View Full Version : My parked car got rear-ended at high speed by an uninsured driver... #$@#%!!!!

07-11-2019, 10:51 PM
My car was parked on the street, my wife and I were at a park nearby. I heard the accident and immediately ran over... just had a feeling it would be my car that was hit.

The driver of the Kia was uninsured. The police was on-site very quickly and took all their details.

I guess I have a few questions for you guys:
1. Does this look like a write-off? What % of car value does it usually need to hit before it's a write-off?

2. If they do repair it, how do they account for value that I will inevitably lose in a resale given the extent of the damage?

3. Any general advice? I've never been in an accident before in my 20 years of driving... I have the police case number, I have a file started with my insurance, not sure what else I should be getting at this point.


07-11-2019, 11:18 PM
Did you have gap insurance for the write off value?

07-11-2019, 11:21 PM
That's.borderline write off. Not clear from photos.

07-11-2019, 11:22 PM
I believe it was discussed very recently in another thread that you'll get no compensation for any perceived or real diminished value because of this accident. Now I am sort of old so my memory could be faulty here.

07-12-2019, 01:22 AM
If you have replacement insurance (wavier of depreciation), better pray that the car is written off. Otherwise the loss in value after the accident would leave you SOL.

07-12-2019, 01:35 AM
If you have replacement insurance (wavier of depreciation), better pray that the car is written off. Otherwise the loss in value after the accident would leave you SOL.

I opted to pay for the waiver of depreciation... really hoping they just replace the car instead of repairing it. If they repaired it, I would have a shitter car to drive and have a really hard time selling it down the road.
I wonder if it'll make a difference that the car is in SF and not in Canada... makes it less likely they have an autobody shop that they're used to. Plus, all labor will be in USD, and in SF where everything is expensive.


The wording of the policy makes it seem like they'll try to get an equivalent car, and not cut a cheque?
If so, 2019 is the facelift year for the Macan and they don't have the GTS, just Base/S/Turbo, whereas in 2018 it was Base/S/GTS/Turbo.
Maybe the silver lining in all this is that they'll replace it with a Turbo :)

Also... they make a point of it having the same options. I put in a custom order with options that are rarely on lot cars, so I wonder how that plays out... will they let me order a 2019 car with all the same options? Would they pay for a rental car for the 4-6 months it takes to deliver?

07-12-2019, 02:05 AM
They will have to value the vehicle to the closest model/trim available in the current year. The valuation is sent to the dealer to determine replacement cost, and yes all the options you added on that was on your original bill of sale should be factored in, including accessories that's tangible . AFAIK you are not forced to buy the same car even, they will just cut you a cheque once finalized.

As soon as the cheque is sent, you lose the rental car as well. How long you wait for your new factory order is then on you

PS: from the pics, i "think" that's written off, pretty certain there's frame damage as well from that impact on the rear lower beam. You can also kind of tell the rear door doesnt align with the front anymore. Hope i am right

07-12-2019, 02:16 AM
damn mna, that sucks

07-12-2019, 06:11 AM
PS: from the pics, i "think" that's written off, pretty certain there's frame damage as well from that impact on the rear lower beam. You can also kind of tell the rear door doesnt align with the front anymore. Hope i am right
Frame damage is repairable, unless it’s a Tesla. When I was rear ended sitting at a light at 60kmh or so, my car was completely bent out of shape. Doors and trunk had a hard time closing, wasn’t anywhere close to a write off on a $85k car. This was in my SLK32 back in the day. Had less front damage tho, I avoided a bus and steered into a bus stop instead.

The way I see it, if you have the replacement cost option, insurance is still going to find the cheapest way out, and would repair over write off to not invoke the bigger payout.

Hope I’m wrong. Good luck.

07-12-2019, 06:32 AM
So Part out

Sorry to hear about that. Smeghead non insured drivers

07-12-2019, 09:01 AM
Shit man, sorry to hear that. :cry: That's such a nice car.

Threads like this is one of the many reasons why I lease - the stress of something like this would take years off my life, so it's an easy way to get financial protection from things like this, hail, hit & run, vandalism, etc. with no real downside.

I'd be surprised if that was written off though, especially when insurance sees they would need to buy you a brand new one if they don't repair it. I hope it is, but I bet they try and fix it - even if it saves the insurance company $1. It doesn't look THAT bad, mostly front/rear bumpers, tailgate, and lights barring any major frame damage. Maybe exhaust too. Doesn't look like much happened to the glass / non-plastic parts.

Hope the uninsured driver gets the book thrown at them - maybe you can sue for depreciation?

D'z Nutz
07-12-2019, 09:33 AM
Hope the uninsured driver gets the book thrown at them - maybe you can sue for depreciation?

This happened in 'Merica. Why just stop at depreciation? Don't forget mental anguish, physical pain and suffering (for having to run up those steep SF hills), and gender and race discrimination haha

adam c
07-12-2019, 09:46 AM
My wife was hit from behind a few weeks back stopped in traffic got pushed into the car in front of her, I thought for sure it was a write off but nope they fixed it, I think companies are opting for fixing more than writing things

The body shop said frames are modular now and can be replaced in pieces

07-12-2019, 09:49 AM
This happened in 'Merica. Why just stop at depreciation? Don't forget mental anguish, physical pain and suffering (for having to run up those steep SF hills), and gender and race discrimination haha

Haha good point, you could probably sue for a laundry list of things on top of the depreciation.

07-12-2019, 10:08 AM
You can sue to your hearts content, but at the end of the day with no insurance covering the guy, you won't see a dime.

07-12-2019, 10:20 AM
Airbags didn't go off and the roof isn't buckled - I'd say it is not a write-off. Given the panel misaslignment I see down both sides it's going to be a bitch of a repair though.

Usually they draw the line at 75% of the replacement cost of the car to determine whether they will write it off or not. Since you had replacement value insurance I wonder if they would use the full purchase price for that 75%? If so, you're nowhere near a write-off.

07-12-2019, 10:28 AM
Having the replacement insurance isn't SUPPOSED to disadvantage you like that. No idea how that works in practice though.

07-12-2019, 10:34 AM
Having the replacement insurance isn't SUPPOSED to disadvantage you like that. No idea how that works in practice though.

My understanding is if its a full-blown obvious write off, you get a new car rather than having to battle with the insurance company over what it's worth on the used market.

The worst possible situation to be in is where there is enough damage that nobody will ever buy your car unless you piratically give it away, and the repaired version will never be the same again, but not quite enough damage to get a full write off. This is where having a lease is a major advantage.

If the insurance company knows the alternative is a full payout because of gap/depreciation insurance, they probably raise the repair threshold to the price of the new vehicle - they would be silly not to since their job is to pay out as little as possible.

Honestly this accident doesn't look that bad to me. The (visible) damage appears to be mostly on replaceable parts like plastic bumpers, light housings, exhaust, and the hood / tailgate.

07-12-2019, 11:26 AM
Man if they don't write it off I would blow a gasket... I'm sure they'll look for excuses not to write it off given I have replacement insurance and the at-fault driver is uninsured, with 2 kids (8 and 12? both were in the back seat!)... and if they can't afford insurance, I'm guessing they don't have much to their name.

07-12-2019, 11:31 AM
So gap insurance has the potential for a negative outcome. TIL

07-12-2019, 11:33 AM
So gap insurance has the potential for a negative outcome. TIL
That's just my guess. I have no idea if that's the case.

adam c
07-12-2019, 11:53 AM
Insurance in there US is so cheap, i don’t get why people go without or even how they register vehicles without proof

07-12-2019, 12:09 PM

Best of luck, fingers crossed for a write off.

07-12-2019, 12:13 PM
That's just my guess. I have no idea if that's the case.

I am going to push for it being declared a write-off on the depreciated value.

The replacement insurance is a separate line item, and should be treated as such... I'm guessing depreciated value (taking into account it has been in an accident) is 60k, and replacement value is 90k.

07-12-2019, 12:23 PM
That picture is painful to look at. Sorry to hear about this.

OP, set up a poll so to see if we think if its a write off or not. Would be interesting to see what people think vs if it actually is.
They repaired my 2002 CRV when I was rear ended. Even the guy in the shop was surprised they could do it and not write it off. Anything is possible I guess.

07-12-2019, 12:35 PM
I would have bet write-off, before my accident where they did $13.5g in repairs on the truck I bought for $15g, 3 months prior.

07-12-2019, 12:39 PM
Purely a guesstimate - 25,000$ in damage (parts/labour) and it wont be written off - esp. if all the doors and windows open/close like before.

If all the bags had deployed with the collision, likely yes.

07-12-2019, 12:47 PM
Purely a guesstimate - 25,000$ in damage (parts/labour) and it wont be written off - esp. if all the doors and windows open/close like before.

If all the bags had deployed with the collision, likely yes.

This, I'd doubt its a write off. Did the headlights survive?

07-12-2019, 01:01 PM
that's not a write off. I had similar damage to one of my volvos and it came in around 10k. Same scenario got rear ended at high speed.

Masked Bandit
07-12-2019, 01:08 PM
I'm guess that's going to get fixed but make sure the repair shop uses OEM parts. Having the waiver of depreciation is what entitles you to OEM and not aftermarket. Being in the USA might change the numbers a bit but I don't think it'll be enough to write it off.

07-12-2019, 01:30 PM
that's not a write off. I had similar damage to one of my volvos and it came in around 10k. Same scenario got rear ended at high speed.

My Fiesta ST was 8k for a bumper and hatch replacement after a low speed impact...

07-12-2019, 01:34 PM
Insurance in there US is so cheap, i don’t get why people go without or even how they register vehicles without proof
Insurance is far from cheap in the US. Cali is pretty up there. $0 is cheaper than whatever it costs. Get busted? It's $100 fine which is way cheaper than insurance, plus nobody actually pays the fines, and there's no record or anything. It's lighter than a slap on the wrist. I feel like 1/3 of California drives with no insurance haha. It's a no brainer for those that have nothing to lose.

adam c
07-12-2019, 01:43 PM
Insurance is far from cheap in the US. Cali is pretty up there. $0 is cheaper than whatever it costs. Get busted? It's $100 fine which is way cheaper than insurance, plus nobody actually pays the fines, and there's no record or anything. It's lighter than a slap on the wrist. I feel like 1/3 of California drives with no insurance haha. It's a no brainer for those that have nothing to lose.

Really? Whenever I’m down there I always hear ads for coverage starting at $10/month

07-12-2019, 01:58 PM
Really? Whenever I’m down there I always hear ads for coverage starting at $10/month
lol never heard of that before. When I had US insurance, it was easily 2.5x the cost vs Calgary after you work out exchange rate.

07-12-2019, 02:06 PM
Called the local Porsche dealership and asked them where they send their repairs to... just dropped the car off at a certified Porsche repair shop.

The input from the guy at the repair shop: it's really close. He said he's only unsure because it's a GTS, which has been holding its value quite well (which is why I originally bought it :|), and that if it were a base it'd definitely be a write-off, and very likely if it were an S.

Time to wait and see I guess.

Beyond Price is Right guesses on the final repair number?

I'll start it off with... $30,000 USD

07-12-2019, 02:08 PM
hope its more than that. 30,000usd def wouldn't write off the car

07-12-2019, 02:27 PM
What % of car value does it need to hit before they write it off? I always thought it was 50% for some reason, but guess that isn't the case.

The shop guessed around 2-3 months if it gets repairs... so it'll likely use up the full $5000 rental car allowance if they choose to repair.

07-12-2019, 02:38 PM
Make sure you are very clear with your insurance company that you have no intention of signing off on the repair being complete unless it doesn’t have so much as a paint swirl.

My brother was t boned in his truck a few years back and they didn’t write it off. Since then with various issues he’s easily racked up more rental car charges than the car is worth just by being picky about every little thing. Truck spent months and months in subsequent repairs since.

Anything you can do to make this repair sound as expensive as possible should be on the table to encourage write off.

07-12-2019, 03:23 PM
Insurance is far from cheap in the US. Cali is pretty up there. $0 is cheaper than whatever it costs. Get busted? It's $100 fine which is way cheaper than insurance, plus nobody actually pays the fines, and there's no record or anything. It's lighter than a slap on the wrist. I feel like 1/3 of California drives with no insurance haha. It's a no brainer for those that have nothing to lose.

Yea I can see that being the case if I am driving a low priced vehicle - but not a newer Kia Soul. The owners is going to be paying for a vehicle he doesent own for years to come. (they are worth ~10k)


OP - one hope of a writeoff is that there is some, odd, piece of technology that is very expensive to replace, either front or rear, in the impact areas. I know with some MB models they have an insane number of computer modules that are insanely pricey.

What also you have going against you here is that the impact points are where the were designed to be - bumper level. Its not likely they put something uber pricey in an area where collisions are likely to happen.

07-12-2019, 03:44 PM
OP - one hope of a writeoff is that there is some, odd, piece of technology that is very expensive to replace, either front or rear, in the impact areas. I know with some MB models they have an insane number of computer modules that are insanely pricey.

What also you have going against you here is that the impact points are where the were designed to be - bumper level. Its not likely they put something uber pricey in an area where collisions are likely to happen.

Agreed... hoping the front adds to the tally...


Not sure if the frame is damaged, but you can see where the crossbeam for the bumper is bolted on, and the crossbeam is fuuucked.

Hood needs replacing.

$27k USD for a minor front bumper accident on a 718 Boxster

07-12-2019, 03:45 PM
It's not in the best interest of the auto body shop to write it off. They are just as shady, and will work to keep the estimate below the threshold of writing it off. They'd rather have the work. I believe the threshold needs to be around 80%. But they can still repair it, as long as it's cheaper than paying you out for a "new" one.

I think the 50/50 guess of it being a write off is pretty good. When my Golf R was written off, the insurance company paid out my lender(VW) for what was owing and I got the remaining money sent to me from VW. This is what will happen if you have replacement coverage, at least, this is what happened in my case.

07-12-2019, 03:49 PM
That actually looks (the front) not even that bad.

Do all the doors open/close OK? Windows too?

And yes, if you have something 'porsche' specific (like some crazy expensive radiator) then expect the price to jump.

Also, expect a long time for this to get sorted.

adam c
07-12-2019, 03:50 PM
I don't see it being a write off, sorry to say

The only hope you may have, is the insurance company not wanting to pay USD on everything

07-12-2019, 04:16 PM
My gut feeling is that you guys are right... it won't be a write-off, which means it will just be a huge headache down the road... but, did you guys see how much this front bumper replacement cost on a 718 Boxster??

$27k USD for a minor front bumper accident on a 718 Boxster

Also, expect a long time for this to get sorted.

Yeah, I'm on my way to Enterprise now to get a rental for the next couple months... my choices are:

Toyota Camry
Ford Fusion
Nissan Altima
Chevy Malibu

I think I'll go with the Camry?
Sucks cause I had a ton of road trips coming up to Napa, Tahoe, Big Sur... would've been a lot more fun in the Macan vs a Camry.

07-12-2019, 04:20 PM
I d drive the fusion or Altima over the Camry.

07-12-2019, 04:22 PM
Dont you get something comparable?

Did the hood get touched or is it fine? The front fender alignment is fucked though, hope for you they buckled or got messed up somehow. At this point they'll paint blend the front and rear into the sides, pretty much painting the entire car at that point, that isn't going to be cheap.

I thought my TLX was going to get written off when it got side swiped by a bus (new rear bumper, new tail light, new tire and new 1/4 panel) and it was only $8k or something. They had to completely take apart half the car to do the 1/4 panel. Luckily its a lease so its going back but I was planning on keeping it so still kinda blows.

07-12-2019, 04:27 PM
Fuck, that really sucks. I'm sorry that happened.

Motherfuckers who drive without insurance are pure cum guzzlers.

The answer to your #2 question is called a diminished value claim. There are some states in the US like Georgia where it's legislated for companies to compensate for the loss. Since you're with TD in Canada, it is an uphill battle as most insurance companies actually tell people there's "absolutely nothing they can do" and that value loss is not insurable. There's several threads here regarding diminished value AKA accelerated depreciation.

I believe average joes have taken to small claims in order to resolve such issues but in this case, the other party doesn't even have an insurance company for you to go after.

07-12-2019, 04:28 PM
Is California a state that allows insurance to replace or repair frames? Texas does not and as long as there is frame damage it would get written off. Fingers crossed for you.

adam c
07-12-2019, 04:31 PM
I'd go with the Altima, has some decent power

The Mailbu was pretty comfortable

Had them both as rentals

07-12-2019, 04:41 PM
The color will make a huge difference in repair cost, if it tri-stage, pearl etc. I'd bet that will be $40k reair at least.

07-12-2019, 04:41 PM
If you have some spare time, you can take a stab at repair costs here - https://parts.byersporsche.com/Porsche_2018_Macan-GTS-Sport-Utility-30L-V6-AT/Body.html

Being in the US might work in your favour... Being in SF, the labour charges are probably equal to local rates, dollar for dollar, but he exchange rate means parts and labour are 30% higher in CA$, whereas the parts prices here are not that much higher... Hope it works out for you.

07-12-2019, 05:15 PM
The color will make a huge difference in repair cost, if it tri-stage, pearl etc. I'd bet that will be $40k reair at least.

There you go - some possible special item (or option) that has a HUGE effect on what repairs costs would normally be.

07-12-2019, 07:18 PM
Man that sucks.
I think the insurance will try to fix the vehicle.
I think the repair bill be in mid 40's .
If I were you , I will get a Private Appraiser to get appraisal on the damages and also factor in the rental the insurance company have to pay while the car is being repaired and present a case to the insurance company.

Keep us posted.

07-12-2019, 07:23 PM
I tried to negotiate based on costs of vehicle rental and was told that it didn't enter into the discussion. Not sure if that's true, but it's what I was told.

07-12-2019, 10:54 PM
This is one big advantage of leasing. Just give it back.

Also, another reason to hate USA.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune, hopefully it works out in your favour somehow.

07-12-2019, 11:58 PM
I always thought labour in the states was way cheaper than Canada? ie. you could get Chip Foose to build you a car for the same money as a run of the mill shop in Canada? Not to mention parts... wholesale in Canada is equivalent of retail in the US

Also big reason you see so many uninsured drives in Cali... illegals

07-13-2019, 11:19 AM

This looks a lot more benign than my car, both front and rear end damage and $40k USD repair bill.

I think north of 45k USD and it's definitely a write-off...

07-14-2019, 08:20 AM
I think it will be real close. These are such odd situations where you hope the damage is high for the write off, but then if it isn't high enough you hope for as little as possible. Just weird.

When my last Jaguar was written off the damage didn't look that bad at all. No frame damage and just a corner hit. I really thought it was getting repaired but they ended up replacing it, saying that on these luxury cars that aftermarket parts aren't available. I imagine the same applies here.

I think estimates of 30g are low. Looks like a 40g hit to me at least.

Regardless, good luck.

07-14-2019, 09:06 AM
Yeah, I'm on my way to Enterprise now to get a rental for the next couple months... my choices are:

Toyota Camry
Ford Fusion
Nissan Altima
Chevy Malibu

I think I'll go with the Camry?
Sucks cause I had a ton of road trips coming up to Napa, Tahoe, Big Sur... would've been a lot more fun in the Macan vs a Camry.
Tell your insurance company you need something comparable. The minimum they should be giving you is SUV for SUV, let alone the sports SUV part...

When I got an insurance rental they gave me access to the daily rate for an equivalent.
So for my coupe, they gave me the daily rate for a mid-size. It happened that the small SUV was the same rate so I was able to choose that.
For my RDX, the rate was for SUV and I got to choose a pick-up because the rate for that was less.

07-14-2019, 12:42 PM
[QUOTE=Yeah, I'm on my way to Enterprise now to get a rental for the next couple months... my choices are:

Toyota Camry
Ford Fusion
Nissan Altima
Chevy Malibu

I think I'll go with the Camry?
Sucks cause I had a ton of road trips coming up to Napa, Tahoe, Big Sur... would've been a lot more fun in the Macan vs a Camry.[/QUOTE]

As JWSlam said, get something comparable. You should be able to get a SUV minimum.

For the road trip, I would not pick the Camry. I know sales reps that have that vehicle. Its not suitable, your body will ache after a long drive.
I'd pick the Ford.

07-14-2019, 01:28 PM
shit..that is really sucks.. Hope you get to write off the vehicle.
Seems really close to write off.

Is it just me or Macan is sitting awkwardly on second pic? Perhaps busted Air suspension?