View Full Version : China locks down 24 million people due to Deltacron

03-16-2022, 12:18 AM
Will we sit on our hands until it's too late (again) to appease the freedumbers? Or will we be proactive this time?

Facetious question, I know the answer.

03-16-2022, 07:24 AM
Downvote me all you want for replying but this is wrong information.

China is going through our mild omnicron wave. All Covid zero did was delay the inevitable as omnicron spreads like wildfire and is hard to control. People are dying for 2 reasons, first is complacency. People trusted Covid zero policy so vaccinations were lacking. The second reason is the Chinese vaccines was 0% effective against omnicron. The people that got western vaccines are fine.

We have enough information to know what’s happening in china.

03-16-2022, 08:06 AM
I'll upvote you for not being retarded rage!

03-16-2022, 08:10 AM
If this ruins my travel plans I'm gonna be so fukin' pissed. I might even make a mega thread about it.

03-16-2022, 08:18 AM
If this ruins my travel plans I'm gonna be so fukin' pissed. I might even make a mega thread about it.

Settle down Joy Behar.

03-16-2022, 08:39 AM
Downvote me all you want for replying but this is wrong information.

China is going through our mild omnicron wave. All Covid zero did was delay the inevitable as omnicron spreads like wildfire and is hard to control. People are dying for 2 reasons, first is complacency. People trusted Covid zero policy so vaccinations were lacking. The second reason is the Chinese vaccines was 0% effective against omnicron. The people that got western vaccines are fine.

We have enough information to know what’s happening in china.

Seniors vaccination rate is still too low compared to other Asian countries. HK has like 40% for 70+ and China I heard is around 50% while modern Asian counterparts hit high 80s and low 90s.

HK has a 4.7% death rate. Same will happen in China.

Also there are 70k one way flights out of HK in Feb, 300% more than normal. Most of those landed in Beijing/Shanghai and some crossed land border to Shenzhen. So it's no surprise those areas are all locked down now.

Given well being of seniors are responsibility of the kids and 30 years of one child policy means a couple is responsible for 4 aging parents, it's often the reason given why modern Chinese are not having any kids. But like ES said, 70+ dying of rona is a net positive.

The 0-covid policy is the most retarded thing ever in the face of Omicron.

Health officials said over 8,200 Jilin residents have now been hospitalised, with the vast majority showing mild or no symptoms.

03-16-2022, 08:41 AM
See masks and lockdowns work.

03-16-2022, 08:54 AM
But like ES said, 70+ dying of rona is a net positive. I'm glad someone reads my posts.
China of all countries knows they have a huge demographic problem. Another million deaths of people over 60 would be a HUGE benefit to them in numerous ways. A benefit in most "western" countries too.

03-16-2022, 08:57 AM
Also there are 70k one way flights out of HK in Feb, 300% more than normal. Most of those landed in Beijing/Shanghai and some crossed land border to Shenzhen. So it's no surprise those areas are all locked down now.
Almost all of my family left HK last month, we all saw this coming. Flew back to US and Australia. Only 1 cousin left in HK.

03-16-2022, 10:14 AM
Also the number in thread title is wrong for a thread started on Mar 14th.

24M is just Jilin alone, the whole province.

13M Shenzhen

24M in Shanghai while not officially "locked down", kids are back to online learning and WFH is "recommended"

Beijing also doing spot lock down like HK was 2 weeks ago.

But I guess it give the oil price speculation a breather for now.

03-16-2022, 10:54 AM
Also the number in thread title is wrong for a thread started on Mar 14th.

24M is just Jilin alone, the whole province.

13M Shenzhen

24M in Shanghai while not officially "locked down", kids are back to online learning and WFH is "recommended"

Beijing also doing spot lock down like HK was 2 weeks ago.

But I guess it give the oil price speculation a breather for now.

So no ordering from aliexpress then?

03-16-2022, 11:02 AM
So no ordering from aliexpress then?
Or apple. Their factories are down.

03-16-2022, 11:20 AM
Downvote me all you want for replying but this is wrong information.

China is going through our mild omnicron wave. All Covid zero did was delay the inevitable as omnicron spreads like wildfire and is hard to control. People are dying for 2 reasons, first is complacency. People trusted Covid zero policy so vaccinations were lacking. The second reason is the Chinese vaccines was 0% effective against omnicron. The people that got western vaccines are fine.

We have enough information to know what’s happening in china.

It's interesting because from what I have read, whole virus vaccines are supposed to be better in terms of Cellular memory than mrna vaccines, which they now say is more important than Antibody (protein - short term) levels.

Repping has dried up since the expose.

03-16-2022, 11:27 AM
See masks and lockdowns work.

Incredibly well. China has been back to normal for 2 years.

They get a handful of cases, and they respond hard, to minimize effects.

They prefer to quit smoking cold Turkey. We prefer to drag that shit it out over years.

FAR fewer deaths. Much better for the economy.

03-16-2022, 12:03 PM
It's interesting because from what I have read, whole virus vaccines are supposed to be better in terms of Cellular memory than mrna vaccines, which they now say is more important than Antibody (protein - short term) levels.

Repping has dried up since the expose.

In term of antibody, 100% get thru Sinovac vs 80% Pfizer. Hence Rage's 0% effectiveness claim. This is confirmed by HKU although on a small sample size.

In term of T cell, looks like Sinovac holds up. Given the deaths in HK continues to be 95% unvaccinated. And don't quote me, I think HK is 40% on Sinovac and 60% on Pfizer on 1st 2 doses and most who goes for 3rd does are mostly on Pfizer based on that HKU research.

03-16-2022, 01:36 PM
In term of antibody, 100% get thru Sinovac vs 80% Pfizer. Hence Rage's 0% effectiveness claim. This is confirmed by HKU although on a small sample size.

In term of T cell, looks like Sinovac holds up. Given the deaths in HK continues to be 95% unvaccinated. And don't quote me, I think HK is 40% on Sinovac and 60% on Pfizer on 1st 2 doses and most who goes for 3rd does are mostly on Pfizer based on that HKU research.

Yes. Antibody levels are just not maintainable with this virus. After a Pfizer booster, you only have enough Antibody for 8 weeks to significantly reduce transmission.

That cellular memory is what keeps you from dying.

That's why most researchers now say getting an Mrna vaccine and then a whole virus booster is the best scenario.

If we had the capacity, the most effective way to stop an outbreak would be mandatory N95 masking for 1 month, and vaccinate everyone within the first 2 weeks to crank the antibody levels in the entire population. They have theorized that this would stop it in its tracks.

03-16-2022, 02:36 PM
Yes. Antibody levels are just not maintainable with this virus. After a Pfizer booster, you only have enough Antibody for 8 weeks to significantly reduce transmission.

That cellular memory is what keeps you from dying.

That's why most researchers now say getting an Mrna vaccine and then a whole virus booster is the best scenario.

If we had the capacity, the most effective way to stop an outbreak would be mandatory N95 masking for 1 month, and vaccinate everyone within the first 2 weeks to crank the antibody levels in the entire population. They have theorized that this would stop it in its tracks.

Or just get covid like I did.

03-16-2022, 03:07 PM
Or just get covid like I did.

like everyone has...

my neighbour has had them all... origional, delta, omni

anti-vaxer and now is dealing with all sorts of effects after his lungs and system has been battered by 3 pretty bad infucksions

03-16-2022, 03:18 PM
omnicron ... omnicron ... omnicron.

Omicron, fucking OMIcron.


03-16-2022, 05:09 PM
Or just get covid like I did.

How dirty of a public urinal licker are you?

Unless you got it from your kid, there's no excuse.

Fuck, people are gross, dirty things.

03-16-2022, 05:16 PM
Omicron, fucking OMIcron.


03-16-2022, 05:34 PM
Shenzhen shutting down hurts a lot. The pcb fab houses we use are all shutdown until Monday, hopefully not longer but depends on their lockdown / test everyone strategy.

03-16-2022, 05:47 PM
This is going to impact several things I've ordered for work. Great, like we didn't have enough problems.

03-16-2022, 05:50 PM
Maybe we should not be building our computer parts in a country where there is a wide belief in magic needles curing your chi, and bear bile making you horny. Very exposed to pandemics.

03-16-2022, 05:51 PM
Maybe we should be building our computer parts in a country where there is a wide belief in magic needles curing your chi, and bear bile making you horny. Very exposed to pandemics.

But we already do.

03-16-2022, 05:56 PM
Maybe we should not be building our computer parts in a country where there is a wide belief in magic needles curing your chi, and bear bile making you horny. Very exposed to pandemics.

They make it better and more efficiently than we can.

China beat us at capitalism. It's kinda funny.

03-16-2022, 06:08 PM
It's crazy the things you can do in a dictatorship, paying employees $1/day

03-16-2022, 06:15 PM
Communism has always been great at concentrating wealth in few hands. It’s far more effective at it than capitalism.

Tomas favourite outcome.

03-16-2022, 07:19 PM
Communism has always been great at concentrating wealth in few hands. It’s far more effective at it than capitalism.

Tomas favourite outcome.

I'm glad I don't see the nonsense, can't neg rep a blocked user though haha

03-16-2022, 07:51 PM
Communism has always been great at concentrating wealth in few hands. It’s far more effective at it than capitalism.

Tomas favourite outcome.

This is why people who believe in collectivism are fools and useful idiots. The more collectivism, the more power and money concentrated with those that "manage" the collective.

I don't buy the "China is more efficient" argument. It depends on how you define efficient. Let's look at some efficiency ratios (production as the numerator), and who is better:

production : labor $ -> China

production : labor hour -> USA

production : labor death -> USA

production : unit of innovation -> USA

production : unit of corruption -> USA

production : unit of astrology -> China

production : unit of belief-in-eastern-medicine-woo-woo -> China

production : unit of superstitious-nonsense-regarding-the-number-8 -> China

production : unit of saving face (undefined, since the Americans have no concept of a national inferiority complex)

03-16-2022, 08:24 PM
This got weird.

03-16-2022, 08:36 PM
From your sister

How dirty of a public urinal licker are you?

Unless you got it from your kid, there's no excuse.

Fuck, people are gross, dirty things.

03-16-2022, 10:27 PM
This is going to impact several things I've ordered for work. Great, like we didn't have enough problems.

Art room toys and an eBike.

I'll beat Penismighty to it...

03-16-2022, 10:28 PM
This is why people who believe in collectivism are fools and useful idiots. The more collectivism, the more power and money concentrated with those that "manage" the collective.

I don't buy the "China is more efficient" argument. It depends on how you define efficient. Let's look at some efficiency ratios (production as the numerator), and who is better:

production : labor $ -> China

production : labor hour -> USA

production : labor death -> USA

production : unit of innovation -> USA

production : unit of corruption -> USA

production : unit of astrology -> China

production : unit of belief-in-eastern-medicine-woo-woo -> China

production : unit of superstitious-nonsense-regarding-the-number-8 -> China

production : unit of saving face (undefined, since the Americans have no concept of a national inferiority complex)


You are an idiot.

That's lot of excuses of why we lost the race.

No work ethic is top of our list.

03-17-2022, 05:02 AM
From your sister

The gonorrhea too?

Wrap that shit up, you dirty douche!