View Full Version : Bullying in 2021

02-27-2021, 12:30 PM
I was born in the 70s and experienced it and well as dished it out.

It was physical intimidation usually, or getting made fun of. I don’t know how many nicknames I had that were variations of my name or because I wore glasses.

What’s it like now?

02-27-2021, 01:31 PM
Pretty sure 99% of it is hidden behind keyboards online now.
Like screenshots of conversations, easy to start rumours etc.

Probably the worst for the kids who identify as LGBTQIA
Or if your mom makes income from onlyfans...

Is this an example of being bullied? https://forums.beyond.ca/threads/414124-WWBD-handicap-spots?

02-27-2021, 02:14 PM
Nah, have a friend whose kid got bullied the old fashioned way recently.

02-27-2021, 02:33 PM
The world is so so so much more progressive, now. We've made incredible leaps forward.
There are now fat bullies and fat kids can somehow be cool. It's like a chrysalis and rebirth. So liberating!

Just the other day, some obese little walrus with eyes like piss-holes in the snow was bullying my kid.
I'm so grateful that childhood obesity has reached a level of normalcy that this Crisco-sweating, puke-stain feels the confidence to harass other kids.

02-27-2021, 02:47 PM
The world is so so so much more progressive, now. We've made incredible leaps forward.
There are now fat bullies and fat kids can somehow be cool. It's like a chrysalis and rebirth. So liberating!

Just the other day, some obese little walrus with eyes like piss-holes in the snow was bullying my kid.
I'm so grateful that childhood obesity has reached a level of normalcy that this Crisco-sweating, puke-stain feels the confidence to harass other kids.

I actually asked my kid about this yesterday. He's in grade 6. He says he never sees anyone being teased for anything, everyone is pretty nice.

Wtf is that shit.

Edit: I do remember a time I think last year when a few kids told my kid "this is a 3 player game, you can't play" to which he replied " want me to knock you out?"

Maybe my kid is the bully....shit.

02-27-2021, 03:05 PM
The world is so so so much more progressive, now. We've made incredible leaps forward.
There are now fat bullies and fat kids can somehow be cool. It's like a chrysalis and rebirth. So liberating!

Just the other day, some obese little walrus with eyes like piss-holes in the snow was bullying my kid.
I'm so grateful that childhood obesity has reached a level of normalcy that this Crisco-sweating, puke-stain feels the confidence to harass other kids.
There were fat bullies back in my day.

02-27-2021, 03:09 PM
It was never addressed when I was young. Boys will be boys. Suck it up. My own mother told me I must be doing something to these kids for them to bully me.

Things are different now. There are real repercussions (sort of), anti-bullying campaigns, pink shirt days, and a culture which holds the schools responsible (somewhat) for inaction.

As was mentioned, I bet a lot of it happens via technology now where kids can be emboldened to hide behind their keyboard.

02-27-2021, 03:13 PM
Things are different now. There are real repercussions (sort of), anti-bullying campaigns, pink shirt days, and a culture which holds the schools responsible (somewhat) for inaction.

It's all talk. Kids still get bullied and the schools still do SFA.

02-27-2021, 03:19 PM
It seems the daycare and school closures from a year ago have really done a number on some kids in certain age groups. Really really poor coping skills that are causing maladjusted behaviour.

02-27-2021, 03:25 PM
Reminds me of this one Modern Family episode where the gay guy with the beard goes back to his old high school to chaperone a dance....turns out, the gay kid in the class is now bullying everyone else, including this gay main character, in the end, he ends up shoving the kid in to a locker ROFL

02-28-2021, 03:37 PM
After I got out of high school I got attacked all the time for "probably being a big man in high school, but not now". I was the agent of everyone's high school bully. Reality was more often than not I stood up for people and just wanted to be left the fuck alone to make fart jokes with my limited amount of acquaintances. I'd get picked on, it would eventually get physical, then I'd get called a bully if I punched the dude in the face or something. Yay for being 6'3" and 270 in HS.

The world is so so so much more progressive, now. We've made incredible leaps forward.
There are now fat bullies and fat kids can somehow be cool. It's like a chrysalis and rebirth. So liberating!

Just the other day, some obese little walrus with eyes like piss-holes in the snow was bullying my kid.
I'm so grateful that childhood obesity has reached a level of normalcy that this Crisco-sweating, puke-stain feels the confidence to harass other kids.

Jesus F Christ. :rofl:

02-28-2021, 05:20 PM

Double post.

02-28-2021, 05:28 PM
It's all talk. Kids still get bullied and the schools still do SFA.

I'm sure they do still get bullied - but with everyone more aware and with schools at least sometimes doling out punishments (both of which didnt exist when I was in HS). I imagine parents feel more empowered now to insist the schools do something as well if such a situation does occur.

The acceptance of bullying has largely changed, and I think it will continue to move in the right direction. Of course, there will always be assholes (even young ones) but I think the more that speak up against them, the less likely they will be inclined to hurt others. At least publicly.

02-28-2021, 05:45 PM

02-28-2021, 06:31 PM
I think most of it is online.

If it's not online, it's just general shit talking and rumour spreading. Which my line of work is known for. It's like working with high school kids but worse.

02-28-2021, 06:50 PM
Nah, have a friend whose kid got bullied the old fashioned way recently.
And with wide available technology, it just can happen in person and easy as well as "online", if the intent is there.

But depends with various kids and areas too. Different schools in different landscapes and you have more bullies than some for some reason.

In before Mitsu posts a wall of text on some anecdotal stuff about his cousin's best friend's dad said about his nephew in 2010 and applies it across the board present day :D

02-28-2021, 06:53 PM
I'm sure they do still get bullied - but with everyone more aware and with schools at least sometimes doling out punishments (both of which didnt exist when I was in HS). I imagine parents feel more empowered now to insist the schools do something as well if such a situation does occur.

The acceptance of bullying has largely changed, and I think it will continue to move in the right direction. Of course, there will always be assholes (even young ones) but I think the more that speak up against them, the less likely they will be inclined to hurt others. At least publicly.
Oh the schools all talk the talk. And believe me, parents speak up. And the schools ask the bully to please stop. After that fails they sorta shrug their shoulders.

You stop bullying now like you did back then. Get your dad to go to the bullies house and crack the bully's dad head open with a bat.

02-28-2021, 06:55 PM
Oh the schools all talk the talk. And believe me, parents speak up. And the schools ask the bully to please stop. After that fails they sorta shrug their shoulders.

You stop bullying now like you did back then. Get your dad to go to the bullies house and crack the bully's dad head open with a bat.

Thank goodness you said I could use a bat. I'm weaker than most of the dads of my kids classmates.

02-28-2021, 06:56 PM
You stop bullying now like you did back then. Get your dad to go to the bullies house and crack the bully's dad head open with a bat.
I thought you just get you dad to fuck his dad as a power move? If you are over 16, you fuck his dad yourself.

Bullying stops instantly.

02-28-2021, 07:03 PM
I thought you just get you dad to fuck his dad as a power move? If you are over 16, you fuck his dad yourself.

Bullying stops instantly.Tried that, ended up having MSM for a few years.

02-28-2021, 07:44 PM
My best friends daughter is being bullied right now and its pretty brutal. Nothing she can do but stick to here story. She is getting it at school and online, feel really bad. She is in grade 7. My bud and his wife have no idea what to do.

I remember getting bullied in grade 8. It sucked, I have always been the smallest guy in my grade until grade 10. There was a fight "arranged" after school at the ball diamond (classic) after school one time and there must have been 100 kids there. I was going to fight this guy from the "cool" crowed, guy was a foot taller than I was. My buddy Kyle Lori found out about it and showed up to back me up (little guy also but a scraper) he beat the living shit out of this kid so bad, never seen somebody's whole face so black and blue to this day. My problems ended there haha

02-28-2021, 08:30 PM
I thought you just get you dad to fuck his dad as a power move? If you are over 16, you fuck his dad yourself.

Bullying stops instantly.

This is exactly why i practice my reacharound-jitsu every day. And if you really wanna send the twerp a message, you kiss his dad on the lips after you blow em. FATALITY.

02-28-2021, 08:44 PM
Must suck to be a kid in the last 10 years. At least when we were bullied as a kid. Now it follows you everywhere you go. Not to mention everyone video tapes everything now. Imagine getting in a fight and having to rewatch endless replays.

02-28-2021, 10:59 PM
You stop bullying now like you did back then. Get your dad to go to the bullies house and crack the bully's dad head open with a bat.

That's unfortunate if true.

Luckily, my son isn't old enough yet to have to deal with it, but I've tried to toughen him up and teach him a few tricks just in case. He knows he has my full support if he needs to defend himself - and he also knows I'll kick his ass if he starts something himself.

Bottom line: My kid is not going to be mercilessly bullied like I was when I was younger. Between that and my depression, life was pretty rough there for a couple years and he ain't going through that. If he can't deal with it, I will.

Though I'd rather not use a bat. That would just seem overtly barbaric to the judge.

02-28-2021, 11:21 PM

Though I'd rather not use a bat. That would just seem overtly barbaric to the judge.

^Another vote for the other option because everyone is a winner with forced sodomy.

03-01-2021, 09:36 AM
Not to mention everyone video tapes everything now. Imagine getting in a fight and having to rewatch endless replays.

That part would suck. Usually after a fight, unless one get carried out by ambulance, both claim victory in some way in their group and move on.

And the online bullying is nasty. Fuck social media.

03-01-2021, 09:59 AM
I was thankfully never bullied in school and I never bullied anyone else. I was in kind of an unusual position where the "cool" kids always liked my friends and I so we were left alone, and we just flew under the radar and didn't bother anyone. I saw some bullying going on but not a ton, mostly in Jr. High School. By High School, everyone kind of just kept to their own little groups as far as I could tell.

It's probably a lot worse now with social media and every coward having a smartphone to hide behind. Bullies don't even have to use their real identities anymore. Now the effects of bullying can be made much more permanent and you know the schools aren't going to do anything about it as everything is even more 'hands off' than it ever was before. I also think any school related job dealing with parents would be so much worse now than 20 years ago or whatever.

03-01-2021, 10:03 AM
I remember when I was in grade 5 or 6 (been too long) I was the new kid and kids constantly bugged/bullied me in front of the teacher who did jack shit (obviously). One day I had enough of it stood up looked right at the teacher and told him to fuck off and do his job then walked home.

My dad was home for lunch and was surprised to see me and asked what was up.. So I told him and the next thing I know he's driving to the school and ready to let loose on the teacher before the principal stepped in.

I was bullied a lot because I was always the new kid but eventually I just stood up to the stupid shits and was left alone.

03-01-2021, 10:20 AM
^See? Builds character

03-01-2021, 10:36 AM
Must suck to be a kid in the last 10 years. At least when we were bullied as a kid. Now it follows you everywhere you go. Not to mention everyone video tapes everything now. Imagine getting in a fight and having to rewatch endless replays.
Bullying is still a very serious problem and you're absolutely right it follows them everywhere now because they all have phones and social media. I couldnt imagine the pain and suffering any kid would endure if they got beat up and and it ended up online

03-01-2021, 10:38 AM
Social media amplifies the negative. For sure. Don't let your kid have a smartphone.

03-01-2021, 10:39 AM
^See? Builds character
Yeah, agree with you for the most part. As long as it doesn't go too far and ends up causing some kind of long term depression/trauma.

It's interesting because as I get older, I see those around me who I interacted with when younger and you can see some results of those you knew were bullied or weren't. The ones who were bullied seemed to have tougher skin and doing well in life, and the ones who weren't bullied or were the bullies never really had the "tough love" they needed and turned out into a less-than-stellar adult. It's so weird seeing some people in school do a complete 180 on how you perceived them to be.

Plus I like snooping and getting hearsay (gossip) about my old jr. high and high school acquaintances :D

03-01-2021, 10:59 AM
Social media amplifies the negative. For sure. Don't let your kid have a smartphone.

Im with you about kids not having phones but my daughters only in grade 7 and every kid has a phone and all they talk about is that tik tok

03-01-2021, 11:00 AM
My kid has a flip phone so low tech she can't even see emojis if you text them to her. I'm pretty happy with that situation.

03-01-2021, 11:11 AM
Yeah, agree with you for the most part. As long as it doesn't go too far and ends up causing some kind of long term depression/trauma.

It's interesting because as I get older, I see those around me who I interacted with when younger and you can see some results of those you knew were bullied or weren't. The ones who were bullied seemed to have tougher skin and doing well in life, and the ones who weren't bullied or were the bullies never really had the "tough love" they needed and turned out into a less-than-stellar adult. It's so weird seeing some people in school do a complete 180 on how you perceived them to be.

Plus I like snooping and getting hearsay (gossip) about my old jr. high and high school acquaintances :D

The very few bullies at my schools all became total losers.

What was weird is some of them came from upper-middle-class families, and they became things like zamboni driver.

03-01-2021, 11:27 AM
The very few bullies at my schools all became total losers.

What was weird is some of them came from upper-middle-class families, and they became things like zamboni driver.

Couldn't make it in the rink, so they made the rink. Classic.

03-01-2021, 11:51 AM
I skipped my 20 year high school reunion when it came up a few years back because I was unemployed at the time and assumed I'd be bullied for that fact. Wasn't really bullied in high school, but I know who the asshole were, and I wasn't interested in seeing them when I was feeling vulnerable.

03-01-2021, 12:47 PM
From my many friends with kids of various ages, I have heard stories of modern day bullying such as:

1) girls being relentlessly bullied for being thin
2) boys being bullied for being athletic or muscular
3) kids being excluded from all social activities because they dont have an iphone and their class only talks via imessage
4) girls being bullied for not sending nudes to a guy
5) girls being bullied for sending nudes to a guy
6) kids being bullies for being poor
7) kids being bullied for being rich
8) kids being physically bullied by a classmate who clearly has a bad home life and takes it out on others

Other than the first 2 being a weird flipflop from when I grew up, I'm not sure much else has changed except technology and how vast the bullying can be. When I grew up, if you were teased at school, it generally ended at 3pm. These days it can be 24/7 thanks to the internet, and the fact that kids seem to have cell phones with data plans before they're even in middle school.

I don't have kids yet, and I have all sorts of plans in my head for teaching them how to deal with it, but I'm knowingly ignorant on it all. Ive seen friends' kids go through hell and my gut reaction is as joked about above, go visit the other dad with a baseball bat. So I'm not sure how prepared I really am for it.

03-01-2021, 01:14 PM
My kid has a flip phone so low tech she can't even see emojis if you text them to her. I'm pretty happy with that situation.

I would be all for a low tech device but then id be too worried shed get bullied for that, its brutal being a parent these days with all this social media crap. Fuck its brutal being an adult with all this social media crap....

03-01-2021, 01:15 PM
3) kids being excluded from all social activities because they dont have an iphone and their class only talks via imessage

rage2 you bully!

03-01-2021, 01:18 PM
I would be all for a low tech device but then id be too worried shed get bullied for that, its brutal being a parent these days with all this social media crap. Fuck its brutal being an adult with all this social media crap....

I pretend we are poor. If someone wants to bully my kid for being poor I like that better than her being on social media.

03-01-2021, 01:24 PM
I would be all for a low tech device but then id be too worried shed get bullied for that, its brutal being a parent these days with all this social media crap. Fuck its brutal being an adult with all this social media crap....
Low tech, high tech, tight clothes, baggy clothes, fat, skinny, whatever.

Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't the most important part is just to help your child feel confident about themselves? I know that part takes a lot of time, but ultimately if that core value is paramount, they will be able to get through it.
Worrying about your kid getting bullied because they aren't keeping up with what is "cool" is just going to be an endless cycle and not really addressing the true solution that will help them long term.

03-01-2021, 01:29 PM
3) kids being excluded from all social activities because they dont have an iphone and their class only talks via imessage

rage2 you bully!
So everyone has a working process for communications, and you want to come in and disrupt all that to accommodate yourself. Who's the real bully here?

03-01-2021, 01:54 PM
So everyone has a working process for communications, and you want to come in and disrupt all that to accommodate yourself. Who's the real bully here?


03-01-2021, 02:41 PM
My kids have had no issues

Daughter is finished school, never had issues, nor did she ever witness it.

Son is in grade 5,
He has never mentioned it.

Both went to French immersion schools.

Kids seem a lot more gentle these days, or maybe I’m only exposed to the kids my children hang around with.


03-01-2021, 02:48 PM
My kids have had no issues

Daughter is finished school, never had issues, nor did she ever witness it.

Son is in grade 5,
He has never mentioned it.

Both went to French immersion schools.

Kids seem a lot more gentle these days, or maybe I’m only exposed to the kids my children hang around with.

That is what I worry about as a parent. If my daughter never even witnessed anything like bullying, I would be concerned about how they can tackle life when things don't go as "ideal".

I mean, what happens when one day a guy tries to take advantage of her with some pop?

03-01-2021, 02:51 PM
That is what I worry about as a parent. If my daughter never even witnessed anything like bullying, I would be concerned about how they can tackle life when things don't go as "ideal".

I mean, what happens when one day a guy tries to take advantage of her with some pop?

She calls Dad and he shows up and smacks his little bitch face and makes him say sorry. :devil:

But thankfully she met an awesome guy, so all is good.

03-01-2021, 02:56 PM
Sort of off topic, but there are kids being raised now that have no idea how to take criticism. One of my nieces quit her fast food job after some of what I consider very gentle coaching.

03-01-2021, 02:57 PM
Sort of off topic, but there are kids being raised now that have no idea how to take criticism. One of my nieces quit her fast food job after some of what I consider very gentle coaching.

I agree, so many cream puffs being raised these days.

03-01-2021, 03:00 PM
I mean, there were cream puffs back when we were kids too. Percentage has changed a bit I'm sure, and the world is easier for them to thrive in as well.

03-01-2021, 03:03 PM
Sort of off topic, but there are kids being raised now that have no idea how to take criticism. One of my nieces quit her fast food job after some of what I consider very gentle coaching.

This is a very big thing now.

Not only this, but debates are impossible as if you "argue" an alternate view, people get pissed off, hate you, and label you as intolerant.

03-01-2021, 03:05 PM
I mean, there were cream puffs back when we were kids too. Percentage has changed a bit I'm sure, and the world is easier for them to thrive in as well.

I teach kids Judo and I see more and more cream puffs haha, they usually quit halfway through the year.

It’s mostly Canadian kids. All the Eastern European families and kids are badass and put the Canadian kids to shame, literally night and day difference in mental and physical strength.

I have had Canadian families come from karate or taeKwon classes expecting their kids to excel in Judo only to fail miserably.

When they realized their kids couldn’t achieve a belt in less than a years time they gave up, so sad.

03-01-2021, 03:09 PM
If your kids claim to have never experienced bullying. They were probably the bully.

Food for thought.

03-01-2021, 03:38 PM
I get that bullying is bad...but isnt this kind of just a human nature type thing? Is there a realistic way to actually get humans to stop bullying each other?

I see adults “bullying” each other all the time in corporate settings and corporations call them go-getters or willing to speak up.

Cancel culture is all about bullying people a certain group doesn’t like.

BLM bully’s anyone who has an opposing view point to theirs.

Anti-maskers are bullying maskers and maskers are bullying anti-maskers.

Quebec and Ontario bully Alberta and...well Alberta just takes it.

You could name 1000s of examples of bullying in any setting with adults so how do you expect kids to act better then adults?Humans seem to just bully/offend each other in all settings so how do you expect kids to act any different. People like have power over others and for youth that unfortunately leads to bullying...not saying it is right, it is just the way it is, always has been, and likely always will be.

03-01-2021, 03:46 PM
If your kids claim to have never experienced bullying. They were probably the bully.

Food for thought.
Shut the fuck up sillramos!

03-01-2021, 03:47 PM

03-01-2021, 03:51 PM
I mean, there were cream puffs back when we were kids too. Percentage has changed a bit I'm sure, and the world is easier for them to thrive in as well.

Can confirm, am cream puff.

03-01-2021, 04:13 PM
Sort of off topic, but there are kids being raised now that have no idea how to take criticism. One of my nieces quit her fast food job after some of what I consider very gentle coaching.
This is why I love being a coach for young athletes. Sports is life and you end up influencing them in many ways so they know how to take criticism well both on and off the court.

03-01-2021, 04:16 PM
Can confirm, am cream puff.
I am absolutely a cream puff, and have been my whole life. reasonably resilient, but doesn't mean my feelings aren't hurt when people give me gentle advice. All the feels. Although, I always find people who pretend to have no feelings or "act strong" actually get most offended and have the hardest time moving on from perceived slights. Pretending to have no emotions mean you never learned to process them.

Are we far enough off topic yet?

03-01-2021, 04:27 PM
I am absolutely a cream puff, and have been my whole life. reasonably resilient, but doesn't mean my feelings aren't hurt when people give me gentle advice. All the feels. Although, I always find people who pretend to have no feelings or "act strong" actually get most offended and have the hardest time moving on from perceived slights. Pretending to have no emotions mean you never learned to process them.

Are we far enough off topic yet?

Get this guy a fuckin Puppers...

03-01-2021, 04:46 PM
Sort of off topic, but there are kids being raised now that have no idea how to take criticism. One of my nieces quit her fast food job after some of what I consider very gentle coaching.
:werd: We have a friend who has 1 kid and its pretty tough to not blow up when he gets away with everything

03-01-2021, 07:56 PM
It's actually a super interesting topic since data shows teen suicide rates have been going up year on year..


Link: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6630a6.htm

I think a big part of it is that before the bullying was only in schools, atleast a majority of it was, now with all the kids in social media the rates have gone up a lot since it's just not something you can escape, I remember when I was younger I was a complete shit to a lot of other kids, it was just nothing that would cross my mind it made me feel "Cool"

When I was much younger though in grade 2-5 I remember I did get bullied a lot as well, maybe that played some role in my actions when I got older or I was just an arrogant asshole, but the numbers really shocked me when I read about it.

03-01-2021, 08:00 PM
Sort of off topic, but there are kids being raised now that have no idea how to take criticism. One of my nieces quit her fast food job after some of what I consider very gentle coaching.

I think it's just being a teenager. Some kids just learn to deal with it better and earlier, some it takes a bunch of attempts. I remember a bunch of people I grew up with who were super shitty (or super assholes) in their jobs. Others would crush it at the same place.

The issue seems to be that we're using pretty broad strokes to judge kids by and we're becoming those "kids these days"-types.

03-01-2021, 08:03 PM
"kids these days" is a sentiment that never goes out of style. Has been cool for several hundred years.

03-01-2021, 08:27 PM
I thought Marilyn Manson caused teen suicide. How could it still be a thing?

03-02-2021, 09:28 AM
I had a chat with the principal of the local elementary school who admitted that they went too far in the direction of constant praise. It ruined generations of kids. Now they're on Twitter screeching away. They try to teach the kids resilience and coping when things don't go your way.

03-02-2021, 09:35 AM
I had a chat with the principal of the local elementary school who admitted that they went too far in the direction of constant praise. It ruined generations of kids. Now they're on Twitter screeching away. They try to teach the kids resilience and coping when things don't go your way.

I think that’s a very uncommon mentality within the CBE.

To me, it’s telling when 4/6 of the close group of teachers my wife went to school with outright refuse to consider sending their kids to a CBE school, they all see how the direction and mandates from the board is ruining kids.

The big one is the board wide mandates for inclusive classrooms ( Meaning keeping kids with severe learning and behavioural disabilities or can’t speak English in with the rest of the classroom ). You can imagine how much educating of students 1-32 is being done when a teachers entire day is spent teaching student 33 English, wiping drool off the chin of 34, and trying to make sure student 35 doesn’t stab someone with scissors.

03-02-2021, 09:44 AM
3) kids being excluded from all social activities because they dont have an iphone and their class only talks via imessage

Not only does this happen to my friends who don't have iPhones now in my 30's, we continually bully them for being poor on top of that.

03-02-2021, 09:57 AM
I think that’s a very uncommon mentality within the CBE.

To me, it’s telling when 4/6 of the close group of teachers my wife went to school with outright refuse to consider sending their kids to a CBE school, they all see how the direction and mandates from the board is ruining kids.

The big one is the board wide mandates for inclusive classrooms ( Meaning keeping kids with severe learning and behavioural disabilities or can’t speak English in with the rest of the classroom ). You can imagine how much educating of students 1-32 is being done when a teachers entire day is spent teaching student 33 English, wiping drool off the chin of 34, and trying to make sure student 35 doesn’t stab someone with scissors.

This does concern me, as well. I don't think the ESL kids are as much of a burden as many would think, but there needs to be a better strategy for the morons and the psychotic.
If you can't legibly print your name in Grade-1, then your "magical and super special journey through learning" is a fucking F. Not a ticket to Grade-2, not any other horse shit. F.
If your kick a girl in the back and stab someone with scissors, you should go straight to an episode of Scared Straight. No talking about your feelings, no companion doggie, no modified schedule. Go directly to jail, and watch someone get shiv'd.

03-02-2021, 10:33 AM
I think that’s a very uncommon mentality within the CBE.

To me, it’s telling when 4/6 of the close group of teachers my wife went to school with outright refuse to consider sending their kids to a CBE school, they all see how the direction and mandates from the board is ruining kids.

The big one is the board wide mandates for inclusive classrooms ( Meaning keeping kids with severe learning and behavioural disabilities or can’t speak English in with the rest of the classroom ). You can imagine how much educating of students 1-32 is being done when a teachers entire day is spent teaching student 33 English, wiping drool off the chin of 34, and trying to make sure student 35 doesn’t stab someone with scissors.A lot depends on where you live. The CBE schools near me still has high quality kids, teachers and principals.

Principals are what makes or breaks a school BTW. They have complete carte blanche over basically everything. They're just given a pile of money and told "have at 'er"

03-02-2021, 10:50 AM
Principals can break a school for sure. Our neighborhood school got a new principal and within 2 years several of the better teachers, and the entire parent council had quit. We got our kids out of there.

03-02-2021, 10:53 AM
Principals can break a school for sure. Our neighborhood school got a new principal and within 2 years several of the better teachers, and the entire parent council had quit. We got our kids out of there.

The awful thing is that if you're a good principal, the CBE will promote you and you'll stop being a principal.