View Full Version : Chinese concentration camps

07-19-2020, 04:27 PM
I don't know if the US or some other country are the good guys or not...but I do know that China is the bad guy.


07-19-2020, 04:43 PM
Yeah, but, money.

07-19-2020, 04:50 PM
Looks like a standard Mexican deportation to me actually.

Wait no. Can't be the USA because they don't use trains, they use trucks.

07-19-2020, 06:39 PM
BTW: This video is really bad in many ways.

It almost appears to be either drone footage, or perhaps scoped "sniper" footage, but obviously not from a Chinese source. It would be like China having drone footage of a deportation camp in Texas. The footage is almost completely irrelevant to the idea that a drone spy (and whatever else it could be carrying or dropping) was somehow operating absolutely nowhere it should have been.

This video will no doubt eventually be traced back, maybe to USA military spies. Are the British media inadvertantly admitting the USA is operating drones in central China? That would be a gigantic no-no, China does not fly spy drones over Texas or the White House.

This would probably be the #1 way that Covid would be released if it were weaponized. It would be dropped from a drone that had no pilot, and only the command of a singular deranged general with proper GPS coordinates. This may be sufficient proof to incriminate the footage taker.

07-19-2020, 06:49 PM
It's absolutely bananas that you think this is anything like what happens in the USA

07-19-2020, 06:52 PM
This is a huge win for China if that is indeed where it is though. Again, the contents are irrelevant (it could easily be a simple prisoner transport) - what *is* important is that it appears to be taken under cover by a spy. If they can figure out who did it and prove it, its solidly in Chinas favour.

Context is everything. Evidence completely matters based on how you obtain it. British media might be helping China intentionally? I can't imagine there would be any other reason to air this. There is plenty of footage of on ground disrespect for people jumping borders.


So concentrated on the wagging tail, that people completely miss the dog that its attached to, lol.

07-19-2020, 06:56 PM
I don't know if the US or some other country are the good guys or not...but I do know that China is the bad guy.


US is definitely not any kind of "good guy" - in fact there probably are ZERO good nations around - most of the power is corrupted and in service to self. 70 years of Americanism has ruined countless nations. Soviet were no better.

07-19-2020, 07:02 PM
Let's put it this way. No country is perfect but America is probably the best of the worst! :dunno: :dunno:

07-19-2020, 08:06 PM
The real enemy is the government (on a grand scale) and the victims are the people in the country.

07-19-2020, 08:09 PM
Vocational center are expensive... neutering is cheaper.


07-19-2020, 08:49 PM
Just a day in the life of Ivan denisovich

07-19-2020, 09:12 PM
Vocational center are expensive... neutering is cheaper.


They could just go to gas chambers?

07-20-2020, 05:07 AM
Probably had to take it down. Its probably illegal footage, both obtained and situated.

If they had actually shown someone beating someone with a stick or stepping on someones head for half an hour - maybe you might be able to overlook how it was obtained. But as is, who is really going to care if they are convicted criminals (even under Chinese justice) simply being shoveled over to a salt mine? The bigger concern is that it is footage from a rebel about 15 minutes before he starts shooting to free his companions. This is not the type of footage any news outlet should be using, you do not use terrorist (USA or rebel) footage. That British news outlet should be severely reprimanded. The level of retardation in media nowadays is extreme, maybe they all have covid-brain damage. Wait, did I just call USA terrorist? Wonders never cease.


xnOWgCz5fj4 Bring out the sticks!

07-20-2020, 06:37 AM
Video is down

07-20-2020, 07:44 AM
Video is down

Closest thing I could find is this CNN video with footage from the OP's video.


I think Germany was doing similar shit in the 1940's.

07-20-2020, 08:12 AM
They could just go to gas chambers?

Nazi light

07-21-2020, 02:24 PM
There has to be some sort of punishment for not obeying the law. You don't see me eating lunch at NASA even though its a stupid ass law.

You can't fine a Uighur $1,400 for a minor transgression because they are unlikely to make that in a year. So, if they start drinking beers for lunch in a place they are not supposed to be (which is the entirety of China) - what they know is what they know is "the stick". Its what they respect as punishment for others, and what they fully expect for punishment when they break the law. They should be glad they aren't getting an enforceable $1,400 fine, because arguably the only way to pay that off effectively would be to sell off a kidney.

I didn't even see a stick either. Literally the British media probably being paid off by the USA to run an anti-China piece - and a crappy one at that.

Now if they are being loaded up into a factory and the only thing that comes out the other end are kidneys: Free will to sell of kidney to pay off a fine to avoid jail is the american way - Not having the choice *that* is a Chinese problem that needs to be addressed.


07-22-2020, 06:58 AM
As for Hong Kong. Is China really so bad? Would Hong Kong rather be taken over by a nation that Lawfully beats women for drinking beer in public?

Seriously, on the scale of spoiled, Hong Kong is right around 11/10, China should be bringing them back to reality. Shoulda just straight up drove tanks through the city center. Its literally Buzz Aldrin level of spoiled whiny ass (Buzz being one of the greatest dickwads as more time passes). Economy hurts a little bit? Who cares, at least you don't have public beatings and stonings as lawful punishment for jaywalking.


Because without the British or China, Uighurs would definitely start looting Hong Kong and start imposing their laws.