View Full Version : 13 foot Shark bitten.

10-19-2019, 10:32 AM

Completely random news, but worth a mention in my book. This is why coastal areas scare me.

10-19-2019, 11:11 AM
When my wife and I were in South Africa on a great white tour, we encountered an estimated 16’ female shark.
The two marine biologists on the boat were freaking out saying it’s the biggest animal they have encountered in the area.

Just a massive, massive animal. It was very cool.

10-21-2019, 10:24 AM
13ft is not that big for a GW. It probably just got bit by a bigger one (largest get around 20ft). They are "sub adults" by around 12ft. The article says it could have only been 1ft larger haha, which really doesn't seem that newsworthy. It was also a male, and female GW's are generally bigger to begin with.