View Full Version : Recommend a Dentist for People Who Hate The Dentist

03-28-2019, 03:49 PM
I usually go back to Saskatchewan to see a dentist because not only do I really like her, but its a fraction of the cost of any dental quotes I've gotten in Alberta. I am not able to get away all the time though and I may have a couple of big things coming up that I should probably try and see a local guy for. I thought we had a side tracked thread somewhere where guys were making dentist recommendations but for the life of me I cant find it.

Can you recommend me a dentist in the downtown-ish area or the deep SE (I live by the new hospital) that is good with people who HATE the dentist? I will have a few fillings and potentially a root canal so someone who is also not crazy out to lunch in regards to the fee guide would also be super awesome. Would also like if they had the option for sedation on bigger procedures.

I think my wife sees Dr. Michael Newbert and she seems to like him but she's also not as big if a pussy when it comes to the dentist as I am so I figured I'd throw it out to beyond to see if there was anyone who stood out.

03-28-2019, 03:52 PM
Dental fees are negotiable, and you CAN get a quote ahead of time for major work.

03-28-2019, 03:53 PM
Glenmore family dental (https://glenmorefamilydentalcare.com/) is pretty good.

Friends & Family Dental (https://friendsandfamilydentalhealth.com/) is also pretty good. They are owned by a beyonder (GTS Jeff).

03-28-2019, 03:58 PM

I need to see a dentist pretty badly, but I am so afraid of dentists I am legit shaking as i type this and my backspace key is getting a workout. I haven't seen one since I was like 20, so I know I got a lot of work to get done. How much is it to get knocked out?

03-28-2019, 04:00 PM
Dr. Archie Tang Concept Dentistry (B18C)
Dr. Volinder Dhesi 4th Street Dental + Ranchlands Dental (VWEVO)

03-28-2019, 04:27 PM

I need to see a dentist pretty badly, but I am so afraid of dentists I am legit shaking as i type this and my backspace key is getting a workout. I haven't seen one since I was like 20, so I know I got a lot of work to get done. How much is it to get knocked out?

Man up and go. Don't be like me. I had gotten X-rays 5 years prior telling me that my wisdom teeth were growing sideways and gonna impact and I should remove. Pussied out and didnt. Fast forward to now,had to get them pulled them out as I was getting crazy tooth ache pain, couldn't sleep, throbbing and making life miserable, but the molars next to the wisdom I think have gotten cavity's and now need a root canal as I'm still getting pain. So don't wait. Ends up costing you more in the future.

And yes it hurt!!!!!!!!!!!

03-28-2019, 05:53 PM
Dr. Archie Tang Concept Dentistry (B18C)
Dr. Volinder Dhesi 4th Street Dental + Ranchlands Dental (VWEVO)
VWEVO is at Bridgeland crossing dental now, in that new building there by the train station.

03-28-2019, 06:00 PM
I chickened out getting my wisdom teeth pulled for years like many. They would be absolutely kill me for a couple days I would go see some random dentist, and they would either just want to pull them with just freezing or go to the other extreme and see a dental surgeon and go under Anesthesia in a surgical suite.(which costed a lot). By the time the appointment would come up the teeth would no longer bother me and I would cancel the appointment. I did this probably 6 times over about 4 years. I really don't have a problem with dentist or surgery in general but yanking 4 teeth out of the back of my jaw is about where my comfort limit ends.

There are quite a few different forms of sedation and not all are equal.

The most common way is prescribing a fast acting benzodiazpene usually ativan (lorazapham) or sometimes xanax(Alprazolam), that you take before the procedure. Benzodiazpenes are anti anxiety medications, but I'm no stranger to them and knew they would not be enough for me to sit through all 4 teeth getting pulled. You also are not allowed to drive for 24H after taking the pills. I would probably say this is more for people that are just generally afraid of the dentist and are undergoing a minor procedure.

Next you will find IV sedation. They use a IV to pump you full of a benzodiazpene usually Midazolam. Being that its IV they can control your level of consciousness and take it further than what the oral pills can achieve. Midazolam also has more likelyhood of causing Anterograde amnesia which means you won't remember much after the fact. Again you can't drive after the procedure.

Nitrous Oxide is next on the list. This is what I ended up going with and highly recommend it over the other options. Cheapest option other than the prescription pills. Effect wear off immediately and you can drive yourself home. They administer the gas before they do the freezing, so bonus if needles bother you. You really lose concept of time while breathing N2O and I could'nt believe the procedure was done so fast. Honestly he could of asked me if I wanted to start pulling good teeth and I probably would of agreed I was having such a great time on the laughing gas. N20 also has some amniotic effects.
The N20 only ended up costing <10$ with my benifits and the wisdom teeth were charged just like normal tooth extractions and was very reasonable. Now I get the N20 for a cleaning because its such a good time and is covered by my plan.

If your teeth are really impacted or near certain nerves your only option would be full on anesthesia in a surgical suite but I think a lot of dentist really upsell this route and make it seem like it is necessary when its not.

03-28-2019, 06:29 PM
N2O doesn't do shit for me. I tried that when I had a tooth extracted and it didn't even begin to touch my anxiety or phobia. I still remember ripping off the padding of the chair in my right hand. If I go, I gotta be knocked the fuck out.

03-28-2019, 07:16 PM
N2O doesn't do shit for me. I tried that when I had a tooth extracted and it didn't even begin to touch my anxiety or phobia. I still remember ripping off the padding of the chair in my right hand. If I go, I gotta be knocked the fuck out.

Weed? lol

03-28-2019, 07:24 PM
i used dynamic dental in quarry park a couple times to test them out before taking my family there, they're pretty good, typically explain things quite well and are relatively gentle

03-28-2019, 08:15 PM
I've been in a dental chair regularly since I was like 12.... for dozens and dozens of fillings, braces, fillings WITH braces, 7 root canals, 6 crowns and 8 extractions. FU-N.

I just stopped caring and had the fear beaten out of me.

I freeze horribly and they have to max out regularly with the topical and the oral methods. Some of the stuff also gives you Tachycardia so you start sweating away on the chair. I remember one (bad) root canal was about 3 hours long and I had to go pee so bad they left my rubber mouth damn in place and I was so high/doped out and try to pee in a urinal was tough.

03-28-2019, 08:29 PM
I've been in a dental chair regularly since I was like 12.... for dozens and dozens of fillings, braces, fillings WITH braces, 7 root canals, 6 crowns and 8 extractions. FU-N.

I just stopped caring and had the fear beaten out of me.

I freeze horribly and they have to max out regularly with the topical and the oral methods. Some of the stuff also gives you Tachycardia so you start sweating away on the chair. I remember one (bad) root canal was about 3 hours long and I had to go pee so bad they left my rubber mouth damn in place and I was so high/doped out and try to pee in a urinal was tough.

Since you have alot of experience, the tooth in question I need a root canal is my bottom RH very last molar. I'm considering just extracting it instead for the savings. $300-400 vs $1500+ root canal.

Looking for pros/cons going either route

I was awake during my wisdom extractions, as I only had the 2 lower bottom left to pull. They numbed everything pretty good. Didn't feel a thing besides the pressure of the tools and such they used when yanking/cutting the tooth

03-28-2019, 08:33 PM
Since you have alot of experience, the tooth in question I need a root canal is my bottom RH very last molar. I'm considering just extracting it instead for the savings. $300-400 vs $1500+ root canal.

Looking for pros/cons going either route

I was awake during my wisdom extractions, as I only had the 2 lower bottom left to pull. They numbed everything pretty good. Didn't feel a thing besides the pressure of the tools and such they used when yanking/cutting the tooth

root canals are a walk in the park compared to wisdom teeth

03-28-2019, 09:59 PM
Dr. Lester Ikuta/Emily Jeong in Millrise. I think it was circa 2006, I had let my bottom wisdom teeth go to the point of having to take so much Advil I'm surprised my liver still works. So I was living in that area at the time and saw a sign that said emergency patients welcome. I just walked in one morning, they saw how much pain I was in and prescribed me antibiotics right away and within 3-4 days they yanked em out, and I don't remember it costing $400, it was definitely less but can't remember the exact amount. I've had 3 root canals there since, all under $1500, and my other top wisdom teeth out 2 summers ago, once again $400ish for both and I dunno I'm not really shook about dental work, but this dentist is like super awesome, doesn't gouge and I can totally see how the staff there would go that extra mile for someone who's uncomfortable about it. I really can't say enough good things about this dental office.

03-28-2019, 10:11 PM
root canals are a walk in the park compared to wisdom teeth

Root canals and widsom teeth processes depend entirely on the person.

I've had 7 and with pulp stones (caused by grinding) my teeth died a horrible , slow death and the pain for the RC was the WORST ever - SO LUCKY my dentist had a laser and was able to work with even the worst case pain I had.

I could not be frozen and I was jumping and sweating in the chair for hours.

Meanwhile, my wisdom teeth came out pretty easy - but one broke and my dentist, big guy, ended up accidentally (get it? dentally) punching me in the face when it did.

03-29-2019, 09:43 AM
My root canal wasn't too horrible but there were moments of pain. I had major dental surgery about 13 years ago to remove a huge cyst in my jaw (I had to go to a special place to get pictures of it and I'm probably in some medical textbook somewhere haha) and it messed with the nerve pathways - it's very hard to freeze me properly. Long story short I pretty much sit there waiting for the worst pain imaginable anytime I go in for a procedure - usually it's not too bad but one poke in the wrong place and I basically yelp and involuntarily swat the dentist's hand out of my mouth. This is mostly specific to me.

I have had root canals, 1 cavity, major maxillofacial surgery with full general anesthetic (twice), multiple bone grafts, multiple gum grafts, multiple root plannings, abscesses, and wisdom teeth removal. I have seen just about every specialist designation out there haha.

Fillings and a (normal) root canal are nothing - just make sure you go to an actual Endodontist for a Root Canal, rather than a general dentist. See a specialist for everything. For a root canal I strongly recommend Samuel B. Switzer (Endodontist on Southport Road), and I had 2 of my other specialists recommend him to me as well. Try not to worry about it too much, the anticipation is way worse than the actual procedure most of the time. You won't even feel your cavity filling procedure at all if it's a normal/standard one. For your root canal they will freeze your gums up, and your tooth is dead so you won't feel much else except a little bit of scraping as they take out the pulp from the tooth. I couldn't feel the drilling at all. It's really not that bad unless you have an unusual situation.

03-29-2019, 10:28 AM
I really like my Saskatchewan dentist because she explains what she is doing but saves the gory details, flinches me out before she pokes me with needles so I don't notice them, and knows I take a lot of freezing and have a high tolerance for meds so she never pisses around with that. The places I've been here just go about their job like there isn't a horrified baby of a man attached to the teeth they are working on.

Although it sounds soft as fuck, definitely looking for someone who would be considered "gentle" and has a calming demenor. I don't think I am as bad as spikerS but I definitely hate the place enough to avoid it like the plauge (which is a terrible idea because I have crappy teeth).

03-29-2019, 10:41 AM
Pulling tooth or root canal to save.

Pros/cons...and go

D'z Nutz
03-29-2019, 10:41 AM
Dr. Archie Tang Concept Dentistry (B18C)

This is who I go to too. Good guy. He's OG so it's kinda funny when he talks about the ol' ABCars days and how everyone had turboed Hondas and such haha

03-29-2019, 11:05 AM
Pulling tooth or root canal to save.

Pros/cons...and go

Some insurance policies won't cover tooth implant. Check first.

03-29-2019, 11:15 AM
Dr. Archie Tang Concept Dentistry (B18C)
Dr. Volinder Dhesi 4th Street Dental + Ranchlands Dental (VWEVO)

Thanks for mention. I actually work out of two inner city offices. Bridgeland Crossings Dental and 4th Street Dental. Both of my offices do accept insurance and we do follow the Alberta Dental Fee guide. Happy to help. If those locations don't work, let me know, I'm happy to refer to you a great dentist in your area, Calgary is full of some amazing dentists.

03-29-2019, 11:52 AM
For my root canal (repeat as my original dentist missed a 4th root, common on that tooth) my new dentist sent me to Endo Perio on 17th ave SW and Dr Erin Mckenzie did a good job.

03-29-2019, 12:33 PM
Since you have alot of experience, the tooth in question I need a root canal is my bottom RH very last molar. I'm considering just extracting it instead for the savings. $300-400 vs $1500+ root canal.

Looking for pros/cons going either route

I was awake during my wisdom extractions, as I only had the 2 lower bottom left to pull. They numbed everything pretty good. Didn't feel a thing besides the pressure of the tools and such they used when yanking/cutting the tooth

Always better to keep existing, natural (dead) tooth as a base. A good root canal might even last you decades.

Implants arent perfect in same sense.

03-29-2019, 01:15 PM
I've been going to the same Dentist since I was a child, but I'm willing to swap dentists. I'm mostly interested in going to see GTS Jeff, because he's GTS Jeff. I also hate the dentist, get regularly lectured, hate drilling, numbing barely works.

03-29-2019, 02:59 PM
I used to get cavities even with brushing 2x a day. Then I switched to brushing 1x day and a water pik with 10% hydrogen peroxide mix with water.

No cavities in years and my cleanings are always very easy now ... would highly recommend.

03-29-2019, 03:18 PM
For my root canal (repeat as my original dentist missed a 4th root, common on that tooth) my new dentist sent me to Endo Perio on 17th ave SW and Dr Erin Mckenzie did a good job.

I went there and actually had my first bad experience out of dozens of specialists over ~15 years. They were very short with me, and didn't want to answer any of my questions - every time I asked something the tone of the response was like "I'm the expert, you're not" or "that's a dumb question"....yeah that's why I am asking questions. They didn't look at my extensive dental history at all before I arrived (it was all sent to them) which ended up causing numerous problems later on in the visit. I felt like I was annoying them just being there.

Anyway she looked at the tooth in question and after $400 of X-Rays and inspections said there is no way she could root canal that tooth. She offered for her husband (Periodontist) to also take a look but that would cost another $180 just for him to look at the area, so I declined. Finally she offered to take the entire tooth out with implant for ~$6500 and I declined that as well for obvious reasons. I went away with nothing but a huge bill. Wouldn't have used them even if they said they could do the root canal. My other dentists tried to get them to send the X-rays and eventually got them but it was like pulling teeth, so to speak, dealing with their office.

Fast forward a bit and I went to a much better (IMO) Endodontist (listed above) and he said he could root canal the tooth no problem and it would be a good result without losing the tooth. He couldn't understand why the other place wouldn't do it - he seemed a lot more experienced. Long story short I got the procedure done, he was right about everything, and I am in much better shape now.

YMMV obviously but that place happened to be the only place I've ever had a bad experience at and I (unfortunately) have to see various dental specialists multiple times a year.

11-26-2020, 08:23 AM
This is who I go to too. Good guy. He's OG so it's kinda funny when he talks about the ol' ABCars days and how everyone had turboed Hondas and such haha
I’ve officially switched to Archie Tang B18C as well. Turns out he does sedation dentistry now so that was a no brainer. And since he lives down the street from me, drove me on the way, put me under, and fixed my shit up yesterday. Talk about VIP service!

5 extractions, 2 bridges, couple of fillings and I barely remember it. Also took pics for me so I can gross out my kids and teach them to take care of their shit.

11-26-2020, 08:25 AM
dang bro, that's quite the shopping list!

11-26-2020, 08:27 AM
dang bro, that's quite the shopping list!
That’s just the start. He says by the time I’m done, I will have bought him a loaded cyber truck.

11-26-2020, 08:29 AM
That’s just the start. He says by the time I’m done, I will have bought him a loaded cyber truck.

That's why he's picking you up. You're his Dental Sugardaddy.

11-26-2020, 08:36 AM
That's why he's picking you up. You're his Dental Sugardaddy.
Pretty much haha.

11-26-2020, 08:36 AM
Are the pictures like in Horrible Bosses?

11-26-2020, 08:39 AM
In my life, I've had basically every procedure possible, but I have managed to spread those out over the decades. I once had an endodontist and a periodontist. Good times.

My teeth are mostly boring now, just get a filling every couple years.

11-26-2020, 08:42 AM
Are the pictures like in Horrible Bosses?
It would explain the soreness. :rofl:

11-26-2020, 08:48 AM
His website says that he does Botox.

11-26-2020, 08:48 AM
^haha, Archie is a good guy..... hard to get in to see him as much these days.

11-26-2020, 08:52 AM
I could use some Botox to reduce my groin sweats from sitting in front of the computer too much.

11-26-2020, 08:54 AM
I could use some Botox to reduce my groin sweats from sitting in front of the computer too much.

Cause of groin sweats should be narrowed down.
Sitting too long is low on the list of causes.

11-26-2020, 08:55 AM
Cause of groin sweats should be narrowed down.
Sitting too long is low on the list of causes.

Who made you a dentist doctor specialist?

11-26-2020, 09:07 AM
In my life, I've had basically every procedure possible, but I have managed to spread those out over the decades. I once had an endodontist and a periodontist. Good times.

My teeth are mostly boring now, just get a filling every couple years.
My teeth have been bad since I could remember. Molars rotten to the core since my teens. Couldn't afford dentistry back then, had molars pulled when I was 18 years old from toothaches by an unlicensed dentist in his basement for $50. Wasn't till my 20's before I started getting proper work on them, and serious work when I discovered the beauty of sedation dentistry. My first sedation work was something like 7 or 8 root canals at once haha. Got my first bridge in my late 20's because biting on a t bone steak took out my front 2 teeth. Switched to tenderloin ever since lol.

None of that shit is saved at this point. Just continued falling apart. By the time I'm done, I'll maybe have 4 or 5 original teeth left haha.

Hopefully, I'll get to the point where you're at soon. Just boring routine work.

D'z Nutz
11-26-2020, 09:27 AM
I’ve officially switched to Archie Tang B18C as well. Turns out he does sedation dentistry now so that was a no brainer. And since he lives down the street from me, drove me on the way, put me under, and fixed my shit up yesterday. Talk about VIP service!

5 extractions, 2 bridges, couple of fillings and I barely remember it. Also took pics for me so I can gross out my kids and teach them to take care of their shit.

Yeah B18C is who I went to after like 7 years of not going to a dentist cause I hated it so much. Now, no problem; it's just boring routine for me. If you need a hygienist, Chantelle is the one to ask for. She's awesome. When she went on mat leave (twice), I got bounced around between a couple of the other ones and they're not nearly as good as her. One of them even left my gums feeling sore as fuck for a few days after my cleaning.

11-26-2020, 09:54 AM
Fine I will switch over to him when I get sick of going to my dentist, even if his Rep Power of 10 makes me uneasy.

11-26-2020, 10:30 AM
I’ve officially switched to Archie Tang B18C as well. Turns out he does sedation dentistry now so that was a no brainer.



11-26-2020, 11:15 AM
I’ve officially switched to Archie Tang @B18C (https://forums.beyond.ca/member.php?u=104) as well. Turns out he does sedation dentistry now so that was a no brainer. And since he lives down the street from me, drove me on the way, put me under, and fixed my shit up yesterday. Talk about VIP service!

5 extractions, 2 bridges, couple of fillings and I barely remember it. Also took pics for me so I can gross out my kids and teach them to take care of their shit.

Where is his clinic? Been looking for a new dentist for ages.

11-26-2020, 11:17 AM
Where is his clinic? Been looking for a new dentist for ages.


02-10-2021, 08:48 PM
Final appointment done today, permanent bridges are in, and man it’s nice to have the feeling of non fucked up teeth in my mouth for the first time in a decade. Got these fuckers installed:


Until next year, to replace all by top teeth, if my 15 year old bridges can last that long.

Been such a great experience at Concept Dentistry. It’s kinda funny after 3 sedation appointments where every single staff member has worked on me at one point or another, when I walk thru everyone looks at me like they know me but I have no idea who they are haha.

02-10-2021, 08:52 PM
Now you know how white folks feel in Asia.

D'z Nutz
02-10-2021, 10:08 PM
Ha, I was at Concept Dentistry this morning as well! I was gonna comment on him driving you too haha

02-16-2021, 05:57 PM
Yeah B18C is who I went to after like 7 years of not going to a dentist cause I hated it so much.

Maaaan, fuck that guy.

Author's Note: He's my brother. :D

asp integra
02-16-2021, 05:58 PM
Nothing but good things to say about Aeir Dental

02-16-2021, 06:16 PM
Now you know how white folks feel in Asia.

Except the one kidney goes missing too.

02-17-2021, 11:36 AM
Wade Foster @ Pinnacle Dental (Arriva - Victoria Park)

02-17-2021, 11:48 AM
Is that a 2 year hiatus you just broke?

02-17-2021, 11:59 AM
Yep, I guess so. Time flies