View Full Version : Canada Goose (actual bird) thread

07-29-2019, 04:35 PM
The other discussion made me realize I was going to start a thread on this earlier this month.

These things are a disgusting nuisance. They are always trying to get up on to my lawn (we have a fence limiting them), and they shit everywhere. Our neighbors (fence-less) have them waddle their disgusting asses up onto their lawn all the time and they drop shit logs everywhere.

So: I don't think they are protected, so there must be some flexibility on how to handle them. What can we do? I know there are mechanisms to scare them away. But can we airsoft their asses? Hit them with other projectiles? Call them bad names?

07-29-2019, 04:52 PM
Take up archery?

07-29-2019, 04:53 PM
Took me longer than I am willing to admit to realize you weren't talking about jackets.

07-29-2019, 05:00 PM
Haha same.

Airsoft guns sadly are not supposed to be fired in the city limits, by law. That said, a friend told me they work well for getting Magpies to move along.

07-29-2019, 05:14 PM
From a Canadian Federal Govt website. It acknowledges that there are a metric shit-ton of these, yet:
Canada Geese are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (MBCA). This Act arose from an international treaty -- the Migratory Birds Convention -- between Canada and the United States, signed in 1916. The MBCA provides for the protection and conservation of migratory birds, and prohibits people from harming birds, except under specified conditions. Several species, including Canada geese, are considered game birds and may be hunted. The Act gives the federal government the responsibility to establish hunting seasons, and Canada Geese are greatly appreciated by migratory game bird hunters across the country. More than 500 000 Canada Geese are taken in Canada each year by hunters.

07-29-2019, 05:19 PM
Contech SCARECROW motion activated sprinkler (sprayer) should help a great deal. It frightens the shit out of animals and hopefully sprays them with a blast of water that startles them even more. They're smart enough to stay away from those and not usually smart enough to get around them.
Stinking Hippie Approved.

07-29-2019, 08:59 PM
Get a coyote decoy and put it on your lawn. Ugly but does the job. Birds won’t typically come within 100 yards or so.


I’d blast them for you if you were outside city limits..

07-29-2019, 09:07 PM
What about the large number of geese that DON'T migrate? I say those that don't leave for the winter should be classified as pests and have a wide open unlimited hunting season. Also, sharpened 7-irons should be legitimate hunting weapons, and distributed to a gang of mercenary street-dwellers who collect a bounty of $5 per bird carcass delivered to the local soup kitchens. .

This single plan restores ecological balance, cleans up our parks, feeds the needy, and employs the destitute.

Vote for ExtraSlow!

07-30-2019, 07:17 AM
I’d vote for you,

You need to be as drunk in office As Ralph though

07-30-2019, 07:20 AM
Get a coyote decoy and put it on your lawn. Ugly but does the job. Birds won’t typically come within 100 yards or so.


I’d blast them for you if you were outside city limits..

Those work for about 3 minutes and then they dont anymore. We had a bunch bought to put out on a construction job to avoid nesting (which royally screws a summer of work), and they ended up nesting in the shade of them..

07-30-2019, 07:31 AM
I hate these cock suckers so much. I had a coffee meeting where we decided to go out to a park because it was gorgeous out and one of these greasy shit birds was harassing an old lady in a walker. I've always wanted to grab one by the throat and ring its bell outside of hunting season and I figured this might be my chance without ending up on you tube. Alas, when I walked toward the bird it buggered off and the little old lady continued on her way without acknowledging the fact that I just saved her life.

They do make for a great fall hunt though and I do my part to blast as many of these deplorable honk-hawks as possible and turn them into jerky.

To actually answer OP though, definitely get one of those motion activated sprinkler things. We have a neighbor who has them for rabbits and it works great.

07-30-2019, 07:54 AM
the building I work at has nesting geese every year and it's such a pain in the ass.....they are noisy at all hours of the morning, they shit everywhere, and it makes a lot of the outside portion of the building unusable. sadly though, conservation says DO NOT move the nests, this year we had one on the 12th floor, 2 on the 4th floor and one on the 3rd floor. We had a guy in the building randomly remove a nest, and another building nearby had a resident that watched it. that afternoon we had conservation officers at our building giving us a reminder that they are in fact a protected species. worst part is the building is relatively new (2015) and the buildings here previously apparently liked the geese to nest at this location.....idiots....

07-30-2019, 08:11 AM
LoL, haters!


07-30-2019, 09:03 AM
It's ok to hit them with a golf ball. I've done it many times.

07-30-2019, 09:07 AM
It's ok to hit them with a golf ball. I've done it many times.

When i worked at a golf course as a kid doing maintenance, one of them tried to attack a fairway mower... it didnt go well for the goose

07-30-2019, 11:33 AM
Rule #1 Never cross a Goose path when they are crossing. Thank Jeebus they don't have teeth.