View Full Version : Tsuut'ina Gas Station... Diesel purchase?

07-24-2022, 10:22 PM
Hi guys,

Anyone know if there is an easy way to get diesel at this station, without lining up with all the people who are lined up for regular gasoline? I know the costco in the area is insane but a few days back I drove by and saw a line up at tsuut'ina station as well and kept going... I need to fill a canister with diesel but I can't be bothered if I have to wait in the massive line. As I drove by I saw one lonely truck at the diesel pump. Is there some way to drive around the crowd to this pump, or would you basically be screwed and have to wait?

Just checking. Got a tractor to fill now, never bought diesel before, and seems like it's cheap at that station.

07-25-2022, 07:11 AM
Looks like diesel is $0.04 - $0.05/L cheaper at TsuTina, assuming a 25L Jerry can? Looking for savings of $1.25?

Maybe we could start a Beyond GoFundMe to cover the difference, I’d donate, or you could look into a UFA fuel card?

07-25-2022, 07:20 AM
90_Shelby I think tractors hold more than 25L haha.

Fwiw we waited in the line yesterday since we were in the area for a Costco run, took just over 15 min total time. Basically the same amount of time we usually take to go get gas at Co-op near our house. It’s not as bad as it looks.

The Costco one, on the other hand, is worse than it looks. My wife decided to try it one day since it looked like almost no line, still took her 30 min.

07-25-2022, 07:38 AM
I'd pay $40/hr to avoid waiting in a gas station lineup.

07-25-2022, 07:39 AM
For Costco, you really need to go between 6:30-7:30am otherwise it's a shit show. If you go early, there's at most a 5 minute wait. It's crazy how backed up that Tsuut'ina gas station is now - I don't see how you can skip past everyone as well.

07-25-2022, 08:00 AM
90_Shelby I think tractors hold more than 25L haha.


"Fuel canister" sure gives the perception of a small volume though. haha

07-25-2022, 08:09 AM
Y u no ufa I give u a card

07-25-2022, 02:45 PM
Looks like diesel is $0.04 - $0.05/L cheaper at TsuTina, assuming a 25L Jerry can? Looking for savings of $1.25?

Maybe we could start a Beyond GoFundMe to cover the difference, I’d donate, or you could look into a UFA fuel card?

I dunno, I haven't really looked, but right now the spread is like 14c between them and the Esso nearby. I don't too much care as I am only dealing with a small canister, but I go to costco in the morning to fill up, so might as well save a few bucks and fill up diesel next door as well.

For Costco, you really need to go between 6:30-7:30am otherwise it's a shit show. If you go early, there's at most a 5 minute wait. It's crazy how backed up that Tsuut'ina gas station is now - I don't see how you can skip past everyone as well.

I am there before they open on the way to work the 1 day a week I choose to go in. Usually arrive at 6:15 and wait a few min, sometimes they open early. Waiting in morning is not so bad, you roll up and turn off your engine and wait until they open, then it's right to the pump with no bullshit waiting around. I would never go any time except for early morning.

Y u no ufa I give u a card

Teh detaiz plz!

- - - Updated - - -

I'd pay $40/hr to avoid waiting in a gas station lineup.

I agree. That's why I only go early in the morning. I used to say why don't people just go to tsuutina station for a few cents more....looks like they do and I just never realized.

I ran my tractor for 10 hours over the weekend and it only used 1/4 of a 25L tank.....so I might not need diesel as often as I thought :D

07-25-2022, 04:26 PM
I give u ufa card. You google ufa. You fill up ufa gas or diesel. You save money.

Follow thread here and join the club https://forums.beyond.ca/threads/416127-Farmers-Fuel-Club-UFA-fleet-discounts

Should be saving around 25-30c/l on regular right now depending what retail station you compare it to.

07-28-2022, 02:01 PM
I give u ufa card. You google ufa. You fill up ufa gas or diesel. You save money.

Follow thread here and join the club https://forums.beyond.ca/threads/416127-Farmers-Fuel-Club-UFA-fleet-discounts

Should be saving around 25-30c/l on regular right now depending what retail station you compare it to.


Also just an FYI for anyone who cares. This Tue I went in to get gas at Native Costco, and again got there like 6:15 AM to fill up. By the time they opened and I left, the line was huge. As I was waiting for the station to open, I checked when Tsuutina gas station opens, and it was at 7AM, so I wasn't going to wait and would fill up the diesel later, but decided to drop by the gas station just to see how it works when it's empty. Turns out that each pump has diesel it seems, but best of all, you can pay with a card right at the pump...before they open officially. I don't know if it's a 24/7 thing or not, but the cab driver who pulled up to fill said he came at 6am before and could fill up no problem, despite the shop all being closed still. With that being said, if you don't want to wait for Costco to open, and don't mind paying 2c more per litre, seems like Tsuutina station is opened earlier than the posted time.

07-30-2022, 10:34 AM
The people working security there know my truck is diesel, so they always just tell me to drive on the grass around the line up to go to the diesel only pump.