View Full Version : MGST 291 midterm 2

04-02-2004, 11:26 AM
hello boys and girls if anyone is in MGST 291 i need some help
, i didn't write the 2nd midterm and i was wondering how it went for you all, during the winter semester?

IE. what was on it, format and if there was different copies of the exam out?


04-02-2004, 11:40 AM
Take your list memorizing pills man......thats is pretty much the entire test.

And a little bit of accounting and that little risk/reward chart.

04-02-2004, 04:35 PM
Just wrote it yesterday

40 multiple choice

Pretty much half of it was on operations and financial management. Just read and understand the textbook, then memorize the shit out of the lists.

3 long answer (20 marks each)

#1. Decision tree analysis, 3 market conditions and 3 factoriy sizes
9 marks for the table
11 marks for the tree

#2. Time value of money, 4 questions x 5 marks each. No marks given for work.

#3. Accounting question
10 calculations, 2 marks each
Ratios are tested, but more importantly, the calculations to calculate the stuff that goes into ratios. The net profit, gross profit, current assets, etc are NOT provided

04-02-2004, 06:58 PM
The second midterm for MGST 291 was much easier when I took it way back in 2002.

- 40 multiple choice questions (straight out of the test bank that comes with the textbook, naturally)

- Three long answer questions worth 20 marks each on my exam, in which they asked for

The four major influences on consumer bahavious
The five steps in the consumer's buying process
The four Ps of marketing
The five key planning and forecasting activities
Strategies to change demand for a product of service.
Know the names of the items on an income statement/balance sheet/cash flow statement and know about all the ratios covered.

04-02-2004, 09:20 PM
I hate this class... it's all about memorizing.. can't use common sense to work this class through.. they want textbook defns. How useless!

04-02-2004, 10:21 PM
thanks guys, i really appriciate this!

04-04-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by CuteAsianAngel
I hate this class... it's all about memorizing.. can't use common sense to work this class through.. they want textbook defns. How useless!

Those lists arent too hard to reproduce when you're thinking with a clear head. The course seems more of a stress tester than anything.
Why else would they put the lab at 6:30 PM on a Thursday? :thumbsdow

04-04-2004, 04:18 PM
I don't think it was a stress tester. I didn't bother to memorize any of that b.s. because I think it is useless and there are better things to do wtih my time. If that's what is needed for a good grade then employers aren't going to care what your marks are. Too many people who don't have any common sense do well in business just because they can memorize powerpoint slides.

04-04-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by davidI
Too many people who don't have any common sense do well in business just because they can memorize powerpoint slides.


That describes me pretty well. As Linda Henderson said once in the SOCI 201 class that I took from her a couple of years ago:

"read, regurgitate, flush"