimaker 2+ that I hate and recently bought a Railcore II 300ZL which I'm really excited about as well. Its gradually growing. (Ignore the broken printer and the half built one, this was just the test fit of the shelf in the space


I mostly design and build stuff related to LED lights for music festivals. Most recent toy was this infinity cube below. Finished the last prototype and gonna have them for sale by end of March most likely which should be. Its been a fun adventure, I sold some led goggles to Shaquille O'Neal last month and he got spotted wearing them at a festival over new years, that was pretty funny.


Maxx Mazda
02-09-2019, 08:54 AM
Looks neat Andy! Weird that this thread was split however.

02-09-2019, 08:02 PM
Yeah dunno smile and nod.

So didn't have enough surface area for the ender2's... Turns out if you take off the spool mount the and move power to outside the hotzone where it belongs anyway - 4 will stack nicely in one of those Ikea shelves/glass display cabinets ;)

One of the enders is being a pain, so it's working on parts to make the Ikea system habitable for printers ;)

02-15-2019, 03:02 PM
Test printing this today, why didn't I do it before Valentine's?

Still hammered with work, which is kinda nice.

02-19-2019, 08:47 AM
Hi guys, any idea how expensive it would be to print a small mud motor or progressive cavity pump model? Something like in this video if it loads:
Be nice if the rotor and stator were different colors.

Could use that for my training courses.

02-19-2019, 10:08 AM
AndyL are you able to create a better version of this from ikea peg board system? https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/50321616/

We use these at home for holding things like parchment paper and foil and shit and I swear the amount of times per day these fucking things fall out of the peg board! I feel like the quality control at ikea is really shit, why make an accessory that doesnt fit the holes properly, ie too loose.

02-19-2019, 11:47 AM
Yeah I have a spool/roll storage hook system already, I added the skadis peg system to my own system a while back as it was the first request.

Shoot me some dimensions and I'm sure I could one up it in a variety of colors ;)

02-19-2019, 11:54 AM
Yeah I have a spool/roll storage hook system already, I added the skadis peg system to my own system a while back as it was the first request.

How much is it to make your version of the skadis holder?

Shoot me some dimensions and I'm sure I could one up it in a variety of colors ;)

I presume this is in regards to Extraslow's request

02-19-2019, 12:46 PM
How's that look? Locks in like the wall control system without flexing the plastic, weight keeps it in place.

Mod edit: No non-sponsor advertising allowed.

03-13-2019, 11:16 AM
Quick model for Graham now waiting for printers to stop trying to meltdown and come available for new prints

(Seriously I've come -><- this close 4x this week. Thank God I've got an Arduino running temp and smoke detectors and SSRs to shut down, the enders all melted down their heated bed connectors, then the JGAurora decided it looked like fun and did the same.

04-01-2019, 09:54 AM
Commission built mk15 Im just putting finishing touches on

Liked the Sonic color scheme enough that I decided to prototype MeakerVI's mk16 in the same as my personal Nerf war primary for upcoming events ;)

Edit it's 1mm nozzle at .5mm layer height - rapid prototyping at it's finest - about 14 hours printing. Not pretty but functional. I'll clean them up and replace them with nicer as the design is fully verified. Yes big layer shift in the solenoid housing, still functional.

04-01-2019, 10:08 AM
perhaps you should just post the skadis things to me? let me know how much.

04-01-2019, 10:31 AM
Frick! I'll harrass you in a bit here

04-07-2019, 08:30 PM
Redid the apprentice's desk today.

2 of my marker holders, 3 of my 30ml bottle shelves, 2 mini bucket holders 12ml paint holder, 4oz bottle holder, paintbrush holder and printed his name just because he's possessive ;) oh and mounted his favorite nerfs close at hand for workspace battles

04-12-2019, 08:26 AM
Useless print... I don't do many of these... But it was a keychain that I scaled up so it's 4" tall ;) reminds me of a 2 stroke piston now.

04-14-2019, 04:45 PM
Hey, Andy or anyone else. What's the temperature resistance of these filaments? Thinking of a side box for my smoker to make my cheese smoking a little more efficient. Cheese is smoked at really low temps, but could see occasional temps up to 300f. Thoughts?

Also, what's people's favourite simple cad software to design in? I had a look at tinkercad, but it made me angry pretty fast.

D'z Nutz
04-15-2019, 08:43 AM
Also, what's people's favourite simple cad software to design in? I had a look at tinkercad, but it made me angry pretty fast.

To kinda add onto your question, is there a simple way to replicate a real life object? Or is it a matter of measuring, printing, adjusting and repeat until you have it right?

04-15-2019, 09:29 AM
Fusion 360 is my go to and is free (just find the student / small business signup link)

For the smoker, 300F is too high for a fdm printer unfortunately unless you maybe get into PEEK. But you can get high temperature resin for a SLA printer

04-15-2019, 09:52 AM
For the smoker, 300F is too high for a fdm printer unfortunately unless you maybe get into PEEK. But you can get high temperature resin for a SLA printer Yeah, since I'm using it for cheese, "normal" temps for it would be very very low (under 100f), but it could see up to 300f occasionally for (hopefully) short periods.

04-15-2019, 10:44 AM
Yeah, since I'm using it for cheese, "normal" temps for it would be very very low (under 100f), but it could see up to 300f occasionally for (hopefully) short periods.

PETG can only do up to 80C before it starts to get a bit soft / malleable. ABS is higher but that wouldn't be food safe. Nylon 12's heat deflection temp is 120F so that could work, but I don't know if its food safe.

04-15-2019, 11:12 AM
I'm still planning to use a stainless steel rack for the cheese to sit on. So unless the plastic is off gassing, it should be okay.

I'll probably buying the box out of wood because that's easier to me, but just interested in options.

04-15-2019, 11:57 AM
Proto-pasta's HTPLA in carbon fiber high temp is rated to 285°F but 300 is unlikely short of going to something super pricey.

Tinkercad is easiest but mostly fusion360 or sketchup (understand sketchup has issues with circles) are the free options. There's photogrammic software that'll make something similar to your shape but it's not very accurate. I've got an Xbox kinnect that ive tried to do some larger modeling with it does a bit better but it's so dependant on the surface it often turns nightmarish. (My rAv4 has a scratch in the fender - it creates a huge dent when scanned)

04-15-2019, 12:15 PM
I do have a small amount of peek on hand... But you can Google peek filament yourself to see the $ a new smoker would be cheaper than a roll ;)

04-22-2019, 06:14 PM
Son suddenly likes pokemon... Apparently I'm an enabler ;)

04-22-2019, 10:14 PM

Just convinced the boss to finance my hobby haha. Should arrive in 6 weeks or so. Very excited to start using powder.

04-23-2019, 08:29 AM
Ooooh... Asshole ;) let me know how it works out

04-29-2019, 02:02 PM
Question from a 3d printing noob: What options are there if I want to get a 3D print of a contour map from Google earth?

05-15-2019, 10:54 AM
Hey Andy or whoever, are there 3d printing filaments that are a little squishy? Like a reasonably hard rubber consistency?

05-16-2019, 04:35 PM
Yeah, know what shore hardness you need?

TPU, TPE, ninjaflex, there's a few hundred to choose from

05-16-2019, 05:08 PM
Actually may have found something at Rona that will work just fine. Won't look as cool as custom printed shit, but if it works, I'm good. It's for trailer so I'll test this weekend.

05-18-2019, 09:36 AM
Awesome that you found something ;)
Keychains seem to be my life these days

05-21-2019, 10:47 PM
Gotta test drive the nerf full auto Woozi WP-15m

Gonna throw a single pair of meishels in it (designed with afterburners - the game we play at has a 100fps cap - no point), with an old school hellcat (no neo or anything, just a plain old 180 hellcat) for the auto mech.

The plate of carbon fiber petg internals is on the tevo tornado right now.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh yeah and a bunch more keychains ;)

05-22-2019, 07:19 AM
Are key chains a money maker after you throw in the time you spend to design them, buy your raw materials and factor in the cost of the 3D printer and supplies/electricity?

07-25-2019, 09:39 AM
Well for a while i was worried I would be getting a box of rocks but the Polish company Sinterit pulled through! We now have a functional SLS printer! It only took 3 months for delivery but who's counting....

The whole unit is quite heavy and the print area isnt spectacular but for the stuff we do it will save us a fortune on injection molded parts. Typically we do small batches of brackets and housings. The PA12 powder isnt really that difficult to work with as i have heard. The system is quite easy to use and the software is ok. They certinaly have many improvements to make but I think every small business in manufacturing should have a desktop sls machine like this.

Here is a quick imgur gallery of our setup.

07-25-2019, 12:08 PM
Nice, see the announcement from basf about their 316L stainless filament?

Has to be forged after. It's an interesting intermediate solution. Only listed price I found was 1000$/kg of course...

07-26-2019, 03:11 PM
My little 3d printing business has been quite the journey so far. Had someone try to patent one of my designs and then turn around and threaten to sue me, so thats been interesting to deal with.

But on a funny note, I had NBA legend Shaq buy some LED goggles from my store a while back, thought it was just someone joking and putting a fake name. Until he was DJ'ing in Croatia wearing them, so random.


07-26-2019, 03:47 PM
Cool! Seriously? Ordered them under his own name? Lol I wouldn't have expected.

You'd think your years of previous sales and prior art before they patented would be a dead giveaway...

Mines going nowhere fast. EI said I couldn't write off filament. All the nuts bolts parts and pieces yes, not the raw materials... So it's been on hold for a while now. Still recovering from the 1200$ lost on a Nerf gun thanks to Canada post and Etsy (2 full builds, + refund + + +)

D'z Nutz
07-26-2019, 04:47 PM
My little 3d printing business has been quite the journey so far. Had someone try to patent one of my designs and then turn around and threaten to sue me, so thats been interesting to deal with.

What happened in the end?

07-26-2019, 05:26 PM
I’m home most of summer AndyL if you want to drop off my stuff

07-26-2019, 10:47 PM
Cool! Seriously? Ordered them under his own name? Lol I wouldn't have expected.

You'd think your years of previous sales and prior art before they patented would be a dead giveaway...

Mines going nowhere fast. EI said I couldn't write off filament. All the nuts bolts parts and pieces yes, not the raw materials... So it's been on hold for a while now. Still recovering from the 1200$ lost on a Nerf gun thanks to Canada post and Etsy (2 full builds, + refund + + +)

I looked up the address after and its for a management agency so guessing someone ordered for him. And for the legal stuff, you'd think that, but in the end people with more $ can dump more in legal fees and just keep sending takedown notices to screw with you. The DCMA system is pretty shitty for abuse.

What happened in the end?

Still with lawyers but getting it sorted out gradually. Theyre a lot bigger than me so it might end up in a licensing deal and a lot more sales for me albiet at a lower margin. Sucks but should still mean more $ in the end.

09-13-2019, 03:58 PM
Hey, how accurate can you guys get with these printers? Work might want a scale model of one of our tools, so we have all the specs and everything, but it's got to fit together right without too much fucking around. I guess first question, can people print parts with threads that screw together nicely without binding? Like a nut and bolt kind of thing?

09-13-2019, 04:51 PM
Accuracy - my primary is around 0.12mm (so +/- 0.06mm)

And threading depends on the thread and the strength required - lots of printed threads work.

09-13-2019, 05:24 PM
Yeah, this just needs to screw together smoothly and not look like garbage. Need to discuss with the bossman if we want to send this out or build it. In-house from aluminum.

09-13-2019, 05:34 PM
Would a tap and die still be able to clean up the threads in they are intensionally oversized?

09-13-2019, 05:45 PM
Would a tap and die still be able to clean up the threads in they are intensionally oversized?

Nothing that I have access to, as this would fairly large. It's going to be probably a 1/2 scale of a tool that screws into 4.5" nominal casing. So what's that, coupling OD of 5.5" and ID of 4.09". But half size?

09-13-2019, 07:28 PM
Hey, how accurate can you guys get with these printers? Work might want a scale model of one of our tools, so we have all the specs and everything, but it's got to fit together right without too much fucking around. I guess first question, can people print parts with threads that screw together nicely without binding? Like a nut and bolt kind of thing?

How big is the piece? You can print threaded stuff and it goes together pretty easy, though they are plastic threads so they'll wear over time. Also if you need even higher accuracy you can go to Fuse33 and use their SLA/laser printer which has much finer resoluition

09-13-2019, 08:03 PM
Oh it's a demonstration peoce so durability isn't a major concern. We make the real tools out of hardened steel, but they are three feet long and weigh about 80 lbs, so something smaller our salespeople can bring around to meetings would be really helpful. The fact that we could color the parts differently for visibility would be handy too.

09-14-2019, 07:20 AM
I’m printing 1/2 scale model of my casing tool. For things to fit together I have to increase ODs to match. You’re better off farming it out.

09-14-2019, 07:24 AM
I’m printing 1/2 scale model of my casing tool. For things to fit together I have to increase ODs to match. You’re better off farming it out.

I'm going to pm you. This is not my area of expertise, either side of it.

09-16-2019, 09:59 AM
whats the density of that filament? Trying to figure out how much weight we'd save over just machining these out of aluminum.

09-16-2019, 10:08 AM
whats the density of that filament? Trying to figure out how much weight we'd save over just machining these out of aluminum.

PETG is 1.27 g/cm3. Pla and abs are 1.24 and 1.04 respectively

09-16-2019, 10:55 AM
Don't forget you're probably not going to print them solid... .8-1.2mm walls, rest with a lower level of infill.

09-16-2019, 11:06 AM
well, that's probably true, but for a first-pass approximation since the density of steel is ~8 and Aluminum is 2.7, if the filament is 1.3, that's a huge enough weight saving to make it worthwhile. I'm working with our shop folks to see what makes sense for us.

09-16-2019, 11:08 AM
well, that's probably true, but for a first-pass approximation since the density of steel is ~8 and Aluminum is 2.7, if the filament is 1.3, that's a huge enough weight saving to make it worthwhile. I'm working with our shop folks to see what makes sense for us.

If you have a 3D model you don’t mind sending I can load it in my slicer and give you an actual estimate on time / weight.

09-16-2019, 11:33 AM
If you have a 3D model you don’t mind sending I can load it in my slicer and give you an actual estimate on time / weight.

Thanks. I don't have it right now, but will be talking to the machinists and I'll see what we know later today or tomorrow.

09-16-2019, 12:32 PM
Since it's probably proprietary and they'd rather do in house... What's the windows10 slicer again? There's one in there you could use to ballpark weight. Or download cura.

10-14-2019, 06:08 PM
Prusa released a cheaper smaller form factor printer. Looks pretty good and aimed to compete with the entry level printers.



- 350USD
- 7"x7"x7"
- 32 bit board
- TMC2209 drivers
- Same magnetic heatbed style as the MK3s
- Wifi optional (future upgrade)
- Ships 90% assembled (3 pieces to put together)

Kinda looks neat so I ordered a couple to try them out.

10-14-2019, 06:16 PM

It's the Hermes I'm waiting for ;) improvement on the Titan - I'll take that!

11-16-2019, 06:02 PM
Hey, anyone feel like doing a little project for me? This is for beside my wife's sink, just a couple little filler pieces

Smooth or minor texture on top, bottom can be whatever honeycomb you want to reduce material. It doesn't have to hold more a couple pounds of weight.
Piece A size: 22mm high x 100mm wide x 300mm long
Piece b size: 22mm high x 42mm wide x 150 mm long.

Pure white or near white preferred. Don't want to paint these, so want the filament color to be appropriate. I pay in either beer or money, whatever your prefer.

11-19-2019, 10:14 AM
Hey, anyone feel like doing a little project for me? This is for beside my wife's sink, just a couple little filler pieces

Smooth or minor texture on top, bottom can be whatever honeycomb you want to reduce material. It doesn't have to hold more a couple pounds of weight.
Piece A size: 22mm high x 100mm wide x 300mm long
Piece b size: 22mm high x 42mm wide x 150 mm long.

Pure white or near white preferred. Don't want to paint these, so want the filament color to be appropriate. I pay in either beer or money, whatever your prefer.


11-19-2019, 11:35 AM

If you have a model I don't mind printing it but I don't really have time to make anything unfortunately.

Little update on my printing business. Signed a merch deal with one of the biggest DJs in the world, so gotta figure out how to expand my print farm again. Hoping I can run ~8 of the Prusa mini's off one breaker .... kinda pushing it though. Would put me at 14 printers currently running (plus a ultimaker and a formbot sitting on a shelf because pieces of shit)

11-19-2019, 07:19 PM
If you have a model I don't mind printing it but I don't really have time to make anything unfortunately.

Little update on my printing business. Signed a merch deal with one of the biggest DJs in the world, so gotta figure out how to expand my print farm again. Hoping I can run ~8 of the Prusa mini's off one breaker .... kinda pushing it though. Would put me at 14 printers currently running (plus a ultimaker and a formbot sitting on a shelf because pieces of shit)

You need a printrbelt :) actually there's a few conveyor build options out there now.

11-29-2019, 02:24 PM
Digitmakers.ca has the Pallete 2 for 499 with sihpping so ordered one of those. Was going to go MMU2 for the prusa but still hearing a lot of painful experience with it. Hoping the P2 is more reliable.

You need a printrbelt :) actually there's a few conveyor build options out there now.

Build me one and I'll buy it haha. I just don't have the time or desire to try and scratch build any printers. Pouring the time into product development provides way better returns. Right now with the MK3 farm I can print far more than I'll ever need with one or two times a day popping in to just start the next batches.

11-29-2019, 02:27 PM
What do you guys think about the Glowforge? Is it just for people to make tacky garbage to sell on Etsy, or is it actually good?

11-29-2019, 02:50 PM
Digitmakers.ca has the Pallete 2 for 499 with sihpping so ordered one of those. Was going to go MMU2 for the prusa but still hearing a lot of painful experience with it. Hoping the P2 is more reliable.

Build me one and I'll buy it haha. I just don't have the time or desire to try and scratch build any printers. Pouring the time into product development provides way better returns. Right now with the MK3 farm I can print far more than I'll ever need with one or two times a day popping in to just start the next batches.

blackbelt is still around aren't they? Not cheap. But if a box of parts appeared something could be arranged...

palette 2 has even more frustration than the mmu2 going by the cr10 forums. Same issues but now its not user serviceable...

11-29-2019, 02:52 PM
What do you guys think about the Glowforge? Is it just for people to make tacky garbage to sell on Etsy, or is it actually good?

No idea on it, although their filter sounds interesting. One of my hurdles of wanting a laser cutter for home use is that I don't have anywhere to vent outside (stupid townhouse rental)

11-29-2019, 02:55 PM
What do you guys think about the Glowforge? Is it just for people to make tacky garbage to sell on Etsy, or is it actually good?

Tacky garbage for etsy :)

Friend has 2 and likes them, beats a k40 on the out of the box performance at least. I'd prefer the k40 with some upgrades myself.

11-29-2019, 02:57 PM
blackbelt is still around aren't they? Not cheap. But if a box of parts appeared something could be arranged...

palette 2 has even more frustration than the mmu2 going by the cr10 forums. Same issues but now its not user serviceable...

10k for their cheapest printer. No chance its worth it for my application. I have my prints designed really well for batches. Each batch takes 10 hours to print. So I start it before work and start it at dinner time. Which gives me around 20/24 hours of the day printing. Or around ~85% utilization of my printers. My oldest MK3 rolled over 12,000 hours now.

Even with a printer belt, I'd gain a bit by printing one at a time (versus a bed worth) and the remaining 4 hours a day of downtime but that's never going to come close to just having twice as many printers. I can get 6x Prusa mk3's for half the blackbelt printer, so it just doesn't make sense.

Edit: Also if you wanna laser cut stuff just go to fuse33. It's like 75 cents a minute or something stupidly cheap. Do a bunch of projects there until you've racked up 10-20 hours of laser time then consider getting your own.

11-29-2019, 03:38 PM
Tacky garbage for etsy :)

Friend has 2 and likes them, beats a k40 on the out of the box performance at least. I'd prefer the k40 with some upgrades myself.

I see, thanks - I was mostly just curious as I was watching some videos on it and it looked kind of cool. Then when I looked at forums, it seemed like the majority of people were using them to make extremely unoriginal home decorations to sell on etsy and at craft fairs.

11-29-2019, 03:43 PM
I see, thanks - I was mostly just curious as I was watching some videos on it and it looked kind of cool. Then when I looked at forums, it seemed like the majority of people were using them to make extremely unoriginal home decorations to sell on etsy and at craft fairs.

Yeah, like you can do some really cool things, especially 3d artwork. But it's not simple to do. It takes a lot of effort to model and then slice and assemble the pieces in CAD to fit before you even get to the laser cutting stage.

So most people just use them for engraving a name on a keychain and such

11-29-2019, 03:45 PM
Yeah, like you can do some really cool things, especially 3d artwork. But it's not simple to do. It takes a lot of effort to model and then slice and assemble the pieces in CAD to fit before you even get to the laser cutting stage.

So most people just use them for engraving a name on a keychain and such

Makes sense - seems like it could still be a great tool in talented hands, but people buying them not wanting to put in a lot of effort or just using pre-made templates probably don't see as much value from it.

11-29-2019, 03:47 PM
Makes sense - seems like it could still be a great tool in talented hands, but people buying them not wanting to put in a lot of effort or just using pre-made templates probably don't see as much value from it.

same as 3d printers. I'd wager well over half the people with printers never print anything that isn't pre-made. Just download models and hit print.

11-30-2019, 09:02 PM
Turned on a printer for the first time in forever today :rofl:


Yeah it's out of tune, volcano keeps backing off from tight for some reason.

An Arduino pro mini, 3 ws2812's and a small lipo weren't harmed terribly in the making of this ornament. :thumbsup: fear not a whole month left for it to burn down the house. :D

12-09-2019, 07:54 AM
Heard a neat oil and gas tech podcast from Velo3d about thier metal additive manufacturing system. They can print in inconel and titanium. Sounds awesome. Probably crazy expensive I'll bet. Both to buy the machine and per volume of material.

Can already picture some applications for this system at my work. Would save much time shipping custom parts around the world on short notice.

12-09-2019, 08:05 AM
just picked up an ender 3 pro from the 11.11 sales on aliexpress... working so good i am amazed at how far the quality/cost has come since a couple years ago when i had a shitty acrylic that would warp every time you heated it up, i spent more time fixing that stupid thing than printing, it really discouraged me from 3d printing, but this ender 3 has been nothing short of impressive.

12-10-2019, 10:02 AM
Just got my shipping notification for the Prusa MINI's, hopefully they'll arrive on Friday and set them up this weekend. Curious to see how these little things do.

12-19-2019, 02:03 PM
This one is on sale. Any good?

12-19-2019, 06:08 PM
This one is on sale. Any good?

Not a particularly good price... There was a surplus store over in mcall lake that sold them for 180ish.

Machines' not the worst, I had one for a very short time, good quality prints would take a bunch of work.

12-20-2019, 08:28 AM
Not a particularly good price... There was a surplus store over in mcall lake that sold them for 180ish.
Looks like the discount ended.
Was $169 at one point

01-13-2020, 05:19 AM
Can I enlist anyone to print a repair piece for my coffee grinder?

Here’s the link to the part.


What would something like this cost?


04-19-2020, 08:44 PM

Love the photon.

Yes those are itty bitty teeny tiny tow truck hooks. 5¾" 5T versions at 1/25th scale. Puts them about 5.8mm (under 1/4").

04-20-2020, 09:51 AM


04-20-2020, 10:03 AM
Hey, anyone feel like doing a little project for me? This is for beside my wife's sink, just a couple little filler pieces

Smooth or minor texture on top, bottom can be whatever honeycomb you want to reduce material. It doesn't have to hold more a couple pounds of weight.
Piece A size: 22mm high x 100mm wide x 300mm long
Piece b size: 22mm high x 42mm wide x 150 mm long.

Pure white or near white preferred. Don't want to paint these, so want the filament color to be appropriate. I pay in either beer or money, whatever your prefer.

I"m going to quote myself on this, anyone feel like making this for me? Can pay cash, beer, Toilet paper or whatever. White/ivory or black color, whatever is easy/cheap.

04-20-2020, 10:43 AM
I can give it a shot when I get a chance. I am out of white but do have clear.

04-20-2020, 12:28 PM


I'm around 12 dozen to date. Mostly EMS folks, a few long term care and 2 small clinics. there's some wierdness at AHS around these...

- - - Updated - - -

I"m going to quote myself on this, anyone feel like making this for me? Can pay cash, beer, Toilet paper or whatever. White/ivory or black color, whatever is easy/cheap.

Whoops sorry I forgot all about that. Rural is probably closer and I hear he's got a printer :D sure beats travel to high river :D

04-20-2020, 01:15 PM
If you guys can design the STL, I can probably print it in PLA. I never got to learning how to design those things. It can't be too difficult being a basic shape, but I would need to hunt down software.

04-20-2020, 01:31 PM
If you guys can design the STL, I can probably print it in PLA. I never got to learning how to design those things. It can't be too difficult being a basic shape, but I would need to hunt down software.

I probably have time if anyone can tell me what that means.