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08-15-2021, 10:37 AM
It's official now. We are going to the polls in 36 days on Sept 20.

08-15-2021, 10:41 AM
I hope trudeau trips and falls into a bag of dicks.

08-15-2021, 10:43 AM
I will vote on purpose against these fucks, for wasting $610 mil on an unnecessary election. Hope they lose seats.

08-15-2021, 10:46 AM
Canada's deficit grows $17m per hour. If that matters to you.

Shouldn't the poll reflect who you'll vote for vise who you think will win? Or they are probably the same thing.

08-15-2021, 10:50 AM
Is the birth of a new country considered 'other'?

08-15-2021, 10:56 AM
Well i figured its probably a sure thing that most people on beyond and AB in general will vote conservative so somewhat useless to ask that. I think Liberal majority/minority and even conservative minority are all very possible outcomes so was curious what others think.

If a mod wants to change it to 'who will you vote for' then go for it.

08-15-2021, 10:57 AM
I’m still trying to figure out why the GG wouldn’t just tell
Socks to pound sand.

Let him lose a confidence vote like a man.

08-15-2021, 10:59 AM
Waste of money

08-15-2021, 11:17 AM
Watch the messaging on fourth wave and delta change in the next little while, if Tam even says anything between now and Sept 20

08-15-2021, 11:54 AM
Going to be an easy romp to a majority for the liberals. Too bad.

08-15-2021, 12:39 PM
I hope trudeau trips and falls into a bag of dicks.

Trudeau falling on a bunch of dicks isn't an unlikely event.

08-15-2021, 12:55 PM
I thought the govt justification for calling an election was soooooo weak.

Here is my take. The liberals know that the quality of life, economy, etc will be taking a nosedive within the next 2 years. So by calling an election now even if you dont win a majority youve extended your reign by another 2 years. I really hope they lose seats.

08-15-2021, 01:44 PM
Going to be an easy romp to a majority for the liberals. Too bad.

This this and this

08-15-2021, 02:19 PM
Found this post on another forum and have not had time to thoroughly digest the info, but it makes one think...

I found another reason Trudeau has opted to call the election early and I'll link the Elections Canada page below that details why. In late Sept Elections Canada is supposed to start the long process of redistribution of Federal Electoral Districts, this process takes a while. Now I've been aware of Alberta's vast under-representation in Parliament since before the last election, at that time I calculated the average population per MP for each province and saw how bad it was for us here. We have roughly 20,000 more citizens per MP than Quebec and about 10,000 more citizens per MP than Ontario. Now why would it be that those provinces with populations that dwarf Alberta's need to further stack the deck in their favor? We all know that answer. I will also link the Elections Canada page that details some stale-dated breakdowns of population in every riding, where the ridings are grouped by province. This is where I calculated the average population per MP, though I used updated provincial population data and divided that by the # of ridings for each province. Simple math, but very revealing.

The riding of Edmonton-Wetaskiwin is Canada's most populous riding by a long shot. The riding has about 159,000 citizens which is 2,000 more than all of Prince Edward Island. Of course that riding has but one MP, whereas PEI has 4. Calgary-Shepard is the 2nd most populous riding in Canada. What an odd coincidence that they're both in Alberta!

Anyways, seeing this, I concluded that they're trying to ram in an election before Alberta gets awarded the additional seats that we're long overdue. Trudeau is eager to cheat. Again.

Redistribution timeline:


Stale-dated populations by riding:


08-15-2021, 02:28 PM
PEI totally needs 4 seats, western potatoes are different than their eastern brothers.

08-15-2021, 02:40 PM
Current cbc poll tracker.

08-15-2021, 02:41 PM
Found this post on another forum and have not had time to thoroughly digest the info, but it makes one think...

As I've said elsewhere, Canada (confederation), is constructed specifically to ensure that central Canada maintains a colonial-type power over the western provinces. It's not a flaw or an oversight in how things were arranged. It's a very deliberate a specific intent of confederation. It's continually bizarre to me that western Canadians think that there is a solution to this within Canada's democratic system. There is not.

08-15-2021, 02:45 PM
They should either increase Alberta's members by proportional representation to the equivalent of PEI or reduce PEI's seats to one.
Neither will ever happen. Ever.

I'm hearing from some elderly folks that they're ready to vote Conservative in PEI. I will believe that when I see it.

08-15-2021, 02:45 PM
Ah yes, letting the CBC tell us the Liberals are going to win the election again.

Canadians, never learn.

Tbh. We deserve another Trudeau government.

08-15-2021, 03:08 PM
IMO It’s actually a good thing for CBC to keep claiming that there’s a high chance of liberal win. It will help split the left vote and result in more votes to ndp candidates and maybe allow the conservative candidate to squeak by (think ndp’s win in Alberta in 2014). If these same left wing voters think O’Toole has a serious chance, they’ll strategically vote liberal and hand them the win.

08-15-2021, 03:16 PM
I don't suspect the CBC of rigging the data used for the poll tracker. The spin of the headlines, sure, but the poll tracker has real data behind it, data that's available to the public.

Can't figure out how it benefits the CBC to show a big liberal lead either.

08-15-2021, 03:16 PM
Ah yes, letting the CBC tell us the Liberals are going to win the election again.

Canadians, never learn.

Tbh. We deserve another Trudeau government.

A Trudeau majority might be waht we need to jumpstart some sense into western canada.

08-15-2021, 03:25 PM
A Trudeau majority might be waht we need to jumpstart some sense into western canada.

I have already bought this hat and am preparing to hold onto it.

08-15-2021, 03:28 PM
Honest question : if an Albertan wants to destroy confederation, do they vote for a separatist party, or the liberals?

08-15-2021, 03:32 PM
Honest question : if an Albertan wants to destroy confederation, do they vote for a separatist party, or the liberals?

At some point they need to elect either federally or a provincially, a politician with the leadership skills and vision to play hardball.

08-15-2021, 04:03 PM
Most definitely going to be a liberal majority. $20? :rofl:

08-15-2021, 04:27 PM
At some point they need to elect either federally or a provincially, a politician with the leadership skills and vision to play hardball.

Those leaders aren't dumb enough to be in public service.

08-15-2021, 04:48 PM
Honest question : if an Albertan wants to destroy confederation, do they vote for a separatist party, or the liberals?

You think your vote matters in Alberta?

08-15-2021, 04:55 PM
Those leaders aren't dumb enough to be in public service.

and here we are.

08-15-2021, 04:55 PM
You think your vote matters in Alberta?

I haven't been told what to think yet.

08-15-2021, 05:51 PM
Ah yes, letting the CBC tell us the Liberals are going to win the election again.

Canadians, never learn.

Tbh. We deserve another Trudeau government.

I'm more excited to see the new dirt that comes to light from the Trudeau closet.
Liberal Majority is an easy guess. Sucks but true.

08-15-2021, 06:33 PM
I hope trudeau trips and falls into a bag of dicks.

Trudeau falling on a bunch of dicks isn't an unlikely event.

It certainly wasn't unlikely for his mom. Maybe it runs in the family.

08-15-2021, 08:49 PM
The amount of anti-gun rhetoric on cable TV commercials is making me sick. I hope somebody shoots Socks in the face, make it worth it at least. And no I don't want him to die, I'm not a monster. I just want him to be disfigured! Heck, a potato gun would do.

08-15-2021, 08:59 PM
The amount of anti-gun rhetoric on cable TV commercials is making me sick. I hope somebody shoots Socks in the face, make it worth it at least. And no I don't want him to die, I'm not a monster. I just want him to be disfigured! Heck, a potato gun would do.

RCMP has entered the chat. Probably, maybe.

08-15-2021, 09:21 PM
It's not like it's a threat, just a pointless, dumb and immature comment. So that would be absolutely ridiculous. But Christ, in today's world I can almost imagine it being possible. Just look at all the thought policing on Facebook for God's sake and that's not even Government.

08-15-2021, 09:56 PM
It's not like it's a threat, just a pointless, dumb and immature comment. So that would be absolutely ridiculous. But Christ, in today's world I can almost imagine it being possible. Just look at all the thought policing on Facebook for God's sake and that's not even Government.

Right? I can't recall the last time I saw you insult me on facebook. Feels weird man.

08-16-2021, 07:58 AM
I haven't been told what to think yet.


08-16-2021, 08:41 AM
It's not like it's a threat, just a pointless, dumb and immature comment. So that would be absolutely ridiculous. But Christ, in today's world I can almost imagine it being possible. Just look at all the thought policing on Facebook for God's sake and that's not even Government.

You'd think! But, Bill C-36 was passed, so technically you could potentially be in breach!


08-16-2021, 09:05 AM
Right? I can't recall the last time I saw you insult me on facebook. Feels weird man.

hahaha but I STILL LOVE YOU MAN!

08-16-2021, 01:36 PM
Hey, you know how you don't sway the general public to vote for you? Telling them you'll scrap cheap child-care. You could give them 100% tax credits on what they spend, but they won't care. They care about monthly bills, the same reason they bought that $30k car for $45k, because the payments fit their budget.

Also, releasing your platform like it's a copy of Men's Health FFS. I don't think they even want more seats.

08-16-2021, 01:49 PM
Yah scrapping the child care for tax credits is classic conservative idiocy that they think they are doing something good, but really just costing themselves votes.

08-16-2021, 01:50 PM
If they campaign on the same promises as the liberals why would I bother voting conservative?

Contrary to popular belief our elections aren’t beauty pageants.

08-16-2021, 01:55 PM
Contrary to popular belief our elections aren’t beauty pageants.

Then why is O'Toole flexing (literally) on the cover of his new magazine? :rofl:


08-16-2021, 02:00 PM
You still didn’t answer the question?

If they run on all the same policies as the liberals, why would anyone bother voting for them?

The biggest problem with the CPC for the past 5 years has been a complete i ability to meaningfully differentiate themselves from the liberals.

I’m not convinced many of you actually understand conservatism at all lol. If you want to vote Liberal then go ahead, but stop pretending and own it.

08-16-2021, 02:13 PM
You still didn’t answer the question?

If they run on all the same policies as the liberals, why would anyone bother voting for them?

The biggest problem with the CPC for the past 5 years has been a complete i ability to meaningfully differentiate themselves from the liberals.

I’m not convinced many of you actually understand conservatism at all lol. If you want to vote Liberal then go ahead, but stop pretending and own it.

One of the top issues in this election is child care. Why not actually put some thought into a policy that could convince a large swath of voters that will have this as their top issue? Instead its back to the same well that has had them slowly fading into irrevalency.

Now saying that, a couple of their other policies announced have some good thought behind them and can be beneficial, but they won't be huge issues for this election and won't move the needle.

08-16-2021, 02:15 PM
They should copy the Liberal campaign word for word, make all the same promises while rolling their eyes. That would be hilarious. I’d vote for that just to see Justine go away.

08-16-2021, 02:24 PM
You say “put some thought into it” but what you really mean is “throw some money at it”

08-16-2021, 02:25 PM
Yah maybe throw some money at it. They want to win don’t they? I for one don’t want the inevitable liberal majority that we are going to get.

08-16-2021, 02:30 PM
If they win by doing the same things as the Liberals does that really sound like a win? If they spend just as much as the Liberals why even run against them?

More like just spiting the other guy for the sake of it, which is a waste of time.

If the conservatives lose because no one in this country believes in fiscal responsibility I can live with that, but if they lose because they are just the other less likeable Liberal party that’s just shameful.

If you like policies like socialized daycare or whatever nonsense the Liberals are running on this week. You need to take a hard look in the mirror about how “conservative” you really are.

08-16-2021, 02:35 PM
ahhh I fucking missed income splitting and tax credits for parents..

08-16-2021, 02:35 PM
If they win by doing the same things as the Liberals does that really sound like a win? If they spend just as much as the Liberals why even run against them?

More like just spiting the other guy for the sake of it, which is a waste of time.

If the conservatives lose because no one in this country believes in fiscal responsibility I can live with that, but if they lose because they are just the other less likeable Liberal party that’s just shameful.

If you like policies like socialized daycare or whatever nonsense the Liberals are running on this week. You need to take a hard look in the mirror about how “conservative” you really are.

very few Canadians have the balls to be fiscally responsible when push comes to shove. They end up turtling because some tiny slice of the largesse that they get as a benefit might get taken away.

08-16-2021, 02:42 PM


If I didn't already think this picture was clipped from an ad for Esprit Lifestyle Communities all it would say to me is "Hi. I am Erin O'Toole. When I'm not catching a nap before Matlock you can find me singing Sinatra covers at the lobby bar before the early bird dinner special. Try the veal!".

08-16-2021, 03:13 PM
Then why is O'Toole flexing (literally) on the cover of his new magazine? :rofl:


Next he's gonna admit smoked pot and get into the boxing match?

May add some dark face? :rofl:

That's so cringe but I guess election IS part beauty contest.

08-16-2021, 03:17 PM
That magazine cover has only one motive here. It's to show that O'Toole isn't senile and he knows how to operate an Apple watch.
Good call on suppressing those puffy nipples too.

08-16-2021, 03:18 PM
At some point they need to elect either federally or a provincially, a politician with the leadership skills and vision to play hardball.

So a Unicorn.

08-16-2021, 03:19 PM
I'm trying to decipher the logo "Secure the Futunre"

08-16-2021, 03:25 PM
very few Canadians have the balls to be fiscally responsible when push comes to shove. They end up turtling because some tiny slice of the largesse that they get as a benefit might get taken away.

It's all about the "what can I get from someone else that I didn't actually earn" vote...

08-16-2021, 03:28 PM
One of the top issues in this election is child care. Why not actually put some thought into a policy that could convince a large swath of voters that will have this as their top issue? Instead its back to the same well that has had them slowly fading into irrevalency.

Now saying that, a couple of their other policies announced have some good thought behind them and can be beneficial, but they won't be huge issues for this election and won't move the needle.

Should the conservatives (or people who identify as conservative/right) stand for SOMETHING, or should they just do whatever it takes to get into power?

As kill has alluded to, if they are just liberals by another name, people will vote liberal.

For some reason lefties always chime in that the way for the conservative party (or others) to win is clearly to just be more liberal. That kind of defeats the purpose. And Harper of all people held power for what, a decade?

The problem is that the conservatives just outright suck. Their leaders suck, their policies never stand on their own and are always just to be against the liberals.

Liberal policies overwhelming are epic cluster fucks of failure that will saddle Canada with insurmountable debt that future generations will have to deal with.

Among other things like their moral bankruptcy, but I digress. Canadians get what politicians they want, Harper seems to be the last politician that expected adults to act like, you know, adults.

Now Trudeau seems to just target the university crowd and alumni because it seems that those people never grow out of childish nanny state thinking.

08-16-2021, 03:29 PM
It certainly wasn't unlikely for his mom. Maybe it runs in the family.

08-16-2021, 03:33 PM
It's all about the "what can I get from someone else that I didn't actually earn" vote...

its the Canadian way.

Masked Bandit
08-16-2021, 04:24 PM
This feels like a forgone conclusion and for the first time in 30 years of voter eligibility I may very well skip this round because it just doesn't matter...and I hate admitting that.

08-16-2021, 04:31 PM
Super anecdotal question/observation. Somewhat election related in a broader sense....

I have heard the parents of some first and second generation Canadians say about the current gov't and societal assault on freedoms, speech, etc. that "We left all this behind X number of years ago and look at what is happening now here.".

Now when you talk like that as a typical white boy people call you crazy and defend all kinds of things the Gov't and society is doing as being the greater good. You're fragile. You're scared of change. You're any number of diminutives. So when you hear someone who has literally lived through the end results of these types of things make those comments does anyone actually take pause and think about it or, are they just also written off as nothing more than crazy conspiracy people? I mean, it's obviously possible that these persons views are biased and not based on reality but I'd love to know a wider sampling of what people who have fled Authoritarian regimes decades ago think about the current state of the Western world and the direction both the Gov't and society are heading. I feel it would make for an interesting study.

08-16-2021, 04:46 PM
You must hate the gays or something

08-16-2021, 04:50 PM
Super anecdotal question/observation. Somewhat election related in a broader sense....

I have heard the parents of some first and second generation Canadians say about the current gov't and societal assault on freedoms, speech, etc. that "We left all this behind X number of years ago and look at what is happening now here.".

Now when you talk like that as a typical white boy people call you crazy and defend all kinds of things the Gov't and society is doing as being the greater good. You're fragile. You're scared of change. You're any number of diminutives. So when you hear someone who has literally lived through the end results of these types of things make those comments does anyone actually take pause and think about it or, are they just also written off as nothing more than crazy conspiracy people? I mean, it's obviously possible that these persons views are biased and not based on reality but I'd love to know a wider sampling of what people who have fled Authoritarian regimes decades ago think about the current state of the Western world and the direction both the Gov't and society are heading. I feel it would make for an interesting study.

Most of Canada is composed of kerts. Let that sink in.

08-16-2021, 05:01 PM
Super anecdotal question/observation. Somewhat election related in a broader sense....

I have heard the parents of some first and second generation Canadians say about the current gov't and societal assault on freedoms, speech, etc. that "We left all this behind X number of years ago and look at what is happening now here.".

Now when you talk like that as a typical white boy people call you crazy and defend all kinds of things the Gov't and society is doing as being the greater good. You're fragile. You're scared of change. You're any number of diminutives. So when you hear someone who has literally lived through the end results of these types of things make those comments does anyone actually take pause and think about it or, are they just also written off as nothing more than crazy conspiracy people? I mean, it's obviously possible that these persons views are biased and not based on reality but I'd love to know a wider sampling of what people who have fled Authoritarian regimes decades ago think about the current state of the Western world and the direction both the Gov't and society are heading. I feel it would make for an interesting study.

I think the internet has enabled a lot of the authoritarian traits. I'm sure the mob justice has triggered many who escaped communist revolutions lead them to identify "what's happening here now".

Also, I think all the shit we see today was happening years ago but we probably never encounter it or wrote it off as niche. Now it's on Tik Tok and we think it's the norm. Dial back 30 years, it probably won't even make it on the 6pm news.

08-16-2021, 05:12 PM
Social media is the real problem, it’s where the voice of the minority is the loudest.

08-16-2021, 05:30 PM
Social media is the real problem, it’s where the voice of the minority is the loudest.

Which leads to Bill C36 which I'm sure tons of people are going get dox'd and drag thru the court as it will get weaponized. What isn't hate speech these days?

08-16-2021, 07:20 PM
Most of Canada is composed of kerts. Let that sink in.


08-16-2021, 07:50 PM
Most of Canada is composed of kerts. Let that sink in.

What is a kert?

08-16-2021, 07:53 PM
What is a kert?


Picture is worth 1000 words

08-16-2021, 07:58 PM
Fuck me dead! You nailed the gender ambiguity at least

08-16-2021, 07:58 PM
I wanna play.


08-16-2021, 08:05 PM
I'm 90% certain I read on here that Kert is a woman.

Therefore I always picture a "Karen" when I read their post

08-16-2021, 08:36 PM
I'm 90% certain I read on here that Kert is a woman.

Therefore I always picture a "Karen" when I read their post

I'm 99% certain that gender is a social construct and your comment is hate speech.

08-16-2021, 08:38 PM
I wanna play.


Me too


08-16-2021, 08:42 PM
I'm 99% certain that gender is a social construct and your comment is hate speech.


Damnit. I need to look myself in the mirror and check my privelage.

08-16-2021, 08:53 PM
I'm 90% certain I read on here that Kert is a woman.

Therefore I always picture a "Karen" when I read their post

I'm whatever your insecurities need me to be.

08-16-2021, 08:56 PM
I'm whatever your insecurities need me to be.


08-16-2021, 09:01 PM


08-16-2021, 09:07 PM
I am sooooo confused … these woke bastards hate labels but label the shit out if everything ….

08-16-2021, 09:11 PM
I'm whatever your insecurities need me to be.

Why one of these is closest?!

08-17-2021, 04:43 AM
This feels like a forgone conclusion and for the first time in 30 years of voter eligibility I may very well skip this round because it just doesn't matter...and I hate admitting that.

Regardless of having hope or not, still go out and vote.

08-17-2021, 08:14 AM
Regardless of having hope or not, still go out and vote.

Especially you can do it in comfort of your own home:

08-17-2021, 09:40 AM
Why one of these is closest?!


Pauly Boy
08-17-2021, 10:25 AM
I'll just do the usual and vote whichever windbag seems to be the best of the worst for my riding. Sadly, that's usually throwing away my vote since you could run a literal shit sandwich or giant douche for the PC's here and still win from people towing the party line.

08-17-2021, 11:28 AM
I'll just do the usual and vote whichever windbag seems to be the best of the worst for my riding. Sadly, that's usually throwing away my vote since you could run a literal shit sandwich or giant douche for the PC's here and still win from people towing the party line.

As illogical as it sounds, you gotta wonder if some in AB will do protest vote against the UCP in a federal election.

According the Dwayne Bratt Liberal actually has a chance in 4 ridings. All it takes is O'toole haters (plenty in this thread alone) to not show up.

08-17-2021, 11:30 AM
As illogical as it sounds, you gotta wonder if some in AB will do protest vote against the UCP.

According the Dwayne Bratt Liberal actually has a chance in 4 ridings. All it takes is O'toole haters (plenty in this thread alone) to not show up.

How many of those ridings are in the socialist republic of Edmonton?

Pauly Boy
08-17-2021, 11:32 AM
Maybe, but I think the Trudeau hate in the west outweighs any hope they have outside traditional left-center places like Vancouver & Edmonton.

08-17-2021, 11:33 AM
People who hate O’Toole aren’t voting Liberal lol

08-17-2021, 11:34 AM
How many of those ridings are in the socialist republic of Edmonton?

Only 2. The other 2 are in Calgary. One is Chahal, the other is Siglar which from the rep sheet, a pretty good nomination from the Liberals.


People who hate O’Toole aren’t voting Liberal lol

They will hold their nose and still vote conservatives. But all I'm saying if they don't bother to show up at all. In a election where mail-in ballots are highly promoted. Could be interesting.

08-17-2021, 12:34 PM
I think a lot of people pissed at Trudeau for calling an unnecessary election. I don't doubt that the NDP may actually rise up more than any party.

08-17-2021, 12:42 PM
This feels like a forgone conclusion and for the first time in 30 years of voter eligibility I may very well skip this round because it just doesn't matter...and I hate admitting that.

Yeah, feeling the same. No point to it all anymore.

08-17-2021, 12:57 PM

Alberta separation can't come soon enough. I knew my generation is retarded, but this article really drives it home.

And if we thought Quebec pandering was bad, its about to go into overdrive. Fuck.


08-17-2021, 04:25 PM

Alberta separation can't come soon enough. I knew my generation is retarded, but this article really drives it home.

And if we thought Quebec pandering was bad, its about to go into overdrive. Fuck.



Alberta separation can't come soon enough. I knew my generation is retarded, but this article really drives it home.

And if we thought Quebec pandering was bad, its about to go into overdrive. Fuck.


Policy aside Jagmeet seems to be the least douchey of the turd sandwiches and most likely to wow millennial voters who might show up this election since they can vote from home. Can the NDP slide up the middle and win on a millennial wave? Never even thought of that outcome going into this…

08-17-2021, 04:36 PM
The same jagmeet who has been propping up Trudeau for 2 years then criticizes their policies? All the same policies they voted for?

08-17-2021, 04:42 PM
Policy aside Jagmeet seems to be the least douchey of the turd sandwiches

Lolwut? Fuck that fuck that guy and the turban he rode in on. He's on about the same level as Trudeau (except more communist) if you listen to him talk for more than 5 seconds.

08-17-2021, 06:03 PM
Lolwut? Fuck that fuck that guy and the turban he rode in on. He's on about the same level as Trudeau (except more communist) if you listen to him talk for more than 5 seconds.

Well sure you don’t like him but he tends to poll as rather personable and more likeable than the others. Also I think your racism might be showing…

08-17-2021, 06:03 PM
I can't wait for Trudeau to get a majority with the NDP being official opposition.

08-17-2021, 06:47 PM
I'm still astounded how they managed to bury the JWR scandal so quickly.

08-17-2021, 06:57 PM
It’s not surprising when you accept that no one actually cared in the first place.