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02-26-2022, 10:50 AM
NATO air forces are probably itching at the prospect of enforcing a no-fly zone over Ukraine, however that would set off WW3. Taking away Russia's ability to conduct airstrikes and land re-supply aircraft would turn the tide. There are already reports of tanks and vehicles being abandoned because they are running out of fuel. Seems like they went in too hard, too fast and the logistics haven't caught up.

I still think Putin and Biden expected Zelensky to skip town. Zelensky flip the script on them.

02-26-2022, 10:51 AM
I still think Putin and Biden expected Zelensky to skip town. Zelensky flip the script on them.

This is leadership.

02-26-2022, 10:53 AM
They thought he had covid and go into "isolation"....

02-26-2022, 10:55 AM
Where in history have we seen this play out before...

Russians likely underestimated the Ukrainian people and assumed they would all surrender.

I'd love to see NATO enforce a no fly zone above Ukraine.

Russians already cracking at the seams and they are now attacking civilian targets.
War crimes in 3...2...1...

If NATO intervened with just airpower alone this conflict would be over in days. F-22s, F-35s, F-15s, B-52s and AC130 gunships would neutralize the Russian advance immediately.

This is leadership.

Meanwhile our dear leader went into hiding at the sounds of honk honk.

02-26-2022, 10:57 AM
I figured the Russians were attacking Kiev just enough to occupy most ukranian forces there, while Russia occupied and annexed eastern Ukraine entirely. End up with a large land connection to Crimea

02-26-2022, 10:57 AM
You would not insert ac130 into that theatre unless you wanted them shot down. But yes, usa could fuck up russia in a conventional warfare, but that is not what it would be.

I do think that when dust settles, you can probably draw a line from kiev to sevastopol and to the west will be ukraine and to the east will be russia.

02-26-2022, 10:59 AM
This is leadership.

Screw Freeland, I'll take Zelensky as PM if he's free after this is over.

02-26-2022, 11:00 AM
I do think that when dust settles, you can probably draw a line from kiev to sevastopol and to the west will be ukraine and to the east will be russia.
Basically make the border the dneiper river than I guess?

02-26-2022, 11:06 AM
Bold statement.

I don't think the Western world is going to allow Ukraine to fall... At all.
It will set a dangerous precedent and China will be very quickly on the move to take Taiwan.

Both sovereign nations falling would create a geopolitical nightmare and only embolden further military action from Russia and China.

They are likely furiously negotiating but ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

And no, nuclear weapons won't be used. No world leader is that stupid.

02-26-2022, 11:07 AM
You guys are hilarious. The US couldn't beat a bunch of cave dwellers on Camels and scud missiles. Americans are cowards. They have no stomach for real war. Russia would wipe the floor with America. America only picks on people that can't hit back.

But you didn't watch my video of Mearsheimer explaing the situation to you.

Russia doesn't need to or want to defeat the Ukraine, just wreck the country and keep it busy.

Russia absolutely would use Nukes. NATO in Ukraine would be the end of Russia. Kennedy was willing to go ww3 over missiles in Cuba. This is worse for Russia.

It's not Putin. ANY Russian leader would have the same response.

02-26-2022, 11:09 AM
Still on the topic of leadership...


Zelensky refuses U.S. offer to evacuate, saying 'I need ammunition, not a ride'

02-26-2022, 11:11 AM
You guys are hilarious. The US couldn't beat a bunch of cave dwellers on Camels and scud missiles. Americans are cowards. They have no stomach for real war. Russia would wipe the floor with America.

But you didn't watch my video of Mearsheimer explaing the situation to you.

Russia doesn't need to or want to defeat the Ukraine, just wreck the country and keep it busy.

The same Russians who were also unable to beat a bunch of cave dwellers on camels and scud missiles?

Iraq and Afghan war are unwinable and were stupid conquests from the get go.

02-26-2022, 11:12 AM
Still on the topic of leadership...


Zelensky refuses U.S. offer to evacuate, saying 'I need ammunition, not a ride'

Meanwhile the small dick guy has agreed to talks with Moscow.

- - - Updated - - -

The same Russians who were also unable to beat a bunch of cave dwellers on camels and scud missiles?

Soviet Union in 1985? Boy, you in for a shock. Russia has learned a lot over America's jaunts at delivering "freedom" with fire power.

02-26-2022, 11:12 AM
I don't think the Western world is going to allow Ukraine to fall... At all.
It will set a dangerous precedent and China will be very quickly on the move to take Taiwan.

Actually, Zelensky may have single handedly make China pause on that now everyone has been reminded what war looks like especially it's between ethnically the same group of people but 50% has a different ideology.

People can now really ignore what China got along the coast across Taiwan strait and probably why US is putting Patriots in Taiwan now.

Go Zelensky.

02-26-2022, 11:17 AM
Soviet Union in 1985? Boy, you in for a shock. Russia has learned a lot over America's jaunts at delivering "freedom" with fire power.

Lol, threatening to use nuclear weapons doesn't make you a military juggernaut.

Look at the equipment being used by the Russians, most of it is from the 50's and 60's.

They haven't learned anything since WW2.

All out war head to head the US would mop the floor with the Russians.

Russia doesn't want that.

02-26-2022, 11:21 AM
Lol, threatening to use nuclear weapons doesn't make you a military juggernaut.

Look at the equipment being used by the Russians, most of it is from the 50's and 60's.

They haven't learned anything since WW2.

All out war head to head the US would mop the floor with the Russians.

Russia doesn't want that.

You are an idiot. America doesn't pick on people that can hit back. You think Americans want all out war and give up their easy 2 car, 3 atv life of luxury?

Lol. Please.

This is Russia's Cuban crisis. Watch the video.

There's only one outcome. And that's a destroyed Ukraine and no NATO in it. That's all Russia wants. A halt to NATO expansion, and guarantees of minority rights within the Ukraine.

But the US gave the poor idiot Zelensky false hope. Like in Georgia.

02-26-2022, 11:24 AM
Yesterday I was wondering about that "make molotov cocktails" quote...



Clearly I underestimated fire.

02-26-2022, 11:25 AM
You are an idiot. America doesn't pick on people that can hit back. You think Americans want all out war and give up their easy 2 car, 3 atv life of luxury?

Lol. Please.

This is Russia's Cuban crisis. Watch the video.

There's only one outcome. And that's a destroyed Ukraine and no NATO in it. That's all Russia wants. A halt to NATO expansion, and guarantees of minority rights within the Ukraine.

But the US gave the poor idiot Zelensky false hope. Like in Georgia.

Rule #1: When you need to resort to insults in a debate you've already lost.

02-26-2022, 11:28 AM
Rule #1: When you need to resort to insults in a debate you've already lost.

You make yourself look stupid. I was just offering my support.

02-26-2022, 11:29 AM
USA should bomb Vladivostok. Like Putin have two things to worry about. I'm sure Xi won't mind.

02-26-2022, 11:30 AM
Basically make the border the dneiper river than I guess?

Yes. An independent territory. The Russians point to Kosovo as their precedent.

Did no one watch the Mearsheimer video?

The Russians must have a neutral zone with NATO.

The end.

02-26-2022, 11:34 AM
Gawd so many idiots here!
Why does no one listen to the intellectually superior Yolobimmer he has the answer for everything and is never wrong!

02-26-2022, 11:39 AM
Gawd so many idiots here!
Why does no one listen to the intellectually superior Yolobimmer he has the answer for everything and is never wrong!

Not at all. I even gave you resources to help yourself.

You know the average American doesn't want to risk their comfy lifestyle over the Ukriane which has no importance to them.

Plus your average Freedumb American is a coward who needs an ar15 to feel safe at Walmart.

02-26-2022, 11:48 AM
Not at all. I even gave you resources to help yourself.

You know the average American doesn't want to risk their comfy lifestyle over the Ukriane which has no importance to them.

Plus your average Freedumb American is a coward who needs an ar15 to feel safe at Walmart.

We aren't talking about the "average American".

We are talking trained and equipped military vs trained and equipped military.

The Russians are poorly trained and I'll equipped. They are getting mopped by the Ukrainians thus far and their only hope is to overwhelm via sheer numbers aka the same WW2 strategy they deployed against the Germans.

It's failing.

Keep up.

02-26-2022, 11:50 AM
You guys gotta ignore that one. There's no juice inside the orange there.

Russian military is huge but run on a shoestring budget compared to its size. In the end money wins if it wants to.

02-26-2022, 11:53 AM
I mean, that part of Europe has been thus for centuries.

One of the few Canadian writers worth reading on such topics is Conrad Black.

Oh this wee thing? It’s just a regional flare up, with no residual or peripheral considerations for us of insular, and isolated indifference.

02-26-2022, 11:57 AM
Gawd so many idiots here!
Why does no one listen to the intellectually superior Yolobimmer he has the answer for everything and is never wrong!

Put that troll moron on ignore, preserve brain cells.

02-26-2022, 12:18 PM
Once an empire is built, rest of it is to solidify its position by keeping others from popping up. Europe is completely exposed. With lack of security around energy and other supply chains, US ain’t far away. Will take time but likely in our lives.

Let's examine some notable American foreign military interventions since, say, WW1.

WW2: "France, Germany, Japan, most of the south pacific: here is your land back from oppressive governments, please setup functioning democracies and don't do this again. Rest of pacific: you're going to be destabilized and general fuckery will occur". That ain't empire building.

Korea: "We don't want communism, so we're going to fight it. But after you can have your country back, please setup a democracy (eventually), we'll even help you defend it." That ain't empire building.

Vietnam: See Korea

Central and South America: "We would rather have instability than Marxist/Communist regimes. Also stop trying to import coke into our country. Also fuck you Cuba." That ain't empire building.

Iraq and Afghanistan: "We need to project some power here, but afterwards we'll hand your country, could you guys setup democracies, and create nations. Fuck this isn't working." That ain't empire building.

There is a lot to complain about with American foreign policy and projection of power. But it is not in the DNA of the country to go conquer some land and make it theirs. The closest you could argue that this is the case with the US, is their projection of power to maintain the petro dollar and the USD as the reserve currency. Otherwise, one thing they understand is that it is beneficial to them for strategic foreign countries to be democratic. Democracies tend to not fight each other in wars and Americans tend to benefit from the economic expansion of foreign democracies.

(And yes, Kert was confused about the word anomalous.)

02-26-2022, 12:28 PM
I by no means support the war that is happening now, but people seem to forget that Russia and Ukraine and both very well versed in propaganda, they were both of the same machine back in the day. Anyone who blindly believes what Ukraine has to say is the same idiot who blindly believes what Russia has to say.

This video by Sky News was kind of funny. Watched it this morning, at 1:41 you clearly see a dude on the steps with an SS badge on his shoulder....a true patriot of the Ukraine indeed...



There is so much misinformation going on it's crazy. Ukraine says Russians shot at the residential building, Russia says Ukraine's air defenses were mis-calibrated and shot their own building, you can choose who you want to believe.

Shit like this.....The official Twitter account of the Ministry of Defense for Ukraine posting a video of a SU-35 being taken out by a Mig-29.....from a freaking video game? If anyone thinks that it's only the big bad Russians who are lying in this conflict is sadly mistaken.


At least BBC is trying to debunk some of this shit. This is why I stay off Social Media, too many idiots making shit up for views and cred...


Also this was posted on Reddit and everyone told the guy to delete it.....so it was removed.....they were saying that he was giving away military positions to the Russians....I don't know much more about this but noone seems to be condemning the fact that this is artillery in a residential area. The caption said "Ukraine Army Begins to deploy artillery within residential areas"....I don't care who you are and which country you represent, but that's just fucking low. Using human shields is just fucking pathetic.


Anyways, moral of the story, don't trust shit you see online and automatically assume that Ukraine = Angels and Russia = bad guy, they are both pretty fucking evil if you ask me, but what pisses me off is that the news never talk about Ukraine being a shithole with it's own sins, they just paint them all as a victim and freaking saints. Fuck I hate western media haha, they always only show one side of the conflict.

EDIT: Just realized that last picture was posted in the Ukraine subreddid, that's what it was taken down. All Russia has to do is to identify most people on that forum and they would have found all the extremists they been looking for....it's pretty vile shit in there.

02-26-2022, 12:30 PM
Western media is garbage.

But it's still better than the rest of them.

02-26-2022, 12:37 PM
Oh I thought that was a ZZ Top fan.

02-26-2022, 12:45 PM
I by no means support the war that is happening now, but people seem to forget that Russia and Ukraine and both very well versed in propaganda, they were both of the same machine back in the day. Anyone who blindly believes what Ukraine has to say is the same idiot who blindly believes what Russia has to say.

This video by Sky News was kind of funny. Watched it this morning, at 1:41 you clearly see a dude on the steps with an SS badge on his shoulder....a true patriot of the Ukraine indeed...



There is so much misinformation going on it's crazy. Ukraine says Russians shot at the residential building, Russia says Ukraine's air defenses were mis-calibrated and shot their own building, you can choose who you want to believe.

Shit like this.....The official Twitter account of the Ministry of Defense for Ukraine posting a video of a SU-35 being taken out by a Mig-29.....from a freaking video game? If anyone thinks that it's only the big bad Russians who are lying in this conflict is sadly mistaken.


At least BBC is trying to debunk some of this shit. This is why I stay off Social Media, too many idiots making shit up for views and cred...


Also this was posted on Reddit and everyone told the guy to delete it.....so it was removed.....they were saying that he was giving away military positions to the Russians....I don't know much more about this but noone seems to be condemning the fact that this is artillery in a residential area. The caption said "Ukraine Army Begins to deploy artillery within residential areas"....I don't care who you are and which country you represent, but that's just fucking low. Using human shields is just fucking pathetic.


Anyways, moral of the story, don't trust shit you see online and automatically assume that Ukraine = Angels and Russia = bad guy, they are both pretty fucking evil if you ask me, but what pisses me off is that the news never talk about Ukraine being a shithole with it's own sins, they just paint them all as a victim and freaking saints. Fuck I hate western media haha, they always only show one side of the conflict.

EDIT: Just realized that last picture was posted in the Ukraine subreddid, that's what it was taken down. All Russia has to do is to identify most people on that forum and they would have found all the extremists they been looking for....it's pretty vile shit in there.

Keep in mind, we have also been inudated with an anti Russia propaganda war for at least 7 years.

We've constantly been bombarded with "evil Russia", the US has been preparing for starting this war for many years. It had to start with propaganda.

02-26-2022, 12:52 PM


02-26-2022, 12:55 PM
Why would you need an ICBM when you share a border.

02-26-2022, 12:59 PM
We aren't talking about the "average American".

We are talking trained and equipped military vs trained and equipped military.

The Russians are poorly trained and I'll equipped. They are getting mopped by the Ukrainians thus far and their only hope is to overwhelm via sheer numbers aka the same WW2 strategy they deployed against the Germans.

It's failing.

Keep up.

The average American service person took the job for the super sweet communist pension deal. They have no stomach for a real war.

- - - Updated - - -

Why would you need an ICBM when you share a border.

Cause internet. Scary Russians under your bed.

02-26-2022, 01:01 PM
Icbm is a weird choice for this type of battle. But I recall the MIRV being an awesome weapon in Scorched Earth.

- - - Updated - - -

ICBM basically useless against Ukraine. But useful for Britain, USA, Italy etc.

So, only required if we doing WWIII now.

02-26-2022, 01:05 PM
Why would you need an ICBM when you share a border.

I think this thing ain't wrapping by Sunday is going hurt Putin as his tough man image is ruined.

Hungary election is in about a month and anti-Russia/China sentiment is raising and Chinese and NATO hater Orban may not stay on.

If US planned this one, don't know if they expected this pays so much dividend.

02-26-2022, 01:08 PM
Why would you need an ICBM when you share a border.

Inter Country Ballistic Missile.

02-26-2022, 01:22 PM
Why would you need an ICBM when you share a border.

*laughs in north korea*

02-26-2022, 01:54 PM
I am curious on Putins statement about consequesnces. Going towards Nukes is a big thing for everyone. That changes everything and I wonder if that point China and everyone else will just say cool it. If Putin did go towards nukes, I wonder if his own commanders will follow orders or decline. The nukes set a precident globally it becomes a free for all on each other.

I wonder what would happen if NATO did a mass airstrike on Russian forces IN Ukraine(not Russia). Technically its not on Russian soil. Also as a thought experiment, whats stopping Ukraine firing a missle(non nuke) towards Moscow or another Russian city? Its a hard punch to the bollocks psychologically. If Ukrain falls, it sets a global precident that countries can do whatever and the USA wont do shit. China will take Taiwan. But then again if Russian fails. What happens then?

02-26-2022, 01:56 PM
China taking Taiwan is a foregone conclusion. There is no other outcome.

02-26-2022, 02:04 PM
I am curious on Putins statement about consequesnces. Going towards Nukes is a big thing for everyone. That changes everything and I wonder if that point China and everyone else will just say cool it. If Putin did go towards nukes, I wonder if his own commanders will follow orders or decline. The nukes set a precident globally it becomes a free for all on each other.

I wonder what would happen if NATO did a mass airstrike on Russian forces IN Ukraine(not Russia). Technically its not on Russian soil. Also as a thought experiment, whats stopping Ukraine firing a missle(non nuke) towards Moscow or another Russian city? Its a hard punch to the bollocks psychologically. If Ukrain falls, it sets a global precident that countries can do whatever and the USA wont do shit. China will take Taiwan. But then again if Russian fails. What happens then?

You do not escalate wars just to send messages. If Russia for something that seriously impacts the interests of the us or Europe then you do something.

02-26-2022, 02:26 PM
I by no means support the war that is happening now, but people seem to forget that Russia and Ukraine and both very well versed in propaganda, they were both of the same machine back in the day. Anyone who blindly believes what Ukraine has to say is the same idiot who blindly believes what Russia has to say.

This video by Sky News was kind of funny. Watched it this morning, at 1:41 you clearly see a dude on the steps with an SS badge on his shoulder....a true patriot of the Ukraine indeed...



There is so much misinformation going on it's crazy. Ukraine says Russians shot at the residential building, Russia says Ukraine's air defenses were mis-calibrated and shot their own building, you can choose who you want to believe.

Shit like this.....The official Twitter account of the Ministry of Defense for Ukraine posting a video of a SU-35 being taken out by a Mig-29.....from a freaking video game? If anyone thinks that it's only the big bad Russians who are lying in this conflict is sadly mistaken.


At least BBC is trying to debunk some of this shit. This is why I stay off Social Media, too many idiots making shit up for views and cred...


Also this was posted on Reddit and everyone told the guy to delete it.....so it was removed.....they were saying that he was giving away military positions to the Russians....I don't know much more about this but noone seems to be condemning the fact that this is artillery in a residential area. The caption said "Ukraine Army Begins to deploy artillery within residential areas"....I don't care who you are and which country you represent, but that's just fucking low. Using human shields is just fucking pathetic.


Anyways, moral of the story, don't trust shit you see online and automatically assume that Ukraine = Angels and Russia = bad guy, they are both pretty fucking evil if you ask me, but what pisses me off is that the news never talk about Ukraine being a shithole with it's own sins, they just paint them all as a victim and freaking saints. Fuck I hate western media haha, they always only show one side of the conflict.

EDIT: Just realized that last picture was posted in the Ukraine subreddid, that's what it was taken down. All Russia has to do is to identify most people on that forum and they would have found all the extremists they been looking for....it's pretty vile shit in there.

Ukraine is definitely winning on the propaganda front.....https://twitter.com/CAFinUS/status/1497621294065590276?t=XNCwQIWrQ38-NpLER7jNug&s=19

02-26-2022, 02:28 PM
You do not escalate wars just to send messages. If Russia for something that seriously impacts the interests of the us or Europe then you do something.

Warfare is not just physical, its also psychological. Putin is deemed to be untouchable, his circle is scared of him. If that image is broken, Putin can fall from within.

Its a wakeup call for NATO and Europe indeed. I wonder if sanctions of SWIFT will just push Russia into Bitcoins for transactions.

02-26-2022, 02:37 PM
Warfare is not just physical, its also psychological. Putin is deemed to be untouchable, his circle is scared of him. If that image is broken, Putin can fall from within.

Its a wakeup call for NATO and Europe indeed. I wonder if sanctions of SWIFT will just push Russia into Bitcoins for transactions.

What is Russia currently doing that hurts us? Ukraine is not strategic. If our worry is that Russia will now expand the war past Ukraine, then why would we do that first?

02-26-2022, 02:54 PM
What is Russia currently doing that hurts us? Ukraine is not strategic. If our worry is that Russia will now expand the war past Ukraine, then why would we do that first?

That is a good question.
Its not specifically Ukraine. Think of it like a playground, when one person starts doing what they want, others follow suit. The hold by the major powers to keep some form of stability starts to falter. What is different now is that its not only the USA and Soviet after WWII. The little kids have grown up and are trying to find thier place in the world. China, India. The dynamics of the smaller countries around them changes.
If we are talking specifically Ukraine, resources and strategic infulence (buffer country). Big powers need a buffer country. Soviets created buffer countires with the Eastern block. That changed. Ukraine was the buffer country for the west and its strategic influnce. If Ukraine falls, that advantage goes goes back east to Russia.

That being said. Its not entirly Russia hurting the west. Europe has become weak. USA has weak leadership. Russia is taking advantage of it.

02-26-2022, 02:59 PM
We don't have to intervene in every conflict. We can declare we don't like certain activities and conflicts - Ukraine is a good example. But we should be very careful about how we choose where to get involved. Every conflict in the world isn't one that is worth our efforts and resources. Ukraine is one of those also.

02-26-2022, 03:45 PM
My new past time. Watching flight radar.
Seems USA is in the area and British as well. Definitely on standby. I'm sure there's aircraft carriers around there too.


02-26-2022, 03:46 PM

Ukrainian Army WFH. Flatten grid square, maybe two grid squares, of Russian troops and be home for babushkas borsch.

02-26-2022, 04:17 PM
This was my laugh of the day...


02-26-2022, 04:29 PM
This was my laugh of the day...


He didn't flee.

He was giving the freedumbers the middle finger salute.

02-26-2022, 05:06 PM
Looks like everyone has gotten addicted to sanctions, new ones every day, now with Swift cut off as well. At this point Russia might as well cut off the gas, they can't get paid for it anymore. Also stop selling oil to the Americans, soon enough they will be begging Canada for a pipeline.

02-26-2022, 06:08 PM

Hank Scorpio strikes again.

02-26-2022, 06:10 PM
Musk is the best kind of eccentric billionaire.

02-26-2022, 06:12 PM

02-26-2022, 06:20 PM
*laughs in north korea*

*Laughs in bombed ocean

02-26-2022, 06:28 PM
Looks like everyone has gotten addicted to sanctions, new ones every day, now with Swift cut off as well. At this point Russia might as well cut off the gas, they can't get paid for it anymore. Also stop selling oil to the Americans, soon enough they will be begging Canada for a pipeline.

But the point was to bypass the America's and get a better price????

02-26-2022, 06:55 PM
Musk is the best kind of eccentric billionaire.

No shit, eh? He's like a Bruce Wayne without the unrealistic physical ability. Only his toys are bigger.

While there's certainly video getting out of Ukraine, I'm actually fairly surprised on the low volume on Twitter. Normally it's great for up to the second information. There must be tens of thousands of people on the ground filming all this...

02-26-2022, 07:06 PM
No shit, eh? He's like a Bruce Wayne without the unrealistic physical ability. Only his toys are bigger.

While there's certainly video getting out of Ukraine, I'm actually fairly surprised on the low volume on Twitter. Normally it's great for up to the second information. There must be tens of thousands of people on the ground filming all this...

The live feeds out of the cities seem dead as hell, nothing is happening, so perhaps why not much is being filmed? Seems most of the fighting is on outskirts where not as many people maybe. Maybe that's why there is so much misinformation out there, to fill in the void

02-26-2022, 07:34 PM
"Just two weeks to flatten the city"

02-26-2022, 07:52 PM
We don't have to intervene in every conflict. We can declare we don't like certain activities and conflicts - Ukraine is a good example. But we should be very careful about how we choose where to get involved. Every conflict in the world isn't one that is worth our efforts and resources. Ukraine is one of those also.

This is very true. However Ukraine gave up its strategic defensive weapons (ie nuclear warheads and their delivery systems) circa the mid 1990s bases on a promise, a signed accord at that, that the USA et al would stand in Ukraine's defense should they ever be threatened, much less invaded.

So despite the blatant corruption in Ukraine, if nations start backing out of promises like that, what makes other countries want to trust us (the West) when we promise anything? Say for a country where we may actually give a crap about in terms of how it affects us, like Taiwan?

So far as Putin threatening the West with nuclear weapons - concerning, yes, but rattling your saber makes noise. Drawing does not. Still, it's at least as concerning IMO that Russia may not achieve its aims and Putin will start making really dangerous decisions, than it is having Russia succeed.

Let's examine some notable American foreign military interventions since, say, WW1.

WW2: "France, Germany, Japan, most of the south pacific: here is your land back from oppressive governments, please setup functioning democracies and don't do this again. Rest of pacific: you're going to be destabilized and general fuckery will occur". That ain't empire building.

Korea: "We don't want communism, so we're going to fight it. But after you can have your country back, please setup a democracy (eventually), we'll even help you defend it." That ain't empire building.

Vietnam: See Korea

Central and South America: "We would rather have instability than Marxist/Communist regimes. Also stop trying to import coke into our country. Also fuck you Cuba." That ain't empire building.

Iraq and Afghanistan: "We need to project some power here, but afterwards we'll hand your country, could you guys setup democracies, and create nations. Fuck this isn't working." That ain't empire building.

There is a lot to complain about with American foreign policy and projection of power. But it is not in the DNA of the country to go conquer some land and make it theirs. The closest you could argue that this is the case with the US, is their projection of power to maintain the petro dollar and the USD as the reserve currency. Otherwise, one thing they understand is that it is beneficial to them for strategic foreign countries to be democratic. Democracies tend to not fight each other in wars and Americans tend to benefit from the economic expansion of foreign democracies.

(And yes, Kert was confused about the word anomalous.)

Well said Buster.

02-26-2022, 08:01 PM
I watching this guys video yesterday, anyone who understands Russian will find this video pretty truthful. This guy is out of Kharkiv driving around and commenting about the situation. At 8 minute mark he says, roughly translated "We have a fuck ton of frozen brain nationalists, who won't give up, so there will be lots of deaths on both ends. The war is not needed for anyone. If the Americans attacked us I understand, I would join the army myself to fight them"

At the 11 minute mark he says probably the best part of anything I have ever heard anyone says. He goes "I hope there is minimal casualties from this. At the end of the day it's all our people (Russians + Ukrainians) who are not at fault for any of this. To solve this problem, they should make a big boxing ring, shove Mr. Biden, Zelensky and Putin into the cage, give them weapons, and let them fight it out with knifes and axes, and we will watch it all and clap" Very rough translation, my Russian sucks.


I like these on the ground type videos, right now things in the cities are calm and I hope they remain so. Call me crazy, but I know that killing innocent civilians is not of interest to anyone.

02-26-2022, 08:02 PM
The live feeds out of the cities seem dead as hell, nothing is happening, so perhaps why not much is being filmed? Seems most of the fighting is on outskirts where not as many people maybe. Maybe that's why there is so much misinformation out there, to fill in the void

I would agree. It's been said in media (which I tend not to listen to much) that Russian forces are having difficulty advancing. What we do see is a some destruction of equipment on highways, etc, but Kyiv's live cams aren't showing much. With that said, as upsetting as this is to see for both the Ukrainian and Russian people, it's also quite fascinating to see it unfold so close up and so quickly. Everything earlier like Desert Storm and even as recent as Afghanistan were not as connected as we see today. I'm sure there will be plenty to see as this progresses...

02-26-2022, 08:11 PM
Icbm is a weird choice for this type of battle. But I recall the MIRV being an awesome weapon in Scorched Earth.

- - - Updated - - -

ICBM basically useless against Ukraine. But useful for Britain, USA, Italy etc.

So, only required if we doing WWIII now.

The types of ballistic missiles that are being used aren't necessarily "intercontinental". I posted in the first few posts here about the Iskander line of TEL ballistic missile systems the Russians are in love with. These are guided conventional warhead armed ballistic missiles. Very fast, very accurate, and due to both their warhead and velocity, are very effective and more difficult to intercept than cruise missiles. They can be armed with nuclear warheads, but are typically a conventional HE warhead, fuel air explosive warhead, or sometimes armed with submunitions. There are various models, but even the longest ranged ones only fly about 500km, and most far less than that.

Back when Russian took the Crimea in 2014, there are pics of a battalion of Iskander launchers effects on a Ukrainian tank depot, it's on Google somewhere still.


02-26-2022, 08:23 PM
The Twitter pics look like a much larger missle, no?

02-26-2022, 08:24 PM
The Twitter pics look like a much larger missle, no?

MySpace angle.

02-26-2022, 08:35 PM
Y'know all of this could have been avoided if the F-35 was a more capable air to air fighter with longer range.

I get the oddest feeling that the USA is hesitant to use said F-35 on fear of losing too many. If say, the USA loses 1 to every 2 older russian MiGs, this is still on a scale where they cannot possible recover all the downed planes.

Spending all that money on tech for all those decades, just to have it stolen trying to shoot down a dozen sopwith camels... USA painted itself into a corner.

Its the same with them aliens trying to invade earth. One single downed UFO scout that they spent thousands of years to develop, and all of a sudden Humans are a worthy adversary in a day.

02-26-2022, 09:08 PM
Let's examine some notable American foreign military interventions since, say, WW1.

What a convenient timeframe to pick. When nobody was acting like an empire, and just after so many countries, including the USA, were.

How about, let’s say, after then end of the War of 1812?

02-26-2022, 09:15 PM
What a relevant timeframe to pick.


02-26-2022, 09:27 PM

Also ignored some key imperialist moments between WWI and WWII for the US, but if you ignore Half of history why care about that?

The country’s DNA was based on taking territory and expanding and spreading doctrine. Both directly and indirectly. It’s been the basis of Us foreign policy since The beginning.

02-26-2022, 10:04 PM
MySpace angle.

Do the current kids even know what myspace is?

02-26-2022, 10:37 PM
A lot of movement in Europe with flights. Interesting if this plane is a government figure heading to the west from Moscow for a meeting. Nice plane.

Buster wanted a link. I just use the website but there is also an app. I'm sure you could dial it in better.
The icons do match different planes. Can see some Cold Lake fighters sometimes.


USA F16 over Hungary now.

Site can take time to load all the planes. Be patient.

02-26-2022, 10:59 PM

Someone important

Edit.......I don't know how to link.....


02-26-2022, 11:25 PM

02-26-2022, 11:37 PM
"Just two weeks to flatten the city"

02-26-2022, 11:58 PM

Someone important

Edit.......I don't know how to link.....


They’re going to release zombie Lenin

02-27-2022, 12:15 AM
Just go here for the interesting FR24 stuff:


02-27-2022, 12:42 AM
Late night shitpost

02-27-2022, 12:46 AM
Sounds legit

02-27-2022, 12:48 AM
Ace Dixicutioner in a day

02-27-2022, 12:51 AM
How does this this wee tribal thing, affect my Gazprom stocks come Monday? Surely this lil flare up wouldn’t affect a producer whom owns a tenth of the global market.

Already replaced my briquettes with sht′ukas.

02-27-2022, 01:37 AM
Gazprom long term is a solid investment. Short term, average down or Ur gay.

02-27-2022, 04:49 AM

02-27-2022, 07:53 AM
They’re going to release zombie Lenin

Makes sense.....landed in Belarus

02-27-2022, 09:17 AM

Looks like the AN-225 met an unfortunate end. :(

02-27-2022, 09:50 AM
Shits getting crazy.

02-27-2022, 09:53 AM

Looks like the AN-225 met an unfortunate end. :(

The following tweet says no.

02-27-2022, 09:57 AM
Wiki says it's destroyed. Wiki is never wrong.

02-27-2022, 10:01 AM
I don’t know if it was damaged or not, but this was the follow up from the previous tweet. (same source)


02-27-2022, 10:09 AM
Looks like the Russian advance has stopped due to disarray, undersupply, and lacking coordination. This is starting to look like the greatest military blunder of the 21st century. Plus I really doubt the average Russian soldier really cares about Ukraine.

02-27-2022, 10:15 AM
"The West" only care about Ukraine because the residents are white, apparently:

02-27-2022, 10:23 AM
"The West" only care about Ukraine because the residents are civilized, apparently:

Does white=civilized?

02-27-2022, 10:30 AM

Gave me a laugh, dude must have died from embarrassment :rofl:

02-27-2022, 10:32 AM
Does white=civilized?
I think that's the implication. White on white war is "shocking".

02-27-2022, 10:33 AM
"The West" only care about Ukraine because the residents are white, apparently:

CBS News senior correspondent in Kyiv Charlie D’Agata said on Friday: “This isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilised, relatively European – I have to choose those words carefully, too – city where you wouldn’t expect that, or hope that it’s going to happen.”

His comments were met with derision and anger on social media, with many pointing out how his statements contributed to the further dehumanisation of non-white, non-European people suffering under a conflict within mainstream media.

D'Agata isn't wrong, the West generally takes care of itself. Maybe the middle-east needs to unfuck themselves and stop caring so much about killing Jews and more so about their own children.

02-27-2022, 10:53 AM
Trolling Russian Army that ran out of fuel.


I feel bad for those soldiers that likely wanted nothing to do with this.

02-27-2022, 10:58 AM


02-27-2022, 11:36 AM
I am pretty certain he's bluffing. If Putin is going to play that nuclear hand...well, god help us, because NATO or no NATO, I think everyone will be going against Russian with full force (China included)

02-27-2022, 11:41 AM

Someone important

Edit.......I don't know how to link.....


Part of the talks?

Around the same time as Putin’s nuclear move, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office said on the Telegram messaging app that the two sides would meet at an unspecified location on the Belarusian border. The message did not give a precise time for the meeting."

02-27-2022, 12:03 PM

Looks like the AN-225 met an unfortunate end. :(

Why have people been so determined to peddle this? It’s been going on for days in places like TikTok and even the company that owns the thing isn’t saying it’s been destroyed