View Full Version : Being Charged Insurance on a Car You No Longer Own?

04-30-2019, 11:41 PM
Hey Beyond, my insurance company is currently charging me insurance on a vehicle lease that I returned to the dealer a bit over 12 months ago and I'm looking for some advice on potential options for recourse. The vehicle in question is a Mazda 3 and the insurance provider is TD Meloche Monnex.

- three weeks prior to lease-end, I phoned my insurance company to let them know that I wouldn't need coverage on the vehicle after the end of the month. They verbally said that they'll put a note on my file and the coverage will automatically end
- the coverage did not end and they've continued to charge me
- I was super sloppy and never followed-up... was busy doing other stuff... *insert excuse here*

Now I'm in a pickle because I need to clean up the insurance situation and it'd be nice to get the payments refunded for the months where I have not had any interest in the car. I have copies of the signed paperwork from when I signed the vehicle back to Mazda.

Does anyone know of any similar situations?
Is there any legality around my insurance company charging me for insurance on a vehicle that does not have my name on the title?
What's the likelihood that TD refunds all or a portion of the payments?

Your advice and jabs would be appreciated!

TL;DR: I was super sloppy and I'm trying to get reimbursed for what's essentially a year of over payments from my insurance company.

And yes, I did search beyond and google, but nothing was conclusive or recent.

04-30-2019, 11:53 PM
Have you tried talking to them?

04-30-2019, 11:58 PM
Just gotta provide proof it was gone . Bill of sale or termination of lease papers. They'll backdate and credit.

Also why not just phone them

05-01-2019, 12:12 AM
Just gotta provide proof it was gone . Bill of sale or termination of lease papers. They'll backdate and credit.

Also why not just phone them

I haven't phoned them yet because I was curious what you guys would recommend before I phone them.

05-01-2019, 12:54 AM
TD was overcharging me that I had no clue about and one day I just got a cheque for a thousand bucks with a letter of apology for overcharge. I am sure you will be fine and they will also likely have a record of the phone call you made to them. Just give them a shout and go from there.

05-01-2019, 08:24 AM
TD records all phone calls so as long as you can trust yourself that you indeed say cancel insurance on said date they will back credit your account and fix their mistake.

05-01-2019, 09:05 AM
I haven't phoned them yet because I was curious what you guys would recommend before I phone them.


We recommend phoning them and explaining the situation... You'll get your money back if you have proof of lease termination.

05-01-2019, 12:44 PM
TD was overcharging me that I had no clue about and one day I just got a cheque for a thousand bucks with a letter of apology for overcharge. I am sure you will be fine and they will also likely have a record of the phone call you made to them. Just give them a shout and go from there.

Same! Something about being coded under the wrong group plan... still can’t help but think they caught something HUGE and swept it up with a quick cheque to everyone

05-01-2019, 03:47 PM
That is weird ..

First, I don't think they can set up their system 3 week ahead to "cut" your insurance, they usually tell me call in the day before if I am going to terminate or do some change with my policy, kind of shock whoever the agent told you they can do that for you. (Liability issue, say you are going to sell your car, but don't know exactly how many more week you will drive it, could be 2, or 3, or few more month)

Anyway, hope you can sort it out, and let us know the result. You can also log in to check your policy.

05-02-2019, 07:00 AM
I had a similar situation with a rental property that I owned. We sold the house and told the insurance company and thought nothing else about it, until our renewal came in a year later. I called them and provided them with the sales transaction and they credited us the money back. Not a huge hassle or process.

Good luck.

05-02-2019, 01:45 PM
I haven't phoned them yet because I was curious what you guys would recommend before I phone them.

You waited a year ....... to ask beyond what you should do?

D'z Nutz
05-02-2019, 05:17 PM
You waited a year ....... to ask beyond what you should do?

Well, first he waited 48 hours. Then another 48 hours....

05-02-2019, 05:52 PM
Well, first he waited 48 hours. Then another 48 hours....

It usually works out so well...

06-14-2019, 02:59 PM
As a quick update, TD had a record of the original call and refunded the money back with little issue.

Not sure why I thought it'd be a big fight with them to get my money back.

Thanks for the help, Beyond!