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12-17-2020, 12:50 PM
has anyone here had the virus yet?

12-17-2020, 12:57 PM
has anyone here had the virus yet?

I personally have not but have a bunch of people I know have.

Girl I'm seeing - got it at a yoga studio a bit over a month ago, 10 out of the 12 people there confirmed positive
Great aunt - her care home had a outbreak; 30 out of 40 residents got it, 5 deaths, and 20-30 staff also caught it in October. She recovered thankfully.
Work colleague - One of our IT people got it and the whole department had to quarantine in October
Friends sister - health care worker caught it about 4 months back
My ex's work - Their McDonalds has had numerous employees test positive throughout the pandemic. Store has been shutdown multiple times, cleaned, and reopened.

No close exposures for me thankfully but one degree of separation from it multiple times.

12-17-2020, 01:13 PM
has anyone here had the virus yet?

No, but I know a couple of people who have. I'm currently experiencing a light cough and light head pressure and monitoring my symptoms to see if they get worse, and/or are accompanied by more typical symptoms. (Fever, etc). The fact I have ANY kind of virus is disconcerting, as I am pretty careful out there these days and barely go out at all as it is.

12-17-2020, 01:13 PM
has anyone here had the virus yet?

Personally no.
Two of my friends that are a couple caught it. They quarantined and recovered. They described it as a horrible chest infection that was one of the worst things they have experienced.

12-17-2020, 01:22 PM
has anyone here had the virus yet?
Maxt has it. He also hasn't posted in a week...

12-17-2020, 01:27 PM
I had it. Headaches for about 4 days and lost my smell for 2 weeks, all good otherwise. No cough, no fever, no dick falling off, etc.

12-17-2020, 01:33 PM
has anyone here had the virus yet?

I have been in close contact with 2 co-workers during the 48 hour pre-symptomatic period. No transmission occurred both times. I’m a health care worker so everyone at work wears medical grade masks. We also insist all patients also wear masks for their appointments.

Between all of the different clinical locations we have across Alberta, we have served over 200,000 patients since the beginning of the pandemic. Of the healthcare workers testing positive in our company in that time, there was no onward transmission at work to other co-workers or patients. Even when we discover a patient exposure after the fact, we have not recorded a single healthcare worker who subsequently became infected from that close contact exposure.

Based on the recent guidance, we are further enhancing our PPE to include full workday use of eye protection.

12-17-2020, 01:35 PM
I have been in close contact with 2 co-workers during the 48 hour pre-symptomatic period. No transmission occurred both times. I’m a health care worker so everyone at work wears medical grade masks. We also insist all patients also wear masks for their appointments.

Between all of the different clinical locations we have across Alberta, we have served over 200,000 patients since the beginning of the pandemic. Of the healthcare workers testing positive in our company in that time, there was no onward transmission at work to other co-workers or patients. Even when we discover a patient exposure after the fact, we have not recorded a single healthcare worker who subsequently became infected from that close contact exposure.

Based on the recent guidance, we are further enhancing our PPE to include full workday use of eye protection.

Hey that's good to hear. I know when I was at my dentist in the fall with my mouth jammed open for what felt like hours, that was on my mind as well.

kobe tai
12-17-2020, 01:46 PM
My co-worker is still laid out for about a week now. I haven't visited this thread for a few days and kinda losing track of who is who.. I know the main covidiots are:


Anyone else I need to keep track of? Who is on the other end of the spectrum? Can we add avatars? Pro-lockdown Karen for some and "it's a plandemic" dude for the others?

12-17-2020, 02:21 PM
Girl I'm seeing - got it at a yoga studio a bit over a month ago, 10 out of the 12 people there confirmed positive

Hopefully things aren't too serious between you two. I'm sure you'll be able to find someone smarter than her.

12-17-2020, 02:25 PM
A friend's grandparents both got it. 80+, very fat, compromised liver in one, some sort of respiratory issues in the other, etc. Like, obvious death sentence.
Apparently, it was a shitty cold that lingered and not much more. They ended up needing to isolate for >2 weeks because they still showed minor symptoms, but they're back in action now. Really surprising.

The variability of symptoms is incredible.

12-17-2020, 02:28 PM
Brother got it in November. He was only sick (flu like symptoms) for a day and a half, but it's been around 3 weeks since his positive test and he still can't taste or smell anything. For a lot of people this lasts for months so will be interesting to see how long it takes his senses to come back.

12-17-2020, 02:41 PM
Hopefully things aren't too serious between you two. I'm sure you'll be able to find someone smarter than her.


12-17-2020, 02:42 PM
Hopefully things aren't too serious between you two. I'm sure you'll be able to find someone smarter than her.

oh snap!

12-17-2020, 02:43 PM
A friend's grandparents both got it. 80+, very fat, compromised liver in one, some sort of respiratory issues in the other, etc. Like, obvious death sentence.
Apparently, it was a shitty cold that lingered and not much more. They ended up needing to isolate for >2 weeks because they still showed minor symptoms, but they're back in action now. Really surprising.

The variability of symptoms is incredible.

Friend in retirement complex in Penticton and a couple in the complex got the VID. Wife made it out of hospital and husband still in ICU for a week now. They think they got it from the curling rink which to their knowledge followed all health guidance.

12-17-2020, 04:36 PM
Co-workers at both my jobs caught the vid. Most were mild cold symptoms but 2 had pretty severe symptoms
One guy got it a month ago, he felt deathly sick and couldn't get out of bed for 6 days. Couldn't even muster up the energy to eat real food so he had soup through a straw. His wife had bad cold symptoms but was able to still somewhat function (both 33 year old). Guy still can't taste food today.
Another guy described it as the worst cold he's ever had but his wife was asymptomatic. He would run out of breath trying to get up the stairs. Still has issues with running out of breath and that was 6 weeks ago (mid 50's)

Odd how most people are fine but some people it's like a train hit them

12-17-2020, 05:08 PM
Yesterday I woke up and felt pretty good, my symptoms all
went away very quickly.I am still not at full capacity, I was a bit fatigued today and only managed about 6 hrs on the tools. I've been off the meds for 3 days, i'm guessing it takes awhile to get full lung capacity back. Stomache is all normal and i'm eating again, I dropped about 15lbs, basically because I had no appetite for a week.
If you get it, don't watch the news,it just adds stress and messes with your anxiety.

12-17-2020, 05:16 PM
Yesterday I woke up and felt pretty good, my symptoms all went away very quickly.
Glad to hear it. Truly, healthy people will generally fare well. There are exceptions to that rule of course, but being "afraid" doesn't help anything or anyone. Still, losing 15 pounds in a few days is quite a shock to the body I imagine and I'd rather not deal with that if I can avoid it. Nor do I wish to be the exception.

12-17-2020, 06:29 PM
Yesterday I woke up and felt pretty good, my symptoms all
went away very quickly.I am still not at full capacity, I was a bit fatigued today and only managed about 6 hrs on the tools.

Great to hear!!

D'z Nutz
12-18-2020, 02:54 AM
I thought this was worthy of a split just to hear about peoples' first or second hand experiences. Keep the mask and vaccine discussions in the other threads.

For those who have gotten it, did it hit you suddenly? Or was it something that you felt coming on before it set in?

12-18-2020, 03:21 AM
They think they got it from the curling rink which to their knowledge followed all health guidance.

Jesus, when are people going to learn?

12-18-2020, 04:54 AM
I thought this was worthy of a split just to hear about peoples' first or second hand experiences. Keep the mask and vaccine discussions in the other threads.

For those who have gotten it, did it hit you suddenly? Or was it something that you felt coming on before it set in?
Just woke up at 5am one Friday with a killer headache that persisted through the weekend. Got tested the Monday, came back positive Tuesday when I felt better lol. Managed to not give it to my girlfriend because I moved to a seperate bed for 2 weeks as soon as I felt fucky. No other distancing measures between us besides obviously not sharing food or drinks.

12-18-2020, 05:35 AM
Had it earlier in the fall. Started with low-energy and a sort-of tingle in my throat producing a small cough every 5-10 mins. Then it went to fever pretty quick but that only lasted the night, and the next day I basically woke up with what felt like a cold, which lasted maybe 5-6 days. Also some intermittent muscle ache/stress in my legs that was a little distracting when I was just trying to relax. The annoying part was not being able to enjoy food, nearly a complete loss of taste and smell. The good part was getting 2 weeks off work. lol.

12-18-2020, 09:41 AM
Jesus, when are people going to learn?

Up until this case, people were still mingling in the complex, doing backyard BBQ and shit. The 2 closest to this couple are shitting bricks right now. And they are finally hiding in their homes and observe social distancing when see each other outside.

Unfortunately, nobody learns until it hits close to home.

12-18-2020, 09:58 AM
I haven't had it or anyone I know directly. I have spent more days in hospital during this pandemic than I have my whole life though so thats something.

12-18-2020, 09:59 AM
A friend's grandparents both got it. 80+, very fat, compromised liver in one, some sort of respiratory issues in the other, etc. Like, obvious death sentence.
Apparently, it was a shitty cold that lingered and not much more. They ended up needing to isolate for >2 weeks because they still showed minor symptoms, but they're back in action now. Really surprising.

The variability of symptoms is incredible.

I think when you say results not typical, you mean these are typical results. Anyone I know thats had it had a cold or nothing worse. Some said it was so minor if it was 2019 they wouldnt have missed a day of work.

12-18-2020, 10:24 AM
Coworker got it. Nothing crazy just regular cold symptoms and he only got tested as somebody in his close friend circle got it and he was a close contact- just sniffles, cough and runny nose.

I was a close contact of his and had to get tested- came back negative but still had to isolate.

2 other people in the department got it... The one girl was fine just normal shit like loss of smell I guess. The guy ended up in the hospital but he's not exactly the healthiest guy with all his weird ass crash diet stuff.

12-18-2020, 10:27 AM
Apparently some undisclosed person at work had it. Can’t say I know anyone else who had a confirmed case.

I guess I keep a pretty tight social circle?

12-18-2020, 10:41 AM
Three people recently 2 degrees away. 1 ded, 1 critical, 1 tbd.

12-18-2020, 10:43 AM
My sister living in the UK had it back in March. It knocked her down pretty hard, couldn't get out of bed for days, and she should've been hospitalized. Her recovery was rough - she ended up with an enlarged heart, and kidney damage. For the first bit, she could barely walk a block before just being exhausted. Her kidney damage was so bad that she couldn't even have a glass of wine. 9 Months later, she's doing much better and mostly back to normal. She's still no alcohol though because of her kidney damage - not entirely sure when / if that will recover. She's ~30 years old, very fit and healthy (eats well, regular worksouts), and mild asthma (carries an inhaler, doesn't regularly use it).

Her husband, almost no symptoms. Only symptom was a few sores in his mouth strangely enough.

Edit: forgot to include reduced lung capacity too as one of the things she had to recover from.

12-18-2020, 10:58 AM
I think when you say results not typical, you mean these are typical results. Anyone I know thats had it had a cold or nothing worse. Some said it was so minor if it was 2019 they wouldnt have missed a day of work.

No. You just can't read or write or comprehend anything that doesn't completely align with your asinine denial.
They are over 80 and not healthy. CoVid kills those people extremely effectively.

12-18-2020, 11:06 AM
No alcohol ever again has to be the third worst long term outcome from this (first two being death and reduced lung capacity).

12-18-2020, 11:08 AM
I know of 3 people so far.

1 was in contact but tested negative
1 tested positive and was in the hospital for awhile
1 tested positive was really sick but came out ok

I also know of at least 1 or maybe 2 that have said they had it through here.

12-18-2020, 11:20 AM
I posted months ago in the covid thread. Had it, no clue where it came from kiddo brought it home, or 7-11 was closed the week after I got sick, my 2 most likely sources.

Kicked my ass. 0/5 stars - don't recommend it. Will be happy to not be that sick again. But no long term effects - one friend who had it this summer has been knocked down from marathon runner to can't do a flight of stairs without getting winded, and is doing weekly appointments at respiratory therapist (?) now, has way more puffers than I do now (this is new).

12-18-2020, 11:24 AM
No alcohol ever again has to be the third worst long term outcome from this (first two being death and reduced lung capacity).


12-18-2020, 11:43 AM
one friend who had it this summer has been knocked down from marathon runner to can't do a flight of stairs without getting winded, and is doing weekly appointments at respiratory therapist (?) now, has way more puffers than I do now (this is new).

Well we all know marathon runners are unhealthy. Perhaps they should make better life choices....


12-18-2020, 11:46 AM
Well we all know marathon runners are unhealthy. Perhaps they should make better life choices....


Totally! It was my smoking that saved me I'm sure :rolleyes::rofl:

12-18-2020, 11:57 AM
Had it hit 4 family members, at almost the same time.

My dad, my Mother-in-Law, my sister, and her boyfriend.
Good chance my sister picked it up off my dad while visiting (he has an acreage, and boards her horse for her).

12-18-2020, 12:00 PM
Co-worker at transit who retried 2 years ago passed away from it. Seemed like a pretty healthy guy, buddy was looking forward to relaxing and living off his big ass city pension

12-18-2020, 01:03 PM

If I read it right, hampstor sister's kidneys are broken as a result of having Covid. She can no longer drink alcohol.

idk about you, but I wouldn't wanna live that way. :rofl:

12-18-2020, 01:06 PM
If I read it right, hampstor sister's kidneys are broken as a result of having Covid. She can no longer drink alcohol.

idk about you, but I wouldn't wanna live that way. :rofl:

Jesus. That would suck

12-18-2020, 01:20 PM
relaxing and living off his big ass city pension

So many directions to go here...

12-18-2020, 01:21 PM
I know 5 people who have tested positive, all had fairly minor symptoms.
One lost their taste/ smell, another said it felt like a bad cold.

I also indirectly know 3 people who have committed suicide and one more who was (thankfully) unsuccessful, all since March 2020.
Root cause in all 4 situations were bankruptcies/ lay offs, all left families behind.

Take care of each other out there.

12-18-2020, 01:21 PM
My cousin in Florida had it, both her and her husband (30's) were knocked out pretty bad for a week, all recovered.
Another cousin (40) here had it last month, with her 2 kids and partner. Kid's were almost asymptomatic and the adults symptoms were very minor and only lasted a few days.
Friend's grandma died in a LTC in Edmonton (in her 90's).

12-18-2020, 01:21 PM
Something something... His sister... Something something... roofies.... Something?

12-18-2020, 01:24 PM
I’m positive the girlfriend and I had it in February before it was mainstream... kicked out asses. Our vp/ his wife had it and said it was nothing more than a sore throat / sniffles... I think the increased amounts of work hangovers has been the worst part for me so far

12-18-2020, 01:25 PM
I think I misspoke on an earlier comment about this but I know two people in their 50's, zero symptoms/illness experienced. Two people in their 30's, nothing more than fatigue and mild cold symptoms 2/3 days, and one person in his 30's very sick for 10 days but full recover so far as he is aware.

12-18-2020, 01:50 PM
My sister living in the UK had it back in March. It knocked her down pretty hard, couldn't get out of bed for days, and she should've been hospitalized. Her recovery was rough - she ended up with an enlarged heart, and kidney damage. For the first bit, she could barely walk a block before just being exhausted. Her kidney damage was so bad that she couldn't even have a glass of wine. 9 Months later, she's doing much better and mostly back to normal. She's still no alcohol though because of her kidney damage - not entirely sure when / if that will recover. She's ~30 years old, very fit and healthy (eats well, regular worksouts), and mild asthma (carries an inhaler, doesn't regularly use it).

Her husband, almost no symptoms. Only symptom was a few sores in his mouth strangely enough.

Female and no wine... thats pretty serious. Hope she gets better.
My nephews girlfriend has it. She was ok but lost her taste.

Just to add, a few people I know have non covid medical issues. The covid situation is affecting thier treatment, surgery, post care etc.

12-18-2020, 03:24 PM
I'm mildly disappointed that no one has asked for pics of my sister yet, since I can now preemptively say no to any such request.

12-18-2020, 04:00 PM
I'm mildly disappointed that no one has asked for pics of my sister yet, since I can now preemptively say no to any such request.

Something something... His sister... Something something... roofies.... Something?

12-18-2020, 06:53 PM
So many directions to go here...

He spent 35 years behind the wheel of a bus. It's not his fault the pension system is broken. Don't hate the player

12-18-2020, 08:21 PM
I know 2 people that got covid.
First is a guy in his early 60's, works retail, got it in May. He thought it was allergies and it never went past his sinuses... Very mild, full recovery.
The second ended up getting it bad in November and died in 8 days. He was all over the Edmonton news if you want to see his story.
I'll tell you, having a media circus about a friend while trying to grieve really messes up the grieving process.

12-18-2020, 10:21 PM
Wife had it. Basic flu symptoms for a week. I can only assume I had it as we live together and I took zero precautions to not get catch it from her. I never had a single symptom, but obviously I can't say for sure if I even had it or not, I never had a reason to get tested.

12-18-2020, 10:34 PM

I recall having some type of coronavirus about 5 years ago, thought I was dying, laid out for a solid 3 days, seriously worst three days of my life, I survived.

12-19-2020, 12:45 AM
Wife had it. Basic flu symptoms for a week. I can only assume I had it as we live together and I took zero precautions to not get catch it from her. I never had a single symptom, but obviously I can't say for sure if I even had it or not, I never had a reason to get tested.

And BTW guys, be careful out there. I've just been made aware of a new covid side effect through the rep system. Turns out your wife getting covid makes you retarded.

12-23-2020, 10:56 PM
And BTW guys, be careful out there. I've just been made aware of a new covid side effect through the rep system. Turns out your wife getting covid makes you retarded.

I laughed way harder at this than I should have. :rofl:

12-23-2020, 11:06 PM
I laughed way harder at this than I should have. :rofl:

Laughing at retards isn't cool, anymore. True story! The only cool things now are beer that tastes like a hobo's puke and eating a thing that was nothing more than a garnish for several decades - kale!

*Note that I didn't NegRep Monsieur Homme in this case...

12-23-2020, 11:18 PM
Root cause in all 4 situations were bankruptcies/ lay offs, all left families behind.

Take care of each other out there.
Sorry to hear.
Extra sucks to hear about these things when it is related to job loss, etc.

12-24-2020, 07:44 AM
I know 5 people who have tested positive, all had fairly minor symptoms.
One lost their taste/ smell, another said it felt like a bad cold.

I also indirectly know 3 people who have committed suicide and one more who was (thankfully) unsuccessful, all since March 2020.
Root cause in all 4 situations were bankruptcies/ lay offs, all left families behind.

Take care of each other out there.

That is terrible man, your year has been brutal. As always, I’m sure there are many on here willing to help in any way if you need anything.

My uncle died of it in a quebec care home, outside of that we have only had some “hey I got a call from work, test results pending” calls from friends but no confirmed cases. The wife and I were sick in early March, her coworker came back sick after travelling and came into the office. We were both quite sick, but no loss of taste or smell that I could remember. I did struggle to get back into running, but that could have also been the sedentary lifestyle for months on end, as keeping at it for my pace and distance back in point.

12-24-2020, 12:59 PM
2 coworkers (+ one of their wives and + one sister), my boss, and my boss' wife have now all had it or have it currently. Everyone is either fine or still recovering (but OK). For them, it was like a bad cold/flu that lingered a bit longer than normal. One lost their smell, another lost their taste, but only temporary. None of them are older than 55 though.

12-24-2020, 01:01 PM
Fuck there are a lot of covid threads

12-24-2020, 01:16 PM
Fuck there are a lot of covid threads

Someone should have asked for a subforum.

12-24-2020, 02:45 PM
It's the christmas season and I'm trying not to get all riled up about these things.

12-24-2020, 02:49 PM
It's the christmas season and I'm trying not to get all riled up about these things.

About what things?

- - - Updated - - -

I know 5 people who have tested positive, all had fairly minor symptoms.
One lost their taste/ smell, another said it felt like a bad cold.

I also indirectly know 3 people who have committed suicide and one more who was (thankfully) unsuccessful, all since March 2020.
Root cause in all 4 situations were bankruptcies/ lay offs, all left families behind.

Take care of each other out there.


12-24-2020, 02:59 PM
DOn't start with me rurrjurr

04-25-2021, 09:40 PM
I don’t follow all of this covid stuff too closely but thought this was interesting...

Friends girlfriend tests positive for covid, they’ve been together nearly every day since January 2021. After she gets positive test, my friend stops seeing her in person. He gets tested 4 days later, negative. Tests again 7 days after his girlfriends test and negative again. We both figure he must of had covid asymptotically before this? Has anyone else heard of cases like this where people have been in very close contact and one is covid free?

adam c
04-25-2021, 09:42 PM
I don’t follow all of this covid stuff too closely but thought this was interesting...

Friends girlfriend tests positive for covid, they’ve been together nearly every day since January 2021. After she gets positive test, my friend stops seeing her in person. He gets tested 4 days later, negative. Tests again 7 days after his girlfriends test and negative again. We both figure he must of had covid asymptotically before this? Has anyone else heard of cases like this where people have been in very close contact and one is covid free?

Yes I have a coworker who’s wife caught Covid and both him and his infant daughter managed not to get it

04-25-2021, 09:44 PM
Interesting.. so my friend didn’t start dating this gal until august of 2020.. So he may of had it before without knowing. Was there a case with your coworker where he didn’t see his wife and could of had it?

adam c
04-25-2021, 09:50 PM
Doubt it, they live together and both took care of their infant

However I have another coworker where the whole house caught Covid

04-25-2021, 09:57 PM
Friend got Covid last week.
Girlfriend didn't have symptoms, got tested on Friday (5 days later) and negative. They think she got Covid same time but asymptomatic.

04-25-2021, 10:02 PM
I don’t follow all of this covid stuff too closely but thought this was interesting...

Friends girlfriend tests positive for covid, they’ve been together nearly every day since January 2021. After she gets positive test, my friend stops seeing her in person. He gets tested 4 days later, negative. Tests again 7 days after his girlfriends test and negative again. We both figure he must of had covid asymptotically before this? Has anyone else heard of cases like this where people have been in very close contact and one is covid free?

Could just be your friend wasn't contagious enough early on and got symptoms -> tested relatively quickly so she wasn't exposed enough to catch it.

04-25-2021, 11:21 PM
Yeah that’s certainly possible. I didn’t think of him being infected prior to her as she was certain where the exposure was from because a coworker tested positive, but it could be a possibility.

04-26-2021, 12:06 AM
Friend of mines wife tested positive, 5 or 6 days later he and their 4 kids tested negative.

04-26-2021, 12:14 AM
I don’t follow all of this covid stuff too closely but thought this was interesting...

Friends girlfriend tests positive for covid, they’ve been together nearly every day since January 2021. After she gets positive test, my friend stops seeing her in person. He gets tested 4 days later, negative. Tests again 7 days after his girlfriends test and negative again. We both figure he must of had covid asymptotically before this? Has anyone else heard of cases like this where people have been in very close contact and one is covid free?

Heard tons of cases like this. My neighbor across the street tested positive. She is a nurse with AHS, they had a big breakout at work. Her husband and kid stayed with her in the house the entire time, they had shared drinks together, kissed, etc. The husband and kid were getting tested every few days and continued to test negative. She said she lost her sense of smell, no other symptoms, so seems like she was a legit positive test and not a false positive.

04-26-2021, 12:15 AM
Covid is a weird fucking virus.

04-26-2021, 05:46 AM
Repeat: I'm pretty sure I had it really early on, didn't want to come forward because couldn't be sure. Dick is still intact.

But I had the most annoying dry throat frog for months. Thank the allmighty for mouth wetting mints.

04-26-2021, 08:21 AM
My daughter caught one of the variants and started showing symptoms last weekend when I had her. Everyone in my house tested negative on the first test as did everyone in her mom's house.

04-26-2021, 08:28 AM
Covid is a weird fucking virus.

Friend had to visit mom at care home and works, so he tested often before each visit. Symptomatic and tested positive, then kids and wife are tested positive but asymptomatic.

Dad's church pastor and wife got the vid, pastor symptomatic but otherwise fine and stayed at home. Wife still on ventilator and she's considered to be healthier one of the 2.

04-26-2021, 08:29 AM
Covid is a weird fucking virus.

This is like your #2 catch phrase. "Real estate is my favorite asset class" obviously being #1.

04-26-2021, 08:37 AM
After 13 months, our kids finally had a close contact quarantine. One of their classmates was in school last Monday while positive. Our kids tested negative. Nobody else in the class tested positive so far.

Calgary wise, several friends and colleagues tested positive in the last couple of weeks. Worst case was one person kept under and on ventilator for 2 weeks, now he's relearning how to walk, still sick as shit, puking but alive. Early 40's.

India is so fucked it's depressing right now. 3 deaths within coworkers family in the last 3 work days. Of the coworkers that caught it, ~2/3 of the cases the entire household caught it. The others are isolated to 1 or 2 people.

04-26-2021, 09:05 AM
Interesting.. so my friend didn’t start dating this gal until august of 2020.. So he may of had it before without knowing. Was there a case with your coworker where he didn’t see his wife and could of had it?

Last summer an old co-workers entire family got it, wife and three daughters all tested positive. They all quarantined for two weeks in the same house. He got three tests done and tested negative all three times.

So if he had gotten it previously they should have as well which means either the girls got it twice, first time asymptomatic along with him, or he somehow had natural antibodies already.

04-26-2021, 09:14 AM
My son caught it last November, had relatively mild symptoms for four days and then it was over. All close contacts including my wife and myself and his friends all tested negative.

04-26-2021, 09:18 AM
My good friend was bedridden for almost 4 days (no pre existing, but was a smoker), but his wife barely had any symptoms. Both had the UK variant.

04-26-2021, 09:29 AM
Last summer an old co-workers entire family got it, wife and three daughters all tested positive. They all quarantined for two weeks in the same house. He got three tests done and tested negative all three times.

So if he had gotten it previously they should have as well which means either the girls got it twice, first time asymptomatic along with him, or he somehow had natural antibodies already.

Its also possible he was asymptomatic and spread it to one of them and they spread it to the rest. So when they get tested he appears negative as he's mostly recovered and they are all positive. The 2 week recovery is precautionary so you don't spread it more; it doesn't mean that an individual will test positive up to the 13th day. He literally could have got tested one day after his body fought the virus enough to not register on a test. The test doesn't show if you've had covid previously or not, only active viral load.

04-26-2021, 09:54 AM
last October my friends got it at a Halloween gathering, all but 1 (9/10 or something) and his gf had it and they lived together and he still didn't get it ever.... same deal, in my head i think maybe he had it early on :dunno:

04-26-2021, 10:08 AM
I'm currently recovering from Covid. I caught from a family members kid who had it and didn't have symptoms. Great thing is that i told work and since we are working from home and we were short i had to work through it

04-26-2021, 10:11 AM
last October my friends got it at a Halloween gathering, all but 1 (9/10 or something) and his gf had it and they lived together and he still didn't get it ever.... same deal, in my head i think maybe he had it early on :dunno:

Any Darwin award winners, or did everyone recover?

04-26-2021, 10:27 AM
Any Darwin award winners, or did everyone recover?

it met the guidelines at the time haha, i still thought it was covid karma.

04-26-2021, 11:29 AM
Lots of people.

Tow truck driver - entire family got it, they all died including him.

Many teachers - all died.

Daughter's friend - died.

Two co-workers - both dead.

Vet office - all dead.

SDM near me - all dead.

All suffered horribly as well.

04-26-2021, 11:34 AM
I don’t follow all of this covid stuff too closely but thought this was interesting...

Friends girlfriend tests positive for covid, they’ve been together nearly every day since January 2021. After she gets positive test, my friend stops seeing her in person. He gets tested 4 days later, negative. Tests again 7 days after his girlfriends test and negative again. We both figure he must of had covid asymptotically before this? Has anyone else heard of cases like this where people have been in very close contact and one is covid free?

This is actually may be the norm, despite what the media says.

"In this meta-analysis of 54 studies with 77 758 participants, the estimated overall household secondary attack rate was 16.6%"

What's even more surprising, is that in households where the person was asymptomatic, the secondary infection rate was 0.7%. If someone iis living in the same household as someone with an asymptomatic infection and only has a 0.7% chance of contracting it, I wonder how much less that rate is when in the general public. This appears to contradict the notion that asymptomatic people are responsible for large amounts of spread.

"Estimated mean household secondary attack rate from symptomatic index cases (18.0%; 95% CI, 14.2%-22.1%) was significantly higher than from asymptomatic or presymptomatic index cases (0.7%; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%; P < .001)"


04-26-2021, 11:37 AM
Lots of people.

Tow truck driver - entire family got it, they all died including him.

Many teachers - all died.

Daughter's friend - died.

Two co-workers - both dead.

Vet office - all dead.

SDM near me - all dead.

All suffered horribly as well.

You build your house on an Indian burial ground?

04-26-2021, 11:47 AM
This is actually may be the norm, despite what the media says.

"In this meta-analysis of 54 studies with 77 758 participants, the estimated overall household secondary attack rate was 16.6%"

What's even more surprising, is that in households where the person was asymptomatic, the secondary infection rate was 0.7%. If someone iis living in the same household as someone with an asymptomatic infection and only has a 0.7% chance of contracting it, I wonder how much less that rate is when in the general public. This appears to contradict the notion that asymptomatic people are responsible for large amounts of spread.

"Estimated mean household secondary attack rate from symptomatic index cases (18.0%; 95% CI, 14.2%-22.1%) was significantly higher than from asymptomatic or presymptomatic index cases (0.7%; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%; P < .001)"


It sorta makes sense. Not everyone passes the virus on to a second person. Statistically most people don't but its the few people that do that cause quick outbreaks.

Alberta's R value is ~1.1 at the moment, so every 1 case leads to 1.1 new cases on average but that includes individuals that spread it rapidly to a large number of others. If you take Rumble Boxing last month, 25 people got infected from that gym. So that means at least 20+ other covid cases successfully got sick and didn't spread it just to keep our R value around 1.1.

Same with Alberta's P1 outbreak at the beginning, 1 worker travelling while sick to 3 sites and then there was 26 confirmed cases of P1 variant related to that. Our restrictions / containment do work, it's just certain individuals fuck it up and spread it to a lot of others.

04-26-2021, 11:54 AM
Yeah, if you look at that R-value, then it makes sense that it's common NOT to catch it from someone in your household who is sick. Although counter-intuitive.

I would love to have antibody testing to see who had it previously, although that's probably never going to be a widespread thing. Who would pay for it and who would it benefit aside form our curiosity?

04-26-2021, 12:02 PM
My wife got invited to do antibody testing for a birth and pregnancy study she enrolled in. Will be interesting to see results.

04-26-2021, 12:08 PM
Yeah, if you look at that R-value, then it makes sense that it's common NOT to catch it from someone in your household who is sick. Although counter-intuitive.

I would love to have antibody testing to see who had it previously, although that's probably never going to be a widespread thing. Who would pay for it and who would it benefit aside form our curiosity?

R-values are aggregate/average.

We know that covid is more of a super-spreader event. If person A give it to their family of 4, then they represent an individual R contribution of 3. But if that family locks down and give it to zero people then the R value for their little outbreak is less than 1 (3+0+0+0)/4 = 0.75 R. What R really represents is how often one of these micro-outbreaks pops over to another cohort and superspreads.

Antibody testing: won't work great now that the vaccine is out. They are working on a T-cell test that differentiates between vaccine immunity and natural immunity.

04-26-2021, 12:10 PM
R-values are aggregate/average.

We know that covid is more of a super-spreader event. If person A give it to their family of 4, then they represent an individual R contribution of 3. But if that family locks down and give it to zero people then the R value for their little outbreak is less than 1 (3+0+0+0)/4 = 0.75 R. What R really represents is how often one of these micro-outbreaks pops over to another cohort and superspreads.

Antibody testing: won't work great now that the vaccine is out. They are working on a T-cell test that differentiates between vaccine immunity and natural immunity.

Are antibody tests still trash after mRNA?

04-26-2021, 12:12 PM
Are antibody tests still trash after mRNA?

I believe the antibody tests are all related to spike - and both the vaccine and natural immunity to spike look the same (since it's the same spike protein code).

04-26-2021, 01:43 PM
Are antibody tests still trash after mRNA?

Yet to be seen.

I'm participating in a study that is testing antibodies before/after the vaccine. Had a chat with one of the the researchers, apparently the antibody test isn't a go/no go thing, it's more of manually counting and looking for numbers above a threshold. I don't think it'll be used en masse in any case.

04-26-2021, 10:14 PM
Guy here at work just tested positive this morning on his rapid antigen test. They are making us do a RAT every 3 days at work now. He still has to do an AHS PCR test to confirm. But apparently the day shift guys said he was worried he wouldn't pass his antigen test because he had symptoms and was still coming to work. Fucking retard.

04-26-2021, 10:44 PM
Do you work in Fort Mac? I’ve heard it’s looking pretty grim there