View Full Version : BEWARE!!! My Business Was Scammed through Mastercard Gift Card!!!

12-02-2019, 02:21 PM
Hey all!

Just thought you should all be aware that there are scammers out there working with Mastercard Gift Cards right now. We have been hit twice and no longer are accepting Mastercard gift cards, or any others for that matter.

This has cost us multiple thousands of dollars between the two frauds. As best we can tell, they appear to take a Mastercard Gift Card and clone a stolen credit card number onto it and use it for purchase. As gift cards for the most part are not Chip and PIN protected, they get either striped or typed in and are processed as approve by the merchant company. Neither TD Merchant Services nor Mastercard are interested in helping us and in fact, to add insult to injury, on top of taking the money back, they charge us an additional $25 fee for the privilege! What a fucking joke!

Anyhow, my best advice is to not support these companies by using their products. They build a product which can easily be manipulated and do not back up their stuff so the best course of action is to not use it.

Thanks for letting me rant and hopefully I have saved someone else from getting ripped off like we did!


12-02-2019, 02:44 PM
Sorry to hear about this Bob, it pisses me off to hear that people are ripping off small businesses. Hopefully it doesn't happen again

12-02-2019, 03:10 PM
Thanks man... So frustrating! I did have the vehicle license plate number but who knows if that was legit. The police have all the info so hopefully buddy was just a stupid criminal and gets busted!

12-02-2019, 04:31 PM
That sucks to hear Bob.
FYI Even with a chip and pin you're not 100% protected, i had some guy try to buy stuff at my place and it was kind of an odd interaction with the guy so i was on guard the whole time. When it came time to pay i handed him my terminal and i heard multiple beeps, way more than 4 so i asked him what he was doing. He said his card was messed up and he had to do something different so i asked for the machine back and said he'd have to call the bank to clear it up because all i could do was allow him to enter his pin. He said he would come back but i just figured i dodged a scam. I called my provider just to see what i could do on my end to cover my butt on deals like this and thats when they told me the only way they will 100% guarantee a transaction is by an address verification with the card holder in store. Even if the card is in store and they entered the pin i could still be out the money if it was disputed. Could you imagine asking a customer to verify himself with his bank on a purchase, i might as well tell him to fuck off because i dont trust him.

12-02-2019, 04:39 PM
That sucks to hear Bob.
FYI Even with a chip and pin you're not 100% protected, i had some guy try to buy stuff at my place and it was kind of an odd interaction with the guy so i was on guard the whole time. When it came time to pay i handed him my terminal and i heard multiple beeps, way more than 4 so i asked him what he was doing. He said his card was messed up and he had to do something different so i asked for the machine back and said he'd have to call the bank to clear it up because all i could do was allow him to enter his pin. He said he would come back but i just figured i dodged a scam. I called my provider just to see what i could do on my end to cover my butt on deals like this and thats when they told me the only way they will 100% guarantee a transaction is by an address verification with the card holder in store. Even if the card is in store and they entered the pin i could still be out the money if it was disputed. Could you imagine asking a customer to verify himself with his bank on a purchase, i might as well tell him to fuck off because i dont trust him.So gross isn't it? Unbelievable that it works the way it does!

12-02-2019, 05:34 PM
I asked the rep if he would be offended/embarassed if the store made him do the address verification on a purchase and at least he said yes.

12-02-2019, 06:27 PM
Shit, sorry to hear that Bob. Fraudsters are total shitheads who have no morals about taking money from hardworking family businesses.

I hope you guys more than make up for that during this holiday season. Cheers.

12-03-2019, 12:30 AM
they get either striped or typed in and are processed as approve by the merchant company.

Go to the media. They will cave under pressure.

12-03-2019, 07:20 AM
We all work for the banks, they are not beholden to us as consumers or as businesses. Sad

12-03-2019, 11:07 AM
Bob, that sucks to hear. Hopefully they catch this dude.

12-03-2019, 11:24 AM
That sucks to hear Bob.
FYI Even with a chip and pin you're not 100% protected, i had some guy try to buy stuff at my place and it was kind of an odd interaction with the guy so i was on guard the whole time. When it came time to pay i handed him my terminal and i heard multiple beeps, way more than 4 so i asked him what he was doing. He said his card was messed up and he had to do something different so i asked for the machine back and said he'd have to call the bank to clear it up because all i could do was allow him to enter his pin. He said he would come back but i just figured i dodged a scam. I called my provider just to see what i could do on my end to cover my butt on deals like this and thats when they told me the only way they will 100% guarantee a transaction is by an address verification with the card holder in store. Even if the card is in store and they entered the pin i could still be out the money if it was disputed. Could you imagine asking a customer to verify himself with his bank on a purchase, i might as well tell him to fuck off because i dont trust him.

we've had this happen my workplace as well. shifty person comes to the counter and asks to buy something high dollar. Pays with a credit card but it seems weird.

I'm pretty sure i figured out what they were doing.
they take the card machine and insert the card, but not all the way in so that the card registers and they manually enter another card number from memory or from their phone, and process it that way. the credit card company thinks you processed it manually, you think the customer just punched in a long-ass PIN. a month later, you get the charge-back from MC or VISA.

we were taken for almost $2000 last year.

our card machine now requires a managers username and password to process all manual card entries.

12-03-2019, 03:02 PM
There's so little protection for retailers. I've had customers admit in emails they were going to defraud me via chargeback without valid reason. Still lost the chargebacks, even with it in writing, signature delivery with tracking, full verification, etc.

12-03-2019, 04:09 PM
I'm pretty sure i figured out what they were doing.
they take the card machine and insert the card, but not all the way in so that the card registers and they manually enter another card number from memory or from their phone, and process it that way. the credit card company thinks you processed it manually, you think the customer just punched in a long-ass PIN. a month later, you get the charge-back from MC or VISA.
That makes total sense. If he wasnt so awkward at first i wouldnt have been paying extra attention to the whole transaction but when i started to hear all the extra beeps i knew something was up.

There's no protection for retailers
FTFY lol