View Full Version : Basil

01-06-2021, 09:28 AM
Has anyone been able to grow or keep a plant from the supermarket alive longer than 2 weeks without a growlight. Tell me your secrets!

01-06-2021, 09:30 AM
Grow it with a growlight. In an aero garden. You will have more than you can handle.

01-06-2021, 09:35 AM
Basil is a god send weed. Agree with ES.

01-06-2021, 09:42 AM
i have mine in my windowsill since the summer and it's still growing fine. I just pop off the flowers when they start forming.

I even cloned it a few times and i have 3 in the same pot now. I feed it basic houseplant liquid food (comes in a dropper and i put 7 drops per litre of water).

01-06-2021, 09:49 AM
i have mine in my windowsill since the summer and it's still growing fine. I just pop off the flowers when they start forming.

I even cloned it a few times and i have 3 in the same pot now. I feed it basic houseplant liquid food (comes in a dropper and i put 7 drops per litre of water).

How much water do you give it and how often?

01-06-2021, 09:51 AM
Came for Basil Fawlty. Left disappointed.

Basil should be very easy to grow. Like, dandelion easy. I don't think I've ever had an issue. Do you have shitty windows letting too much cold in?

01-06-2021, 10:15 AM
How much water do you give it and how often?

I water it every 4-5 days or so. I use the cannabis growing rule of thumb - poke your finger into the soil up to the knuckle closest to your hand and if it's dry then water. If it's still wet don't water.*

*i have no idea if this is best practice for basil but it works for me.

01-06-2021, 10:52 AM
Apparently I'm the only person that can't keep it growing in an Aerogarden, I only ever get as much as a few flowers and then the entire plant dies after that.

01-06-2021, 11:34 AM
You're not supposed to let basil flower... That's your problem


01-06-2021, 11:52 AM
I water it every 4-5 days or so. I use the cannabis growing rule of thumb - poke your finger into the soil up to the knuckle closest to your hand and if it's dry then water. If it's still wet don't water.*

*i have no idea if this is best practice for basil but it works for me.

the last one I had came in a glass and told me to keep the water above the rootball at all times. I think i must of drowned it.

01-06-2021, 11:54 AM
Just decided to get the aerogrdaen going again, more for a in home productive hobby than anything.

Im guessing most people would not recommend much mixing in the garden, I am going to start some tomatoes but I’m assuming they are big enough that you basically can’t do anything else in there?

I have a 9 pod garden, I’m thinking the smart move is to use something closer to 6 slots?

01-06-2021, 11:58 AM
We run one pod of red peppers by itself in the "big" one, and then 4 herbs in the smaller one. Filling every slot would be very crowded.

01-06-2021, 12:00 PM
The thing that stopped me last time was it was way too full. Biggest problem is I had dill in it which is a terrible idea.

I wouldn’t hate some herbs like basil and rosemary but I think I’m going to start with a few tomatoes, maybe all on one side, and see how it goes.

01-06-2021, 12:05 PM
Do you guys get any issues with gnats and the aerogarden?

01-06-2021, 12:28 PM
My wife is in charge of these, and she chose dill, thyme, mint and chive. No basil, which is dumb, because I used the basil all the time. Don't even like dill, although she did make some great dill sauce for a salmon this week.

No gnats.

01-06-2021, 01:22 PM
Chive is the least useful one. Basil (Thai and Italian) rocks. No gnats either when I had the aerogarden.

01-06-2021, 01:31 PM
Good reminder, I really need to start growing thai basil to add to my lunch ramen. Every time i try to find it at superstore its sold out and it's also pretty expensive to begin with.

Anyone have any clones? could trade for regular basil or a few bucks for your time.

01-06-2021, 02:51 PM
I use these bad boys. Works excellent since I never remember to water.

01-06-2021, 03:38 PM
Do you guys get any issues with gnats and the aerogarden?

Gnats need soil to lay eggs, there's almost zero soil in an aerogarden. I wouldn't expect it to be an issue.

01-11-2021, 10:28 AM
Do you guys get any issues with gnats and the aerogarden?

I had issues with gnats, but I think they were caused by having plants that came in from outside right next to it.

01-11-2021, 04:36 PM
and I took everyone around here as a marijuana grower or nothing.

Next we'll be talking which Rachel Ray cook book is best.

01-11-2021, 05:00 PM
and I took everyone around here as a marijuana grower or nothing.

Next we'll be talking which Rachel Ray cook book is best.

Weed’s legal now, it’s no longer edgy to grow it.

Eating vegetables though, that definitely makes you a societal fridge.

01-11-2021, 05:02 PM
Next we'll be talking which Rachel Ray cook book is best.
Always this reference:

01-11-2021, 05:27 PM
Ive been eyeing one of those aerogardens for a while now. The cost of herbs at the store seems to be pretty exorbitant compared to what you get, and most of it goes bad within days. Might wait for a sale, maybe grab one of those Bounty basic models. Anyone have one that can review?

01-11-2021, 07:25 PM
Have two aero gardens. Don't know which models. One is red and small, other is black and larger.
Grows herbs so fast I can't keep up. Would reccomend.

01-12-2021, 12:04 AM
Is $1-200 reasonable for one of these things?

01-12-2021, 04:16 PM
My wife has an aerogarden and a bunch of herb pods...

I have a dehydrator...

Profit ???

01-13-2021, 02:17 PM

This one is a third of the price and has decent reviews. Seems less customizable though than the aerogarden