View Full Version : 2023 Alberta Provincial Election MEGA THREAD

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01-20-2021, 02:09 PM
I have been getting great feedback on these MEGA THREADS so I knew just what topic all y'all would love to discuss. Alberta Provincial politics!

Predictions for the next election, which is supposed to happen before May 2023.
- Will Jason Kenney stay as leader of the Alberta Conservative party?
- Will a second credible conservative party re-emerge as a legitimate contender?
- Will the Alberta Liberal party ever recover?
- Will anyone campaign on a PST?
- Will party platforms and promises matter at all or will it go fully tribal?

Rampant speculation and wild theories encouraged.

01-20-2021, 02:13 PM

Kenney is mostly only unpopular with people who aren’t conservatives anyway, I think a lot of UCP voters are fairly leader agnostic but that’s nothing to challenge a leadership race over.

Most voters are stupid and vote for whichever name on the ballot they recognize anyway.

Personally I would love to see Kenney stop pandering to the other side of the aisle and really gut the public sector far more deeply than he has. But that’s just my opinion.

01-20-2021, 02:16 PM
Not directly

Honestly, I would be pretty surprised if the UCP can turn it around and win again. The only people I hear that still would vote for them are some O&G guys I talk to downtown and even them some I know won't be voting for them. The UCP have basically been governing as if they will win not matter what, because they are doing well at pissing all sorts of groups off.

01-20-2021, 02:24 PM
I'd consider voting for someone else, heck even notely maybe... But in no way could I ever vote NDP so it really doesn't matter.

01-20-2021, 02:42 PM
May be
Probably not.

Our creditors wants PST. Reading between the lines, UCP will implement PST but Kenney said many times it'll have to be put to a vote.

I think a lot of UCP voters are mad at Kenney right now, former PC camp is mad about MLA non-essential holidays and former WR camp is mad about lockdowns. And that coal deal that got all the ranchers riled up which UCP backed out immediately because if Corb Lund is petitioning against you, you are losing rural votes. On top we just saw $5B evaporated into XL thanks to Kenney. So I don't foresee a quick turn of fortune to give UCP capitals to drop PST into the 2023 platform.

But we are broke AF.

01-20-2021, 02:44 PM
- Will Jason Kenney stay as leader of the Alberta Conservative party?

The party has nobody else by design, so he'll have to.

- Will a second credible conservative party re-emerge as a legitimate contender?

The Wildrose Independence Party is already gaining steam as the UCP protest vote for rural Albertans. I wouldn't call it credible, but could be enough of a disruptor, along with the Alberta Party, that it changes the voting landcape (10% of disgruntled UCP voters voting WIP, 5% voting AP, 10% staying home) creates a big threat to UCP voter numbers.

- Will the Alberta Liberal party ever recover?

Were they ever really alive?

But no.

- Will anyone campaign on a PST?

No, because saying PST will make people angry. But everybody will campaign on something that could be construed as permission to implement a PST

- Will party platforms and promises matter at all or will it go fully tribal?

The parks boondoggle (we're going to see that word a lot, whether you like it or not) and coal licenses have been such an unmitigated disaster for the UCP (https://338canada.com/alberta/) that policy will matter. I think after voting for party over substance and seeing what's happened, more people will actually pay attention to policies than they ever had before.

01-20-2021, 02:52 PM
UCP will implement PST but Kenney said many times it'll have to be put to a vote.

it's required to have a referendum to implement a PST in AB.. I dont think anyone is voter-suicide enough to run on one, even if we mega in debt.

- yes
- no
- no
- no
- fully tribal.

if the AB Party cant make up votes after the cluster that the UCP is going through now, i dunno how they ever will so we'll be fully entrenched with two parties.
Not sure the NDP can get past the people who have voted conservative their whole live without actually checking if their values match to the point of a majority. Unless UCP has a miracle 2022 following vaccines, i see them out.. or at least a minority.

I think if Kenney wasnt so scared of Nixon hopping over to Wildrose 2.0, he'd be booted from cabinet after the Parks boondoggle followed swiftly by Coal. Two major swings and misses in way too short of a time frame.

01-20-2021, 02:54 PM
it's required to have a referendum to implement a PST in AB.. I dont think anyone is voter-suicide enough to run on one, even if we mega in debt.

- yes
- no
- no
- no
- fully tribal.

if the AB Party cant make up votes after the cluster that the UCP is going through now, i dunno how they ever will so we'll be fully entrenched with two parties.
Not sure the NDP can get past the people who have voted conservative their whole live without actually checking if their values match to the point of a majority. Unless UCP has a miracle 2022 following vaccines, i see them out.. or at least a minority

All NDP need is for a faction of UCP/right to split votes. Kind of like how they got into power from "look into the mirror" and PC voters switches to WR.

I know COVID dominated the headline for most of the last year and I think JK did an ok job on this. What else can JK runs on in 2023 that has been positive since he got elected?

asp integra
01-20-2021, 04:29 PM
A second conservative party will only split votes and the ndp will win again. It's stupid and just shooting yourself in the foot.

01-20-2021, 04:32 PM
I’ve always wondered why a bunch of closet dippers don’t do that.

01-20-2021, 04:37 PM
definitely won't be conservative vote splitting. Took the widlrose like 10 years to build up enough support to stick us with the accidental government

01-20-2021, 04:42 PM
- Will Jason Kenney stay as leader of the Alberta Conservative party?

The party has nobody else by design, so he'll have to.

- Will a second credible conservative party re-emerge as a legitimate contender?

The Wildrose Independence Party is already gaining steam as the UCP protest vote for rural Albertans. I wouldn't call it credible, but could be enough of a disruptor, along with the Alberta Party, that it changes the voting landcape (10% of disgruntled UCP voters voting WIP, 5% voting AP, 10% staying home) creates a big threat to UCP voter numbers.

- Will the Alberta Liberal party ever recover?

Were they ever really alive?

But no.

- Will anyone campaign on a PST?

No, because saying PST will make people angry. But everybody will campaign on something that could be construed as permission to implement a PST

- Will party platforms and promises matter at all or will it go fully tribal?

The parks boondoggle (we're going to see that word a lot, whether you like it or not) and coal licenses have been such an unmitigated disaster for the UCP (https://338canada.com/alberta/) that policy will matter. I think after voting for party over substance and seeing what's happened, more people will actually pay attention to policies than they ever had before.

This sums things up nicely.

The state of talent participating in Canadian politics right now is dire. Alberta is no exception, and might be worse than most. Does the NDP have a non-embarrassing slate of MLA hopefuls this go around (I don't pay attention), or are they going to try to rely on a protest vote again?

Pauly Boy
01-20-2021, 04:43 PM
- Will Jason Kenney stay as leader of the Alberta Conservative party?
Sadly, yes.

- Will a second credible conservative party re-emerge as a legitimate contender?
I can see Wildrose 2.0 gain steam. Maybe we can get some vote splitting again and get the NDP back, rofl.

- Will the Alberta Liberal party ever recover?

- Will anyone campaign on a PST?
Haha doubtful, but you never know. Taxes are generally considered political suicide. Someone might campaign on it carbon-style where you get rebates though.

- Will party platforms and promises matter at all or will it go fully tribal?
I would like to believe people will pay attention to the election platforms & in the UCP's case, performance over the past 4 years. But in the end, everyone will just tow their party lines and vote how they always do because ORANGE LADY BAD.

01-27-2021, 12:10 PM
A pretty solid opinion piece on the way the UCP have handled the province


01-27-2021, 12:15 PM
Opinion, from CBC, posted by Brent.ff

Nah, I'll pass.

01-27-2021, 12:16 PM
A pretty solid opinion piece on the way the UCP have handled the province



01-27-2021, 12:16 PM
A pretty solid opinion piece on the way the UCP have handled the province


You just quoted an opinion piece from CBC. Neg reps are coming.

01-27-2021, 12:19 PM
In one breath saying she would leave covid out of the discussion and the next talk about how the economy is in the tank...
Ya nothing like the price of oil going fucking negative and a drastic shut down in economic output due to covid... nah that's the foolish UCP's fault.

That said, if there was an alternative to Kenney I'd probably vote for them.. Through a leadership review lol.. definitely not the NDP who cheered the demise of KXL.

01-27-2021, 12:27 PM
She's not wrong. I mean, if we are comparing results achieved, it's coming up as something that rounds to zero.

All the imaginary alternate universes where someone else is in charge can't really be compared without getting far too tribal for my tastes.

01-27-2021, 12:27 PM
In one breath saying she would leave covid out of the discussion and the next talk about how the economy is in the tank...
Ya nothing like the price of oil going fucking negative and a drastic shut down in economic output due to covid... nah that's the foolish UCP's fault.

I missed the part where Kenney created jobs pre-covid for those that weren't his cronies. Im so glad we're paying for Harper's kid to have a job as an 'advisor', or to be funding Allan's kid's law office..

01-27-2021, 12:28 PM
definitely not the NDP who cheered the demise of KXL.

I don't think they cheered but just more realistic about it.

At least not Notley's NDP:

01-27-2021, 12:47 PM
Isn’t the NDP platform basically boiled down to hiring their supporters? That and paying for it with other peoples money?

Whatever floats your boat but it’s sure odd to support that and then criticize the UCP for hiring their supporters.

01-27-2021, 12:48 PM
I missed the part where Kenney created jobs pre-covid for those that weren't his cronies. Im so glad we're paying for Harper's kid to have a job as an 'advisor', or to be funding Allan's kid's law office..

Ya definitely there was no increase of jobs precovid, but there wasn't a ton of time there for change to happen after taking office. Less than 1 year between the election and the lock down. I am willing to see how the remaining 2 years go before deciding on the jobs performance. I agree that cronyism is bullshit and that prime ministers kids should not be allowed to participate in politics.

I don't think they cheered but just more realistic about it.

At least not Notley's NDP...

The federal NDP and the Alberta NDP are the same party.

"Unlike most other Canadian parties, the NDP is integrated with its provincial and territorial parties. Holding membership of a provincial or territorial section of the NDP includes automatic membership in the federal party, and this precludes a person from supporting different parties at the federal and provincial levels. Membership lists are maintained by the provinces and territories."


If rachel notley came out in support of someone other than Jagmeet Singh for prime minister I would applaud her. But she won't and she wants the ndp be the federal government. If notley endorsed someone else she could actually be kicked out of the party.

01-27-2021, 01:09 PM
Ya definitely there was no increase of jobs precovid, but there wasn't a ton of time there for change to happen after taking office. Less than 1 year between the election and the lock down. I am willing to see how the remaining 2 years go before deciding on the jobs performance. I agree that cronyism is bullshit and that prime ministers kids should not be allowed to participate in politics.

The federal NDP and the Alberta NDP are the same party.

"Unlike most other Canadian parties, the NDP is integrated with its provincial and territorial parties. Holding membership of a provincial or territorial section of the NDP includes automatic membership in the federal party, and this precludes a person from supporting different parties at the federal and provincial levels. Membership lists are maintained by the provinces and territories."


If rachel notley came out in support of someone other than Jagmeet Singh for prime minister I would applaud her. But she won't and she wants the ndp be the federal government. If notley endorsed someone else she could actually be kicked out of the party.

Functionally, I don't disagree there are some attachments but policy wise Notley go against the true NDP on a lot of fronts. Reality is quite a bit different than ideals.

Nobody got a crystal ball, but those train contract NDP signed may be handy right now. And I don't see why JK would cancel them until all pipes are fully flowing.

And if you believe in polls, UCP seems to losing votes to NDP AND WR resurgence. So it's happening, they are lucky that 2023 is almost 3 years away.

asp integra
01-27-2021, 01:26 PM
If rachel notley came out in support of someone other than Jagmeet Singh for prime minister I would applaud her. But she won't and she wants the ndp be the federal government. If notley endorsed someone else she could actually be kicked out of the party.

It's my thought that Notley is waiting around for Manmeet to do something stupid, or wait for the party to call a leadership vote. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was the top candidate the ndp wanted to move forward with federally.

01-27-2021, 01:39 PM


Let the hate flow through you!

01-27-2021, 01:44 PM
If its any consolation I had one coming back the other way calling me a moron.

01-27-2021, 01:58 PM
Functionally, I don't disagree there are some attachments but policy wise Notley go against the true NDP on a lot of fronts. Reality is quite a bit different than ideals.

Nobody got a crystal ball, but those train contract NDP signed may be handy right now. And I don't see why JK would cancel them until all pipes are fully flowing.

Both Notley and Horgan went against the federal NDP policies when they were in power. The connection is pretty much in name only once a party actually has to govern. It's easy to stay connected when nothing is on the line. This effect was compounded with the big split in the federal NDP (the traditional CCF dippers and the trade unionists, being ignored with the LEAP Manifesto written by the white collar unions and champagne socialists). The NDP is a party that has official ties, but has fractured behind the scenes, and a big part of why the federal branch is fucked financially.

Compare that to the not connected conservative parties across the country, but do their best to act like they are. Essentially the opposite of what's happened with the NDP.




Basically the connection of the parties is something people make too much of. They'll always do what they need to when it comes to governing and trying to stay in power.

01-27-2021, 02:00 PM
If its any consolation I had one coming back the other way calling me a moron.

I know what im getting myself into when im anti-UCP on Beyond, so im not offended

01-27-2021, 02:09 PM
People who neg-rep are queefs.

01-27-2021, 06:26 PM
Party system will dissolve and become a regional system of petty feudal microcosms, as US support for oil (more succinctly, state bans on combustion engine accelerate) wanes. The right will fracture under no income, the left will appeal to the youngsters to get free pancakes four days a week.

Stock market will crumble as the US market crumbles. Friday might actually mark the end.

01-31-2021, 05:40 PM
People who neg-rep are queefs.

LoL, queefs. Haven't heard/smelled that insult in awhile!

^Check out the double red bar on the previous poster! Has that ever happened, before? That takes more than a couple of queefs!

02-01-2021, 04:41 PM

02-01-2021, 04:51 PM
Pancakes are the worst part of a stampede breakfast, and if your breakfast has them as the centerpiece it's a shitty breakfast.

02-01-2021, 04:54 PM
Yea. Everyone knows a good stampede breakfast is all about Vodka

02-01-2021, 07:19 PM
Standing in a very long line for the cheapest pancakes, made poorly by some middle mgmt taint gobbler?
Where do I sign!???!

02-01-2021, 07:23 PM
Amazing what people will do for a couple ounces of vodka and some minute made

02-01-2021, 08:12 PM
Amazing what people will do for a couple ounces of vodka and some minute made

How else am I going to kick this hangover?

02-01-2021, 08:47 PM

02-01-2021, 08:56 PM

For anyone who will accuse me of being blindly UCP.

This is a dog shit stupid move. Even Trudeau isn’t pulling that money losing scheme.

02-01-2021, 09:08 PM

For anyone who will accuse me of being blindly UCP.

This is a dog shit stupid move. Even Trudeau isn’t pulling that money losing scheme.
I don’t have an issue with it. It’s a cheap way to reduce spread for families that can’t or don’t have the space to isolate from family properly. Not everyone lives in aspen with access to a guest house.

This was an initiative a couple months ago iirc after nenshi bitched about how NE families can’t isolate from family. And I hate nenshi.

02-01-2021, 09:11 PM
It’s going to end up anything BUT cheap

14 days free in a hotel. And what’s up with the cash bonus at the end?

Hundreds of confirmed cases a day, and AHS will hand out referrals like candy.

02-01-2021, 09:18 PM
It’s going to end up anything BUT cheap

14 days free in a hotel. And what’s up with the cash bonus at the end?

Hundreds of confirmed cases a day, and AHS will hand out referrals like candy.
Look past the sunk cost. If it lowers cases, lowers pressure on health care, and allow reopening it’ll be cheaper than dragging this shit out.

02-01-2021, 09:23 PM
Lots of ifs built in.

My bet is any drop is cancelled out by ifs from law of unintended consequences. Lots of people are game for a 14 day stay in a warm bed with hot meals and a cash cheque at the end of their stay.

Sounds a lot like the “eliminate homelessness” feel good plans, “to save money”, that never work out.

02-21-2021, 02:36 PM
I have been getting great feedback on these MEGA THREADS so I knew just what topic all y'all would love to discuss. Alberta Provincial politics!

Predictions for the next election, which is supposed to happen before May 2023.
- Will Jason Kenney stay as leader of the Alberta Conservative party?
- Will a second credible conservative party re-emerge as a legitimate contender?
- Will the Alberta Liberal party ever recover?
- Will anyone campaign on a PST?
- Will party platforms and promises matter at all or will it go fully tribal?

Rampant speculation and wild theories encouraged.

Will Jason Kenney stay as leader of the Alberta Conservative party?
No; they will rebrand again or use him as a scapegoat

Will a second credible conservative party re-emerge as a legitimate contender?
Credible? At this point there's a suicidal adherence to 30 year old science and policy in any conservative platform. Prove me wrong.

Will the Alberta Liberal party ever recover?
They could if they campaigned themselves as a better alternative to the NDP, and not the UCP. IF they were ever going to make a move - they should do it now.

Will anyone campaign on a PST?
Kenney or the UCP is going to campaign against it, and because Alberta is bleeding intelligence at catastrophic levels, it will get him or the UCP votes.

Will party platforms and promises matter at all or will it go fully tribal?
Have platforms or promises ever actually mattered though?

Our arrogance of what we once were needs to find a home, and it will be in blaming absolutely everyone except ourselves.

If someone wants to champion transitioning to hydrogen, I'll give them a look :rocket:

02-21-2021, 04:53 PM
If someone wants to champion transitioning to hydrogen, I'll give them a look :rocket:

JK's UCP is looking into this. But as an outlet for fossil fuel.

I think fossil fuel could be a trojan horse if hydrogen economy ever takes off.

02-21-2021, 05:12 PM
I'm not a physicist, but as far as I can tell, hydrogen production requires massive amounts of cheap energy. So any transition to hydrogen requires another energy source at low prices to be viable. That might be hydrocarbon, solar, fusion or something not yet invented yet. If we can make cheap abundant electricity, I think we can skip a step and not bother with the hydrogen for most use-cases.

02-21-2021, 05:45 PM
I'm not a physicist, but as far as I can tell, hydrogen production requires massive amounts of cheap energy. So any transition to hydrogen requires another energy source at low prices to be viable. That might be hydrocarbon, solar, fusion or something not yet invented yet. If we can make cheap abundant electricity, I think we can skip a step and not bother with the hydrogen for most use-cases.

Yes and no.
Steam Methane Reformer plus a reasonable solution to carbon capture equals Blue Hydrogen and that's the next step on the path before cheaper green energy becomes more available.

02-21-2021, 05:53 PM
Yes and no.
Steam Methane Reformer plus a reasonable solution to carbon capture equals Blue Hydrogen and that's the next step on the path before cheaper green energy becomes more available.

Even that uses a fuckton of energy, although I suppose if you capture the evil carbons it doesn't matter any more.

02-21-2021, 06:01 PM
Even that uses a fuckton of energy, although I suppose if you capture the evil carbons it doesn't matter any more.

Yes, energy, but not electricity. Burning methane for the heat to get the reaction going and methane conversion within the reaction.

02-21-2021, 06:21 PM
I feel like you are agreeing with me.

02-21-2021, 07:10 PM
I feel like you are agreeing with me.

I feel like burning methane makes you moist.

02-21-2021, 07:13 PM
I feel like burning methane makes you moist.


02-21-2021, 07:29 PM
I feel like burning methane makes you moist.

That’s just basic chemistry

02-21-2021, 08:18 PM
Yeah, kinda sounds like you guys are in agreement. I'm limited in my knowledge of it other than it's higher pressure than natural gas, so that infrastructure wouldn't work. As I understand it for home fueling and the like, it would be a similar arrangement to home heating oil out east etc, but with high pressure containment?

02-21-2021, 08:33 PM
Yeah, kinda sounds like you guys are in agreement. I'm limited in my knowledge of it other than it's higher pressure than natural gas, so that infrastructure wouldn't work. As I understand it for home fueling and the like, it would be a similar arrangement to home heating oil out east etc, but with high pressure containment?

For home heating etc, it's not about pressure, at all. It's about molecule size and something called hydrogen enbrittlement... H2 is the smallest and lightest molecule on earth, so it really really wants to leak out of the horse shit, threaded connections in and around your house. It also can actually migrate into the microscopic lattice structure of carbon steel and mess it up, basically making it less bendy and more breaky. (Ultra Science terms).
The trial testing of using supplemental hydrogen are only going to start at 5% and if that's successful, they'll try 10%. They know that they can't go much higher than that without the risk of leaking and pipe damage becoming too high.

02-21-2021, 08:35 PM
For home heating etc, it's not about pressure, at all. It's about molecule size and something called hydrogen enbrittlement... H2 is the smallest and lightest molecule on earth, so it really really wants to leak out of the horse shit, threaded connections in and around your house. It also can actually migrate into the microscopic lattice structure of carbon steel and mess it up, basically making it less bendy and more breaky. (Ultra Science terms).
The trial testing of using supplemental hydrogen are only going to start at 5% and if that's successful, they'll try 10%. They know that they can't go much higher than that without the risk of leaking and pipe damage becoming too high.

Learned more here than perusing reddit for 8 hours straight. Thanks Mightier Penis.

02-21-2021, 08:46 PM
Learned more here than perusing reddit for 8 hours straight. Thanks Mightier Penis.

No problem. I went to a seminar about it recently that had three-dimensional graphs. It was pretty fast paced, but I got some nuggets out of it.
I believe that the info is all publically accessible. I'll try to remember to dig up the link.
Maybe I'll start "The Mega2 H2 Thread of 2022!!!* (a year early)" because I've seen some recent economics on this and Canada is shockingly well positioned to be a dominant player in Grey/Purple to Blue to Green hydrogen production.

02-21-2021, 09:03 PM
Yeah, kinda sounds like you guys are in agreement. I'm limited in my knowledge of it other than it's higher pressure than natural gas, so that infrastructure wouldn't work. As I understand it for home fueling and the like, it would be a similar arrangement to home heating oil out east etc, but with high pressure containment?

True on pressure but that’s not the limiting threat. Embrittlement and consumer use demand is the near term issues imo. It’s already heavily mixed in gas pipelines in Canada and other parts of the world.

06-17-2021, 12:59 PM

06-17-2021, 01:07 PM
Have they thought about uniting the right?

06-17-2021, 01:08 PM

aaand for that reason I am forever out.

06-17-2021, 01:09 PM
Have they thought about uniting the right?


06-17-2021, 01:19 PM
Have they thought about uniting the right?

I hate how accurate many of your posts have been lately.

06-17-2021, 01:22 PM
I don't think it's the conservative party that Albertan's disapprove of right now, it's Kenney. Can they replace him?

06-17-2021, 01:28 PM
Kenny hasn't done a good job of making me like Kenney, and I think the job wasn't that hard.

06-17-2021, 01:34 PM
Kenney has tried pretty hard to make everyone dislike him. The refusal to just admit that they fucked up by being too close outdoors, and then back tracking really blew him up on the far right.. Admitting you're wrong isnt a sign of weakness, people respect it a lot more then blundering through it and then apologizing 3 days later

06-17-2021, 01:51 PM
You’re still upset that a guy had lunch outside too close to his friends?

06-17-2021, 01:55 PM
Kenny hasn't done a good job of making me like Kenney, and I think the job wasn't that hard.

Sorry, I will try harder.

06-17-2021, 02:06 PM
Kenny hasn't done a good job of making me like Kenney, and I think the job wasn't that hard.

Kenney needs to hire a Spenney.

06-17-2021, 02:07 PM
Kenney needs to hire a Spenney.

I thought the entire NDP caucus basically acted like Spenny any time JK does anything?

06-17-2021, 02:18 PM
I don't think it's the conservative party that Albertan's disapprove of right now, it's Kenney. Can they replace him?

I thought they tried and Kenney showed them the door.

But sounds like their chance is next year:

Wonder what traction WR2.0 is gonna get by then? Return of Brian Jean to run UCP and stop WR2.0 in its track?

06-17-2021, 02:26 PM
Did anyone like Brian Jean any more than Jason Kenney?

06-17-2021, 02:29 PM

Election is years away.

Economy is still in the shitter and there's still a lot of people that think getting the virus means guaranteed death, and they blame that on Kenney.

06-17-2021, 02:30 PM
Did anyone like Brian Jean any more than Jason Kenney?


06-17-2021, 02:31 PM
You’re still upset that a guy had lunch outside too close to his friends?

Lol, ya, that's exactly what I said. Could care less about him having dinner near people other then the stupidity of getting caught on the 'sky palace' while doing it.
The guy refuses to apologize and then has to grovel a week later. You tell me how well that's working for them...

06-17-2021, 02:38 PM
So your not upset about what he did?

But you ARE upset that he was seen doing it?

06-17-2021, 02:46 PM
So your not upset about what he did?

But you ARE upset that he was seen doing it?

Hey no one likes to see the sausage being made.

06-17-2021, 02:47 PM
Im not upset, i dont want them to win the next election. I think its hilarious that he knows how to burn his own bridges by getting caught, refusing to apologize, and then turning tail when he starts to feel internal pressure. Theyre doing everything they can to not be elected..

06-17-2021, 02:48 PM
I don't think the feds are going to be buying provincial bonds in 2023.

06-17-2021, 02:51 PM
So your not upset about what he did?

But you ARE upset that he was seen doing it?

He's bad at public relations, and he's bad at reading the mood of the voting public and taking actions that fit with that mood. To me those are the primary functions of a political leader, and he's failing at those primary functions. "getting people mad" is a performance issue for a politician.

06-17-2021, 03:00 PM
Right now I think every politician of every stripe is at risk of losing their job come election time.

06-17-2021, 03:06 PM

06-17-2021, 03:09 PM
I look forward to buying Alberta bonds @ 8%.

06-17-2021, 03:29 PM
Lol, ya, that's exactly what I said. Could care less about him having dinner near people other then the stupidity of getting caught on the 'sky palace' while doing it.
The guy refuses to apologize and then has to grovel a week later. You tell me how well that's working for them...

Curious about your thoughts on Trudeau and the G7 leader mingling with out masks and distancing. Do you have the same opinion on that meeting?

06-17-2021, 03:35 PM
Curious about your thoughts on Trudeau and the G7 leader mingling with out masks and distancing. Do you have the same opinion on that meeting?

He only cares what politicians do when it can be used against the ones he doesn’t like.

A bit cynical but whatever floats his hilariously transparent boat.

06-17-2021, 03:40 PM
Curious about your thoughts on Trudeau and the G7 leader mingling with out masks and distancing. Do you have the same opinion on that meeting?
If people don't care about Trudeau in black face, they certainly won't give a fuck about masks and distancing. UCP can't even use hand sanitizer off camera without being criticized lol.

06-17-2021, 04:13 PM
Curious about your thoughts on Trudeau and the G7 leader mingling with out masks and distancing. Do you have the same opinion on that meeting?

The only people complaining wouldn't be voting for him anyway... Trudeau could have been licking Biden's face and it wouldn't change that he'll still beat the old-white-guy club of the the Cons who cant help but step on their own feet. Equivalently stupid, sure, equivalently bad politically? Not even close.

He's bad at public relations, and he's bad at reading the mood of the voting public and taking actions that fit with that mood. To me those are the primary functions of a political leader, and he's failing at those primary functions. "getting people mad" is a performance issue for a politician.

Exactly. This thing blew up by him trying to tell everyone he was right, they were wrong. He coulda have nipped it with a simple 'you know, we tried, but we got a little too close..we're sorry'.

06-17-2021, 04:42 PM
Everyone in here acting like any of this will matter in two years, lol

06-17-2021, 04:48 PM
It mattered once. I don't see why it wouldn't matter again. People in canada predominantly vote AGAINST things, and Kenney and the current UCP are very "vote againstable".

06-17-2021, 06:16 PM
I have been getting great feedback on these MEGA THREADS so I knew just what topic all y'all would love to discuss. Alberta Provincial politics!

Predictions for the next election, which is supposed to happen before May 2023.
- Will Jason Kenney stay as leader of the Alberta Conservative party?
- Will a second credible conservative party re-emerge as a legitimate contender?
- Will the Alberta Liberal party ever recover?
- Will anyone campaign on a PST?
- Will party platforms and promises matter at all or will it go fully tribal?

Rampant speculation and wild theories encouraged.

No … no one will vote for him…
No …. If if it does it will be far left nut jobs
No … liberals worse then nip in this province
No … never get voted in
Yes … tribal

I would vote NDP if kenney runs again just as a hate vote against ucp…

06-17-2021, 06:56 PM
It mattered once. I don't see why it wouldn't matter again. People in canada predominantly vote AGAINST things, and Kenney and the current UCP are very "vote againstable".

2 years is a long time for goldfish to remember. If Prentice told Albertans to look in the mirror two years prior to the election, and not two months prior, the PC's probably would have stayed in power.

06-18-2021, 11:38 AM
All I know is that Rob Ford is going to get smashed into oblivion in Ontario.

06-18-2021, 06:17 PM
I am no Kenny fan, but there is no denying that the guy was going to be fucked no matter what he did as soon as Covid hit. There is not a single thing he would have done short drawing every single virus worldwide into his anus and then open mouth kissing Trudeau and shoving them all into his stomach, that would have got him off of the attack list. And even that would have drawn fire from from the left leaners and media in our province.

The fact now though is that he is a toxic personality in the party and province, right or wrong.

If the UCP stands a sliver of a chance at winning they need a new leader, and if uniting conservatives is the only way they can do that, Brian Jean might actually be the only guy who can cross that divide.

06-19-2021, 08:45 AM
I am no Kenny fan, but there is no denying that the guy was going to be fucked no matter what he did as soon as Covid hit. There is not a single thing he would have done short drawing every single virus worldwide into his anus and then open mouth kissing Trudeau and shoving them all into his stomach, that would have got him off of the attack list. And even that would have drawn fire from from the left leaners and media in our province.

The fact now though is that he is a toxic personality in the party and province, right or wrong.

If the UCP stands a sliver of a chance at winning they need a new leader, and if uniting conservatives is the only way they can do that, Brian Jean might actually be the only guy who can cross that divide.
Brian Jean has supporters, but he also seems to have just as many haters, within the conservative group. I don't think he's the guy either, the big criticism about him before in the last leadership race was that he wasn't harsh enough or willing to go low enough when the NDP took the fight there. The robotic cue card reading debate performance is still stuck in my mind when I think of him. Maybe Blinky will finally get his time in the big chair?

06-19-2021, 09:15 AM
I don’t think I have ever heard a conservative pine for Brian Jean to come back.

Honestly. What’s the appeal of the guy? 3 term nobody CPC MP I’m fort MacMurray. Barely won leadership after the Daniele smith debacle got beaten by the NDP in Alberta, served as an MLA for all of 3 years before quitting to “rebuild his house” that burned down 2 years prior. He garnered all of 3,000 votes in a riding with under 45% turnout.

Brian Jean is probably the biggest meme in Alberta politics lol.

I could see why NDP voters would love to have him lead the UCP, Notley walked all over the guy last time.

06-19-2021, 09:31 AM
I see little reason to not vote for Kenney. Rachel's behaviour throughout the pandemic has been deplorable. The far right that is contaminating the UCP will never be appeased unless we ban abortion and open a hunting season on immigrants.
I voted for the Alberta Party and it's too bad that they got wiped off the map because I predicted that within 1 or 2 elections, they'd be seen as the perfect centre-right blend after our insane pendulum swinging from NDP and UCP.
I was right, but also wrong as now no one will vote for them because their pathetic leader couldn't even win his seat. Fucking bowtie wearing, dog-office-giving, weirdo!

06-19-2021, 10:04 AM
I just want controlled spending and for people to be able to smash their genitals into or onto other consenting people. I don't like how they're two unrelated things but you can't have both.

06-19-2021, 11:14 AM
I don’t think I have ever heard a conservative pine for Brian Jean to come back.

Honestly. What’s the appeal of the guy? 3 term nobody CPC MP I’m fort MacMurray. Barely won leadership after the Daniele smith debacle got beaten by the NDP in Alberta, served as an MLA for all of 3 years before quitting to “rebuild his house” that burned down 2 years prior. He garnered all of 3,000 votes in a riding with under 45% turnout.

Brian Jean is probably the biggest meme in Alberta politics lol.

I could see why NDP voters would love to have him lead the UCP, Notley walked all over the guy last time.

I dunno man... I don't think Notley walked all over him as much as the she ended up in the perfect storm of discontent with the slide of performance from one long term party and a ship jumper from the other. I think the fact he is the kind of Conservative that heartland Albertans like combined with the fact he has a reputation as a good guy and not a total sleaze could woo the conservative lights still and maybe even some of the centre/left leaners. Back during the fires up North etc I don't know if you remember but he was really pumped up as a man of the people and while that was a while ago, stuff like that can be reignited. The biggest problem I would see would be if he was thrown into the position last minute/last resort style again instead of having a legit period of time to get out and round up solid support again.

06-19-2021, 11:27 AM
The election will be won in the cities in Alberta. And Brian Jean isn’t converting any fence sitters.

Imo, if I had to pick a rock solid candidate to replace Kenney with. You need someone that will win seats in Calgary in particular, someone popular with name recognition with a bit of an edge to point out the NDP’s bullshit.

Personally, I’d tag in Rempel. Though I’m not sure she wants the job.

All that said, we’d be kidding ourselves if we think having a new face would change literally anything policy wise. I don’t like or hate Kenney. But I don’t dislike his policies as a general statement, certainly like them more than the alternatives. I don’t really care about the cult of personality that politics pretends to be, so I would probably support Kenney in a leadership vote unless someone super compelling presented themselves. I certainly would blow a vote on Brian Jean.