View Full Version : Russia banned from Olympics.

12-09-2019, 05:35 PM

Too much winning.

12-09-2019, 05:43 PM
"It is obvious that significant doping problems still exist in Russia, I mean our sporting community," he said. "This is impossible to deny.

"But on the other hand the fact that all these decisions are repeated, often affecting athletes who have already been punished in one way or another, not to mention some other points - of course this makes one think that this is part of anti-Russian hysteria which has become chronic."

Read: "Yeah, we dope, so what? Fuck you."

12-09-2019, 05:46 PM
It's amazing that the only world body with any ability to hold Russia to account is WADA.
The rest of the world basically let them annex Crimea without repercussions, but steroids? Hellz to the no.

12-10-2019, 12:24 AM
Russian GP in jeopardy. Kvyat most likely racing under the FIA flag. Good times.

12-10-2019, 11:16 AM
It's amazing that the only world body with any ability to hold Russia to account is WADA.
The rest of the world basically let them annex Crimea without repercussions, but steroids? Hellz to the no.

Hahaha this is spot on.