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08-19-2019, 01:22 PM
Long story short.

3 Houses live side by side in the community on a bend. Young families, and both the husbands and wives more or less try and control the neighbourhood. Constantly putting slow down signs in the middle of the road (bylaw has spoken to them 3 times... but they still do it). I've been singled out and flipped off by them on too many occasions to count and told anything over 20km/hr in a residential is putting everyone at risk...

Nonetheless, it's gotten to the point where they hide behind their trucks on their bicycles (my car has an aftermarket exhaust so they know when I'm leaving my house and they are always hanging out in one anothers garages) and when I reach the bend they will all cut me off in their bikes to the point where I have to pump my brakes because they are intentionally doing it at the last second..then they weave in front of my vehicle until I reach the end of the community.

What would you do?

Edit: Also, I'm tired of them sitting on their driveways just staring at me. Watching me. Honestly it's creepy and weird. Also, it makes my guests uncomfortable when they literally stand on their driveways and watch anyone. They come out of their houses whenever I drive by to stare.

08-19-2019, 01:24 PM
Dashcam video, after a couple times submit it to the police.

08-19-2019, 01:24 PM
Don't be a pussy. Run them down. Kill the leader and the rest will fall into line.

08-19-2019, 01:24 PM
Why don't you just get a dash cam and run them over?

Extraslow hit the nail on the head. Bicycles are considered vehicles once on the roadway.

08-19-2019, 01:26 PM
Why don't you just get a dash cam and run them over?

Extraslow hit the nail on the head. Bicycles are considered vehicles once on the roadway.

haha as great as that would be, I just figured I'd likely be at fault.

08-19-2019, 01:29 PM
Wow, what a bunch of children.

I'd get it on video too just in case, but the police won't do anything at all. You can hand them a guaranteed conviction and they won't even show up. At least this way though if something ever does happen and they try blame you for it, you have evidence of their ridiculousness. Amazing they have that much time to waste that they can sit around on their bikes waiting for you to leave the house.

As satisfying as it would be to retaliate, they seem like they would take it 10X further and apparently have the time to do so.

You could fill a super soaker with vinegar and spray a message into their lawn through the fence at night haha.

08-19-2019, 01:31 PM
If they are STUPID enough to cut off a vehicle on a bike, dash cam the whole thing. Expect them to come out of their homes yelling and screaming.

Dont leave tire marks on their body, but bump them enough that they learn their lesson. Bikes share the road.

Obviously if they are sitting in the middle of the road, you cant just run them over either. It has to be a sudden thing.

08-19-2019, 01:35 PM
Get a dashcam and start filming their nonsense. Tell them that you have the camera and will be submitting the videos to the police. If you have a community Facebook page, post them there too, asking if the page knows who they are (even if you already do). If they are darting out from between cars, a slight bump might be enough to straighten them out, just enough to knock them down, nothing more.

Or start your car and just let it idle. If they are waiting based on hearing you, let them waste their time and they'll eventually get tired of it.

08-19-2019, 01:36 PM
I'm about 90% sure you wouldn't be at fault if you were going the speed limit.

NIMBYs and 'NEIGHBORS' are the worst though. Seem to be everywhere. Got this nice note in my mailbox one afternoon about the sound and speed of my m3 (I don't go over 50 in residential and it's not an M5 you cowardly piece of shit), decided to respond by buying a V10, throwing a titanium exhaust on the car and just downshifting, driving at 8000rpm by their house now. Sometimes you just gotta put those fuckers in their place.


08-19-2019, 01:38 PM
I'm about 90% sure you wouldn't be at fault if you were going the speed limit.

NIMBYs are the worst though. Seem to be everywhere. Got this nice note in my mailbox one afternoon about the sound and speed of my m3 (I don't go over 50 in residential and it's not an M5 you cowardly piece of shit), decided to respond by buying a V10, throwing a titanium exhaust on the car and just downshifting, driving at 8000rpm by their house now. Sometimes you just gotta put those fuckers in their place.

LOL that note

08-19-2019, 01:39 PM
Wow, all that letter would make anyone want to do is annoy them twice as much. It boggles the mind that people think they will get results with things like that, full of petty insults. That is textbook Karen / Soccer Mom.

08-19-2019, 01:40 PM
I'm about 90% sure you wouldn't be at fault if you were going the speed limit.

NIMBYs and 'NEIGHBORS' are the worst though. Seem to be everywhere. Got this nice note in my mailbox one afternoon about the sound and speed of my m3 (I don't go over 50 in residential and it's not an M5 you cowardly piece of shit), decided to respond by buying a V10, throwing a titanium exhaust on the car and just downshifting, driving at 8000rpm by their house now. Sometimes you just gotta put those fuckers in their place.


:rofl: Talk about weak scare tactics.

How has it been in the past year after receiving that letter?

08-19-2019, 01:42 PM
Create a business case.

Take note and photographs of the signs. Report them to Bylaw. If you can, also note when bylaw has spoken to them.
Get a dash cam. Keep recordings of this happening.

Once you have this, go see your city counselor. They may fob you off via email or the phone. Insist on a meeting, that way the meeting is logged. Insist on this being investigated in regards to the bylaw, have the records of the bylaw officers speaking to them pulled. Is it a issue with the bylaw or its not being enforced properly..? Does the bylaw need to be amended..?
Is it bylaw issue or now a policing issue where you have people trying to police the streets or be a nuisance to drivers (i.e antisocial behavior)?

08-19-2019, 01:42 PM
Buy the kids some bagpipes and give them free lessons as an apology

08-19-2019, 01:43 PM
How many visits before Bylaw fines them for the signs? I'm surprised they're getting so many chances.

08-19-2019, 01:44 PM
I'm about 90% sure you wouldn't be at fault if you were going the speed limit.

NIMBYs and 'NEIGHBORS' are the worst though. Seem to be everywhere. Got this nice note in my mailbox one afternoon about the sound and speed of my m3 (I don't go over 50 in residential and it's not an M5 you cowardly piece of shit), decided to respond by buying a V10, throwing a titanium exhaust on the car and just downshifting, driving at 8000rpm by their house now. Sometimes you just gotta put those fuckers in their place.


Awesome. Why is that people always try to use their imaginary connections to scare people? Anyone with actual connections isn't going to be running around saying they'll rat you out, they just do.

08-19-2019, 01:45 PM
Lmk where and I can keep putting their signs out of their misery too if you want.

08-19-2019, 01:47 PM
Create a business case.

Take note and photographs of the signs. Report them to Bylaw. If you can, also note when bylaw has spoken to them.
Get a dash cam. Keep recordings of this happening.

Once you have this, go see your city counselor. They may fob you off via email or the phone. Insist on a meeting, that way the meeting is logged. Insist on this being investigated in regards to the bylaw, have the records of the bylaw officers speaking to them pulled. Is it a issue with the bylaw or its not being enforced properly..? Does the bylaw need to be amended..?
Is it bylaw issue or now a policing issue where you have people trying to police the streets or be a nuisance to drivers (i.e antisocial behavior)?

Bylaw said they will continue to pursue their stupid sign in the middle of the road (I may just pick it up myself and throw it in the construction trash).
Police said they will have to handle the bike issue, but truthfully speaking the he said/she said scenario is never going to go well so it is best to try and build a case with evidence they can act on

- - - Updated - - -

Lmk where and I can keep putting their signs out of their misery too if you want.

I thought about it, but I know if anything happens to it they will 100% think it's me haha

08-19-2019, 01:48 PM
Bylaw said they will continue to pursue their stupid sign in the middle of the road (I may just pick it up myself and throw it in the construction trash).
Police said they will have to handle the bike issue, but truthfully speaking the he said/she said scenario is never going to go well so it is best to try and build a case with evidence they can act on

- - - Updated - - -

I thought about it, but I know if anything happens to it they will 100% think it's me haha

Should be pretty to get the evidence with a dash cam. Day after day of it happening at slightly different times and the same people should show a pretty clear pattern for the police to work with

08-19-2019, 01:51 PM
Should be pretty to get the evidence with a dash cam. Day after day of it happening at slightly different times and the same people should show a pretty clear pattern for the police to work with

Tell police you are worried they are trying to create a fraudulent insurance claim and you want it documented so you can't be framed for this not-a-crime.

08-19-2019, 01:58 PM
Get some security cameras if you don't have any already, hopefully they don't start taking things to the next level.

08-19-2019, 02:11 PM
Get some security cameras if you don't have any already, hopefully they don't start taking things to the next level.

I do have security cameras now as someone conveniently drove their truck all over my landscaping once it was done. I can only imagine who that was.

D'z Nutz
08-19-2019, 02:11 PM
Don't be a pussy. Run them down. Kill the leader and the rest will fall into line.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ExtraSlow again.

08-19-2019, 02:16 PM
I would love to hear the neighbors side of the story (told by them). Not trying to imply OP isn't being truthful or w/e, but would be interesting to hear the other POV.

08-19-2019, 02:18 PM
I would love to hear the neighbors side of the story (told by them). Not trying to imply OP isn't being truthful or w/e, but would be interesting to hear the other POV.

"Drives too fast", "Loud Car = driving fast", "Intentionally revs like a maniac anytime he drives in front of our house now - this is accurate".

I'm not implying I don't retaliate (calling bylaw, intentionally being loud now in front of their house, driving on the side closest to their houses when I have to drive "around" their middle of the street signage)

08-19-2019, 02:21 PM
I am surprised that you guys think CPS is going to do anything at all. They don't dedicate resources to stuff like this. I can't see them lifting a finger to deal with a couple neighborhood crazies on bikes - at the very most they will just give them a verbal warning and they will be back at it the next day without consequence. You're probably better off using the 311 app every single time the signs are out to try and get them fined.

If their signs are out at night just take them and hurl them into the nearest dumpster, say you thought it was garbage someone left on the road.

08-19-2019, 02:22 PM
I am surprised that you guys think CPS is going to do anything at all. They don't dedicate resources to stuff like this. I can't see them lifting a finger to deal with a couple neighborhood crazies on bikes - at the very most they will just give them a verbal warning and they will be back at it the next day without consequence. You're probably better off using the 311 app every single time the signs are out to try and get them fined.

That's kind of what I was thinking, doesn't seem like any warnings seem to matter either. (i.e. signage out after 3 follows up with bylaw)

08-19-2019, 02:25 PM
Dash cam... be as annoying as possible within the law (buy gas powered lawn equipment, pull off mufflers, run right up to noise curfew limits, drive in 1st gear at 50km/h, etc) push them to the brink. Get assault on camera. File restraining order, force them to move

08-19-2019, 02:28 PM
:rofl: Talk about weak scare tactics.

How has it been in the past year after receiving that letter?

Well it was funny, they dropped the note off anonymously but I have ring doorbell + cameras and knew who it was right away.

It's been hilarious, they are sure embarrassed after I told them to come talk to me in person when they are adults one day. I just blow kisses at them and you can tell they want to end their lives. Good fun.

08-19-2019, 02:29 PM
The chances that we have gotten both sides of the story = 0%.

Also: I don't understand why people want to annoy their neighbors? I'll drive like a dummy all day, then when I'm back in my neighborhood, its the speed limit or lower, and the highest gear I can manage to keep things quiet. Don't shit where you eat....and making enemies of your neighbors (even if they are being unreasonable) when it is easy to do the opposite makes no sense to me. Taking the high road is often the way to get through life with less hassle, so you can focus on the important things. Rather than getting dragged into a dispute with your neighbors where you are responding to their juvenile behavior with your own. Sometimes there is a difference between being right, and doing the right thing.

08-19-2019, 02:29 PM
That's kind of what I was thinking, doesn't seem like any warnings seem to matter either. (i.e. signage out after 3 follows up with bylaw)

When people like that believe they're "doing the right thing" or whatever it is they tell themselves to justify the childish behavior, there isn't a lot that is going to stop them. If their only consequences so far have been toothless (like the bylaw visits) they have no incentive to stop.

Even if Bylaw eventually fines them and they put the signs on their property instead of the street, there is nothing stopping them from continuing the clown show on the bikes. If they have the time to do all this and are willing to put in the effort, I don't know there is a lot you can do outside of using the law yourself to be as proactive as possible, but then it will only escalate.

08-19-2019, 02:34 PM
I would love to hear the neighbors side of the story (told by them). Not trying to imply OP isn't being truthful or w/e, but would be interesting to hear the other POV.

Yah hard to say Craig, some crazy people out there or have poor perspective on speed. Guy yelled "slow the fuck down" in Mardaloop yesterday as I took a back route from glenmore ball diamonds cause of construction. BOV went off at like 22-24km/h coming around a corner onto 17th st before 33rd ave and he screams at me. I replied back and the three dudes on the lawn sure wanted me to stop and exchange some pleasantries :rofl:

08-19-2019, 02:38 PM
The chances that we have gotten both sides of the story = 0%.

Also: I don't understand why people want to annoy their neighbors? I'll drive like a dummy all day, then when I'm back in my neighborhood, its the speed limit or lower, and the highest gear I can manage to keep things quiet. Don't shit where you eat....and making enemies of your neighbors (even if they are being unreasonable) when it is easy to do the opposite makes no sense to me. Taking the high road is often the way to get through life with less hassle, so you can focus on the important things. Rather than getting dragged into a dispute with your neighbors where you are responding to their juvenile behavior with your own. Sometimes there is a difference between being right, and doing the right thing.

The only real voice of reason here...

By the sounds of it, you did something (wrong or not) to piss off a bunch of people. Its not just one house, its many. You best bet to to cut the shit OR move. The chances of you outlasting all 3 are slim to none. Do you want to be sitting at home thinking about their bullshit all day? I dont think so. Sack up, walk over with a case of beer and talk it out or drop it.

Now speaking specifically about speeding...Where i live the speed limit is 50km/hr unless otherwise posted. That limit is fucking ridiculous and very dangerous given how our road is constructed with blind corners, narrow spots, and a park. Even 30km/hr is too fast and i make a point in letting people know. Our kids are walking around and while its our job to give them the tools they need to be caution of those dangers, we can all do our park in slowing the fuck down. Legal or not.

08-19-2019, 02:39 PM
Yah hard to say Craig, some crazy people out there or have poor perspective on speed. Guy yelled "slow the fuck down" in Mardaloop yesterday as I took a back route from glenmore ball diamonds cause of construction. BOV went off at like 22-24km/h coming around a corner onto 17th st before 33rd ave and he screams at me. I replied back and the three dudes on the lawn sure wanted me to stop and exchange some pleasantries :rofl:

That has happened to me a few times when I have been doing 50 Km/h through school zones after 9pm. Had people scream at me once, another time the finger combined with a brake check and swerving almost down to a complete stop. I point at the sign but they couldn't care less.

And loud = fast no matter how fast you're actually going haha.

08-19-2019, 02:39 PM
I'm about 90% sure you wouldn't be at fault if you were going the speed limit.

NIMBYs and 'NEIGHBORS' are the worst though. Seem to be everywhere. Got this nice note in my mailbox one afternoon about the sound and speed of my m3 (I don't go over 50 in residential and it's not an M5 you cowardly piece of shit), decided to respond by buying a V10, throwing a titanium exhaust on the car and just downshifting, driving at 8000rpm by their house now. Sometimes you just gotta put those fuckers in their place.


Duuuuuuuuude. Take it to a print shop put it on a 4 by 8 sheet of coroplast and stand it on your front lawn.

08-19-2019, 02:40 PM
The only real voice of reason here...

By the sounds of it, you did something (wrong or not) to piss off a bunch of people. Its not just one house, its many. You best bet to to cut the shit OR move. The chances of you outlasting all 3 are slim to none. Do you want to be sitting at home thinking about their bullshit all day? I dont think so. Sack up, walk over with a case of beer and talk it out or drop it.

Now speaking specifically about speeding...Where i live the speed limit is 50km/hr unless otherwise posted. That limit is fucking ridiculous and very dangerous given how our road is constructed with blind corners, narrow spots, and a park. Even 30km/hr is too fast and i make a point in letting people know. Our kids are walking around and while its our job to give them the tools they need to be caution of those dangers, we can all do our park in slowing the fuck down. Legal or not.

Found the neighbor :)

If the neighbors are camping outside with bikes waiting for the OP, it's them wasting all their time with useless BS, not so much him.

If someone made a personal decision that the law didn't matter and they thought the speed limit on the highway should be 30 Km/h while driving in front of you, and you couldn't pass, would you be cool with that?

08-19-2019, 02:46 PM
The only real voice of reason here...

By the sounds of it, you did something (wrong or not) to piss off a bunch of people. Its not just one house, its many. You best bet to to cut the shit OR move. The chances of you outlasting all 3 are slim to none. Do you want to be sitting at home thinking about their bullshit all day? I dont think so. Sack up, walk over with a case of beer and talk it out or drop it.

Now speaking specifically about speeding...Where i live the speed limit is 50km/hr unless otherwise posted. That limit is fucking ridiculous and very dangerous given how our road is constructed with blind corners, narrow spots, and a park. Even 30km/hr is too fast and i make a point in letting people know. Our kids are walking around and while its our job to give them the tools they need to be caution of those dangers, we can all do our park in slowing the fuck down. Legal or not.

I don't disagree with Buster's messaging.

I have an aftermarket exhaust and they live on a bend... the fastest I could ever take that corner if I wanted to is probably 30km/hr if that. Loud exhaust does not mean fast. It's 3 families that are buddies with one another.. not 3 separate people. They hangout in their garages and watch tv together and gossip about the community till 1am in the morning (I keep my windows open for fresh air, but I can obviously hear them talking). So it's not like I have had people complain about my "car" in any form or fashion other than these three people. Actually the opposite, tons of people tell me they love the exhaust and how it sounds.

If they had waved me down from day 1 instead of flipping me off and singling me out, sure i'd drive even slower than the 15km/hr I drive around their house to begin with. Also, do you really think anyone see's a child playing on the side of the road and thinks not to be extra cautious?

I'm not at home thinking about them, hell I am barely home to begin with. They on the other hand have all the time in the world to plot and scheme, while I just go on with my day. The fact they are now intentionally disrupting my day is my issue by riding in front of my vehicle.

08-19-2019, 03:06 PM
I don't disagree with Buster's messaging.

I have an aftermarket exhaust and they live on a bend... the fastest I could ever take that corner if I wanted to is probably 30km/hr if that. Loud exhaust does not mean fast. It's 3 families that are buddies with one another.. not 3 separate people. They hangout in their garages and watch tv together and gossip about the community till 1am in the morning (I keep my windows open for fresh air, but I can obviously hear them talking). So it's not like I have had people complain about my "car" in any form or fashion other than these three people. Actually the opposite, tons of people tell me they love the exhaust and how it sounds.

If they had waved me down from day 1 instead of flipping me off and singling me out, sure i'd drive even slower than the 15km/hr I drive around their house to begin with. Also, do you really think anyone see's a child playing on the side of the road and thinks not to be extra cautious?

I'm not at home thinking about them, hell I am barely home to begin with. They on the other hand have all the time in the world to plot and scheme, while I just go on with my day. The fact they are now intentionally disrupting my day is my issue by riding in front of my vehicle.

Extra cautious?

Have you read the replies in this thread and in the other "slow down children playing signs" thread?

Usually it's a bunch of chest thumping and bro-talk. Strangely, child safety doesn't usually come up.

08-19-2019, 03:07 PM
Extra cautious?

Have you read the replies in this thread and in the other "slow down children playing signs" thread?

Usually it's a bunch of chest thumping and bro-talk. Strangely childrens' safety doesn't usually come up often.

Of course it's chest thumping, but I would guarantee not a single person sees children in their community and doesn't have their foot on their brake in case of.

08-19-2019, 03:07 PM
Found the neighbor :)

If the neighbors are camping outside with bikes waiting for the OP, it's them wasting all their time with useless BS, not so much him.

If someone made a personal decision that the law didn't matter and they thought the speed limit on the highway should be 30 Km/h while driving in front of you, and you couldn't pass, would you be cool with that?

The highway is not a closed residential road. You're talking apples and oranges here. Also the posted speed limit is a maximum. It still doesn't mean assholes should rip around our crescent at any time doing the maximum. But this is my block, not OP's so I dont know for sure. But someones jimmies are rustled obviously. If it was me, i would work it out with them directly, or keep to myself.

I don't disagree with Buster's messaging.

I have an aftermarket exhaust and they live on a bend... the fastest I could ever take that corner if I wanted to is probably 30km/hr if that. Loud exhaust does not mean fast. It's 3 families that are buddies with one another.. not 3 separate people. They hangout in their garages and watch tv together and gossip about the community till 1am in the morning (I keep my windows open for fresh air, but I can obviously hear them talking). So it's not like I have had people complain about my "car" in any form or fashion other than these three people. Actually the opposite, tons of people tell me they love the exhaust and how it sounds.

If they had waved me down from day 1 instead of flipping me off and singling me out, sure i'd drive even slower than the 15km/hr I drive around their house to begin with. Also, do you really think anyone see's a child playing on the side of the road and thinks not to be extra cautious?

I'm not at home thinking about them, hell I am barely home to begin with. They on the other hand have all the time in the world to plot and scheme, while I just go on with my day. The fact they are now intentionally disrupting my day is my issue by riding in front of my vehicle.

I dont know man, you are thinking about it enough to post on beyond about it.

Seriously, go talk to them. Individually. You'd be surprised how that goes over when it personalizes you. It is also surprising how you can figure out which one of the 3 is the actual problem. May buddies wife was checking you out.

08-19-2019, 03:11 PM
The highway is not a closed residential road. You're talking apples and oranges here. Also the posted speed limit is a maximum. It still doesn't mean assholes should rip around our crescent at any time doing the maximum. But this is my block, not OP's so I dont know for sure. But someones jimmies are rustled obviously. If it was me, i would work it out with them directly, or keep to myself.

I dont know man, you are thinking about it enough to post on beyond about it.

Seriously, go talk to them. Individually. You'd be surprised how that goes over when it personalizes you. It is also surprising how you can figure out which one of the 3 is the actual problem. May buddies wife was checking you out.

It's been a year of this and i'm only posting now because it's gotten to a point of escalation where they are riding out in front of my vehicle as described. I could care less about what petty shit they are doing, but they are now intentionally obstructing my commute. Huge difference between dwelling on something and finding a solution to not having bikes in front of my vehicle every time I decide to leave the house.

What is the solution? Buy a new car that doesn't have an exhaust? Push my car down the road? Doesn't matter how "slow" i'm going, it's too fast for them.

08-19-2019, 03:13 PM
Extra cautious?

Have you read the replies in this thread and in the other "slow down children playing signs" thread?

Usually it's a bunch of chest thumping and bro-talk. Strangely childrens' safety doesn't usually come up often.

Their safety has nothing to do with it, it's just people who get off on power tripping and lording over the neighborhood - if children's safety was a priority their parents wouldn't let them play on the street until they were old enough to look after themselves, rather than take it upon themselves to enforce an imaginary law which in which they would probably be livid if the shoe was ever on the other foot. Maybe set them up with some toys in the back yard or take them to a nearby park if they aren't old enough to understand road safety, rather than try and impose your (I don't mean you) "rule" on the neighborhood. That's what I do with my nieces & nephews, and I never have to worry about their safety around vehicles. It is the courteous and responsible thing to do IMO rather than throw up signs and shake my fist at everyone who drives by legally and well within the speed limit.

08-19-2019, 03:16 PM
Their safety has nothing to do with it, it's just people who get off on power tripping and lording over the neighborhood - if children's safety was a priority their parents wouldn't let them play on the street until they were old enough to look after themselves, rather than take it upon themselves to enforce an imaginary law which in which they would probably be livid if the shoe was ever on the other foot. Maybe set them up with some toys in the back yard or take them to a nearby park if they aren't old enough to understand road safety, rather than try and impose your (I don't mean you) "rule" on the neighborhood. That's what I do with my nieces & nephews, and I never have to worry about their safety around vehicles. It is the courteous and responsible thing to do IMO rather than throw up signs and shake my fist at everyone who drives by legally and well within the speed limit.

I rest my case.

08-19-2019, 03:33 PM
The highway is not a closed residential road. You're talking apples and oranges here. Also the posted speed limit is a maximum. It still doesn't mean assholes should rip around our crescent at any time doing the maximum. But this is my block, not OP's so I dont know for sure. But someones jimmies are rustled obviously. If it was me, i would work it out with them directly, or keep to myself.

I disagree that it's apples and oranges - in both cases there is a very clear law in place, and rather than adjust your lifestyle in light of that, you take it upon yourself to arbitrarily decide what is acceptable and attempt to enforce a law that doesn't exist. As soon as the shoe is on the other foot, the 'enforcers' don't like it either.

- - - Updated - - -

I rest my case.

I think you misread my post, I was saying the safety of the kids has nothing to do with it for the parents/enforcers, or they would actually do things that guaranteed their kids' safety rather than put blind trust in their signs. Further, I provided very reasonable suggestions to do so.

08-19-2019, 03:47 PM
I disagree that it's apples and oranges - in both cases there is a very clear law in place, and rather than adjust your lifestyle in light of that, you take it upon yourself to arbitrarily decide what is acceptable and attempt to enforce a law that doesn't exist. As soon as the shoe is on the other foot, the 'enforcers' don't like it either.

- - - Updated - - -

I think you misread my post, I was saying the safety of the kids has nothing to do with it for the parents/enforcers, or they would actually do things that guaranteed their kids' safety rather than put blind trust in their signs. Further, I provided very reasonable suggestions to do so.

What are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to change other random people? That would just lead to a life of frustration.

It's a much more noble goal to try to get through life in as harmonious a way as possible, especially if there is no/little cost to you. The "I'm going to show them" type attitude is almost universal in this thread. That attitude can sometimes be beneficial, I guess, if you use it to focus on productive things long term. It's not so useful when handling neighborhood disputes, or traffic incidents. (Ask jabjab). Better advice would be to suggest that we carefully choose the hillsides we want to die on. Upshifting to a quieter gear and taking even another 5km off your speed costs you almost nothing. But in the eyes of your neighbors, you're a "good guy" instead of an "asshole". That's a pretty cheap and asymmetric return on basically zero effort. And yes, it is beneficial to have people like you instead of dislike you, even if those people are annoying or wrong.

08-19-2019, 03:59 PM
OP, what community is this? Are we allowed to run over the signs?

08-19-2019, 04:00 PM
I’ve got a 25 ton dump truck I can send over if they wanna keep playing chicken

08-19-2019, 04:01 PM
I remember the thread about the "Slow" signs.

I remember alot of people, including myself, being pretty angry or pissed off that these signs were getting close to the middle of the road or being left there overnight.

I remember thinking how it'd be super easy to just take one and throw it in the trash, but then I also remembered that sometimes people just want their kids to be safe and it's easier to be a decent human being since we're all living in the same block.

I didn't want to let my ego get in the way so I just let it go instead of being salty. Now I don't even feel the need to go talk to them.

#growthbitches :rofl:

I will say that I used to have a loud exhaust and people tend to equate loudness with speed. And if it's not the speed that's the problem, then the loudness becomes an issue.

08-19-2019, 04:09 PM
What are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to change other random people? That would just lead to a life of frustration.

It's a much more noble goal to try to get through life in as harmonious a way as possible, especially if there is no/little cost to you. The "I'm going to show them" type attitude is almost universal in this thread. That attitude can sometimes be beneficial, I guess, if you use it to focus on productive things long term. It's not so useful when handling neighborhood disputes, or traffic incidents. (Ask jabjab). Better advice would be to suggest that we carefully choose the hillsides we want to die on. Upshifting to a quieter gear and taking even another 5km off your speed costs you almost nothing. But in the eyes of your neighbors, you're a "good guy" instead of an "asshole". That's a pretty cheap and asymmetric return on basically zero effort. And yes, it is beneficial to have people like you instead of dislike you, even if those people are annoying or wrong.

I agree with you, which is why I think either you're misunderstanding me or I am not explaining myself well. This is exactly why instead of annoying the entire neighborhood with signs and other 'enforcer' nonsense, I take the kids to a playground or to the back yard. I don't want the entire neighborhood to hate me. That is way too much effort for something that such a tiny percentage of people are going to 'obey', and most people just see it as a reason to continue doing it even worse (not saying that' the right response, but it's reality), which makes it LESS safe for the kids. Again, if the 'enforcers' had their kids' safety in mind, they wouldn't keep doing things that attracted the exact opposite type of behavior from drivers by.

My point is that the parents doing this do not have their kids' safety in mind, they do it because it makes them feel powerful or for the neighborhood Facebook group circle jerk or who knows what other reasons. If they want to throw out one of those ridiculous signs as a replacement for their parenting skills, they do not have their kids' best interest in mind. There are ways to all but guarantee their kids' safety, but they choose not to do a laundry list of very reasonable things that would do just that, and instead go about yelling at everyone who drives by faster than their arbitrary speed preference for that particular day. If you want people to dislike you, that is a great way to go about it. If you have a problem with the law, YOU should be the one making the changes, not forcing your will upon EVERYONE else who drives down a public street within the speed limits. I agree with the "high road" approach, and the best place to start is with the 'enforcers' because you are never going to control every driver that drives by.

08-19-2019, 04:16 PM
We had someone yell at my wife at the lake a few weeks ago for speeding. She was going all of 25, in a 25 zone. Old bat sitting in her driveway staring at the gravel road. It was lakefront too and that was the view she chose to sit at lol.

Some morons are never happy.

That being said, I think this thread is evidence enough of how pissing off your neighbours can make your life difficult so it’s generally worth it to be minimally accommodating as stupid as that sounds. Too many soccer moms in Calgary with way too much free time on their hands. I just feel bad for their whipped soy boy husbands who go along with it...

08-19-2019, 04:22 PM
"Drives too fast", "Loud Car = driving fast", "Intentionally revs like a maniac anytime he drives in front of our house now - this is accurate".

I'm not implying I don't retaliate (calling bylaw, intentionally being loud now in front of their house, driving on the side closest to their houses when I have to drive "around" their middle of the street signage)

Why would you antagonise them? makes 0 sense. try deescalating. works wonders.

08-19-2019, 04:23 PM
I have aftermarket exhausts on most of my vehicles and I ALWAYS keep the revs down in my neighbourhood area.

One neighbour however, has a project car (1970s muscle car) in his garage that he fires up regularly on Friday nights at 11pm and loves to rev the piss out of a cold engine and, what sounds like, straight pipes.

08-19-2019, 04:25 PM
I agree with you, which is why I think either you're misunderstanding me or I am not explaining myself well. This is exactly why instead of annoying the entire neighborhood with signs and other 'enforcer' nonsense, I take the kids to a playground or to the back yard. I don't want the entire neighborhood to hate me. That is way too much effort for something that such a tiny percentage of people are going to 'obey', and most people just see it as a reason to continue doing it even worse (not saying that' the right response, but it's reality), which makes it LESS safe for the kids. Again, if the 'enforcers' had their kids' safety in mind, they wouldn't keep doing things that attracted the exact opposite type of behavior from drivers by.

My point is that the parents doing this do not have their kids' safety in mind, they do it because it makes them feel powerful or for the neighborhood Facebook group circle jerk or who knows what other reasons. If they want to throw out one of those ridiculous signs as a replacement for their parenting skills, they do not have their kids' best interest in mind. There are ways to all but guarantee their kids' safety, but they choose not to do a laundry list of very reasonable things that would do just that, and instead go about yelling at everyone who drives by faster than their arbitrary speed preference for that particular day. If you want people to dislike you, that is a great way to go about it. If you have a problem with the law, YOU should be the one making the changes, not forcing your will upon EVERYONE else who drives down a public street within the speed limits. I agree with the "high road" approach, and the best place to start is with the 'enforcers' because you are never going to control every driver that drives by.

No, I think we are understanding each other.

You're just focused on things you can't control, and I am focusing on things that you can control (ie your own attitude and behaviour).

08-19-2019, 04:35 PM
No, I think we are understanding each other.

You're just focused on things you can't control, and I am focusing on things that you can control (ie your own attitude and behaviour).

Well I am confused then. Are you saying people can't control where their kids play? Or are you saying it's easier to attempt to control EVERYONE who drives by your house rather than change your own habits with the added benefit of your kids' safety? Or that it's acceptable behavior to try and enforce the entire neighborhood?

I am saying take the high road - you will never be able to control every driver that drives by, so instead of wasting all your time yelling at people and buying signs and making enemies out of nearly every single person who drives by, take your kids to the park or something. Those are all things very much in people's control - laws and speed limits are not something people can control, nor is it their job to. If you don't like the laws, rather than try make your own, maybe change your behavior such that it doesn't inconvenience the masses.

08-19-2019, 04:38 PM
I have aftermarket exhausts on most of my vehicles and I ALWAYS keep the revs down in my neighbourhood area.

One neighbour however, has a project car (1970s muscle car) in his garage that he fires up regularly on Friday nights at 11pm and loves to rev the piss out of a cold engine and, what sounds like, straight pipes.

All the straight piped vettes on our street get a free pass from the local circle jerk facebook group. Any ricer kid is doomed to get harassed... guaranteed.

I also take the highroad to avoid my entire street hating me... low rpm's, no downshifting, way under the speed limit. But if I started getting harassed (after doing all that) I dont think I would take it very kindly.

08-19-2019, 04:39 PM
I still have no idea how people can be annoyed by those signs. Anytime someone wants to alert me to a hazard on or near the roads I am all for it. I couldn't imagine hitting some poor kid.

08-19-2019, 04:43 PM
I still have no idea how people can be annoyed by those signs. Anytime someone wants to alert me to a hazard on or near the roads I am all for it. I couldn't imagine hitting some poor kid.

If you've ever been to Auburn Bay, some people put them literally in the middle of the road and around blind corners, so you end up slamming on the brakes unexpectedly when you see the sign (unsafe), or you end up having to drive through a small obstacle course just to get through a neighborhood. If you're driving through a neighborhood, the easiest thing to do is just always assume kids are around and drive accordingly. If people are worried about hitting these signs everywhere, they can't be focusing 100% on watching out for kids.

I couldn't care less if you want to put a sign on your lawn where it's still highly visible (they are usually neon high-vis color) but what most people have a problem with is having them out in the middle of the street. The street is not a playground for kids.

08-19-2019, 04:58 PM
Well I am confused then. Are you saying people can't control where their kids play? Or are you saying it's easier to attempt to control EVERYONE who drives by your house rather than change your own habits with the added benefit of your kids' safety? Or that it's acceptable behavior to try and enforce the entire neighborhood?

I am saying take the high road - you will never be able to control every driver that drives by, so instead of wasting all your time yelling at people and buying signs and making enemies out of nearly every single person who drives by, take your kids to the park or something. Those are all things very much in people's control - laws and speed limits are not something people can control, nor is it their job to. If you don't like the laws, rather than try make your own, maybe change your behavior such that it doesn't inconvenience the masses.

You're still focusing on giving advice to the parents who are doing this. You can't control those people. You're identifying what OTHER people can do to improve their behaviour. The OP can only control what he does.

08-19-2019, 05:14 PM
Great timing on this thread, I got honked and yelled to slow down in a playground zone while cruise control was set to 30 yesterday. I've completely given up. Cunty bitches will be cunty bitches, can't change a Karen.

I like BavarianBeast approach, and practice it myself. You'll never win, might as well play their fucking game. I always make it a point to drive in the lowest gear, exhaust flaps open, and at the speed limit by every single house with a "children playing slow down" sign. I mean if they're too lazy to parent, I'm too lazy to pay attention, so the loud exhaust farts should get the kids attention and back the fuck off. Laziness goes both ways.

It's funny, I have neighbours that have way louder cars and bikes than me. Few houses down lives an R8 V10 that's pretty loud at night. My kids learnt to sleep over noise, now they can sleep through anything. I don't know why you'd want peace and quiet with young kids, totally counterintuitive.

08-19-2019, 05:38 PM
The obvious solution is to chain each of your right hand wrists with six feet of slack, and then drop a knife in the middle.


08-19-2019, 05:44 PM
You guys should move to my hood. Loud exhausts 'round here get you blown. By me though.

08-19-2019, 06:13 PM
You're still focusing on giving advice to the parents who are doing this. You can't control those people. You're identifying what OTHER people can do to improve their behaviour. The OP can only control what he does.

When I'm feeling centered, this is the approach I advocate. Controlling other people's actions is insane. Controlling your response to thier actions is more likely to improve your life.

08-19-2019, 06:37 PM
This is why I cant stand driving in communities like Aurburn Bay or Cranston for eg. Its SO dense that everyone can see and hear everything from 5 houses down. Cars parked with just barely enough room to squeeze a road in.

So glad we chose an older area (older homes that needed help). We could have lived in these house farms if we chose to, but chose not to because of this.

08-19-2019, 07:11 PM
I'm not familiar with the "Karen" reference but I'm pretty confident it's the "I'd like to speak to the manager" haircut lady.


08-20-2019, 09:24 AM
I don't think my neighborhood is any different but the folks who put up a sign near the entrance to our Circle live right on the corner. I think everyone's got a right to play in front of their house but let's face it, kids do silly things and dangerous things. It's up to both the parents to educate on safety but also for motorists to be vigilant especially if you know what's in the area. I think we all know that in this thread.

These parents are often out in front of their house watching their kids too so they're not using the sign as an alternative to parenting; it's just another tool for them albeit annoying for me when they put it out too far. They also park their truck where it becomes a blind spot, unfortunately. They play mostly in the red zone but also with kids from the house across the street and for the most part they seem mindful about traffic.

There seems to be enough give and take so the sign doesn't bother me now. I know what's around the corner everyday. I just give them a wave when I drive past with the understanding that I see their kids playing daily and all parties are happy.


I consider myself lucky haha. Couldn't imagine living in an area with some of your NIMBY-Karens :rofl:

08-20-2019, 09:26 AM
I got yelled at in evergreen driving my jeep. Doing under 30 in a 50 zone.

08-20-2019, 09:42 AM
did they yell "Hey look! It's a dude driving a jeep!"

08-20-2019, 09:45 AM
I yell at people when they drive by on my street...makes me feel important. But no one ever drives by...so I don't ever get to feel important. :(

08-20-2019, 10:11 AM
On the topic of loud vehicles, my car is extremely loud (can be heard from 2.5km away uncorked) and I’ve never had my neighbours complain. I did however have a cop yell at me for doing 40km/h down 5th ave last summer when diamondedge was doing 60km/h in front of me...

08-20-2019, 10:11 AM
I got yelled at in evergreen driving my jeep. Doing under 30 in a 50 zone.

That's just because you're really, really ugly.

08-20-2019, 10:19 AM
haha i always glare at people if i feel like they're driving too fast on my road, it's not like it really goes anywhere so no need..

My car was reallllllly loud so i would always just idle down my alley as quietly as i could... now it doesn't have an engine so everyone probably likes me better.

08-20-2019, 10:30 AM
I'm glad I don't have a loud vehicle anymore. My ailing ears cannot handle cabin drone or the noise anymore, really. Haha.

Prior to selling my vehicle, I went back to a stock exhaust and it was like I had gone deaf, it was so quiet.

08-20-2019, 10:42 AM
Its interesting how different people react to different noises.

To me, I cannot stand fart cans where it makes the car sounds like a pissed off bee. Raspy and annoying.

To me, its all about the bass - all my (former) bikes and cars have had exhausts modded for this. I also carry some of the biggest subs around.

However, bass travels more so other people might feel the opposite?

08-20-2019, 10:47 AM
Dashcam. Once you get some video of them doing really stupid/unsafe things, like pulling in front of you etc. post it up on social media.
Extra points if there's a Facebook group for your neighbourhood, and you post it there.

08-20-2019, 10:48 AM
Sleep with their wives and video tape it. Bonus points if you can get all together at the same time. Post on the internet and make a few bucks

08-20-2019, 10:51 AM
Dashcam. Once you get some video of them doing really stupid/unsafe things, like pulling in front of you etc. post it up on social media.
Extra points if there's a Facebook group for your neighbourhood, and you post it there.

hah, they are the neighborhood. They the only ones that go to community events and always center of attention from what I understand (I know the developer rep who feeds me information). I'm the "Asian punk with an Audi".

Instead of downshifting yesterday at 11pm while they having a sit on the driveway and watch the community party I drove extra slow as per everyone's advice. I got 6 stares and 12 fingers. LOL.

08-20-2019, 10:53 AM
hah, they are the neighborhood. They the only ones that go to community events and always center of attention from what I understand (I know the developer rep who feeds me information). I'm the "Asian punk with an Audi".

Instead of downshifting yesterday at 11pm while they having a sit on the driveway and watch the community party I drove extra slow as per everyone's advice. I got 6 stares and 12 fingers. LOL.

Obviously still too fast, get out and push your car next time.

08-20-2019, 10:54 AM
Obviously still too fast, get out and push your car next time.

lolololol, could you imagine

08-20-2019, 10:55 AM
I live on a small circle and constantly there are kids running from behind parked cars, chasing toys, riding their bikes right off the sidewalks between two cars into the road. Almost hit a kid once doing 15km/h foot on the brake anticipating the kid had no idea I was coming, I slammed on the brake he swerved on the bike ate shit and the parent yelled at me.

It's pretty fucking simple, I don't drive on the sidewalk, so don't play on the road.

08-20-2019, 11:09 AM
Threaten to retaliate by calling child services and saying the adults are putting their kids in harm's way?

Next thing you know...


08-20-2019, 11:09 AM
Instead of downshifting yesterday at 11pm while they having a sit on the driveway and watch the community party I drove extra slow as per everyone's advice. I got 6 stares and 12 fingers. LOL.

Guarantee this wouldn't be the reaction from them if you just took the high road (ha) from the beginning.

08-20-2019, 11:12 AM
Guarantee this wouldn't be the reaction from them if you just took the high road (ha) from the beginning.

I guess we'll never know!

08-20-2019, 11:12 AM
I'm the "Asian punk with an Audi".

May buddies wife was checking you out.

08-20-2019, 11:26 AM

Alrighty... let me get my cam

08-20-2019, 11:32 AM
Guy down the road has an GT350, seems every time he goes by he's got the thing in 1st gear and that flat plane V8 is just singing, no speeding, just noisy as hell. I love it, but the Wife and Ned Flanders next door have other opinions.

Now the other guy down the road with the loud as fuck Harley bothers me. Thing sounds like shit imo lol.

08-20-2019, 11:33 AM
Just cruise by at like 10 kph in neutral while bouncing off the rev limiter.

your excuse, they are worried about their kids, so am I, so I make sure they can hear me coming and clear off the road.... :dunno:

08-20-2019, 11:52 AM
I live on a small circle and constantly there are kids running from behind parked cars, chasing toys, riding their bikes right off the sidewalks between two cars into the road. Almost hit a kid once doing 15km/h foot on the brake anticipating the kid had no idea I was coming, I slammed on the brake he swerved on the bike ate shit and the parent yelled at me.

It's pretty fucking simple, I don't drive on the sidewalk, so don't play on the road.

I don't know what is wrong with parents nowadays? We played in the street all the time when I was a kid, and never even had any close calls. Because our parents taught us to be respectful of our surroundings. We keep our eyes peeled, and if someone yells "car", we all get the fuck off the road. Now I see kids with no regard for their own self preservation, let alone any awareness that they are even on a street meant for cars. However it does tend to be one particular demographic of children that do this. It's like their parents just figure if they lose one they can make another, so let them figure life out on their own.

08-20-2019, 11:56 AM
Alrighty... let me get my cam
webcam stream. good way to make money to buy your own slow-down signs.

08-20-2019, 01:02 PM
Well it was funny, they dropped the note off anonymously but I have ring doorbell + cameras and knew who it was right away.

It's been hilarious, they are sure embarrassed after I told them to come talk to me in person when they are adults one day. I just blow kisses at them and you can tell they want to end their lives. Good fun.

This is satisfying.

08-20-2019, 01:07 PM
The sign is in the middle of the street? I'd run that shit over.

In fact, there's an address in the photo, I'm going to go there tonight and do it.

08-20-2019, 01:11 PM
go to an Asian butcher and ask for a pigs head and hpoeuflly a fresh one with lots of blood. Leave that on their door step at night and ring the door bell. Wear a horse mask or the mask from the purge in case there are cameras near by. Heck even better if there are cameras near by so they see the creepy mask you're wearing. Have a note in the pigs mouth.

They should F right off .

08-20-2019, 01:34 PM
Set up some 'Speed up' signs and then sit in your driveway watching them in Borat mankini. The high road is too far in the rear view mirror at this point.

08-20-2019, 01:36 PM
Hit sign, file police report and take them to court for detailing costs...


08-20-2019, 01:43 PM
The sign is in the middle of the street? I'd run that shit over.

In fact, there's an address in the photo, I'm going to go there tonight and do it.

Behold, my MS Paint skills :rofl:

Yup, it's not scaled quite correctly but since those guys parked their huge truck right before the corner, it hides the Slow sign and they need to put it out more.

I would say it's around 1m off the sidewalk, sometimes more which is when I'm really tempted to run it over haha. I have to make the occasional wide turn to avoid it.

It's a water cooler topic when I chat with my neighbors but none of us have actually bothered to call 311.

08-20-2019, 01:47 PM
The classy thing to do would be to pee on any of the signs that neighbors put up.

08-20-2019, 02:16 PM
The classy thing to do would be to pee on any of the signs that neighbors put up.

If you piss on it, you own it, that's a fact.

08-20-2019, 04:14 PM
go to an Asian butcher and ask for a pigs head and hpoeuflly a fresh one with lots of blood. Leave that on their door step at night and ring the door bell. Wear a horse mask or the mask from the purge in case there are cameras near by. Heck even better if there are cameras near by so they see the creepy mask you're wearing. Have a note in the pigs mouth.

They should F right off .

Or challenge them to a wrasslun match at the local mma gym

08-20-2019, 08:38 PM
That's just because you're really, really ugly.

But I had sparkly lip balm?

The borla exhaust is loud and rumbly, I was coasting towards my turn, and a couple on the sidewalk were yelling to slow down... People equate vehicle noise with speed, if a Ferrari went by in first gear, they would be phoning the police about someone doing 200 km/h on their street.

08-20-2019, 09:12 PM
Take about 2GB of dick pics and send to ToiletX.
Assume he'll send them to your neighbours.

08-20-2019, 11:15 PM
Take about 2GB of dick pics and send to ToiletX.
Assume he'll send them to your neighbours.

What would anyone reasonably be able to do with a picture of only half my dick?