View Full Version : Great video produced by Birchcliff Energy & Tourmaline Oil

11-25-2019, 09:25 PM

News article


11-25-2019, 10:06 PM
Looks good.
Certainly 999x better than Shell's recent horse shit campaign about how they're so "committed to staying in Canada" hoping we'd forget they sold Jackpine/Albian and the Scotford Upgrader along with however many other assets.

11-26-2019, 02:15 AM
Lol, that's some classic propaganda there.

Goering would be proud.

11-26-2019, 08:00 AM
Was that violin with brass? YouTube is going to push that right to the bottom as patriotic music. Just sayin.

11-26-2019, 09:38 AM
Lol, that's some classic propaganda there.

Goering would be proud.

How is it Propaganda?

It’s factual

11-26-2019, 09:47 AM
How is it Propaganda?

It’s factual

Everything is propaganda ONLY if it doesn't fit his personal pigeon-holed narratives. Don't waste your time, someone that intelligent has never lost an argument. Should probably run for Premier, we'd be right as rain in 5 years and everyone would live in a glorious utopia.

11-26-2019, 09:53 AM
How is it Propaganda?

It’s factual

No, it isn't. It's propaganda. Foreign funded radical trying to landlock our oil! Haha

Yeah, Bill and Melinda Gates give to lots of charities, including environmental ones. The horror and evil, wanting a cleaner world and all that.

Are your kids in Nazi youth camps? I have been watching 'The Man in the High Castle" lol. Your video looks like it was taken straight from that show. :Rofl:

11-26-2019, 09:55 AM
Everything is propaganda ONLY if it doesn't fit his personal pigeon-holed narratives. Don't waste your time, someone that intelligent has never lost an argument. Should probably run for Premier, we'd be right as rain in 5 years and everyone would live in a glorious utopia.

If by glorious utopia you mean a literal landfill then I agree lol

11-26-2019, 09:58 AM
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Was that violin with brass? YouTube is going to push that right to the bottom as patriotic music. Just sayin.
Wanting a clean environment is unpatriotic. That's why they played that aweseome music. To stir feelings of nationalism and instil a deep hate for our enemies, those people that want clean air!

Alberta oil is 1.5x as carbon intensive to extract as the North American Average and. Fifth dirtiest in the world, along the lines of Venezuala and Camaroon. That's the unemotional fact.

But it's ethical! Right, we'll trade with Saudi Arabia to the tune of 1.5 billion $ a year, sell them our wheat board, 10 billion $ in weapons. But our dirtier oil is somehow more ethical.

11-26-2019, 10:00 AM
Wanting a clean environment is unpatriotic. That's why they played that aweseome music. To stir feelings of nationalism and instil a deep hate for our enemies, those people that want clean air!

Alberta oil is twice as carbon intensive to extract as the North American Average and. Fifth dirtiest in the world, along the lines of Venezuala. That's the unemotional fact.

But it's ethical! Right, we'll trade with Saudi Arabia to the tune of 1.5 billion $ a year, sell them 10 billion $ in weapons. But our dirtier oil is somehow more ethical.

You really need to get your head out of your ass.

Seriously you sound like someone who lives in their parents basement with a tinfoil hat.

Your signature screams hypocrite.

11-26-2019, 10:01 AM
You really need to get your head out of your ass.

Seriously you sound like someone who lives in their parents basement with a tinfoil hat.

Your signature screams hypocrite.

Facts. Versus your propaganda.

Are you denying we sell and buy from Saudi? TRADE? Neither country wants a trade deficit, so it is defacto a 2 way arrangement

Are you denying we sell them military hardware?

Are you denying we sold them half of our wheat board?

Are you denying extracting our oil is 1.5x more carbon intensive than the North American production average ?

What exactly are you trying to lie about?

11-26-2019, 10:05 AM
You really need to get your head out of your ass.

Seriously you sound like someone who lives in their parents basement with a tinfoil hat.

Your signature screams hypocrite.


11-26-2019, 10:06 AM
^ That quote sounds oddly familiar...

11-26-2019, 10:06 AM
Facts. Versus your propaganda.

Says the guy burning his race gas powered GTR down the race track.

Fucking hypocrite.

Do some reading


11-26-2019, 10:07 AM
^ That quote sounds oddly familiar...


11-26-2019, 10:09 AM

How about anyone with integrity anwer the questions?

Oh that's right. Blind patriotic vitriol overides ethics and morality.

Instead, we'll play the hypocrite card for his Cobra and GTR :rofl:

11-26-2019, 10:13 AM
Says the guy burning his race gas powered GTR down the race track.

Fucking hypocrite.

Do some reading


Lol. Propaganda straight from the ministry :rofl:

I've been in the ministry a long time. I was an auditor, now I just rubber stamp stuff. Well until I go solely with Skanska in Seattle in February.

11-26-2019, 10:15 AM
How about anyone with integrity anwer the questions?

Oh that's right. Blind patriotic vitriol overides ethics and morality.

Instead, we'll play the hypocrite card for his Cobra and GTR :rofl:


- - - Updated - - -

Lol. Propaganda straight from the ministry :rofl:

I've been in the ministry a long time. I was an auditor, now I just rubber stamp stuff. Well until I go solely with Skanska in Seattle in February.

I hope you are enjoying your warm house right now, snow is falling.

How do you heat your home?

11-26-2019, 10:22 AM

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I hope you are enjoying your warm house right now, snow is falling.

How do you heat your home?

It's just not worth it lol.

Obvious troll and gets a kick out of this. Or miserable human being.

Either or just be happy it isn't you and move on lol.

11-26-2019, 10:25 AM



11-26-2019, 10:29 AM
It's just not worth it lol.

Obvious troll and gets a kick out of this. Or miserable human being.

Either or just be happy it isn't you and move on lol.

Zero effort.

11-26-2019, 10:36 AM
It's just not worth it lol.

Obvious troll and gets a kick out of this. Or miserable human being.

Either or just be happy it isn't you and move on lol.

I don't know what part of "average" is hard to comprehend.

For every barrel we produce, we release 1.5x the carbon of the North American Average. Fifth dirtiest in the world.

Showing total emissions from 2005 misses the point. Not least of which is our oil sands production has increased 200+% since then.

When someone buys oil, they ask " how much carbon was released in this barrel's production".

That's not even looking at its high aromatics and sulphur.

These latest propaganda and marketing campaigns are pretty sneaky!

11-26-2019, 10:41 AM

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I hope you are enjoying your warm house right now, snow is falling.

How do you heat your home?

Why does it matter? Our infrastructure was built on lies that coal and oil industry have been telling us for 40 years.

We WILL change, yes, you oil and gas troglodytes will kick and scream the whole way, but we WILL make this world a better, cleaner place . That's a fact. The sooner we accept reality, the better imo, because a slow voluntary transition NOW will be much better than the harsh one that will come if we don't .

11-26-2019, 10:44 AM
Tell ya what. Send your video to a sociology professor anywhere in the world, and see if they classify it as a "documentary", or as propaganda

11-26-2019, 10:49 AM
Why does it matter? Our infrastructure was built on lies that coal and oil industry have been telling us for 40 years.

We WILL change, yes, you oil and gas troglodytes will kick and scream the whole way, but we WILL make this world a better, cleaner place . That's a fact. The sooner we accept reality, the better imo, because a slow voluntary transition NOW will be much better than the harsh one that will come if we don't .

You are delusional.

You did see the graph right?

You do understand that the largest nations in the world don’t agree with you.

Get your head out of your ass.

11-26-2019, 10:51 AM
The stupid. It burns.

11-26-2019, 10:58 AM
You are delusional.

You did see the graph right?

You do understand that the largest nations in the world don’t agree with you.

Get your head out of your ass.

Of course, the most populous ones agree and are expanding their renewables at a much more rapid pace.

I don't understand your argument. Are you saying we don't need to clean up, earth is flat, climate change is fake?

Or are you saying the dirty energy industry is more important than humanity?

Or are you saying it can't be done?

Please explain your mental block.

11-26-2019, 11:01 AM
Everything is propaganda ONLY if it doesn't fit his personal pigeon-holed narratives. Don't waste your time, someone that intelligent has never lost an argument.

That describes every poster on this forum, including you and I.

11-26-2019, 11:07 AM
Of course, the most populous ones agree and are expanding their renewables at a much more rapid pace.

I don't understand your argument. Are you saying we don't need to clean up, earth is flat, climate change is fake?

Or are you saying the dirty energy industry is more important than humanity?

Or are you saying it can't be done?

Please explain your mental block.

You are talking nonsense.


Are you nice and warm right now?

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Everyone stoking their fires right now?






What a joke

11-26-2019, 11:17 AM
That describes every poster on this forum, including you and I.

I don't think so actually. You have been exposed to different information and thoughts and agreed with them or softened your position after debate. So have others, even myself (occasionally haha).

Not him, can't think of a time.

Some people are happy to learn while others cannot be taught anything they don't already know.

11-26-2019, 11:17 AM
Toma is kept warm purely by self satisfaction

11-26-2019, 11:26 AM
I don't think so actually. You have been exposed to different information and thoughts and agreed with them or softened your position after debate. So have others, even myself (occasionally haha).

Not him, can't think of a time.

Some people are happy to learn while others cannot be taught anything they don't already know.

Maybe that's true. I find Beyond offputting lately. It's an immediate flame-fest regardless of the thread. The same posters come in with their same brand of what I'm sure they feel are witty one liners (again, guilty of this).

It's getting old. I miss the days were people could talk about shit.

11-26-2019, 11:28 AM
Maybe that's true. I find Beyond offputting lately. It's an immediate flame-fest regardless of the thread. The same posters come in with their same brand of what I'm sure they feel are witty one liners (again, guilty of this).

It's getting old. I miss the days were people could talk about shit.

Beyond has been petty for years.

A person can’t make one comment, post, or reply without someone on here making a childish comment.

11-26-2019, 11:32 AM
The same posters come in with their same brand of what I'm sure they feel are witty one liners (again, guilty of this).

HEY! lol

Does that also count as a witty one liner?

11-26-2019, 11:41 AM
Maybe that's true. I find Beyond offputting lately. It's an immediate flame-fest regardless of the thread. The same posters come in with their same brand of what I'm sure they feel are witty one liners (again, guilty of this).

It's getting old. I miss the days were people could talk about shit.


I think that's a symptom of the overall social media experience right now. "If you disagree with me you're stupid and I don't like you. If you keep disagreeing with me and your "facts" don't match my ideals then I hate you."

11-26-2019, 12:37 PM
You are talking nonsense.


Are you nice and warm right now?

- - - Updated - - -

Everyone stoking their fires right now?






What a joke
Edison invented the light bulb while working under the light of an oil lamp.

You are refusing the clarify the source of your mental blockage by reverting to the realy fucking stupid stance of "that's the way things are, they cant be better". Lol. Come on Mr. Grandstander, make a point.

11-26-2019, 12:47 PM
Edison invented the light bulb while working under the light of an oil lamp.

You are refusing the clarify the source of your mental blockage by reverting to the realy fucking stupid stance of "that's the way things are, they cant be better". Lol. Come on Mr. Grandstander, make a point.

Practice what you preach.

I’m not about to watch our Country die because of right winged hypocrites.

11-26-2019, 12:48 PM
Its sad really that we have not progressed beyond 10,000 BC cavemen when it comes to burning things.

Natgas to heat a house? Fine by me.

But to use fire to produce movement at 21% efficiency is just plain wrong if there is an alternative. Not to mention the stupendous complexity that combustion patent holders have introduced to keep themselves "relevant" and the rest of the population subservient. Fuck the combustion engine, let it die already.


I want electric vehicles that have 10x the torque of a combustion formula car racer, bring on the future. Completely silent AI self driven electric vehicles at 4 am to deliver me a single McMuffin for 2 cents worth of electricity? Bring it.

Ford had its time, and it was great. But we have to move on.

11-26-2019, 12:54 PM
Its sad really that we have not progressed beyond 10,000 BC cavemen when it comes to burning things.

Natgas to heat a house? Fine by me.

But to use fire to produce movement at 21% efficiency is just plain wrong if there is an alternative. Not to mention the stupendous complexity that combustion patent holders have introduced to keep themselves "relevant" and the rest of the population subservient. Fuck the combustion engine, let it die already.


I want electric vehicles that have 10x the torque of a combustion formula car racer, bring on the future. Completely silent AI self driven electric vehicles at 4 am to deliver me a single McMuffin for 2 cents worth of electricity? Bring it.

Ford had its time, and it was great. But we have to move on.

You forget how these products are made.

You think they are produced out of thin air?

11-26-2019, 01:00 PM
Practice what you preach.

I’m not about to watch our Country die because of right winged hypocrites.

The world is dying because of right winged flat earthers.

You cant even get that right right. :rofl:

11-26-2019, 01:04 PM
Let's try again, to make sense of your erratic fit.

I don't understand your argument. Are you saying we don't need to clean up, earth is flat, climate change is fake?

Or are you saying the dirty energy industry is more important than humanity?

Or are you saying it can't be done?

Please explain your mental block.

11-26-2019, 02:08 PM
Toma, do you still own 15+ cars, as you said in the firearms discussion thread about 5 years ago? I can link it for you if you like...

11-26-2019, 02:11 PM
Toma just wants the government to make everyone else be green so he can have his way being a massive polluter and have everyone else eat the cost of Canada virtue signalling green.

Typical leftist mindset, why be better myself when I can force everyone else to make up for my bad habits.

11-26-2019, 02:14 PM
Facts. Versus your propaganda.

Are you denying we sell and buy from Saudi? TRADE? Neither country wants a trade deficit, so it is defacto a 2 way arrangement

Are you denying we sell them military hardware?

Are you denying we sold them half of our wheat board?

Are you denying extracting our oil is 1.5x more carbon intensive than the North American production average ?

What exactly are you trying to lie about?

I'm just curious as to what you'd have us do then, realistically we have two options:

1) Shut down Northern BC, AB & Sask O&G, cripple our economy and have other oil producing countries including the Saudi's pick up the slack, and yes they would pick up the slack, virtually overnight, because global oil demand continues to grow.

2) Not cripple our economy, use revenue generated by said industry to continue making advances in technology and reducing CO2 emissions. Because, believe it or not, there are financial incentives for producers to reduce CO2 emissions and water consumption.

11-26-2019, 02:27 PM
Toma, do you still own 15+ cars, as you said in the firearms discussion thread about 5 years ago? I can link it for you if you like...

You guys seriously need to get over your obsessions.
:rofl: :rofl:

11-26-2019, 02:34 PM
But if you need to know. We have 4 vehicles. The GTR, the Cobra, and I drive an RX-L. None of your business what my wife drives.

Like I said, the way we live now has no bearing on needing to improve. We are where we are as a society for many reasons, most of them out of our control . The infrastructure, the economic activity etc.

That absolutely does not affect the truth of an argument, or the need to change asap. The "a shit, your computer is made of plastic" is just cheap theatrics .

11-26-2019, 03:57 PM
Let's try again, to make sense of your erratic fit.

I don't understand your argument. Are you saying we don't need to clean up, earth is flat, climate change is fake?

Or are you saying the dirty energy industry is more important than humanity?

Or are you saying it can't be done?

Please explain your mental block.

I’m saying let’s work with the most environmentally friendly producers in the world to make our Country the best place, which it already is, even better.

You are so negative and so blinded that you can’t see beyond your nose.

You don’t practice what you preach and yet you expect our Country to halt everything immediately and live how???

You make no sense at all.

I personally have had discussions with some of the most powerful men and women in our O&G industry and they want a better world, a cleaner world, but there are huge political obstacles.

Don’t be so naive.

Don’t be a hypocrite.

11-26-2019, 09:41 PM
I’m saying let’s work with the most environmentally friendly producers in the world to make our Country the best place, which it already is, even better.

You are so negative and so blinded that you can’t see beyond your nose.

You don’t practice what you preach and yet you expect our Country to halt everything immediately and live how???

You make no sense at all.

I personally have had discussions with some of the most powerful men and women in our O&G industry and they want a better world, a cleaner world, but there are huge political obstacles.

Don’t be so naive.

Don’t be a hypocrite.

I know you cant stop grandstanding. It's impossible for you to be humble. So I won't say....
Don't be a grandstanding tool.

Don't be a liar.

Alberta oil has 1.5x the carbon intensity of the North American average. Top 5 most carbon intense oil producers in the world. No matter how much you repeat your lies and propaganda films, that's still a fact. We are dealing with sludge. Peanut butter. It also makes logical sense.






11-26-2019, 10:05 PM
I know you cant stop grandstanding. It's impossible for you to be humble. So I won't say....
Don't be a grandstanding tool.

Don't be a liar.

Alberta oil has 1.5x the carbon intensity of the North American average. Top 5 most carbon intense oil producers in the world. No matter how much you repeat your lies and propaganda films, that's still a fact. We are dealing with sludge. Peanut butter. It also makes logical sense.






You are so very naive.

Did you turn your thermostat up one notch tonight?

Where are you purchasing all that rubber you wrap your wheels in?

Or all that fuel you burn down the 1/4 mile?

It almost sounds like you are envious of these people who have achieved vast amounts of wealth using their superior intelligence to discover, extract and produce the hydrocarbons you spend your hard earned money on to race down the 1/4 mile.

11-26-2019, 10:32 PM
You are so very naive.

Did you turn your thermostat up one notch tonight?

Where are you purchasing all that rubber you wrap your wheels in?

Or all that fuel you burn down the 1/4 mile?

It almost sounds like you are envious of these people who have achieved vast amounts of wealth using their superior intelligence to discover, extract and produce the hydrocarbons you spend your hard earned money on to race down the 1/4 mile.

Everything you say is true.

Does it change for a second that:
Alberta oil is dirty?

Climate change is a threat?

We MUST change, and we are better off making moderate meaningful changes now, rather than having to make big sudden changes if we procrastinate?

No, none of that changes because the plastic in my computer came from oil.

11-26-2019, 10:37 PM
Or are you still of the childish belief that things have always been this way, and they will always be this way, and humans can't evolve and learn?

11-26-2019, 10:47 PM
I know you cant stop grandstanding. It's impossible for you to be humble. So I won't say....
Don't be a grandstanding tool.

Don't be a liar.

Alberta oil has 1.5x the carbon intensity of the North American average. Top 5 most carbon intense oil producers in the world. No matter how much you repeat your lies and propaganda films, that's still a fact. We are dealing with sludge. Peanut butter. It also makes logical sense.






Alberta oil isn't comprised of 100% oil sands production although 64% of oil production does come from the oil sands. Interestingly, neither Tourmaline or Birchcliff operate in the oil sands and their production is not 1.5-2x the carbon intensity of the North American average. In fact Tourmaline was poised to be the largest natural gas producer in Canada this year. It's unfortunate that the many companies operating in Alberta who are responsible for the remaining 36% of oil production and all of the natural gas production in Alberta are vilified in the same way as the oil sands are by uneducated people around the world.

The video posted has no references or images associated with oil sands production yet you claim it's propaganda because the oil sands are bad? The oil sands activity and production is completely irrelevant to the context of the video and what those companies stand behind. If you're going to argue with Brad for multiple pages, can you at least come up with an argument that remains within the context of the topic? Can you tell us why producing natural gas is bad since that makes up a majority of Tourmaline and Birchcliff's production?

11-26-2019, 11:00 PM
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Start enjoying your fucking life again. Stop doing this to yourself. It's like watching the chick eating her hair follicles on My Strange Addiction. Fuck a mother fucking duck! Stop it!!!

You are welcome!

11-26-2019, 11:04 PM
Alberta oil isn't comprised of 100% oil sands production although 64% of oil production does come from the oil sands. Interestingly, neither Tourmaline or Birchcliff operate in the oil sands and their production is not 1.5-2x the carbon intensity of the North American average. In fact Tourmaline was poised to be the largest natural gas producer in Canada this year. It's unfortunate that the many companies operating in Alberta who are responsible for the remaining 36% of oil production and all of the natural gas production in Alberta are vilified in the same way as the oil sands are by uneducated people around the world.

The video posted has no references or images associated with oil sands production yet you claim it's propaganda because the oil sands are bad? The oil sands activity and production is completely irrelevant to the context of the video and what those companies stand behind. If you're going to argue with Brad for multiple pages, can you at least come up with an argument that remains within the context of the topic? Can you tell us why producing natural gas is bad since that makes up a majority of Tourmaline and Birchcliff's production?

Do you speak English? Alberta oil on average is 1.5x more carbon intensive than North American average.

Oil sands taken alone is much worse.

The video talks about Alberta oil in broader terms, as am I.

They also spread the conspiracy that "foreign funded " blah blah. But we covered that already .

11-26-2019, 11:34 PM
I'll take that as a no, I'm out.

PS You should edit your post a few more times, you'll get it right eventually.:thumbsup:

Do you speak English? Alberta oil on average is 1.5x more carbon intensive than North American average.

Oil sands taken alone is much worse.

The oil sands activity and production is completely irrelevant to the context of the video and what those companies stand behind. If you're going to argue with Brad for multiple pages, can you at least come up with an argument that remains within the context of the topic?