View Full Version : Shop Cracks Windshield While Attempting to Fix Chip

04-03-2019, 02:35 PM

Was hoping to get some thoughts/opinions on this topic.

My father went to get a windshield chip repaired and the shop (not sure if I should mention name at this point) cracked the windshield. They didn't get him to sign anything prior and didn't let him know that this was a potential risk/possibility. They are refusing to do anything as they said "no windshield shop would cover this".

I called Windshield Surgeons myself and they told me if they cracked the windshield while fixing a chip they would replace it no questions asked as it is their fault (should have taken it here in the first place).

Any thoughts, experience or opinions on how hard I should be trying to get the company to replace the windshield for us?


04-03-2019, 02:40 PM
Mention the name here as that's probably the only hope they will replace it. I guess let us know also so we know to totally avoid this place.

Most shops would replace the windshield if it was their fault, not sure what this shop is thinking here.

Edit: I agree, the disclosure part is important.

04-03-2019, 02:40 PM
Cal-Alta Glass (North) - This is also coming directly from the manager.

I think my biggest issue is the fact that it wasn't posed as a possibility that they could crack the windshield and we would be out of luck. They looked at the chip, took the car in, cracked the windshield when attempting to fix it and came back with sorry......it's 700+ to replace it.

04-03-2019, 02:55 PM
They should replace it. That's on them and totally their risk.

04-03-2019, 03:08 PM
I've never heard of anyone offering to replace the windshield if it cracks during a chip repair. It's completely unpredictable if it cracks or not as pressure (well I guess vacuum) is applied to the spot during the repair process. There is literally no way to assess if a chip will or will not spread and crack prior to repair.

With that said, if Windshield Surgeons claims to do this, I'm going there next time I need a repair. To gamble $50 on a chip fix that could net me a $1500 windshield repair job, I'm fucking there.

04-03-2019, 03:10 PM
Yeah that is fair...I am going to call Windshield Surgeons back and talk to a manager after work to make sure. Again, I am not shocked that they don't want to cover it....but the fact that they don't even pose it as a possibility before doing work and come back with a cracked windshield and a $700 for a new one is what gets me.

04-03-2019, 03:12 PM
Cal-Alta Glass (North) - This is also coming directly from the manager.

I think my biggest issue is the fact that it wasn't posed as a possibility that they could crack the windshield and we would be out of luck. They looked at the chip, took the car in, cracked the windshield when attempting to fix it and came back with sorry......it's 700+ to replace it.

Wife took the Odyssey to that location multiple times to fix a chip which grew into a crack... and then into a longer crack... and so forth. After the third time, looks like the growth has stopped for the time being. Not saying it is their fault as the crack grew after we left their facility. But they mended it each time free as far as I know.

04-03-2019, 03:14 PM
Yeah that is fair...I am going to call Windshield Surgeons back and talk to a manager after work to make sure. Again, I am not shocked that they don't want to cover it....but the fact that they don't even pose it as a possibility before doing work and come back with a cracked windshield and a $700 for a new one is what gets me.
Yea, the disclosure is a bitch. I mean, I've had to sign a disclaimer on the work order prior to the repair. The worst part is, when it cracks during repair, it's way the fuck worse than a natural crack so you really have no option other than replace.

04-03-2019, 03:18 PM
having dealt closely with windshield shops and having replaced a few myself, it's about a 1 in 100 windshields that will crack while trying to repair a chip. but every time I've had to take a car in, especially anything with an expensive windshield they have always explained that it does happen. Had a buddy with a Ferrari 575 and it had a chip, new one installed was just over 10k. the guys at the shop said there is a chance. my buddy said if he doesn't get it fixed it is for sure going to crack. shop did it no problems, came out fine and is still good to this day (not like the car gets a ton of mileage anyways).

in any case, the shop should cover the windshield if they cracked it and didn't advise of the possibility of it happening....that is what a proper business should do....

04-03-2019, 03:20 PM
Every shop I've been to has mentioned that there is a possibility of the windshield cracking due to the pressure used to fill the chip.

04-03-2019, 03:29 PM
Yeah normally I'd side with the shop, but their own dumb ass fault for not mentioning beforehand and getting signed authorization.

They owe your dad a windshield or at least a hefty discount on one.

04-03-2019, 11:30 PM
If there was a sign, a verbal mention, or a signed paper saying it could happen then so be it. However, if there was no indication then I would fight it with the simple case that there was no risk indicated.

And remember... there is always someone higher in a chain.

04-04-2019, 10:27 AM
Sorry to hear that, but other than bad luck .... nothing to say.. I never heard any windshield shop will cover your glasses or any guarantee. Even those glasses repair tents at Safeway/Superstore etc, the guy always tell me my windshield could crack during repair. (but very slim chance)

Kind of like filling your teeth, you may need a crown or roof canal.

Windshield Surgeons will replace the windshield if it cracks? I never heard of that, and I doubt it, I am sure there is some condition ...

04-04-2019, 11:04 AM
Windshield Surgeons ruined both of my A-pillars during the windshield install. They're cheap but there's a reason why. If it's a beater then whatever. Otherwise if you want a shop that take pride in their work, look elsewhere.

It's too bad Cal Alta didn't mention the risk before hand but I believe they hire out that repair guy anyways. There is ALWAYS a risk to chip and crack repair.

04-04-2019, 11:13 AM
Ya that's rough but what can you do.

If I was the shop, I would offer to replace it at cost. Try to salvage the situation somewhat.

04-04-2019, 11:57 AM
I've never heard of anyone offering to replace the windshield if it cracks during a chip repair. It's completely unpredictable if it cracks or not as pressure (well I guess vacuum) is applied to the spot during the repair process. There is literally no way to assess if a chip will or will not spread and crack prior to repair.

With that said, if Windshield Surgeons claims to do this, I'm going there next time I need a repair. To gamble $50 on a chip fix that could net me a $1500 windshield repair job, I'm fucking there.

This is what I was going to say. I've never heard of a shop replacing a windshield that cracked while trying to repair it. Most shops have a disclaimer about this too. Pretty had thing to guarantee against.

04-04-2019, 12:06 PM
I've only had 2 chips filled before, but both times I most definitely was not warned about a possible crack as a result of the 'fix', either verbally or in writing. This was at CalAlta South. They did a good job though and I had no issues, but it was very casual.

04-04-2019, 12:13 PM
I’ve never had a verbal warning either.

I think offering replacement at cost is reasonable here, at least you know they aren’t now profiting from their “mistake”. That sets a pretty untasteful situation. But I can see why they aren’t offering a new windshield.

04-04-2019, 03:05 PM
I worked at windshield surgeons years ago. We used to tell people that there was a chance that the glass would crack during repair. I used to Do the chip repairs, I would agree lien above, 1 in 100 would crack.

I highly doubt that they would cover your new windshield replacement. At best case, maybe refund you for the chip repair since they did not mention it could crack.

04-04-2019, 03:33 PM

04-04-2019, 05:38 PM
Every shop I've been to has mentioned that there is a possibility of the windshield cracking due to the pressure used to fill the chip.


I was told once not to do it as well since it was to deep...

04-04-2019, 08:08 PM
I'll fix that for you, give me some money!

Oops I broke it worse!

Not my problem! Thanks for your money... hey, do you want me to fix that for you?


Man, business is easy these days... I should get into fixing shit. I will just smash it with a hammer and shrug my shoulders!
For most things, it sounds ridiculous. Windshield chip repair is a whole different beast. You can be the best chip repair tech and still crack a windshield during repair.

04-04-2019, 08:23 PM
Fixing windshields is stupid. Cracked windows are where it's at. My entire fleet has cracked windshields.

04-04-2019, 08:43 PM
Agreed lol it's inevitable living in Calgary

04-04-2019, 10:24 PM
Fixing windshields is stupid. Cracked windows are where it's at. My entire fleet has cracked windshields.

Yeah...just keep running it cracked until you can't see anymore!

04-04-2019, 11:29 PM
The M5 got cracked 2 years ago and it's been on my "To Do" list for that car, but at the very bottom of it.

Pitting/sandblasting of windshields bothers me more than cracks, cracks I can see through fine.

04-05-2019, 08:56 AM
Agreed lol it's inevitable living in Calgary
Almost, I sold my last car with it's original windshield and it was 11 years old (approx 100K km); 1 chip repaired, 0 cracks, 10000 pits ha ha!

04-05-2019, 09:15 AM
I got my first windshield crack ever in literally 20 years of driving in Calgary last year, started as a chip that I didn't fill in time and it cracked in the sun one day. Car is a lease so I'm waiting until the end to replace it to guarantee I only have to do it once.

04-05-2019, 09:21 AM
Glad this thread was created. I've had probably a dozen chip repairs over the years and not one time have I been told there is a risk of it breaking.

04-05-2019, 09:45 AM
Thanks for all the replies. Just to provide a bit of an update:

Cal-Alta offered a discount of $180 (however, they have a food bank promo where if you bring in a can/item they give you $120 off a windshield so basically an extra $60) putting a new windshield at around $600.

I talked to the manager at Windshield Surgeons and he said that the only way they would replace the windshield is if the customer wasn't notified of the risks, however, many people in the thread have mentioned that shops aren't really doing this anymore (maybe because its only a 1% chance of happening?).

Windshield Surgeons quoted me a windshield that is about half the price of the Cal-Alta windshield even after their discount.

I am not sure how much I want to fight this over $300....

04-05-2019, 10:14 AM
Pitting/sandblasting of windshields bothers me more than cracks, cracks I can see through fine.
Yup, this is my first year with that windshield protection film. Hopefully it stops the pitting completely, and just have to replace that film every couple of years.

I got my first windshield crack ever in literally 20 years of driving in Calgary last year, started as a chip that I didn't fill in time and it cracked in the sun one day. Car is a lease so I'm waiting until the end to replace it to guarantee I only have to do it once.
I have a heated garage, most of my cracks develop in the really cold days where after driving the heater just warms it back up, daily temperature fluctuations. That's why I've always filled in chips ASAP. But yea, anecdotal evidence, I've only had 1 chip repair crack on me over the last 20 years.

Glad this thread was created. I've had probably a dozen chip repairs over the years and not one time have I been told there is a risk of it breaking.
That's just weird. I've used chip repair places wherever convenient, so I've used quite a few, and they've always given me the disclaimer verbally, and most where I had to sign a work order with it stated.

04-06-2019, 09:27 AM
I got my first windshield crack ever in literally 20 years of driving in Calgary last year, started as a chip that I didn't fill in time and it cracked in the sun one day. Car is a lease so I'm waiting until the end to replace it to guarantee I only have to do it once.

Hah, I went with that plan last time I lived in Calgary, leased vehicle as well. The cop who pulled me over (no moving violation, it was some seat belt check stop thing IIRC), didn't like that excuse very much, and gave me a ticket for cracked windshield, even though it was in the very top corner of the window, and would only obstruct vision if I was looking for the space shuttle...

04-13-2019, 12:30 PM
Just an interesting follow up on this, just sitting in my car waiting for a chip repair at Cal Alta Edmonton Trail, I have most definitely not been informed by either of the 2 people I have spoken to as of yet of the risk of breaking my windshield. So OP’s story, while shitty, checks out.

In the Mercedes so it’s definitely not something they warn for just with expensive replacements.

04-13-2019, 12:35 PM
Pfft, your "beyond civic" is hardly worth worrying about.

04-13-2019, 01:03 PM
Fair point. Done now. Not a word of warning.

04-14-2019, 01:09 AM
Lol ya. Everyone has one or can buy one on beyond. Nothing special lol
Pfft, your "beyond civic" is hardly worth worrying about.

04-14-2019, 05:43 AM
On a side note: What you really want to invent is a way to make snow tacky/sticky, more like a freshly paved road. Will ask the AI on how to solve this. Once they invent it, people will put on winter tires for racing (dare to dream) People will then take trips to Canada in automotive tourism, for its high quality roads :D

Salt/rocks are literally the worst things you can do for cars and the roads. Its a totally reactive solution to a problem that we have not asked the right questions on.

04-14-2019, 11:31 AM
Will ask the AI on how to solve this.

What is an AI?

04-14-2019, 11:42 AM
What is an AI?

What are any of us?