View Full Version : How does one get away with this?

05-24-2021, 04:32 PM
I see a lot of license plates with wrongly placed yr stickers, tinted covers, etc but this takes the cake.
Basically painted their plate white. How do you get away with this long term?!
What's the ticket? $78 illegal equipment or is it higher?


05-24-2021, 04:55 PM
I see a lot of license plates with wrongly placed yr stickers, tinted covers, etc but this takes the cake.
Basically painted their plate white. How do you get away with this long term?!
What's the ticket? $78 illegal equipment or is it higher?

Hard to tell if the plate starts with 'W'.

05-24-2021, 05:00 PM
Stickers don’t matter anymore.

There are some plates where all the paint comes off. Certain range. Not sure what it is though.

05-24-2021, 05:01 PM
Lotta Calgary transit plates look like this.

05-24-2021, 05:09 PM
Stickers don’t matter anymore.

There are some plates where all the paint comes off. Certain range. Not sure what it is though.

Starts with 'W' is the range.

05-24-2021, 05:31 PM
I came across this a few years back. The person had manipulated one of the numbers to look different. A "B" or an "8" or something to look like a 3 IIRC. I took a picture of it and sent it to the police to ask if it was illegal or not. They fed me some line, but I never heard anything back on it. I will see if I can dig it up somewhere.

05-24-2021, 08:01 PM
Was pulled over last year for a license plate cover because it "obstructs view" of the plate when it gets dirty...not sure how that is different than a dirty license plate? Also remember in my mid 20's being pulled over and boxed in by a second unit for having the wildrose on the plate covered with a sticker because it was defacing or something laughable like that.

So yes, has to be pure luck they haven't been ticketed, because it seems like anything to do with a plate is grounds for questioning.

05-24-2021, 08:25 PM
Agreed. I just think, this guy will get pulled over for speeding and walk away with other tickets at the same time.

05-24-2021, 08:26 PM
Stickers don’t matter anymore.

There are some plates where all the paint comes off. Certain range. Not sure what it is though.
There's been at least two batches where the paint comes off. You can get them exchanged for free apparently.

Also Magic Eraser does a great job of removing the red.

05-25-2021, 01:07 PM
I don't think the police really care about covering of plates unless you are getting pulled over for something else to which they will write up a 2nd ticket. I have seen so many people with blatantly dark tinted covers over their plates that you have to accept that while against the law it's not something overly enforced. Certainly nothing like BC and Ontario where you won't last long driving around without a front plate before getting ticketed.

05-25-2021, 01:45 PM
This is a lot like window tint... rare that you will be stopped for just that (im sure some have!) but once youre stopped for something else, youll get nailed for it.

05-25-2021, 04:23 PM
It's like following CoVid rules. Make the rule and most people will follow it.
*except apparently in the NE

05-25-2021, 04:24 PM
It's like following CoVid rules. Make the rule and most people will follow it.
*except apparently in the NE

That’s racist

05-25-2021, 04:38 PM
Can facts be racist?

05-25-2021, 04:41 PM
Almost exclusively I’m afraid

05-25-2021, 05:08 PM
Almost exclusively I’m afraid of the NE

Me too man, me too.

05-25-2021, 05:09 PM
The struggle is real

05-25-2021, 05:12 PM
NE is high because of the people who live there, many of them are multi family homes and have jobs in other high risk/infection facilities like meat plants and warehouses.

05-25-2021, 05:14 PM
The left told me it’s because of racism though

05-25-2021, 05:39 PM
NE is high because of the people who live there, many of them are multi family homes and have jobs in other high risk/infection facilities like meat plants and warehouses.

Free child care though so choose your own adventure.
Kids won't be bringing it home from the day home.
And don't tell me kids wear masks all day. They don't.

05-25-2021, 06:24 PM
That’s racist


05-25-2021, 07:06 PM
While I'm not immune to racism by a long ways, I don't think I've ever been to the NE. Is that where a "Forrest Lawn" is? Or does the Red Arrow bus have a stop in the NE? Because I've been there and it was fuckin gross and I left before I could notice of it was predominantly a specific group of whoever.

05-25-2021, 07:12 PM
To answer your question, yes and also yes.

The demographics aren’t even that racially stark to any particular group. It’s just generally poor. Which CNN tells me is racist.

05-25-2021, 07:17 PM
Well the CEMA chief says it's for sure not because they don't want to be vaccinated. FOR SURE NOT THAT. No idea why though. Not even a theory, but NOT THAT!

05-25-2021, 07:22 PM
To answer your question, yes and also yes.

The demographics aren’t even that racially stark to any particular group. It’s just generally poor. Which CNN tells me is racist.

Poverty is racist, but money is evil... So...

Pauly Boy
05-26-2021, 01:36 PM
There's been at least two batches where the paint comes off. You can get them exchanged for free apparently.

Also Magic Eraser does a great job of removing the red.

You can exchange and get a new plate every year if you really want.

The early 2000s "W" range is particularly bad for fading off - I had one.

05-26-2021, 01:41 PM
I came across this a few years back. The person had manipulated one of the numbers to look different. A "B" or an "8" or something to look like a 3 IIRC. I took a picture of it and sent it to the police to ask if it was illegal or not. They fed me some line, but I never heard anything back on it. I will see if I can dig it up somewhere.


06-18-2021, 10:23 AM
I came across this a few years back. The person had manipulated one of the numbers to look different. A "B" or an "8" or something to look like a 3 IIRC. I took a picture of it and sent it to the police to ask if it was illegal or not. They fed me some line, but I never heard anything back on it. I will see if I can dig it up somewhere.


Found it. They had actually painted the bottom of the B white to make it look like an R.

- - - Updated - - -


Oh mom. you never fail to embarrass us both. Go finish another bottle of wine.

06-18-2021, 10:43 AM

Found it. They had actually painted the bottom of the B white to make it look like an R.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh mom. you never fail to embarrass us both. Go finish another bottle of wine.

We had the PoPo show up at the shop with a photo radar speed on green ticket photo in hand that one of the guys got in the shop truck while it was dark out and the first plate digit looked like it was manipulated because it somehow got over exposed or some shit (we are guessing it was from an LED plate light maybe?) and they took the time to find out which F150's had all the digits but the one that didn't photo right, came to the shop and said we had manipulated the license plate to avoid tickets. Walked him around back to see the truck and plate in question which had not been manipulated at all and he just said thanks and walked away and we never got the ticket! :dunno:

06-18-2021, 11:28 AM
... Walked him around back to see the truck and plate in question which had not been manipulated at all and he just said thanks and walked away and we never got the ticket! :dunno:

Uh huh... Sure.

06-18-2021, 11:30 AM
We had the PoPo show up at the shop .... Wanked him around back...and we never got the ticket! ;)
FTFY tirebob

06-18-2021, 11:32 AM
FTFY tirebobNobody is "handier" than me, no doubt!

06-18-2021, 11:42 AM
Oh mom. you never fail to embarrass us both. Go finish another bottle of wine.

spikerS Naaaaaaarrrrrc!!!!

We had the PoPo show up at the shop with a photo radar speed on green ticket photo in hand that one of the guys got in the shop truck while it was dark out and the first plate digit looked like it was manipulated because it somehow got over exposed or some shit (we are guessing it was from an LED plate light maybe?) and they took the time to find out which F150's had all the digits but the one that didn't photo right, came to the shop and said we had manipulated the license plate to avoid tickets. Walked him around back to see the truck and plate in question which had not been manipulated at all and he just said thanks and walked away and we never got the ticket! :dunno:

The money and resources these fucks waste on traffic ticket enforcement is mind boggling. There's so many actual useful things Police could do with their time.

06-18-2021, 02:18 PM
The money and resources these fucks waste on traffic ticket enforcement is mind boggling. There's so many actual useful things Police could do with their time.
Those things are good for society and bring in no money? Well, I'm too busy "thinking of the children" with your driving 15 over limit on an open road with no traffic to care about those.

06-18-2021, 02:20 PM
I don't understand how traffic enforcement can be a "cash cow" and a "waste of resources" at the same time. I wish someone smarter than me could figure that out and just let me know.

06-18-2021, 02:29 PM
I don't understand how traffic enforcement can be a "cash cow" and a "waste of resources" at the same time. I wish someone smarter than me could figure that out and just let me know.

It's simple. Everyone I see on the road is an incredibly skilled, attentive and overall good driver and I support them being able to drive faster and ignore more rules without consequence.
Pfffttt, I mean - like when was the last time you even saw a shitty driver??!
Thought so! There isn't any, anymore.

06-18-2021, 02:51 PM
I don't understand how traffic enforcement can be a "cash cow" and a "waste of resources" at the same time. I wish someone smarter than me could figure that out and just let me know.

Well, they generate a pile of revenue devoting ridiculous time and efforts to it instead of using their manpower—or resources if you will—to do things that actually help society. You can't even BEGIN to argue that fine generation has any useful purpose, when they see actual bad driving then ticket away but you're not saving anyone's life with a window tint ticket or your typical speeding trap fishing hole.

06-18-2021, 02:59 PM
I'm not arguing about the public safety value of any specific activity, but if an activity generates more cash than funding the manpower required for that activity, then it's not "a waste of resources" in any reasonable meaning of the phrase.

06-18-2021, 03:08 PM
I don't understand how traffic enforcement can be a "cash cow" and a "waste of resources" at the same time. I wish someone smarter than me could figure that out and just let me know.

It generates a ton of cash for them to hire more officers with.

No net benefit to cost of service or public safety. More union dues.

06-18-2021, 03:14 PM
It generates a ton of cash for them to hire more officers with.

No net benefit to cost of service or public safety. More union dues.

So it's a cash cow, but not a waste of resources then?

06-18-2021, 03:16 PM
So it's a cash cow, but not a waste of resources then?

If you need more resources to not improve service, that sounds like a waste in my books

06-18-2021, 03:24 PM
slight off topic but enforcement nonetheless

Had a police officer "pull me over" last week exiting a car wash for tinted windows in the parking lot of the car wash. He just walked out of his parked cruiser and pointed at me.
and i know i wasn't the only caught in his fishing expedition.
dare i say i felt profiled?
(i know tint is illegal so i paid the ticket but there has to be a better use of this time)

06-18-2021, 03:45 PM
slight off topic but enforcement nonetheless

Had a police officer "pull me over" last week exiting a car wash for tinted windows in the parking lot of the car wash. He just walked out of his parked cruiser and pointed at me.
and i know i wasn't the only caught in his fishing expedition.
dare i say i felt profiled?
(i know tint is illegal so i paid the ticket but there has to be a better use of this time)

Classic 'To Serve and Collect' ticket right there.

What car wash? Any car wash business that allows that kind of bull shit on their property would never see another penny from me.

06-18-2021, 07:53 PM
ExtraSlow you're living up to your name too literally here my friend.

06-18-2021, 08:45 PM
Ty Ty.