View Full Version : Police Operation Impact-Important READ

10-04-2002, 05:50 PM
Well the story is the police in southen Alberta are setting up checkstops and doubling it's forces on the street primarly for what you ask?

Drunk drivers?

Yes that would be good;

But instead they are after us...the import fans. They are targeting speeders (which is fine), but also to tear apart your car of it's supposed illegals which include colored bulbs, altezza's, head lights, lowering spings, exhausts, noise...etc

To me this is a excuse for the police to play up the media and the citizens that dislike us. Is this harassment? Yes because they ae targeting a specific group, they say "to stop speeding and to target modifacations" But you know thay are looking for your mods. They are not going to outright say "we are looking for mods on imports" because most people think it would be a waste of money but they throw in the speeding thing and people then think it's a good idea. But your going to be driving along in your honda doing the speed limit and driving perfectly fine and come to one of these check stops, then leaving with a bunch tickets.

>>The beyond meet Oct.6 may be in jeopardy.

P.S. Here is a fact for you, the police do monitor this forum just so you know.

10-04-2002, 05:55 PM
I don't really think its fair to single us out. I think police time is much better spent arresting drunk drivers. Most of us on this board don't even street race, we do it at the track.
I don't think modifications to a vehicle should be a big deal. Were simply improving the handling of the vehicles. If they want to ticket street racers then the cops should take a drive down to bull shits.

I guess this is just another case of a small group tarnishing the import image for the rest of us.

And yes, most of us know that the cops monitor the forums. Its pretty obvious when your at a meet and a cruiser drives by and slows down when passing by the import group. To them, were cash cows.

10-04-2002, 06:01 PM
All I got to say is :thumbsdow to the cops.
I remember being pulled over in my ITR by a copy who was in front of me. I was doing the limit and he actually stopped in the middle of MaCleod Trail so that I would pass him going like 30Km/Hr and pull me over for clear corners.
The police have already targeted imports.
It's only get worse!
Now I just keep a sharp eye out for the PoPo and avoid them as much as I can

10-04-2002, 07:00 PM
Its really sad that a few ricers and irresponsible, immature pricks ruin things for the rest of us. The majority of people on this forum are just trying to make thier cars handle better, stop better and accelerate better, which is actually making the car safer (IF its done right) the majority of people here have a passion for making cars better than the way they come from the factory, its an obsession and a way of life. The majority of people here also think street racing and driving irresponsibly is stupid. Its just bad luck, that's all, we're all guilty by association, which is sad, but just a reality we have to accept if we choose this as our hobby. My advise is to take those clear corners, huge tips and limo tint off your cars, try to make it look as stock as possible and you'll slide by. If its blatantly illegal (even if its a dumb law) than just accept that its doing more trouble than good for you, and take it off your car.

10-04-2002, 07:05 PM
All I really have is clear headlights. My lowering springs are in the trunk and my muffler looks pretty much stock, its not a 6" ricer tip. I might actually slide by. I'm sure having a 4 door family car will aid in this also ;) :rofl:

10-04-2002, 07:20 PM
How is it illegal to have lowering springs... or exhaust? That's not illegal. I know tint and OVER-LOUD exhausts can be, but I don't think they can get you for small modifications.

Although I repsect MOST cops, and defintely respect their willingness to protect the public :) , I don't respect cops who downright harrass people, and let it get to their head :thumbsdow

10-04-2002, 07:47 PM
i hear a baby seat in the back is sometimes not a bad thing...makes you look more mature somehow, it doesnt way too much either! :thumbsup:

10-04-2002, 08:13 PM
hey adrian where did you get this information

10-04-2002, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by liquid1010
How is it illegal to have lowering springs...
you adjust the height of your headlights/tailights, causing a problem (or so they say) to fellow drivers.

10-04-2002, 08:18 PM
If you can prove you were specifically targetted, all the tickets will be thrown out. I think the Hells Angels fought this and actually won on one of their arguments last summer when the RCMP would target them to hand out tickets.

Originally posted by liquid1010
How is it illegal to have lowering springs

It alters the height of your bumper which was tested at a specific height to provide a certain level of protection in collisions. Its a safety thing. Another reason could be that on severely lowered cars, the handling is so horrible its flat out dangerous.

10-04-2002, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh

you adjust the height of your headlights/tailights, causing a problem (or so they say) to fellow drivers.

This is true. My ranger was designed so that the headlights are normal when the back end is 2" higher than the front end. Now that I have it level, my lights are extremely birght and people always flash thier brights at me. I'm gonna put some slightly tinted h/l covers on to fix this.

As well as what kenny mentioned as why it makes them more dangerous, you never know how a person lowered thier car or if it was done properly. While my Lowering is stronger than stock, another person could have got the same amount of drop by cutting thier coils 3" then never going in for an alignment. Going 100 on a freeway, and suddenly having an I beam break would not be a good thing... :thumbsdow

10-04-2002, 09:19 PM
hehehe, every time i go through the check stops, i rev like a mofo (2 1/4 with no cat, bad hangers, and 1 muffler), when they ask me have i been drinking i say "not yet". great fun. my buddy even took a picture of them when we pulled up, damn that got us some dirty looks, lowered 3 inches too.

and cops read this?


ahahahahahahahahaha :rofl:

10-04-2002, 09:36 PM
Imports are going to get hit hard so I suggest you ricers to put your cars back to stock!:rofl: :rofl:

10-04-2002, 09:42 PM
ah. shit.... i guess i should take the 3" exhaust off. its pretty damn loud. lol. hyper white blubs come out tomorrow. lol.

10-04-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
Imports are going to get hit hard so I suggest you ricers to put your cars back to stock!:rofl: :rofl:

hey is your full body kit and rims on the German made car yet?:D jk

10-04-2002, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by ninjak84

hey is your full body kit and rims on the German made car yet?:D jk

No it isn't! Maranellos will be putting it on early next week. I honestly don't think my car will get very much attention. BMWs come factory with clear corners and red/clear taillights. My front bumper looks exactly like the E46M3, so cops might think I have a M3 sedan!:rofl: :rofl:

I have no exhaust but factory chrome tips! With BMW offering 19inch rims from the factory, I think I'm safe on all cylinders! And what else? Factory sport package with lowering springs.....in the end, Cops won't know whats factory or not on a BMW! But on a HOnda, its as clear as night and day!:thumbsup:

10-04-2002, 10:58 PM
aw crap.

another fine example who stupid people ruining it for the responsible ones.

10-05-2002, 12:16 AM
In a couple years I want to be a cop !
You have to look at it from their point of view! First they have a quoteh ( I cant spell ) If they dont get a certain amount of RICER tickets each month they dont get paid kinda thing...
Now some of you people on hear have reasnable exhausts that only make a nice growl when you floor it... but others have shit cannons that set off car alarms 3 blocks away, thats just F'ing stupid, there is no performance gains no nothing, so why have it, so people can think, oh some stupid ass punk kid is going to be pulling around that corner nice and soon, and so you can wake people up who are sleeping at night... on and on

Im rantting like there is no tommorow, but I dont care stupid loud exhausts are so pointless,
I play a game were i work, It goes something like this, I hear a shit can exhaust and I guess what car its on.. The sad thing is I can name about 10 specific cars from 3 blocks away.. and its not like its a purring exhaust its a tingy rattiling shit can that makes me shake my head every time I hear it...
I am right about 90% of the time by the way , tingy'ist exhausts go to crx's, then civic, then tegs ...

I dont even know what i just rambled about.. :zzz:
Dont delete this either it has some nice points in it ( i.e. I think its fair to ticket loud exhauts, cars lowered to much ... Cops arnt complete assholes they TICKET things for a reason, onc again i.e. saftey, wellness of other people )
Gary Coleman for life... :rofl:

92 Teg-B18A
10-05-2002, 12:50 AM
see having quotas for giving tickets isn't right, it makes it so that if the police officer hasn't filled their quota by the end of the month that they will give tickets in the grey area. They'll deny it but it happens. I mean I got a 27 over speeding ticket when I was only going 5 over:dunno: I mean come on:banghead: hehe it was near the end of the month too:rofl:

10-05-2002, 03:08 AM
Think about it guys, someone needs to finance the Police Department. Imagine if their earnings were based on the amount of tickets that they write up every month, then everyone would be going down! And cops would all be millionaires

10-05-2002, 09:28 AM
Well Maybe It's Time to Get the Media involved let them know about the meet and have the ride along to see that not everone that fixes up thier Cars are street racers or a danger to society

And to All the cops monitoring this forum, Maybe you should be busting all the Cars with no Exhaust Bald tires Worn out Suspension and probable brakes no light or burnt out lights doors Tied Shut etc:dunno:

10-05-2002, 09:38 AM
getting the media involved is a VERY BAD idea. they WILL turn the story around and make us look like the bad guys..... i use to live in a small town. the media was most known to do this....

10-05-2002, 11:45 AM
You know it's sad that it has come to this, cops pulling over everyone just because they have some mods done. 80% of those people getting pulled over are responsible drivers that are just into a specific hobby which interests them, and when they have an erge to race do so at the track. It sucks when punk ass kids give us such a bad name... driving there POSes around like it's a ferrari or something... nail those ones; not the responsible ones that care about the well being of others and choose not to endanger there lives!!

BTW hollywood... how do you know about this??

10-05-2002, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by finboy
hehehe, every time i go through the check stops, i rev like a mofo (2 1/4 with no cat, bad hangers, and 1 muffler), when they ask me have i been drinking i say "not yet". great fun. my buddy even took a picture of them when we pulled up, damn that got us some dirty looks, lowered 3 inches too.

and cops read this?


ahahahahahahahahaha :rofl:

gee finboy. good job. that sure gives us a responsible image

10-05-2002, 01:21 PM
I don't see what the fuss is about, if your car has ILLEGAL mods, you deserve to be ticketed.

You can't tell them "don't you have bigger things to go after." They're not going to let all the speeders, drunk drivers, burglars and rapists go because a mass murderer is on the loose. Illegal is illegal, regardless of its severity, you have something illegal and they catch you, you pay for it.

Tickets/fines for impounding ARE a justified way of collecting revenue, it punishes (or even capitalizes on) those who break the law, but more importantly it saves the innocent law-abiders of paying through higher taxes.

However, cops harassing LEGALLY modifed cars is total BS, this has alot to do with racial/vehicular profiling, which all law enforcement agencies use but I don't want to get into that ugly mess.......

10-05-2002, 01:33 PM
Mwmhong, what do you mean by racial/vehicular profiling?

10-05-2002, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by mwmhong
However, cops harassing LEGALLY modifed cars is total BS, this has alot to do with racial/vehicular profiling, which all law enforcement agencies use but I don't want to get into that ugly mess.......

What do you mean by vehicular profile? Cops pull certain cars over for no reason what so ever? Sorry to start 'that ugly mess' but I am really curious about that comment.

10-05-2002, 01:53 PM
I've had some good things to say about police. It's good that they're watching the forums, so if someone is doing something stupid on the roads they can do something about it.

"vehicular profiling, which all law enforcement agencies use but I don't want to get into that ugly mess......."

I've had big time problems with this, and the next time it happens is going to be the last, you can guarantee I'm going to take badge numbers or car numbers/ license plate.

Being a young guy driving a Benz I've been harrassed like crazy.

I was once driving down by lindsey park, cop car 3 lanes over, i turn onto 17th and all of the sudden the cop is behind me one lane over, it's pretty obvious what they're doing, then they look at me and shake their heads. I always get pissed off looks from cops. It's like after they check the license plate and see everything is in order it pisses them off.

Another time driving on 17th I had 3 different police vehicles follow me within 5 minutes, this is harrassment... I've got more stuff to say but i'm gonna save it for now.

For the most part i like what cops are doing, but they have to realize we live in a rich city where kids can drive nice cars without selling drugs.

10-05-2002, 02:10 PM
Profiling=the use of general criteria presumed to indicate likelihood of committing a criminal offence or illegal activity.

We're talking things like race, level-of-income, place of residence, the car you drive, marital status, anything that marketing 101 would consider demographics.

I'm don't want to get into a debate about the right/wrong, or moralist vs. pragmatist, but the fact is the police are using it.

10-05-2002, 04:11 PM
Looks to me like its not about what kind of car you are driving, or what you look like, its the modifications they are going after, I was behind an early 60's Dark red musclecar last night on the way home, he had a cage in it, some shoe polish on the back window, he was probably coming home from Race Shity or something, driving along pretty normally, it had all the correct lights, the tires were street tires, pretty wide in the rear but tucked under the car neatly, engine sounded tuned and powerful, it was not loud my any means, but it had the nice uneven big cammmed v-8 drumming note to it, anyways, just cruising along, this cop car comes flyin out of nowhere, flies up beside me, and then right in front of me, he tags the old hotrod and forces him over, its guy with grey hair driving the musclecar, unless they had a complaint about him earlier, or he had warrants out for him or something, he was doing nothing wrong, and judging by his driving, probably wasn't doing anything stupid before I saw him..
I think the cops were sittin in the dark waiting for something hot or built just to drive by to harrass..
Now remember the city, and in turn the Calgary city police, as proven this week by the smoking bylaw debate, do not have the power to institute any kind of prohibition on speed parts or anything like that, as long as they do not contravene the general "spirit" of the motor vehicle act, as such they cannot give you a ticket for having a turbocharger on a car, turbochargers are not illegal, nor are headers and mufflers, reguardless of what brand they are.
Here is the headlight law:
2) A headlamp on a motor vehicle, other than a snowplow, shall
be mounted on the motor vehicle at a height of not more than 1400
millimetres nor less than 600 millimetres measured from the centre
of the headlamp to the level of the ground when the motor vehicle
stands unloaded, so as long as it is between 60cm and 140 cm's you are free to lower your car as long as the headlights are within that range.

Here is the law for you clear taillight lovers out there, notice the wording, "when LIT"... as long as you have red bulbs in those clear lights you are ok it seems..

(5) When lit as required by this Act, a tail lamp shall be capable of
emitting a red light plainly visible from a distance of not less than
150 metres to the rear of the vehicle at a height of not more than
1850 millimetres nor less than 500 millimetres measured from the
centre of the tail lamp to the level of the ground when the vehicle
stands unloaded.
(6) A tail lamp on a vehicle shall be on the vehicle at a height,
which shall be measured from the centre of the tail lamp, of not
more than 1850 millimetres nor less than 500 millimetres to the
level of the ground when the vehicle stands unloaded.
28(1) Except as permitted by this Act, no vehicle shall display to
the rear of it a light of any colour other than red.

Here is the brake lamp law:
(2) When stop lamps are used on a vehicle,
(a) they shall be permanently mounted on a rigid part of the
vehicle, and the distance between the ground and the
centre of the lamp when the vehicle is unloaded shall not
be less than 38 centimetres or more than 185 centimetres,
(4) A stop lamp shall light up when the service brake is applied
and when lit shall emit a red light plainly visible from a distance of
not less than 250 metres to the rear of the vehicle in normal

Turn signals.. Notice you can have white or amber lights for signals on the front of the vehicle, my GM van uses clear lenses and coloured bulbs for signal lights, as do most newer vehicles, don't put red in your front turn signals..:

c) the lamps showing to the front shall be located at or near
the front on the same level and as widely spaced laterally
as practicable and when in use shall emit a white or amber
light that is plainly visible from the front in normal
sunlight for a distance of at least 250 metres, and
(d) the lamps showing to the rear shall be located at the same
level and as widely spaced laterally as practicable and
when in use shall emit a red or amber light that is plainly
visible from the rear in normal sunlight for a distance of at
least 250 metres.

marker lamps:
33(1) A motor vehicle or trailer manufactured on or after January
1, 1971 shall, on and after January 1, 1981, be equipped with, on
each side of it,
(a) one amber side marker lamp as close to the front of the
motor vehicle or trailer, exclusive of the trailer tongue, as
is practicable,
(b) one red side marker lamp as close to the rear of the motor
vehicle or trailer as is practicable

If you like honking at chicks remember to only honk till they flash you some flesh, if you keep honking you may get the man down on you for over honking:

(2) No person having the control of a motor vehicle, motor cycle,
moped, power bicycle or bicycle shall use the horn, gong, bell or
other signalling device on it except for the purpose of giving notice
to persons on or approaching the highway in the vicinity of the
motor vehicle, motor cycle, moped, power bicycle or bicycle of the
approach of the vehicle, and in so doing shall not make any more
noise than is reasonably necessary for the purpose of giving the

Here is the muffler section:

46(1) A motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine
shall be equipped with an exhaust muffler consisting of a series of
pipes or chambers which ensures that the exhaust gases from the
engine are cooled and expelled without excessive noise and without
the emission of any flame or sparks.
(2) No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle propelled by
an internal combustion engine when the muffler with which the
vehicle is equipped is cut out or disconnected from the engine.
(3) No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle propelled by
an internal combustion engine equipped with a muffler from which
has been removed a baffle-plate or other part.
(4) No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle propelled by
an internal combustion engine equipped with a muffler, the exhaust
outlet of which has been opened or widened.
(5) No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle propelled by
an internal combustion engine equipped with a muffler or exhaust
system to which is attached any device which increases the noise of
the expulsion of the gases from the engine or allows a flame to be
ignited from the exhaust system.
Ok the sticky part is 4 or 5, it does not say tip or tailpipe , it says the muffler has been opened or widened, which really means that you bought a muffler and sawed the ass end tail pipe or tip connection off, I assume this what the cops are using to go after guys like Hollywood, however they did not widen the muffler, the manafacturer may have produced it with a 3" connection however Hollywood himself did not widen it, he is running a system that is unmodified, from the manafacturer.
Now if you have those tips with the resonators in them, you are breaking the law, however do not confuse silencers with resonators, if hollywood has his baffles in place he is within the law.

Mudflaps.. I beat this one 4 years ago , I was ticketed with this offense in my 4x4:

49(1) A motor vehicle and a trailer shall, on and after January 1,
1981, be equipped with a body, fenders, mudguards or other similar
devices that are located as far as practicable behind the front and
rear wheels of the motor vehicle or trailer and extend laterally for at
least the width of the tire or tires.
(2) The vertical distance from the ground to the bottom edge of the
body, fenders, mudguards or other devices required by subsection
(1) shall not, when the motor vehicle or trailer is unloaded, be
greater than
(a) 15 centimetres, or
(b) 1/3 the horizontal distance between the body, fenders,
mudguards or other devices and the vertical centre line of
the wheel.

Hood pins:
50(1) A motor vehicle that has a hood that opens from the front of
the vehicle shall be equipped with a primary and secondary hood
latch mechanism.
(2) The secondary hood latch mechanism referred to in subsection
(1) shall operate so that it prevents the hood from opening if the
primary latch mechanism fails.
(3) This section does not apply to motor vehicles manufactured
before January 1, 1971.
RSA 1980 cH-7 s50

Everyones favourite, window tinting:
Window glazing
52(1) Subject to this section, no person shall place or install in a
motor vehicle a transparent, translucent or opaque material on or in
place of the
(a) windshield glazing, or
(b) side window glazing that is beside or forward of the driver
on the right and left hand side of the motor vehicle.
(2) No person shall place or install in a motor vehicle a
transparent, translucent or opaque material on or in place of the rear
window glazing unless the motor vehicle is equipped with outside
rear view mirrors on the left and right of the motor vehicle that
comply with the requirements of section 53(2).
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not
(a) apply to the equivalent replacement of the glazing
installed by the manufacturer of the motor vehicle,
(b) prohibit the use of clear untinted frost shields, or
(c) prohibit the use of window stickers as long as they do not
impair the operator's field of vision or otherwise impair
the safe operation of the motor vehicle.
(4) The owner of a motor vehicle shall ensure that the view
through all frost shields on the motor vehicle is not impaired by
discoloration, scratches or other damage.
(5) No person shall place or install any material on or in place of
any window glazing that, by reason of sunlight or the headlights of
other vehicles, casts a glare at other vehicles on the highway.
(6) No person shall, after January 1, 1981 operate on a highway a
motor vehicle that contains material that is prohibited by this
For the tv and nintendo freaks out there:
Television in motor vehicles
60(1) No person shall drive on a highway any motor vehicle that is
equipped with a television set.
(2) No person shall operate a television set in a motor vehicle
while the vehicle is on a highway.
(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), a television set may
be located and operated in a motor coach or a holiday camper or a
self-propelled mobile home if the driver of the motor vehicle
cannot by any means see the screen of the television set while the
vehicle is in motion.

For the body kit guys, remember your front nose/body kit/ rear apron is not your actual bumper, the big heavy usually fiberglass reinforcement behind the exterior body work is the bumpernot your front air dam/nose kit..
62(1) A passenger car shall be equipped with a front and rear
(2) No person shall install or alter a bumper on a passenger car
unless the design of the bumper is equivalent to, and the bumper is
mounted in substantially the same manner as, the bumper installed
by the manufacturer of the passenger car.
RSA 1980 cH-7 s62
Height of bumpers
63(1) No person shall alter a passenger car so that the main
structural component of a bumper is more than 50 centimetres or
less than 40 centimetres above ground level when the passenger car
is unloaded.
(2) A bumper that has at least 6.25 centimetres of projected
vertical facing within the height restriction referred to in subsection
(1) when viewed in elevation is deemed to comply with that
(3) For the purpose of subsections (1) and (2), components that are
commonly known as bumperettes or overriders are not part of the
main structural component of a bumper or of the projected vertical
(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to passenger cars manufactured
before April 1, 1976 but no person shall alter such a car so that the
bumper is more than 10 centimetres higher or lower than it was at
the time the car was manufactured.
RSA 1980 cH-7 s63
64 A person who, on or after May 1, 1981, operates on a highway
a passenger car that
(a) is not equipped with bumpers as required by section
62(1), or
(b) is equipped with a bumper that does not comply with the
requirements of section 62(2) or 63
is guilty of an offence.
RSA 1980 cH-7 s64

Those are just some of the regulations that are pertinent to the import crowd, the whole doc can be viewed at :

You will notice that its pretty open ended, and gives the cops the right to run roughshod over the rights guaranteed to you in the charter of rights and freedoms, if you got really treated bad, the hells angels probably can help you with the legal groundwork to beat anything in the highway traffic act, the price you pay for their help though may be worse than the original penalty :)..Max

10-05-2002, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

gee finboy. good job. that sure gives us a responsible image

:D :burnout:

10-06-2002, 01:49 AM
MaxT gets the award for longest post in the history of the boards.
i agree on your position with the muscle car tho, i think everyone here agrees it isnt fair

10-06-2002, 11:22 AM
thats stupid

but mustang and other domestic owners modify their cars as well. does it mean that they will give tickets to them as well as us??
also some very old 1980's firebirds are really frickin loud when they stomp on the gas. its even louder then some import's with modified exhausts. are they going to charge them as well??

all in all if they are going to ticket you for any modifications then why target the people who has already has these modifications? we all bought them from retailed stores (i hope j/k) and they are perfectly legal. so if it is illegal to do any modifications. then why dont the cops go after the retailers/stores first??

10-06-2002, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Hipermax_d
so if it is illegal to do any modifications. then why dont the cops go after the retailers/stores first??

have u ever noticed that all the boxes say that they are illegal for use on street cars? as long as there's the disclaimer they're allowed to sell them

10-06-2002, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Hipermax_d
thats stupid

but mustang and other domestic owners modify their cars as well. does it mean that they will give tickets to them as well as us??

Guess they like the sound:rofl: I only get pulled over if my hat's on backwards-really! My car is completely legal, less my rear tires that just hit the wear bar. Its lowered- not slammed.

Its not illegal to sell parts. You can even buy pot seeds and mushroom spores legally. I think its the "offroad only" designation thats on the boxes that allows shops to sell parts that arent legal on highway cars.

F&F, the media, and a selct few of import drivers(no-not all off you) are to blame for the increased attention from the cops. Yes, some domestic drivers are idiots as well, but age is the main problem. Many import drivers are young, full of hormones and inexperienced. My driving at age 24 VS driving at age 17 are on the complete opposite end of the scale. Yes, i still speed and stunt, but where and when i do it are the difference.
Lastly, practice makes perfect. I can control my 12sec car way better than i could control my 17 sec capri at age 16.
Just my .02:tongue:

lastly, my buddy fought 3 exhaust tip tickets and won them all. He took pictures of factory cars with larger tips than him and show them to the judge.

10-06-2002, 06:15 PM
There is nothing on my car that has "not legal for street use" disclaimers on it..Most of it has a California air resource board stamp of approval, not that means shit here but..
Basically we know some tinting, and some lighting is illegal, the rest of it goes..Max

10-06-2002, 06:41 PM
And for those who love reading the literal entrails left by tireless bureaucrats, here is the link to Transport Canada's lighting law..
Be warned, its a pretty dry read..


The more you read Transport Canada's website, the more you will see they basically use the SAE standards, the say it must be "this this and this, with blah ba blah subsection compliant, or SAE equivalent." Which basically means if its legal in the US its legal here with some minor exceptions, the US DOT looks for SAE approval basically as well. Maxt