View Full Version : Do you believe in bad luck streak?

09-09-2019, 10:12 PM
Curious to see if other beyonders believe or have experienced a bad luck streak.
Was reflecting on what happened to me over the weekend
1. flat tire in Waterton and nearest town with right tire size was Fort Macleod
2. Food poisoning from shellfish
3. Water leaking between our driveway and sidewalk, City of Calgary came by to inspect and turned off the water in our house

Last bad streak that I got was 3 years ago, again on a September, where in less than 24hours I got 2 tickets and a nice 1.5” rock chipped our windshield.

I guess I better not do anything on September 2022

09-09-2019, 10:26 PM
yes, its called the 'when it rains, it pours' effect ..... however I have found that I can control the amount of 'bad luck' (ie. things out of your control) with an attitude change. Law of attraction is real.

Dont ask me to explain how it works.

09-09-2019, 10:26 PM

09-09-2019, 10:39 PM
It’s your density.

09-09-2019, 11:09 PM
2 month straight losing tap roulette. Shit got real.


09-09-2019, 11:15 PM
2 month straight losing tap roulette. Shit got real.


The server will always pick the titanium card

09-09-2019, 11:27 PM
I call it life variance, sometimes you run good, sometimes you run bad at life.

I've really learned to ignore it 99% of the time, I mean life variance happens and I've learned to just go about it normally.

This is one of the hardest things to do with Poker for people, forget about the "Good Luck Streaks" or "Bad Luck Streaks"

Basically if the things that happen aren't in your control forget about it!

The human mind remembers the things it only wants, have you ever had an encounter you came close to an accident or a serious injury death? Most likely but you forgot about how lucky you got in that situation.

EX:flat tire in Waterton and nearest town with right tire size was Fort Macleod - Was the tire flat because of your own stupidity? If not you forget about it, you can blame yourself if it was your fault.
Food poisoning from shellfish - clearly not your fault.[b]
Water leaking between our driveway and sidewalk, City of Calgary came by to inspect and turned off the water in our house - [b]was the water leaking because of a mistake you made? Did you need to call the city of Calgary to have them come?

If your car gets stolen is it bad luck? Yes
If your car gets stolen because it was turned on and open? No.

2 month straight losing tap roulette. Shit got real.


Haha when I lived in Budapest we used to tap Roulette or CCR for expensive dinners (10-15 of us) around $1,000usd each time, and we also had a "nit tax" that if you didn't want to play you had to pay your bill + 20%

The fun thing was that the "Nit tax" didn't actually go to the winner, it went to the person that came 2nd last and ALMOST paid for dinner.

I never had to pay for any of the 15-20 dinners and got the "Nit tax" once, it's just life variance, if I had to pay once I'd remember the other times I didn't have to pay I wouldn't feel I ran lucky.

09-09-2019, 11:32 PM

09-10-2019, 05:40 AM
Well, statistically, any unrelated random events will have a "lumpy" distribution, not an even one.

Also, our brains are designed to detect patterns, even when they may not exist, it's an important part of our evolution.

And also, yes.

09-10-2019, 07:05 AM
2 month straight losing tap roulette. Shit got real.

How does this one work? Toss all the cards in a hat and hold it over the machine? What are y'all tap limits?

09-10-2019, 07:38 AM
How does this one work? Toss all the cards in a hat and hold it over the machine? What are y'all tap limits?
That’s for peasants. There’s a tap roulette app for iPhones. No limit. Only rules are you can’t order more after, and everyone thanks the loser. Manners maketh man.

09-10-2019, 07:48 AM
That’s for peasants. There’s a tap roulette app for iPhones. No limit. Only rules are you can’t order more after, and everyone thanks the loser. Manners maketh man.

Us Android folk are missing out.

09-10-2019, 08:52 AM
It’s your density.

One of my favourites growing up. I guess no one else liked it as much lol.

09-10-2019, 09:44 AM
Felt like August was a bad streak for me, my visa bill was larger than it’s been in many years paying to fix stuff unexpectedly. Near the end of the month I just decided to stop stressing and it’s been all good since.

09-10-2019, 09:53 AM
Shit happens, it's your attitude that matters when it does.

09-10-2019, 10:00 AM
yes, its called the 'when it rains, it pours' effect ..... however I have found that I can control the amount of 'bad luck' (ie. things out of your control) with an attitude change. Law of attraction is real.

Dont ask me to explain how it works.

I'm a very passive guy and these bad lucks doesn't affect me unless they come in succession. but yeah I believe in law of attraction as well.

2 month straight losing tap roulette. Shit got real.


how do we sign up on this :rofl:

I call it life variance, sometimes you run good, sometimes you run bad at life.
I've really learned to ignore it 99% of the time, I mean life variance happens and I've learned to just go about it normally.

This is one of the hardest things to do with Poker for people, forget about the "Good Luck Streaks" or "Bad Luck Streaks"

Basically if the things that happen aren't in your control forget about it!

The human mind remembers the things it only wants, have you ever had an encounter you came close to an accident or a serious injury death? Most likely but you forgot about how lucky you got in that situation.

EX:flat tire in Waterton and nearest town with right tire size was Fort Macleod - Was the tire flat because of your own stupidity? If not you forget about it, you can blame yourself if it was your fault.
Food poisoning from shellfish - clearly not your fault.[b]
Water leaking between our driveway and sidewalk, City of Calgary came by to inspect and turned off the water in our house - [b]was the water leaking because of a mistake you made? Did you need to call the city of Calgary to have them come?

I checked the tire before leaving Glacier NP to Waterton and it was fine, after crossing the border, I stopped on the side of the road to wait for my parents car and when I started moving I immediately felt the driving to be extra bumpy. It could have been the rough roads to Swiftcurrent and even Hwy 17 that cause the tire to slowly deflate. No puncture though.

Regarding the water leak, nothing to do on our side as our water gauge does not move all when no one is using the water so clearly the leak is happening on the city side between our driveway and sidewalk. Service guy came this morning and opened the water to our house again but they will be checking again maybe once it's dry again to observe the leak.

It’s your density.
LOL At first I was confused so had to google this, I guess a BTTF reference?

09-10-2019, 10:14 AM
Felt like August was a bad streak for me, my visa bill was larger than it’s been in many years paying to fix stuff unexpectedly. Near the end of the month I just decided to stop stressing and it’s been all good since.

Shit happens, it's your attitude that matters when it does.

You guys will win at life. I found this to be true years ago.

I used to maintain a constant negative attitude (decades ago) in the mindset of 'if something bad happens, it was already expected, so no big deal" - and it worked very well as I went through so much shit that no one else in my circle of people did and they always commented on my constant ' bad luck'.

09-10-2019, 10:26 AM
I don't believe in it personally - it's literally impossible for there to be any kind of magical external force or whatever that makes bad things happen in groups or threes or whatever. Pure superstition. I think some people have a tendency to dwell on their issues and turn non-problems into more problems when things aren't going their way. It's all about your attitude towards problems and how you deal with problems as they come, at least in my experience. You can choose to sweat it and dwell on it or you can move on - negativity is toxic. If lots of bad things happen to you in a row, it's either pure coincidence, or (unknowingly) there may have been other events that increased the chances of further bad events. Statistically speaking, there will be times in your life where problems seem more concentrated than others - it's nothing more than that IMO. Most of us are also really lucky, all things considered, so it's important to take a step back and look at that sometimes too - things could be so much worse. Most of our day-to-day problems are pretty small in the grand scheme of things.

09-10-2019, 10:31 AM
Us Android folk are missing out.

Chwazi is a similar app thats on Android.

09-10-2019, 10:34 AM
It’s your density.

One of my favourites growing up. I guess no one else liked it as much lol.


09-10-2019, 11:02 AM


They shouldn’t be on top of a shelve though. Mantle pieces.

09-10-2019, 11:10 AM
I thought the thread said bad luck steak. Im bloody hungry now.

I don’t see it as bad luck. More of a set of variables expiring at the same time.

I’l give a example. When I help clients plan stuff financially. Certain things will happen. Its not a matter of IF, but WHEN.
It can be seen as bad luck if some of those variables expire at the same time, eg, car breaking down/dying, being laid off, eating bad food and getting the shits etc.

When they do happen, how hard do you hit that bump in the road…?

Or can you make decisions that may avoid some of the events? Or can some decisions be made that help space out the events..?

I personally feel the human mind at a subconscious level is always trying to make sense of things. If it can’t it creates a big problem. The processing loop must be closed.
So if a series of events happen, calling it a bad luck streak (or steak! God im so hungry!) gives the mind a tool to close that loop.

09-10-2019, 11:29 AM
Got rear ended hit and run while parking on the street at work in my new car

Passed a photo radar truck hiding on bridge (no ticket in the mail ever came. Success)

Grandpa passed away

Dog got diagnosed with Diabetes

But then all my bad luck ended when I took my dog for a walk in my community. Took a different route this time, and along the route, saw something shimmering in the grass. It was a $5 bill :) Good luck bill

09-10-2019, 01:52 PM

They shouldn’t be on top of a shelve though. Mantle pieces.

Straight to the Pool Room!


09-10-2019, 02:01 PM

09-10-2019, 02:40 PM
My record is two speeding tickets, a parking ticket (plus a tow) And an illegal turn all within 36 hours.

09-10-2019, 02:47 PM
My record is two speeding tickets, a parking ticket (plus a tow) And an illegal turn all within 36 hours.

Hide yo kids! Hide yo wives!

09-10-2019, 02:50 PM
That was when I was a university student too. Couldn't afford one ticket let alone 4!

09-10-2019, 03:36 PM
One of my in-laws was up in Edmonton to buy a vehicle, couldn't find the place so was driving around the block looking for the address - got nailed 3 separate times by the same photo radar van, 3 tickets in the mail.

09-10-2019, 05:25 PM
My record is two speeding tickets, a parking ticket (plus a tow) And an illegal turn all within 36 hours.

This isn't bad luck it's your fault for breaking the law and getting caught thought.

over and over, you can get angry at yourself for this not "bad luck"

Not saying I haven't ever going faster, or done anything illegal but i wouldn't consider it "bad luck" if i got busted, it's my own fault.

09-10-2019, 05:44 PM
This isn't bad luck it's your fault for breaking the law and getting caught thought.

over and over, you can get angry at yourself for this not "bad luck"

Not saying I haven't ever going faster, or done anything illegal but i wouldn't consider it "bad luck" if i got busted, it's my own fault.

Well, yes, the tickets themselves aren't bad luck but the clustering of the events was certainly noteworthy, and that's what most people would consider "luck".