View Full Version : 39 found dead in truck Essex.

10-23-2019, 06:16 AM

They say mass shootings and loud gun violence are a problem in the USA. But some say that the UK is just quieter about it.

10-24-2019, 09:06 AM

10-24-2019, 04:00 PM
Not enough information to make assumptions about anything really. Could have been illegals, could be yet another false flag too (China would tend to say false flag if not full censor) Could have been a white guy just raiding the morgue for some chilled body parts, it happens more typically that way when chilled bodies are found going into China. Both sad stories, but either high on the probability list.

10-24-2019, 04:37 PM

10-25-2019, 08:49 AM
Yeah no, it wasn't that, all signs point to migrants and human trafficking and they were identified quickly as Chinese nationals.

Nope. Chinese say that's to be determined.

Chinese gov is already disowning them because it go against their narrative that China is greatest and Xi is awesome.

They are dispatching their own investigators to tell UK cops that they don't know who these people are and possibility they never hold any Chinese passports.

It's funny hearing the spin from the foreign ministry: "Regardless of what nationality of the deceased, this is a tragedy." If any country can identity people quickly based on facial recognition alone, it's China.

10-25-2019, 09:18 AM
"Those aren't Chinese, they're Korean. Can't you tell the difference gwailo?"

10-25-2019, 10:25 AM
I'm going to say, if you are Asian you can kind of tell. Its only the white people who say Asians look all the same. Heck, white people have difficulty telling a suntanned Asian and a Native Canadian apart, as personally verified by lifelong experience.

British people swear that they can tell which city you came from just by the way you drink tea, and I believe them.

That being said: If it was immigration: I can imagine that they turned on the cold to bypass any infrared sensors at the border crossings. It would be crazy tragic if the driver was detained at the border and was not able to turn the heat back on, or even more tragic if they "fixed" a refrigeration issue that was intentionally left disabled for obvious reasons, in which case - you could probably put a small amount of blame on the border policies.

10-25-2019, 12:35 PM
I'm going to say, if you are Asian you can kind of tell. Its only the white people who say Asians look all the same. Heck, white people have difficulty telling a suntanned Asian and a Native Canadian apart, as personally verified by lifelong experience.

With popularity of cosmetic surgery tourism to South Korea, a lot of northern Chinese chicks looks like Koreans now. :D

10-25-2019, 06:06 PM

At least one girl can be confirmed as Vietnamese.

10-26-2019, 05:59 AM
If they end up being mostly from Vietnam, I'm going to at least partially blame McCain - as I'm pretty sure they are continuing to tally while he is sitting in hell.

10-28-2019, 01:50 AM
Nope. Chinese say that's to be determined.

Chinese gov is already disowning them because it go against their narrative that China is greatest and Xi is awesome.

They are dispatching their own investigators to tell UK cops that they don't know who these people are and possibility they never hold any Chinese passports.

It's funny hearing the spin from the foreign ministry: "Regardless of what nationality of the deceased, this is a tragedy." If any country can identity people quickly based on facial recognition alone, it's China.

Chinese gov was disowning them because the victims identities were yet to be confirmed. (victims end up mostly being Vietnamese)

"Regardless of what nationality of the deceased, this is a tragedy." nothing wrong with the reply from the foreign ministry, but what was that assumption when the question was asked? It was indeed an inappropriate question to ask anyways.

again, professional journalism is missing.

10-28-2019, 06:35 AM
Maybe the biggest mistake here was from whomever assumed they were from China and released that statement, certainly they could of just released a statement that 39 people had died inside of that container, further details to follow?