View Full Version : 40 km/hour roads.

02-28-2021, 08:08 AM


May 31, assume 40 if not posted. Red lines should be marked for 50.

02-28-2021, 08:55 AM
Haha, good ol' City, way to complicate a simple change.

02-28-2021, 05:49 PM
Planning to not drive the first week of June.
They'll be in full force to show the hooligans they've given tickets to that would otherwise have killed children and ripped families apart.

02-28-2021, 06:05 PM
I'm just hoping my family can survive until then. Every day is a gamble.

02-28-2021, 09:47 PM
I'm just hoping my family can survive until then. Every day is a gamble.
This, I can't believe they are allowing this ludicrous 50kph business to continue until May 31st. Cars will be careening into houses left and right

02-28-2021, 09:57 PM
Good old nanny state, amazing we made this long.

02-28-2021, 10:51 PM
Really, I don't know how they allow us to drive motorcars in the first place.

Life was simpler, and likely safer in the days of the horse.

Unless your last name was Reeve.

03-01-2021, 06:37 AM
If they would remove the silly 25.5 km/h electronic limitation on my kickscooter, I figure it would be the same speed. 2/3rds horsepower ftw.

03-01-2021, 09:35 AM
Same old story, the city reduces speed limits for no reason other than profit, and people will continue driving a speed at which they are comfortable which will almost certainly be over 40km/h on most of those roads. Only now the tickets will be 10km/h bigger.

The biggest eye opener for me has always been photo radar in school zones - who cares if the same guy comes ripping through multiple times endangering a bunch of kids or whoever else, when that ticket arrives 2 weeks later in the mail, that'll teach em.

Pauly Boy
03-02-2021, 12:49 PM
The biggest eye opener for me has always been photo radar in school zones - who cares if the same guy comes ripping through multiple times endangering a bunch of kids or whoever else, when that ticket arrives 2 weeks later in the mail, that'll teach em.

At least that's done in the guise of safety. Honestly, I'd be fine with them making them permanent like red light cams. Put up big signs so there are no excuses. Now it's actually safe.

Hiding in the shadows under an overpass getting people doing 15 over on Deerfoot or Glenmore though? GTFO.

I'm waiting for Lethbridge and other municipalities here to follow suit with similar legislation

03-02-2021, 01:01 PM
Same old story, the city reduces speed limits for no reason other than profit, and people will continue driving a speed at which they are comfortable which will almost certainly be over 40km/h on most of those roads. Only now the tickets will be 10km/h bigger.

The biggest eye opener for me has always been photo radar in school zones - who cares if the same guy comes ripping through multiple times endangering a bunch of kids or whoever else, when that ticket arrives 2 weeks later in the mail, that'll teach em.

Not precisely. I believe the councilors when they say one of the complaints they had in the last election was traffic safety. Ok, so imagine what authority you have as a City councilor to address traffic safety.

Can you change how drivers are trained/tested: No
Can you take away licenses from unsafe drivers: No and that is also logistically challenging
Can you substantially change your road network to make it safer: Not without ludicrous costs and tax implications

So they change the thing that's the lowest cost that looks like they are addressing the problem, speed limits. The same thing happens in local politics. This is the same reason all traffic control is done, to do "something" there are so many stop signs and other things out there that were put in place because they had to do "something". It gets interesting because there has been so much political interference with traffic control that they have actually then created new issues in which they have to do "something" else which then spirals out of control.

I used to do this on a small scale in a Municipality in Ontario. It's really quite a downward spiral. Honestly, if we could somehow improve driver training and driver standards a lot of this would get solved. Ontario, and I assume Alberta, has a database of all traffic accident reports, tracking causes, etc. It's quite fascinating data and if it was explored it would become quite clear that a lot of do "something" decisions have little impact on the causes of these accidents. I presented this several times to the council I reported to, and they told me in private that they know that it won't technically do anything, but they had to do "something, and several of them asked me to make it look like it would help. Which I believe is exactly what administration did in this case in the City of Calgary.

03-02-2021, 01:03 PM
Yes, there aren't that many levers to pull for traffic safety on the municipal level, so they do what they can.

A residential enforcement increase would be really unpopular, because it would be voters getting those tickets. Buncha signs? Nobody cares.

03-02-2021, 01:42 PM
Not precisely. I believe the councilors when they say one of the complaints they had in the last election was traffic safety. Ok, so imagine what authority you have as a City councilor to address traffic safety.

Can you change how drivers are trained/tested: No
Can you take away licenses from unsafe drivers: No and that is also logistically challenging
Can you substantially change your road network to make it safer: Not without ludicrous costs and tax implications

So they change the thing that's the lowest cost that looks like they are addressing the problem, speed limits. The same thing happens in local politics. This is the same reason all traffic control is done, to do "something" there are so many stop signs and other things out there that were put in place because they had to do "something". It gets interesting because there has been so much political interference with traffic control that they have actually then created new issues in which they have to do "something" else which then spirals out of control.

I used to do this on a small scale in a Municipality in Ontario. It's really quite a downward spiral. Honestly, if we could somehow improve driver training and driver standards a lot of this would get solved. Ontario, and I assume Alberta, has a database of all traffic accident reports, tracking causes, etc. It's quite fascinating data and if it was explored it would become quite clear that a lot of do "something" decisions have little impact on the causes of these accidents. I presented this several times to the council I reported to, and they told me in private that they know that it won't technically do anything, but they had to do "something, and several of them asked me to make it look like it would help. Which I believe is exactly what administration did in this case in the City of Calgary.
Do they still build straight roads in Ontario? Pretty sure that's up to the municipality.

There's lots cities can do. They just don't do it because it requires brainpower, and it's simply easier to pass some silly piece of legislation.

Communities like Mahogany are basically impossible to speed in. Roads are too tight, roads aren't straight, there's traffic circles and it's pretty clear where the crosswalks are.

Compare that to, say, Rocky Ridge, that has a four lane road with a median. That kind of stuff is really useless in a community, and no one asked for it, it's just what Calgary did back then.

Where my parents live in California they put dips in the road. No one speeds through those things lol.

03-02-2021, 03:05 PM
Do they still build straight roads in Ontario? Pretty sure that's up to the municipality.

There's lots cities can do. They just don't do it because it requires brainpower, and it's simply easier to pass some silly piece of legislation.

Communities like Mahogany are basically impossible to speed in. Roads are too tight, roads aren't straight, there's traffic circles and it's pretty clear where the crosswalks are.

Compare that to, say, Rocky Ridge, that has a four lane road with a median. That kind of stuff is really useless in a community, and no one asked for it, it's just what Calgary did back then.

Where my parents live in California they put dips in the road. No one speeds through those things lol.

Hilariously in some jurisdictions road layouts are up to the developer, Calgary is one of the few jurisdictions that puts a lot of say in road layouts in Canada.

You're correct, but the changes you are talking about would have huge cost implications and would take a long period of time to implement across the entire City. Which was my third point above. They did talk about implementing new standards in new subdivisions, which is no cost to the City and if anything will reduce development costs.

Dips and speed bumps are not great in northern climates, not that we do that much snow clearing in Calgary on local roads. They also cause drainage issues which is a pretty common problem in the inner city.

03-02-2021, 03:31 PM
Hilariously in some jurisdictions road layouts are up to the developer, Calgary is one of the few jurisdictions that puts a lot of say in road layouts in Canada.

You're correct, but the changes you are talking about would have huge cost implications and would take a long period of time to implement across the entire City. Which was my third point above. They did talk about implementing new standards in new subdivisions, which is no cost to the City and if anything will reduce development costs.

Dips and speed bumps are not great in northern climates, not that we do that much snow clearing in Calgary on local roads. They also cause drainage issues which is a pretty common problem in the inner city.
Yeah unfortunate that dips aren't viable here.

I'm not saying older communities need to rip everything out and start over, fact is there are simply specific locations that need to be remedied. This isn't hard to do nor is really all that expensive. It requires thought though and that's something that's in very short supply in govt.

03-02-2021, 03:43 PM
There are a couple dips in the road by my place right in front of a school. They look intentional.

03-02-2021, 03:45 PM
Saskatoon council is looking at 40 and 30 now too, thanks fuckheads.

03-02-2021, 03:45 PM
Yeah unfortunate that dips aren't viable here.

I'm not saying older communities need to rip everything out and start over, fact is there are simply specific locations that need to be remedied. This isn't hard to do nor is really all that expensive. It requires thought though and that's something that's in very short supply in govt.

Some of the best policies I have seen are traffic calming, basically where you have to petition over a perceived speed issue at which point the Municipality evaluates it and if there is deemed to be a problem they have some set solutions like you are speaking of and it gets put on a list. They set aside a certain budget for it each year and chew away as they do it. I believe this is how they handle it in London. It's actually a pretty good way of going about it.

Back where I am from instead of lowering speed limits they decided that we need more stop signs, so there are a lot of 4 ways stops. It's quite infuriating to get around in that place.

03-02-2021, 03:48 PM
“Traffic calming”

Aka artificially narrowing roads so you can barely get 2 vehicles through an intersection with massive sidewalk jut outs etc. Resulting in vehicles having to come to near stops to navigate around each other.

Seems like the worst of all worlds to me.

03-02-2021, 04:14 PM
“Traffic calming”

Aka artificially narrowing roads so you can barely get 2 vehicles through an intersection with massive sidewalk jut outs etc. Resulting in vehicles having to come to near stops to navigate around each other.

Seems like the worst of all worlds to me.

Typically the only locations they should narrow is at crosswalks, which is effectively taking away the parking lane at any intersection. This reduces pedestrian crossing distance, and therefore time and makes sure that cars at not parked right at the end of the road obstructing view drivers in the intersection.

I laugh every time I am in Toronto where they have effectively created chicanes mid block on their streets.

03-02-2021, 04:15 PM
Most make sense but Panorama Estate area is staying 50kph while all major throughway in the hood has lowered to 40kph.

03-02-2021, 05:18 PM
“Traffic calming”

Aka artificially narrowing roads so you can barely get 2 vehicles through an intersection with massive sidewalk jut outs etc. Resulting in vehicles having to come to near stops to navigate around each other.

Seems like the worst of all worlds to me.I don't really have a problem with this in communities. Esp. ones that were poorly designed to begin with. You're literally losing like 2 seconds.

03-02-2021, 05:22 PM
Some of the best policies I have seen are traffic calming, basically where you have to petition over a perceived speed issue at which point the Municipality evaluates it and if there is deemed to be a problem they have some set solutions like you are speaking of and it gets put on a list. They set aside a certain budget for it each year and chew away as they do it. I believe this is how they handle it in London. It's actually a pretty good way of going about it.

Back where I am from instead of lowering speed limits they decided that we need more stop signs, so there are a lot of 4 ways stops. It's quite infuriating to get around in that place.
Heck I'm okay with stop signs too. Beats clobbering the whole city with 40kph.

03-02-2021, 05:26 PM
Heck I'm okay with stop signs too. Beats clobbering the whole city with 40kph.

It's an interesting thing to study, rolling stops become a lot more common in places where stop signs aren't really necessary, this is actually more dangerous for pedestrians cause they roll right through the crosswalk. I've heard of this exact thing happening in High River lately.

03-02-2021, 05:50 PM
It's an interesting thing to study, rolling stops become a lot more common in places where stop signs aren't really necessary, this is actually more dangerous for pedestrians cause they roll right through the crosswalk. I've heard of this exact thing happening in High River lately.

Like I said, it takes thought.

03-02-2021, 09:21 PM
90 percent of stop signs should be yield signs.

03-02-2021, 09:36 PM
90 percent of stop signs should be yield signs.

100% should be roundabouts. 100% of lights too.

03-03-2021, 09:16 AM
Not precisely. I believe the councilors when they say one of the complaints they had in the last election was traffic safety. Ok, so imagine what authority you have as a City councilor to address traffic safety.

Can you change how drivers are trained/tested: No
Can you take away licenses from unsafe drivers: No and that is also logistically challenging
Can you substantially change your road network to make it safer: Not without ludicrous costs and tax implications

So they change the thing that's the lowest cost that looks like they are addressing the problem, speed limits. The same thing happens in local politics. This is the same reason all traffic control is done, to do "something" there are so many stop signs and other things out there that were put in place because they had to do "something". It gets interesting because there has been so much political interference with traffic control that they have actually then created new issues in which they have to do "something" else which then spirals out of control.

I used to do this on a small scale in a Municipality in Ontario. It's really quite a downward spiral. Honestly, if we could somehow improve driver training and driver standards a lot of this would get solved. Ontario, and I assume Alberta, has a database of all traffic accident reports, tracking causes, etc. It's quite fascinating data and if it was explored it would become quite clear that a lot of do "something" decisions have little impact on the causes of these accidents. I presented this several times to the council I reported to, and they told me in private that they know that it won't technically do anything, but they had to do "something, and several of them asked me to make it look like it would help. Which I believe is exactly what administration did in this case in the City of Calgary.

Can you change how traffic enforcement is done so it focuses on safety instead of revenue collection? YES
Does that have real world tangible results? YES
Does it cost anything to implement? NO

Nah, fuck it. Let's spend millions of dollars changing signs and have people drive the same speeds anyway, and ignore all the data showing that speeds below what people consider comfortable and reasonable actually make things LESS safe.

Good ol government doing government things.

The insane thing is how many regular citizens support this type of knee jerk nonsense that accomplishes nothing. Edmonton went through this too. Lot's of people were supporting the residential speed decrease to 40km/h, because they perceive residential roads as being narrow with parking on both sides of the street in front of houses where kids are playing in the road(even though people already drive 30km/h on those road already). They never understood that the city was going to repurpose things and call double divided throughfares that are 60km/h as "residential" and then just stick photo radar there after the change to 40km/h.

For me personally, I don't care if I'm doing 10km/h or 1000km/h, I would prefer to not be hit by some distracted driver that can't get off Facebook at any speed.

03-13-2021, 11:28 AM
Traffic calming islands painted in my area and they're already cutting it up this morning. Saturday, probably time and a half.

Dirtbags, literally ink barely dry and no sense seeing if signage works. Just spend money until Nenshi is gone. No going back now.
Also no idea where the snow is going to be put and how people will park in front of their house.
Awaiting an increase in snow removal budget to truck it outside inner city.

03-13-2021, 11:30 AM
Traffic calming islands painted in my area and they're already cutting it up this morning. Saturday, probably time and a half.

Dirtbags, literally ink barely dry and no sense seeing if signage works. Just spend money until Nenshi is gone. No going back now.
Also no idea where the snow is going to be put and how people will park in front of their house.
Awaiting an increase in snow removal budget to truck it outside inner city.

Is a traffic calming island the same as a speed bump? or is it one of those flat roundabout that people just drive over. Unsure why there would be any obstruction to dump snow on the street although in my neighborhood I hate that, why cant people just put the snow from the sidewalk on their lawn where its supposed to go.

03-13-2021, 11:56 AM
These but also taking the liberty of making a raised bike lane or something too. All I know is everyone has a car and parks in front of their house.
They need to dig them out like this winter. But they do run an exclusive bobcat to clear already made bike lanes.
I guess what I'm getting at is the short sightedness of the city yet again.
Maybe we can all park our cars in the downtown empty offices via the service elevators.
That would be another good short sightedness city pitch.

Then when things pick up. We have no office space. Help!
We have no other choice but to raise taxes to figure out a solution.
It's literally that idiotic.

03-13-2021, 12:01 PM
I was up in Airdre this morning and holy hell is it annoying doing 30km/h everywhere while the cops sit on every street corner waiting. I’m glad my cruise control sets that low.

03-13-2021, 12:02 PM
I think those traffic calming islands make sense in some areas. More sense than a lot of other things anyway. Don't need em at every crosswalk or anything though . . .

03-13-2021, 02:33 PM
My only concern (entirely because it affects me most) that I don't recall seeing any speed limit signs on the larger one-ways downtown. If those are 40kph, that is going to be absolutely brutal.

03-13-2021, 03:45 PM
Eau Claire and Chinatown are affected (go to 40), the CBD itself isn't. So basically 4th Ave south to the tracks stays the same.

03-16-2021, 09:11 AM
These but also taking the liberty of making a raised bike lane or something too. All I know is everyone has a car and parks in front of their house.
They need to dig them out like this winter. But they do run an exclusive bobcat to clear already made bike lanes.
I guess what I'm getting at is the short sightedness of the city yet again.
Maybe we can all park our cars in the downtown empty offices via the service elevators.
That would be another good short sightedness city pitch.

Then when things pick up. We have no office space. Help!
We have no other choice but to raise taxes to figure out a solution.
It's literally that idiotic.

I have been indoctrinated by this Youtube channel lately:


And seems like all CoC designers are subscribers too.

03-16-2021, 12:26 PM
I have been indoctrinated by this Youtube channel lately:


And seems like all CoC designers are subscribers too.

Nice video - well done series. Anyway obviously calgary can keep growing until the jobs stop and demand dries up but what happens in cities where there is no room to continue building new houses. And as property prices skyrocket taxes stay the same. Maybe vancouver city would fit this mould.

03-16-2021, 02:14 PM
Yup, as long as humanity has a place to expand to, the ponzi scheme can continue.


My guess is that the matrix has been upgraded to next level. Full electric and AI. Asphalt is simply mans bondage enslavement of the planet earth.

03-16-2021, 02:27 PM
Nice video - well done series. Anyway obviously calgary can keep growing until the jobs stop and demand dries up but what happens in cities where there is no room to continue building new houses. And as property prices skyrocket taxes stay the same. Maybe vancouver city would fit this mould.

The higher density, the lower the rate. GVA rate is at 0.29% in the core to 0.43% out satellites like Richmond and New Westminster. And here in Calgary, we are staring at 0.75%

Years of Sim City and Cities Skyline should have already taught everyone the cost of sprawl.

03-16-2021, 04:20 PM
Yeah but in Cities skylines you can always just use an infinite money hack, in our reality its called money printing.

03-16-2021, 05:40 PM

05-26-2021, 05:42 PM
"Tony Churchill, a senior traffic engineer with the City of Calgary, says of the nearly 9,000 collisions a year on the side streets of Calgary, about 550 of them involve injuries or death."

Uh huh, and of those, how many occurred on these new 40kph roads? And of those, how many would have been preventable by going 10kph slower? Is that a statistic we can request?

05-26-2021, 05:54 PM
"Tony Churchill, a senior traffic engineer with the City of Calgary, says of the nearly 9,000 collisions a year on the side streets of Calgary, about 550 of them involve injuries or death."

Uh huh, and of those, how many occurred on these new 40kph roads? And of those, how many would have been preventable by going 10kph slower? Is that a statistic we can request?

Don't be racist

05-26-2021, 06:27 PM
Isn't there a large scale of injuries? Like why lump all 543 minor injuries with the 6 major injuries and 1 death?

05-26-2021, 06:32 PM
Senior Traffic Engineer

What a depressing title

05-27-2021, 06:53 AM
Senior Traffic Engineer

What a depressing title

Easily identifiable job titles that can be cut after the November election

05-27-2021, 06:59 AM
You guys are looking at that all wrong
What a great secure career with superb benefits!

05-27-2021, 07:05 AM
"Tony Churchill, a senior traffic engineer with the City of Calgary, says of the nearly 9,000 collisions a year on the side streets of Calgary, about 550 of them involve injuries or death."

Uh huh, and of those, how many occurred on these new 40kph roads? And of those, how many would have been preventable by going 10kph slower? Is that a statistic we can request?

Better couple questions for you:

1) how many of those accidents happened in winter conditions or during other weather events
2) how many of those accidents were due to drunk or distracted driving
3) how many of those accidents were moving violations at intersections or marked crosswalks? Not mid block collisions.

All of these are in the traffic accident reports and these causes would cause them to be removed from a speed study. The reason is that a reduction in speed would not have reduced or removed the cause of these accidents.

The idea that a lowered speed limit will reduce deaths and collision damage is anecdotal at best. This is a council driven initiative with administrators like this guy kissing ass and trying to give justifications for it.

Cause that's the same game everywhere, and part of the reason I got out of government administration work.

05-27-2021, 07:25 AM
I don't drive enough in Calgary to give a shit...

But that bullshit radio commercial with 8 kids saying "Thank You" is rage inducing :D

05-27-2021, 08:12 AM
Don't be racist

We need more statistics on skin colour. If there is no equity we must firebomb, I mean reform.

05-27-2021, 10:06 AM
Isn't there a large scale of injuries? Like why lump all 543 minor injuries with the 6 major injuries and 1 death?

You know damn well why they're doing that. It's for the same reason they lumped all the pedestrian deaths on 60+ roads in with the 50 roads when saying how many lives this will undoubtedly save.

05-27-2021, 10:09 AM
Facts don’t matter. Think of the children.

More bike lanes to the airport!

05-27-2021, 03:38 PM
Oh they're even sneaking it into press releases now.


Pedestrian succumbs to injuries

We are saddened to announce the young woman who was struck on Monday has succumbed to her injuries and died in hospital on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. Our deepest condolences go out to all who knew and loved her.

The investigation into the collision is ongoing and we continue to seek out any witnesses who have not yet come forward. This is the sixth fatal pedestrian collision so far this year.

as residential speed limit changes come into effect on Monday, May 31, 2021, this collision is a stark reminder of the devastating consequences collisions on our residential streets can have. Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians must all work together to ensure our streets are safe to enjoy.

Original release below.
Witnesses sought in pedestrian collision

Investigators from the Calgary Police Service Traffic Section are looking to speak with any witnesses to a serious-injury pedestrian collision that have not yet come forward.

The collision occurred yesterday, Monday, May 24, 2021, around 10:15 p.m., in the intersection of Canyon Meadows Drive and Deer Ridge Drive S.E. Two people were crossing in a crosswalk in the intersection when a 2009 Hyundai Accent, driven by a man in his 70s, was travelling northbound on Deer Ridge Drive S.E. and began to turn onto westbound Canyon Meadows Drive S.E.

One of the pedestrians, a woman in her 20s, was struck and thrown a significant distance, resulting in serious injuries. She was taken to hospital where she remains in serious but stable condition.

The driver remained at the scene. Speed and impairment are not considered to be a factor in this collision.

Anyone who may have witnessed the collision who has not yet spoken with police is asked to contact the non-emergency number 403-266-1234. Tips can also be left anonymously through Crime Stoppers:

TALK: 1-800-222-8477
TYPE: www.calgarycrimestoppers.org
APP: "P3 Tips"

Case #21191949/4488

Neither of the roads involved in the collision are being reduced to 40 km/h.

05-27-2021, 04:42 PM
No one drive 50 km/h in 50 zone, so essentially lowering speed limit we will get close to 50 km/hr. Studies indicate that when collision occurs between pedestrian and car at higher than 50km/hr speed result in death or more serious injuries. If this save one person i think it is worth it. There is unfortunately part of enforcement and revenue generation. Well, if you do not speed you will not provide revenue! Ask yourself if you obeyed speed limits today and drove 50 in 50 zone?! I will let you answer yourself,. I think this will be hard to enforce so bad habits will continue and once in a while there will be community enforcement to teach drivers "rules of the road" and collect "involuntary tax" for the city snd province ...LOL.

05-27-2021, 04:49 PM
Fuck the “if it saves 1 person attitude”

Why do anything. How dare you get in your car every day and put children at risk. If it only saves one person stay home. Forever.

If it only saves one person, start with yourself.

05-27-2021, 05:00 PM
We're in a post truth era. Govts have figured out that pleebs have no idea how stats and probabilities work nor how to assess risk properly, so here we go.

05-27-2021, 05:00 PM
I think you'll save more children by teaching them that all cars are evil. You should run back to the house as soon as you can hear it from a mile away. It's worth it.

05-27-2021, 05:53 PM
It is not so funny and indifferent if the one victim is your child, brother, sister etc. The example is young girl that lost her life on Tuesday. She was someone daughter, friend, perhaps to most of us is just the stats but there are many that will be affected profoundly by her tragic loss of life in traffic collision. Unfortunately this will happen I mean collisions, but if we reduce chances of such losses I think it will be worth it.

05-27-2021, 05:55 PM
But none of the changes would have made an ounce of difference.

05-27-2021, 06:04 PM
It is not so funny and indifferent if the one victim is your child, brother, sister etc. The example is young girl that lost her life on Tuesday. She was someone daughter, friend, perhaps to most of us is just the stats but there are many that will be affected profoundly by her tragic loss of life in traffic collision. Unfortunately this will happen I mean collisions, but if we reduce chances of such losses I think it will be worth it.

There was never an issue to start and something they created. There is no substantial evidence to warrant the decrease other than wanting it done.

Just another way to enforce or regulate something that was never broken.

Same premise as converting school zones to playground zones because people found it too hard to understand the wording

05-27-2021, 06:36 PM
It is not so funny and indifferent if the one victim is your child, brother, sister etc. The example is young girl that lost her life on Tuesday. She was someone daughter, friend, perhaps to most of us is just the stats but there are many that will be affected profoundly by her tragic loss of life in traffic collision. Unfortunately this will happen I mean collisions, but if we reduce chances of such losses I think it will be worth it.

I think you should reduce the chances by selling your car.

I think it would be worth it.

05-27-2021, 07:38 PM
From a 2019 article...

A quick analysis of the data shows the following, and, as mentioned, many conclusions are logical:

The downtown area has the highest concentration of incidents
compared with the rest of the city,

36 Street NE has a high number of conflicts

17 Avenue SW has a high number of collisions, as does 16 Avenue NW

The conflicts in residential areas aren’t happening on residential roads; they’re happening on the collector routes connecting them.

And guess which roads aren't changing?


05-27-2021, 08:02 PM
It's about the perception of doing something. Not actually doing something. Actually doing something is costly and hard, and doesn't fit the election cycle.

I know I have said this before.

05-27-2021, 09:50 PM
From a 2019 article...

And guess which roads aren't changing?


I love that the road I live on is staying 50. They put up a sign a few weeks ago. So the road from the entrance to my road is 40 and my road is 50. Good jorb bureaucrats.

02-16-2023, 10:13 AM
40 km/h on a feeder road in my community now. Fml.
Escooters and ebikes are now passing me en route to work.
Was 60km/h when I first moved to the area.
Kids get fatter and slower so we all need to adjust?

02-16-2023, 10:20 AM
40 km/h on a feeder road in my community now. Fml.
Escooters and ebikes are now passing me en route to work.
Was 60km/h when I first moved to the area.
Kids get fatter and slower so we all need to adjust?

Ask me how many times I go 40 in residential areas. Nothings changed. Just do whatever you want and be prepared to pay in the unlikely event they radar on them.

02-16-2023, 11:05 AM
Minus the sticklers that do go 40 and the food delivery guys parking wherever the car stops.

02-16-2023, 11:11 AM
40 km/h on a feeder road in my community now. Fml.

Escooters and ebikes are now passing me en route to work

That's their entire plan. Make driving more and more of an inconvenience. Climate emergency.

02-16-2023, 01:18 PM
People drive the speed limit?

02-16-2023, 05:11 PM
40 km/h on a feeder road in my community now. Fml.

Ours changed yesterday too. Same road, or blitz? Funny how they put up 50 signs when the new law came in and now changed them to redundant 40 signs. Tax money well spent.

02-16-2023, 09:00 PM
Are you guys in Lakeview? We had the same thing here. I guess someone on the community association complained to the city that 50 was too fast so they changed back to 40.

02-16-2023, 10:42 PM
Inner city here.

02-17-2023, 12:40 PM
Are you guys in Lakeview? We had the same thing here. I guess someone on the community association complained to the city that 50 was too fast so they changed back to 40.

Yes indeed, maybe seen you at Bella.

Hopefully 66th and 37th don't follow suit.

02-17-2023, 01:47 PM
I've had my e-bike up to 50km/h. Fuck tha police.

02-19-2023, 04:06 PM
Yes indeed, maybe seen you at Bella.

Hopefully 66th and 37th don't follow suit.

Hmm I don't think so as I don't tend to eat in at Bella but maybe see you around the community at some point.