View Full Version : How to Sue Someone When You Don't Have Their Address?

03-27-2019, 09:03 AM
Hey all,

Need to sue someone but don't know their address and their is 0 chance of being able to serve them in person. The quick Googlin' I've done shows advice for other provinces/the USA.

How does someone sue someone else when you don't know their address?

03-27-2019, 09:05 AM
Do you know their name and a general area of where they live, you could do a lien search on that name.

03-27-2019, 09:07 AM
Best answer: hire a PI to find them, then serve them. The reason law firms do this is because it's the most efficient way.

03-27-2019, 09:34 AM
If you have email / Facebook you can get an order to allow alternative service...

03-27-2019, 10:11 AM
you can also serve them via public notice via a newspaper ad

03-27-2019, 11:05 AM
I'm curious as to why you can't serve them in person? When I had to do it I just showed up at their work and handed it to them. Didn't need an address.

03-27-2019, 11:12 AM
I'm curious as to why you can't serve them in person? When I had to do it I just showed up at their work and handed it to them. Didn't need an address.

Because they avoid me like the plague? Why does this matter? The reality is that there is 0 chance of me being in the same room as them until said room is a court room.

03-27-2019, 11:16 AM
Because they avoid me like the plague? Why does this matter? The reality is that there is 0 chance of me being in the same room as them until said room is a court room.

It matters because that could be your window to serving them if you're just not thinking outside the box enough. With some insight I'm sure a few people could offer ideas or solutions on how to get them served.

03-27-2019, 11:24 AM
Because they avoid me like the plague? Why does this matter? The reality is that there is 0 chance of me being in the same room as them until said room is a court room.

See now this is where I come in. I don't give a fuck and I got nothing but free time these days, you've helped me over the years, do you know where they work I'll go serve em for you, I'm just another schmuck handing someone a piece of paper lol wtf can possibly happen

Maybe I could make a career out of this lol since ruining someone's day gives me great pleasure, in all honesty

03-27-2019, 11:44 AM
It can be as simple as stopping at the registry with your court documents. I sued someone in small claims. Went to court house. Filed papers. Then stopped at the registry. If you can verify roughly what age someone is they can then provide the home address on file for them.

Assuming their not a dead beat you can then find them at home.

03-27-2019, 12:00 PM
Best answer: hire a PI to find them, then serve them. The reason law firms do this is because it's the most efficient way.

I had to do this via my lawyer and it's a giant, expensive pain in the dick hole and it didn't even work. It's still a good option, but I wish it worked better for me.
Ended up sending a registered letter and the stupid cunt signed for it.

03-27-2019, 12:37 PM
What did I do to you A790?? =(

03-27-2019, 12:54 PM
Hire a friend to serve them. Seriously, buy a empty canada post mailer and put the documents inside that, give it to a friend and let them act as a delivery person.

03-27-2019, 01:18 PM
Hey Cam, I can refer you to a process server that might be able to help, multiple law firms across the city use him and my family used him to serve someone at the remand so he gets shit done, pm me if you want his info.

03-27-2019, 07:07 PM
Get a PI or one of the other options mentioned here - which sound like they are, or at least are acting like a PI as well.

One thing though - if this person you're going to sue doesn't have a fixed address, and no job where you can find them, what are the odds of them ever paying any judgement you get against them? Be sure you aren't wasting your time and money, and that the person you're going to sue has some assets or ability to pay. If those boxes all tick, them absolutely get a professional on the job.

03-27-2019, 07:37 PM
Get a PI or one of the other options mentioned here - which sound like they are, or at least are acting like a PI as well.

One thing though - if this person you're going to sue doesn't have a fixed address, and no job where you can find them, what are the odds of them ever paying any judgement you get against them? Be sure you aren't wasting your time and money, and that the person you're going to sue has some assets or ability to pay. If those boxes all tick, them absolutely get a professional on the job.

They have an address and a business. I just don't know where they live, the business doesn't operate out of an office, and they are doing everything they can to dodge me.

03-27-2019, 07:50 PM
Gotcha - in that case I'd call in a professional. Call up some PIs in Calgary and see what they tell you, I'd wager they have assets the average joe doesn't have (ie CPIC access through "contacts", and other means at their disposal that they can use to track people). Once you have a location (everyone sleeps somewhere, even if it's in their car, it has to be parked someplace), serving them shouldn't be too difficult, even if they are doing all they can to avoid you.

03-27-2019, 08:03 PM
They have an address and a business. I just don't know where they live, the business doesn't operate out of an office, and they are doing everything they can to dodge me.

If you have their business address why not sent it with registered mail

03-27-2019, 08:07 PM
If you have their business address why not sent it with registered mail

I don't have that address. I just know they have the business. I'm sure someone could get the address, though.

03-27-2019, 08:07 PM
Sean Bannerjee

03-27-2019, 08:16 PM
Cam, is it an American or Canadian company/person?

03-27-2019, 08:29 PM
Cam, is it an American or Canadian company/person?

Canadian :)

03-27-2019, 08:35 PM
Ok. I have a few tips for US companies, but I've only had to go after someone once in Canada for not paying.

03-27-2019, 11:19 PM
You guys are way over thinking this. Go to the registry and you'll get the address on their drivers license. I had zero issues getting an address to serve people for small claims.

If that doesnt work then move onto more expensive options

03-27-2019, 11:29 PM
You guys are way over thinking this. Go to the registry and you'll get the address on their drivers license. I had zero issues getting an address to serve people for small claims.

If that doesnt work then move onto more expensive options

You can just walk into the registry and get somebody's address by asking for it? I would have thought the privacy act would have prevented this. I had a customer of mine about 10 years ago get charged after a road rage incident, when he threatened some guy he was squawking back and forth with, saying "do you know how easy it is to run plate numbers" - inferring he could get the guys address. That got him charged, and convicted, and if you like, I can PM you his name and you can Google that for yourself. I somehow think that getting an address from a name or plate number from the registry is easier said than done. Maybe I'm wrong, I have no experience in having to do this, but it would make the charges I mentioned sort of pointless...

edit - did some research on Disclosing Personal Info for Service Alberta/Canada, and collecting debts is actually an exemption to the privacy act, so if you can prove you need to collect a debt, they'll release the address/info. Good reason to stay out of debt, but it does make me wonder what the burden of proof is (I don't think you need any court provided docs at the registry by what I read), so if someone get pissed off at you driving, they could cook up some debt and get all your info based on your plate number. Funny...

03-27-2019, 11:50 PM
LOL yes it is that easy. The court house told me to bring my papers down to the registry for proof of the small claims action. From there I needed to try and provide a description. For the one person I had absolutely nothing to go on yet got the address.

For the other person I had general age but that's it.

In the ops case he can describe what the guy looks like and I'd guess can provide a rough age. Theyll get him the address with no issue.