View Full Version : Official Karen Thread

09-15-2020, 06:33 PM
Calgary’s own viral Karen.


09-15-2020, 06:44 PM
I trust the world will quickly educate themselves....
Of her name, address, nutcase church and place of work.

09-15-2020, 06:50 PM
gotta be careful which fabric stores you wander into.

09-15-2020, 06:50 PM
I trust the world will quickly educate themselves....
Of her name, address, nutcase church and place of work.

Don't mess with the interwebs......its scary. LOL Seen the video on Worldstar

09-15-2020, 06:53 PM
I love how she says "IF I ever come back here"...get real Karen, where else you gonna find such great selection at such great prices?

09-15-2020, 06:59 PM
gotta be careful which fabric stores you wander into.

Some things never change.
I had a girlfriend back in the 80's that used to drag me into Fabricland. OMG, kill me. I thought Ikea was bad.
One time that fitness bitch that was on CFCN... Charlene somethingerother had a major meltdown at the cashier. I see not much has changed.

09-15-2020, 08:56 PM
gotta be careful which fabric stores you wander into.

That fabric store is right next to the gun range. This could have gone so much worse.

09-15-2020, 10:10 PM
Looks like Druh Farrell has finally gone off the deep end

adam c
09-15-2020, 10:13 PM
I trust the world will quickly educate themselves....
Of her name, address, nutcase church and place of work.


too bad her name was hidden

09-15-2020, 10:31 PM

09-16-2020, 12:05 AM
She's one serious badass.

09-16-2020, 12:10 AM
I’ve been to that fabric land many times to get vinyl for the tables at work lol it’s really a weird place....like going back in time or something. Anyway, that lady, very embarrassing. Ppl can be crazy.

09-16-2020, 12:19 AM
Generation Xaren strikes again

09-16-2020, 06:37 AM
Every fabricland is awesome. If you don't love that store you can't be my friend.

09-16-2020, 06:43 AM
Every fabricland is awesome. If you don't love that store you can't be my friend.

There is so much better fabric stores than fabricland!

09-16-2020, 07:02 AM


Jan Walsh to face the fury of the only part of cancel culture that I uncomfortably take some joy in.

You see, just because I believe that what she's doing is wrong and morally reprehensible, it makes me think it's ok for her to suffer the upcoming global humiliation as payback. It's pretty hypocritical.

Although, fuck... It's not like she didn't know she was being filmed and she chose to put those moronic pictures on Facebook...

09-16-2020, 07:14 AM
Internet points, I hope whomever took the video feels really good about themselves right now. Now their intent most likely wasn't to have a bunch of crap unexpectedly heaped upon an absolute stranger bug that is exactly what's happening right now.

Now I don't condone or agree with what this Jan person did but I also do not feel the need to take a video and then post it on social media for a few haha's. I do not know the stresses or whatever this Jan person has going on in their life - I can look inward towards my own family and see some public actions that would appear nutty to the general public but does that general public know that one of my family has untreated mental health and drug addiction issues, another has ongoing and currently being treated mental health issues, another is rapidly experiencing the effects of a degrading dementia situation and the associated anger issues it's creating, another has pemanent soft tissue injuries and chronic pain from a car accident.

The point is that people have shit going on in their lives that may result in them sometimes cracking at the wrong time - hell , I did a renovation job at a place where the two owners were very outspoken Trump supporters - yeah, I could've taken some video that could've outted them or made them look like the fools they sounded like but what real purpose would that serve for me and is it fair for me to possibly fuck up their lives and maybe even my life if they found out and decided to serve vengeance against me.

Hell, I've got one adult kid (not living at hone) who is figuring out that the Internet is full of bat shit crazies that are crazier than them and yet this kid of mine continues to stuck their nose into business that doesn't concern them in the least bit and then is amazed how far a bat shit crazy person will go to seek vengeance.

Sometimes it is easier (and better) to observe from afar without having to hit that record button and then spread it on the Internet for some points. For all we know, thus Jan person might be someone who has volunteered in some organization for decades and now this one publicly posted incident could effectively finish that - is our world a better place if that happens?

09-16-2020, 07:25 AM
Internet points, I hope whomever took the video feels really good about themselves right now. Now their intent most likely wasn't to have a bunch of crap unexpectedly heaped upon an absolute stranger bug that is exactly what's happening right now.

Now I don't condone or agree with what this Jan person did but I also do not feel the need to take a video and then post it on social media for a few haha's. I do not know the stresses or whatever this Jan person has going on in their life - I can look inward towards my own family and see some public actions that would appear nutty to the general public but does that general public know that one of my family has untreated mental health and drug addiction issues, another has ongoing and currently being treated mental health issues, another is rapidly experiencing the effects of a degrading dementia situation and the associated anger issues it's creating, another has pemanent soft tissue injuries and chronic pain from a car accident.

The point is that people have shit going on in their lives that may result in them sometimes cracking at the wrong time - hell , I did a renovation job at a place where the two owners were very outspoken Trump supporters - yeah, I could've taken some video that could've outted them or made them look like the fools they sounded like but what real purpose would that serve for me and is it fair for me to possibly fuck up their lives and maybe even my if they found out and decided to serve vengeance against me.

Hell, I've got one adult kid (not living at hone) who is figuring out that the Internet is full of bat shit crazies that are crazier than them and yet this kid of mine continues to stuck their nose into business that doesn't concern them in the least bit and then is amazed how far a bat shit crazy person will go to seek vengeance.

Sometimes it is easier (and better) to observe from afar without having to hit that record button and then spread it on the Internet for some points. For all we know, thus Jan person might be someone who has volunteered in some organization for decades and now this one publicly posted incident could effectively finish that - is our world a better place if that happens?

I agree with you bud... 100%. The shitty thing is that this is what is considered "entertainment" today. People enjoy laughing at others who snap. Wallowing in others peoples misery and bad times to make yourself feel better is just sad at the best of times, but now with social media and the like, being able to do it publicly is even worse. This is not in defence of the content of her rant in the slightest, but more how we are becoming as a society. It just isn't right. I think this is the kind of thing that makes it worse, not better.

09-16-2020, 07:37 AM
Honestly I appreciate her response, the same people posting that and laughing at her probably wear pink shirts on anti-bullying day.

Also Dean Blundell seems like a real wannabe.

09-16-2020, 08:16 AM
Honestly I appreciate her response, the same people posting that and laughing at her probably wear pink shirts on anti-bullying day.

This exactly...

09-16-2020, 08:26 AM
You guys are super nice. To me, she just looks like a raging moron that had probably built up years of moron karma with similar behaviour and attitudes.

She knew she was being recorded, she looked like she even relished it. Why should she be embarrassed about her view point now?

09-16-2020, 08:53 AM
I don't know the full story, but I doubt that she simply started yelling at people who were wearing masks, I'm guessing it was the opposite. On that note, when the bylaw came into place this was the city's stance:

But city officials said they won’t expect businesses to police mask-wearing or deny service to people who aren’t wearing a face covering. They also said they don’t plan to use widespread enforcement and punish people without a face covering.

So who's the real Karen? In my mind, it's people that called her out and bullied her. If you have a concern, call by-law enforcement, don't be a Karen and try to police people yourself.

Additionally from the city website:

What are the exceptions?
Exceptions to the face coverings bylaw include:

Children under 2 years of age
People with underlying medical conditions or disabilities inhibiting their ability to wear a face covering
People who are unable to place, use or remove a face covering safely without assistance
People who are eating or drinking at a public premises that offers food or beverage services
People engaging in an athletic or fitness activity
People who are caregiving for or accompanying a person with a disability where wearing a face covering would hinder the accommodation of the person’s disability (for example, the ability to lip read)
People who have temporarily removed their face covering where doing so is necessary to provide or receive a service (for example, a visit to the dentist)
Please note: Proof is not required if someone has an exception. Businesses are also not expected to deny services as not everyone is required to wear a face covering.

09-16-2020, 08:58 AM
I don't know the full story, but I doubt that she simply started yelling at people who were wearing masks, I'm guessing it was the opposite. On that note, when the bylaw came into place this was the city's stance:

But city officials said they won’t expect businesses to police mask-wearing or deny service to people who aren’t wearing a face covering. They also said they don’t plan to use widespread enforcement and punish people without a face covering.

So who's the real Karen? In my mind, it's people that called her out and bullied her. If you have a concern, call by-law enforcement, don't be a Karen and try to police people yourself.

vigilantly justice!

Personally, her view on masks is fine with me. What I don't understand is her belief that no one is sick. Maybe she believes the earth is flat too?

09-16-2020, 08:58 AM
I agree sometimes these things are a bit unwarranted and are definitely bullying, but in this case it looks like this lady was flipping out at staff. These people make $15 an hour and don't deserve that kind of bullshit from the neighbourhood Karen.

If you want to make your point then do it somewhere more appropriate, don't take it out on the staff at a retail store. If you want to do that then this is the risk you are taking...everyone should know that in 2020 you have a 99% chance of being recorded and internet-shamed.

09-16-2020, 09:07 AM
I agree sometimes these things are a bit unwarranted and are definitely bullying, but in this case it looks like this lady was flipping out at staff. These people make $15 an hour and don't deserve that kind of bullshit from the neighbourhood Karen.

If you want to make your point then do it somewhere more appropriate, don't take it out on the staff at a retail store. If you want to do that then this is the risk you are taking...everyone should know that in 2020 you have a 99% chance of being recorded and internet-shamed.


We all have stuff to deal with and taking it out on retail workers ??? Not much sympathy from me on the latter

09-16-2020, 09:20 AM
I have some super masks for sale, guaranteed to give you the same big dick energy as you see in the video.

Get your super masks now!

09-16-2020, 09:42 AM
.everyone should know that in 2020 you have a 99% chance of being recorded and internet-shamed.

This is what our society has come to now isn't it, recording every facet of your life. It's like people going to live concerts and staring at a 6" screen. No one lives in the moment anymore, everything is captured digitally.

Not sure what I'd do in that moment, probably grab the persons phone and smash it on the ground. Then again, I don't have time for public outbursts at minimum wage employees. Got more improtant things to worry about, like fixing that naggin CEL or working on my golf game. What's the charge for breaking someones phone, minor mischief....if they can catch you? I'd take my chances on that then be plastered on the internet forever.

09-16-2020, 10:03 AM
Those things were a little funnier before but people, a lot of people, are getting serious mental breakdowns/issues as this shit drags on so the humour in it has lost its earlier luster to me.

09-16-2020, 10:20 AM

We all have stuff to deal with and taking it out on retail workers ??? Not much sympathy from me on the latter

Jan Walsh was being a bully and now she is going to get bullied back.
How many great fictional stories have this theme as their cornerstone? It's human nature to crave that the classic bully gets their comeuppance.

Action, meet Consequence. Demonstrate accountability.

Now, I'm in no way saying people should protest outside her house or that she should lose her job. But, to get off with a mulligan "because sad because CoVid" is the same slippery slope that lets the Greyhound bus massacre guy skirt a lot of responsibility for murder and cannibalism.

D'z Nutz
09-16-2020, 10:28 AM

I've dealt with this idiot before, she thinks she's so entiled its disgusting. She is most definitely in her own little world

Where have you met her previously, in that same store? Is her behaviour always bad?

No when I worked done by Chinook. Thirft store. She would come in before close And stay late and always pretend she didn't know we were closing etc. Its always bad yes

A friend used to work in Chinook and this lady would come by all the time and cause hell, pretend she didn't know they were closing, pick up things and leave them all over the store - purposefully making a huge mess then saying "its your job to clean up after me!".

Omg what an awful person. Sounds like she has serious mental issues.

She is unfortunately

From all the info above, this person likes to cause trouble and enjoy terrorizing others! What a sad person and i feel bad for the people she terrorizes. Clearly selfish, entitled and mentally unstable. If her friends or family read this, i hope they get her the help that's needed for the sake of others.

Exactly! She would be like oh you wanna go home don't you?! Ya we closed 10 mins ago bitch

This woman sounds like a fucking cow.

That said, a lot of you are overlooking the important thing and that is she's probably wild in the sack and into all kinds of weird, unconventional means of pleasure cause she refuses to follow status quo.

09-16-2020, 10:34 AM
But, to get off with a mulligan "because sad because CoVid" is the same slippery slope that lets the Greyhound bus massacre guy skirt a lot of responsibility for murder and cannibalism.

Bit of a stretch.....

This woman sounds like a fucking cow.

Well if she's a serial cunt that's obviously no good but, did the filmer/poster know that at the time? Could be a timely case of karma coming around or could just be a case of me turning into a pussy. Fuck. Is this my mid-life crisis? Attempted compassion and touchy feely bullshit occasionally? Why couldn't I just get a convertible like a normal douchebag :(

09-16-2020, 10:38 AM
Bit of a stretch.....

Well if she's a serial cunt that's obviously no good but, did the filmer/poster know that at the time? Could be a timely case of karma coming around or could just be a case of me turning into a pussy. Fuck. Is this my mid-life crisis? Attempted compassion and touchy feely bullshit occasionally? Why couldn't I just get a convertible like a normal douchebag :(

lol wassup man? something got you in the feels? it's okay bro, lean into those feels, feel those feels and you'll feel much better but it's also important to talk about it, don't bottle up inside okay homie. e-hugs.

09-16-2020, 10:47 AM
You guys are super nice. To me, she just looks like a raging moron that had probably built up years of moron karma with similar behaviour and attitudes.

She knew she was being recorded, she looked like she even relished it. Why should she be embarrassed about her view point now?
My opinion has nothing to do with this specific lady. She could be the biggest twat in the world for all I care. I am more annoyed at how people are becoming and how our society is going. Just my opinion of course and I don’t expect most, or even many, to agree. We are becoming a world full of Karen’s, just approaching it in different ways, and if their Karen doesn’t agree with my Karen then all he’ll breaks loose.

09-16-2020, 10:50 AM
People just love being petty children, internet relative anonymity just enables this character flaw

That said I found fabricland Karen and the car picture follow up to be hilarious.

09-16-2020, 10:51 AM
lol wassup man? something got you in the feels? it's okay bro, lean into those feels, feel those feels and you'll feel much better but it's also important to talk about it, don't bottle up inside okay homie. e-hugs.

Create the love Mad Max!

09-16-2020, 10:52 AM
That said, a lot of you are overlooking the important thing and that is she's probably wild in the sack and into all kinds of weird, unconventional means of pleasure cause she refuses to follow status quo.
So what you're saying is that you'd definitely tap that coffee enema, anal bead lovin', cheddar butt mama?

09-16-2020, 10:53 AM
The cat pic works for me. I'd hit it.

09-16-2020, 11:12 AM
I agree with you bud... 100%. The shitty thing is that this is what is considered "entertainment" today. People enjoy laughing at others who snap. Wallowing in others peoples misery and bad times to make yourself feel better is just sad at the best of times, but now with social media and the like, being able to do it publicly is even worse. This is not in defence of the content of her rant in the slightest, but more how we are becoming as a society. It just isn't right. I think this is the kind of thing that makes it worse, not better.

Anytime I see one of these videos I wonder how long the person waited to upload it - like "OMG I'm so uploading this to reddit right away, I'm gonna get all the upvotes and everyone will praise my heroism." People will literally burn down a strangers world just to get some internet points.

We don't know what that lady's day or week or year has been like, we don't know her story, all we know is we got her at a bad time and now the whole world has seen her at her worst and people are applauding it as if the uploader is some kind of hero. Fuck that shit. Karen is dumb for blowing up like that but the uploader is the real piece of shit in (most of) these situations. Zero empathy, its all about me me me.

09-16-2020, 11:18 AM
Anytime I see one of these videos I wonder how long the person waited to upload it - like "OMG I'm so uploading this to reddit right away, I'm gonna get all the upvotes and everyone will praise my heroism." People will literally burn down a strangers world just to get some internet points.

We don't know what that lady's day or week or year has been like, we don't know her story, all we know is we got her at a bad time and now the whole world has seen her at her worst and people are applauding it as if the uploader is some kind of hero. Fuck that shit. Karen is dumb for blowing up like that but the uploader is the real piece of shit in (most of) these situations. Zero empathy, its all about me me me.

I somewhat agree with this.

That being said, you are being generous assuming this was her “worst”. What if that’s just who she is? And whether or not it’s her at her worst, or just an average cunty day, anyone dumb enough to see they’re being recorded and respond by continuing to fly off the handle kind of gets what they deserve.

If I was being a belligerent asshole, the instant I saw someone pull out a phone and start recording is the instant I’d shut up and walk away.

09-16-2020, 11:25 AM
If I was being a belligerent asshole, the instant I saw someone pull out a phone and start recording is the instant I’d shut up and walk away.
This is why she gets props for sticking to her guns. I mean, if you're going to be an asshole, own it.
If she is regretful of her actions later because the girl uploaded it online, then she shouldn't have flipped out so hard on camera.

It's like if someone was a huge jerk on the road and ended up getting pulled over by a cop or gets into an accident. If their reaction was "wow, I deserved that", then you don't hate them as much than if they played the victim card.

09-16-2020, 11:30 AM
People in 2020 are sure very comfortable with mob Justice, who knew bringing back tarring and feathering would be so popular with the wokeys.

09-16-2020, 12:07 PM
Anytime I see one of these videos I wonder how long the person waited to upload it - like "OMG I'm so uploading this to reddit right away, I'm gonna get all the upvotes and everyone will praise my heroism." People will literally burn down a strangers world just to get some internet points.

We don't know what that lady's day or week or year has been like, we don't know her story, all we know is we got her at a bad time and now the whole world has seen her at her worst and people are applauding it as if the uploader is some kind of hero. Fuck that shit. Karen is dumb for blowing up like that but the uploader is the real piece of shit in (most of) these situations. Zero empathy, its all about me me me.

lol, beyond used to have a 'spotted' thread for a lady in a scooter who obviously was having issues.. funny to see how everyone's all grown up now

09-16-2020, 12:12 PM
lol, beyond used to have a 'spotted' thread for a lady in a scooter who obviously was having issues.. funny to see how everyone's all grown up now

Best thread

09-16-2020, 12:13 PM
I think we all need to have more empathy for "The Claw" guy. Obviously he was just having issues.

09-16-2020, 12:30 PM
lol, beyond used to have a 'spotted' thread for a lady in a scooter who obviously was having issues.. funny to see how everyone's all grown up now

Nah, people that were asswipes when they were younger are still usually asswipes when they grow up - they may not still be outwardly as much of an asswipe but they will are an asswipe. Not too many leopards change their spots, they may try to cover them up but those spots are still there and will become quite apparent if you watch/know someone long enough.

People I know that were asswipes 30-40 years ago still are asswipes today, it's really quite amazing when you bump into someone you haven't seen in 20, 30 or more years and you're left thinking, yupp they haven't changed. I suppose for me that is becoming less of an issue as more and more people i knew from years ago are passing away - just comes with the getting older territory.

09-16-2020, 12:31 PM
I think we all need to have more empathy for "The Claw" guy. Obviously he was just having issues.

Sean Bannerjee too. I mean, we don't know what kind of year he was having. Might have been a mental breakdown.

09-16-2020, 12:36 PM
Sean Bannerjee too. I mean, we don't know what kind of year he was having. Might have been a mental breakdown.
He goes by Baron Von Banerjee now, OK? Give the fat fuck some respect.

09-16-2020, 01:19 PM
I feel like pointing out that my wife's company has had to call the police 4 times on people that refused to put on a mask and then refused to leave. All 4 cases women. Do they really have a bigger issue with this than men? Best one blocked the front door for 20 minutes until police showed up screaming that if she couldn't come in, no one else could come in or leave. lol

09-16-2020, 01:20 PM
I feel like pointing out that my wife's company has had to call the police 4 times on people that refused to put on a mask and then refused to leave. All 4 cases women. Do they really have a bigger issue with this than men? Best one blocked the front door for 20 minutes until police showed up screaming that if she couldn't come in, no one else could come in or leave. lol

lol, covid hostage taking!

09-16-2020, 01:42 PM
Bit late to this, but did anyone else immediately think of Jan from The Office?

09-16-2020, 01:56 PM
lol, covid hostage taking!


09-16-2020, 01:58 PM
I'm legit surprised that there are so many here on Team Karen.

09-16-2020, 02:00 PM
I'm legit surprised that there are so many here on Team Karen.

Honestly though. Are you really?

Been on beyond much lately?

D'z Nutz
09-16-2020, 02:03 PM
I feel like pointing out that my wife's company has had to call the police 4 times on people that refused to put on a mask and then refused to leave. All 4 cases women. Do they really have a bigger issue with this than men? Best one blocked the front door for 20 minutes until police showed up screaming that if she couldn't come in, no one else could come in or leave. lol

Videos or it didn't happen.


09-16-2020, 02:11 PM
I feel like the camera was only taken out in the hope it would make the person feel accountable (see: police body cams).

It obviosuly triggered the woman, and regardless of if she felt cornered, she definitely "attacked" the camera person (who doesn't appear to be originally involved). Getting up close, touching her, even when she said "I don't like that".

It sounds like she's previously had issues in the area with other businesses, and even pre-mask bylaw, Fabric Land had mask rules in place. The fact that months after the bylaw (and other rules) have been in place, that she's still protesting it, shows she's trying to be a martyr. I'm seriously surprised at the amount of support she's getting in here, considering the general opinion in other places (reddit, radio, etc).

Does she deserve mob justice? No. But I also don't think she should be given the soap box she's obviously so yearning for either. Don't dox the woman, just don't let her into your business if there's no mask.

09-16-2020, 02:17 PM
This new, touchy feely Beyond, so full of redemption. Perhaps we should all put away our dashcams - would be a shame to record someone doing something dumb on the road.

09-16-2020, 02:19 PM
We should shame Tesla for putting so many cameras on their cars.

09-16-2020, 02:23 PM
This new, touchy feely Beyond, so full of redemption. Perhaps we should all put away our dashcams - would be a shame to record someone doing something dumb on the road.

They're all just worried they'll have a public freakout and get busted for it.

09-16-2020, 02:25 PM
They're all just worried they'll have a public freakout and get busted for it.

I was so glad the last time I had one nothing ended up on the "news".

Guilty as charged.

09-16-2020, 02:28 PM
Black people being killed and they deserve it because of a criminal record. Don't fuck with white Karen at Fabricland though. She has rights above the law and her privacy should be respected.

09-16-2020, 02:35 PM
I just want to further add to the stretching/posturing in this thread:


09-16-2020, 05:35 PM
I have some super masks for sale, guaranteed to give you the same big dick energy as you see in the video.

Get your super masks now!

You had me at big dick

09-16-2020, 05:58 PM
This new, touchy feely Beyond, so full of redemption. Perhaps we should all put away our dashcams - would be a shame to record someone doing something dumb on the road.

Come on guys. Don't wish them pain, if they caused you pain, that means they must have pain inside, wish them healing instead. Sending all y'all love.

09-17-2020, 06:37 AM
Karen masks for Halloween.

Global News: ‘Karen’ Halloween mask triggers a flurry of orders — and complaints.
Looks like Notley.

09-21-2020, 10:51 AM
Karen's friend has an issue with the clerk wearing no mask apparently.


09-21-2020, 11:00 AM
He looks like a wife beater.
Prolly got mad that he got called a piece of shit too many times in his life so he uses it profusely whenever he can.

09-21-2020, 11:11 PM
Holly bunch of babies. Beyond has gone soft...

09-21-2020, 11:40 PM
Holly bunch of babies. Beyond has gone soft...

You are a part of what makes up beyond and maybe even more so as a mod. So are you still hard core as ever or are you becoming a bit more loving and tolerant?

09-22-2020, 12:08 AM
You are a part of what makes up beyond and maybe even more so as a mod. So are you still hard core as ever or are you becoming a bit more loving and tolerant?

I think I'm still the same... lol, maybe never super hardcore but I definitely remember the savage days.

09-22-2020, 06:51 AM
I think I'm still the same... lol, maybe never super hardcore but I definitely remember the savage days.
Same, I haven't really changed too much as I try to keep it real when I can. Or some might call it uptight :rofl:

Beyond definitely has evolved over the years, and I've noticed some things:

- less people jumping on the bandwagon when people gets called out even though they are secretly agreeing or laughing inside.
- people get offended way easier and the topic of bringing up people on ignore is more frequent, as if putting people on ignore means you're a bigger and better person even though you constantly need to mention it publically.
- seems to be some ol boys club for rep, with the main gunslingers pattin each other's back whenever possible.
- a lot of the notorious personalities are gone and now we have some of the tamest members to disagree with compared to what we have seen in the past. Why? Likely they all got bored of Beyond whining. At least they found some value in the past to keep coming back.

Either way, still love the community greatly and not complaining. Just observing.

09-22-2020, 07:03 AM
Same, I haven't really changed too much as I try to keep it real when I can. Or some might call it uptight :rofl:

Beyond definitely has evolved over the years, and I've noticed some things:

- less people jumping on the bandwagon when people gets called out even though they are secretly agreeing or laughing inside.
- people get offended way easier and the topic of bringing up people on ignore is more frequent, as if putting people on ignore means you're a bigger and better person even though you constantly need to mention it publically.
- seems to be some ol boys club for rep, with the main gunslingers pattin each other's back whenever possible.
- a lot of the notorious personalities are gone and now we have some of the tamest members to disagree with compared to what we have seen in the past. Why? Likely they all got bored of Beyond whining. At least they found some value in the past to keep coming back.

Either way, still love the community greatly and not complaining. Just observing.

I think I mostly agree with that. I don't know if I am considered true "OG" or not, but, I know I don't go off nearly as much as I used to. I found that my mental health has gotten much better since I blocked a few of the biggest losers on here. Same thing after I left my community FB groups. Dealing with such people is mentally taxing and just not worth it.

11-16-2020, 12:56 PM

According to the survey, poor Karens are getting nearly a third fewer matches and fewer responses to messages in the dumpster fire year that is 2020. Wingman also said Karens reported less engagement while using the app, with a 45% drop in activity.