View Full Version : Alberta Provincial Police study- For or against?

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08-17-2022, 10:35 AM
With the study posted last year regarding a possible transition for Alberta creating their own Police Force and cutting ties with the RCMP with contract policing, are you for it or against it?

I think everything will be dependent on the election next year. If UCP gets back in, I think they will push forward with this, along with the 2 year termination notice to Ottawa. However if NDP gets in, I feel they will kybosh it pretty quick.

Either way, there are a few links (some very long 100 page reads) about the possible transition.


08-17-2022, 10:45 AM
I dont see how we could do a worse job than rcmp. I am for a provincial police force as long as it costs within +/-50% of what rcmp were charging for that service

08-17-2022, 01:14 PM
i'd much rather an alberta pension fund, where the benefits are tangible to us, and we can see it hurt ottawa.

The APP doesn't make sense to me.. more money, for the same service? pass.

08-17-2022, 01:23 PM
i'd much rather an alberta pension fund, where the benefits are tangible to us, and we can see it hurt ottawa.

The APP doesn't make sense to me.. more money, for the same service? pass.

This. It's just add tons of admin overheads.

08-17-2022, 03:35 PM
I dont see how we could do a worse job than rcmp. I am for a provincial police force as long as it costs within +/-50% of what rcmp were charging for that service

You would be in favour of an APP that costs up to 50% more than what we're paying for the RCMP? Wow.

I mean the RCMP aren't perfect, but with the increasing amount of crime done online from overseas, and the increasing need for international cooperation, there's no way I could see Alberta start from scratch and have the same reach/impact that the RCMP have spent 100yrs building. Not only that, WITHIN Canada the remaining RCMP are going to completely snub whatever police force we come up with, and quite frankly, I don't need those kinds of politics standing in the way of finding some criminal in Montana who's soliciting Alberta child porn or finding someone in Russia who steals my identity or whatever.

08-17-2022, 03:45 PM
wtf is the diff? Will I get less tickets on QE2?

08-17-2022, 03:49 PM
You would be in favour of an APP that costs up to 50% more than what we're paying for the RCMP? Wow.

I mean the RCMP aren't perfect, but with the increasing amount of crime done online from overseas, and the increasing need for international cooperation, there's no way I could see Alberta start from scratch and have the same reach/impact that the RCMP have spent 100yrs building. Not only that, WITHIN Canada the remaining RCMP are going to completely snub whatever police force we come up with, and quite frankly, I don't need those kinds of politics standing in the way of finding some criminal in Montana who's soliciting Alberta child porn or finding someone in Russia who steals my identity or whatever.

I think this has more to do with inaction on rural crime than international scams. I think APP will perform better than RCMP but we will pay more for it.

End of the day, much like Smith's sovereignty act, this APP idea was employed by Kenney to drive votes.

08-17-2022, 03:55 PM
The less control Ottawa has over the west the better.

I vote in favor

08-17-2022, 03:57 PM
I see a lot of this happening:



We'll end up paying for both RCMP for federal jurisdiction and APP for provincial jurisdiction crimes, with both organizations not working well with one another.

08-17-2022, 04:07 PM
You would be in favour of an APP that costs up to 50% more than what we're paying for the RCMP? Wow.

I mean the RCMP aren't perfect, but with the increasing amount of crime done online from overseas, and the increasing need for international cooperation, there's no way I could see Alberta start from scratch and have the same reach/impact that the RCMP have spent 100yrs building. Not only that, WITHIN Canada the remaining RCMP are going to completely snub whatever police force we come up with, and quite frankly, I don't need those kinds of politics standing in the way of finding some criminal in Montana who's soliciting Alberta child porn or finding someone in Russia who steals my identity or whatever.

Yup, would 100% be ok paying 50% more even for same level of service. I think the insights coming out of the mass casualty commission show how broken the rcmp is as an organization. Look at the high river door kicks that nobody was ever held accountable for.

Im sure there is more online crime, but the vast majority of crimes committed in alberta are real life, physical presence, robberies, b and e, assaults, murders. Those are the crimes that impact people for life and need to be dealt with.

08-17-2022, 04:08 PM
Do city cops not work well with RCMP now? Do CP rail cops not work well with Tsu-Tina? Do Alberta sherrifa have this issue?

Cops work with other cops already. That isn't something new that hasn't been done hundreds of times before.

08-17-2022, 04:10 PM
Alberta being able to mimic what Quebec does is a pipe dream. Getting a APP force instated is not going to magically allow us to separate, as per Danielle Smith, or have any more sway in Ontario/Quebec's eyes.


08-17-2022, 04:14 PM
Four questions to answer here.
1) are the RCMP any good?
2) are the RCMP good value?
3) are there other benefits to having AB force?
4) are there risks to having AB force?

So far it seems like the answers are probably not, maybe, maybe, probably not.

08-17-2022, 04:29 PM
I'd prefer an alberta police force assuming costs are within a certain range. With that said I'd be a moron to think the province could create a new force within reasonable timelines/cost

08-17-2022, 06:15 PM
Alberta being able to mimic what Quebec does is a pipe dream. Getting a APP force instated is not going to magically allow us to separate, as per Danielle Smith, or have any more sway in Ontario/Quebec's eyes.


It's hard to believe she's the frontrunner. And everyone else kinda sucks too. How did we come to this? Do wingnuts really make up a majority in this province?

08-17-2022, 06:45 PM
Alberta being able to mimic what Quebec does is a pipe dream. Getting a APP force instated is not going to magically allow us to separate, as per Danielle Smith, or have any more sway in Ontario/Quebec's eyes.

Why is it a pipe dream? Quebec can only do what they do literally because of Alberta’s wealth.

08-17-2022, 07:33 PM
Why is it a pipe dream? Quebec can only do what they do literally because of Alberta’s wealth.

I hear a lot about why alberta can't follow in the foot steps but haven't seen anything concrete as to why. Just a few lazy reporters claiming it won't work.

I'd like the first law alberta enacts to remove French as our second language. All services must be rendered in English only.

08-17-2022, 07:40 PM
I hear a lot about why alberta can't follow in the foot steps but haven't seen anything concrete as to why. Just a few lazy reporters claiming it won't work.

I'd like the first law alberta enacts to remove French as our second language. All services must be rendered in English only.

We don’t have enough parliamentary seats

I’d try the APP over the RCMP. The RCMP are the suck.

Though much more important would be putting and keeping way more people in prison.

08-17-2022, 07:51 PM
I think trying out a new police force is worth trying. I'd be curious to hear from non govt people on how feasible or likely is it.

Would existing rcmp jump ship to the Alberta police force & for the ability to have a stable place to live or would they stick with the rcmp during the transition as their moved out of Alberta to a new posting.

08-17-2022, 08:00 PM
Whether this would cheaper or more expensive in the long run is debatable. I certainly don't trust any government to accomplish anything with fiscal responsibility in mind. However, once things are up and running, there should be a lot less bureaucracy in a smaller provincial outfit vs a giant federal one. And I like the idea of Officers that feel beholden to Alberta because it is their home vs a bunch of prick RCMP cunts that got forcibly relocated from wherever their home was, and now use their position of authority to take out their internal rage on the general population. Wages for officers would be commensurate with Alberta living expenses, meaning we can attract higher quality candidates from the recruiting process than RCMP can, and being paid a fair wage and benefits tends to mean happier employees. Happier Officers that actually have a sense of value in their own community are much more likely to produce better results. Anecdotally this certainly seems to be the case for anyone who has dealt with both EPS/CPS vs RCMP.

In the end, the main importance is that we drive the biggest wedge we can between Alberta and Ottawa, and I feel like APP is one way to do that. And it would make our threats of sovereignty that much more serious. So for those reasons alone, I'm in full support.

- - - Updated - - -

I think trying out a new police force is worth trying. I'd be curious to hear from non govt people on how feasible or likely is it.

Would existing rcmp jump ship to the Alberta police force & for the ability to have a stable place to live or would they stick with the rcmp during the transition as their moved out of Alberta to a new posting.

There's literally no reason to be part of RCMP aside from the pension(And having a small dick and inferiority complex that gives you great desire to carry a gun), So it's hard to imagine many RCMP jumping ship to APP.

08-17-2022, 08:21 PM
Would existing rcmp jump ship to the Alberta police force & for the ability to have a stable place to live or would they stick with the rcmp during the transition as their moved out of Alberta to a new posting.

RCMP had to significantly increase their salaries ($20K bump retroactive to 2017) because municipalities and the OPP were poaching officers so regularly. If Alberta pays more, they'll get the officers.

08-17-2022, 09:46 PM
It's hard to believe she's the frontrunner. And everyone else kinda sucks too. How did we come to this? Do wingnuts really make up a majority in this province?

As discussed a zillion times in this thread most competent people don't want to or need to join politics. They are successful and make more in the private sector.

08-17-2022, 10:22 PM
Alberta being able to mimic what Quebec does is a pipe dream. Getting a APP force instated is not going to magically allow us to separate, as per Danielle Smith, or have any more sway in Ontario/Quebec's eyes.


The police enforce laws.

If they have a mandate to not enforce XX law, voila.

Whereas the RCMP can literally ignore the Alberta gov if it chooses.

There also is nothing stopping a hybrid model as rcmp are cheaper rurally, no debate required.

But even if it costs more, its worth it for the mandats to enforce certain laws.

08-17-2022, 10:22 PM
The RCMP have a huge pile of fantastic members; but their organization (like as a business, from an Org Behaviour perspective) has massive, crippling, systemic issues that have been festering for decades and they need to get their dick slammed in a door to make them take a hard look in the mirror and cut their cancer out.

If booting them out of Alberta achieves that wake-up call, then I'm for it. But I'm not sure that's the door that their dick needs to be slammed in...

I think this space needs more competition and price discovery.

08-18-2022, 03:50 AM
RCMP underpaying and under-retaining its employees, sorry, members, is not new, and the solution isn't Alberta supporting the RCMP.

08-18-2022, 07:53 AM
Honestly, it's the laws that need reform.
Tough to enforce a catch, slap, release program.

I'm still of the belief that 90% of Canada's crime is generated by repeating offenders.

08-18-2022, 08:09 AM
Honestly, it's the laws that need reform.
Tough to enforce a catch, slap, release program.

I'm still of the belief that 90% of Canada's crime is generated by repeating offenders.

We have plenty of laws.

The problem is we don’t bother enforcing them to the fullest extent and with the goal of serving the greater public once we catch someone breaking them.

Instead we have this ass backward failed policy concept that the criminal justice system is meant to primarily serve criminals rather than society.

Basically the “Canadian Dream” is one where no one has any accountability for their actions. And that cancer permeates every fibre of our system.

08-18-2022, 09:12 AM
Exactly. We're all concerned with criminal's rights.
Those should go out the window once you break laws and ruin someone else's rights.
Someone steals your bike and is caught without a doubt with it?
You get the option of chopping the guys hand off yourself for all to see at Olympic plaza or designating someone else to do the cut.

08-18-2022, 09:35 AM
These are not police enforcement issues, though.
These are issues with the courts and the legal system.

08-18-2022, 09:36 AM
These are not police enforcement issues, though.
These are issues with the courts and the legal system.


That doesn’t mean the RCMP don’t suck tho

08-18-2022, 10:39 AM
Killramos is just jealous he didn’t lead a life of crime.

08-18-2022, 05:18 PM
So we know that the RCMP is critically mismanaged and rife with political collusion at the highest levels. It only makes sense to sever as many ties as possible to Ottawa's rotting influence. If only we knew how they really talked about us behind closed doors... ("us" being civilians).

At least with a Provincial police force the directives would be set by local bureaucrats, their responsibility kept in check by nearby pitchforks should it be necessary.

08-18-2022, 05:35 PM
It would probably make more sense financially establishing a Provincial Police Force which worked side by side with the RCMP.

There is something like 1500+ Peace Officer's in the province you could utilize which includes Sheriff's and Fish and Wildlife members. Alberta has such a broken policing system in the province and that blame cant be fully put on the RCMP.

Yes, they are short staffed and most smaller detachment's run 2 members on a night shift or even day shift. The backlog in paperwork is insane and no proactive policing is able to be done due to it.

If this Province could figure out how to utilize the resources available in the Province already, we wouldn't need to fully get rid of the RCMP like they want to. Just my .02.

08-18-2022, 05:49 PM
So the benefits are nullified?

08-18-2022, 05:49 PM
More overlapping police forces seems like a misguided solution to the problem.

08-18-2022, 07:54 PM
Killramos is just jealous he didn’t lead a life of crime.

But he definitely stole your heart.

08-18-2022, 07:55 PM
It would probably make more sense financially establishing a Provincial Police Force which worked side by side with the RCMP.

There is something like 1500+ Peace Officer's in the province you could utilize which includes Sheriff's and Fish and Wildlife members. Alberta has such a broken policing system in the province and that blame cant be fully put on the RCMP.

Yes, they are short staffed and most smaller detachment's run 2 members on a night shift or even day shift. The backlog in paperwork is insane and no proactive policing is able to be done due to it.

If this Province could figure out how to utilize the resources available in the Province already, we wouldn't need to fully get rid of the RCMP like they want to. Just my .02.

Yet they still have plenty of time to troll the highways for tint and speed fines.

08-19-2022, 07:05 AM
Yet they still have plenty of time to troll the highways for tint and speed fines.

Kind of the point of "Highway Patrol"....

08-19-2022, 07:57 AM
It's bizarre to me how many people think there should be zero traffic enforcement until "all other crime is eliminated."

08-19-2022, 08:10 AM
It's bizarre to me how many people think there should be zero traffic enforcement until "all other crime is eliminated."

So F ≠ ma ??!

08-19-2022, 08:24 AM
It's bizarre to me how many people think there should be zero traffic enforcement until "all other crime is eliminated."

Lots of statistics show that crime is evenly distributed throughout the days of the week. There is no such thing as a slow crime day and high crime day; criminals have quotas and don't go on sprees.


08-19-2022, 08:47 AM
But I can tell you that catalytic converter theft and car door checkers drop off in a snow storm and rain.

08-19-2022, 11:45 AM
But he definitely stole your heart.


08-19-2022, 12:20 PM
It's bizarre to me how many people think there should be zero traffic enforcement until "all other crime is eliminated."This is true, however when traffic enforcement is being used solely as a profit generator rather than a public safety concern is when it becomes an issue IMHO...

For example, if the road coppers gave more of a shit about public safety, they would identify higher danger areas and rather than hiding and ticketing they could install permanent placement photo radar with signs before those areas indicating that one is entering a high risk area and that if they speed through this section they will 100% get a photo radar ticket, people would always slow down in the danger areas and it would become safer, but instead that would cost a loss in revenue so they do not operate this way. They would rather be happy to keep the speeders encouraged to continue their criminal ways and profit from it.

08-19-2022, 12:25 PM
I agree with that. My personal opinion is that the amount of traffic enforcement is about right. How those resources are deployed could be tweaked.

08-19-2022, 01:53 PM
I think it's mistargeted.
Officers should target everything an Uber driver excels at.

08-19-2022, 03:17 PM
Alberta already has a provincial peace officer branch in the Sherrifs. I don't know what the formation of another provincial police agency is supposed to accomplish.

08-19-2022, 03:18 PM
Alberta already has a provincial peace officer branch in the Sherrifs. I don't know what the formation of another provincial police agency is supposed to accomplish.

Perfect, we can shut down RCMP today!

08-19-2022, 03:36 PM
Perfect, we can shut down RCMP today!

Sure, if you want. My point is that the formation of a provincial police force isn't necessary because one already exists. Creating another one, or the threat of creating another one, is unnecessary other than to be a symbolic fuck you to the federal government - which I now is a popular stance in Alberta.

08-19-2022, 07:13 PM
Kind of the point of "Highway Patrol"....

I would argue no. Highway Patrol main function is highway safety, not revenue collection.

It's bizarre to me how many people think there should be zero traffic enforcement until "all other crime is eliminated."

I don't believe I've heard of anybody with that opinion. How many people have you seen say something like this?

Sure, if you want. My point is that the formation of a provincial police force isn't necessary because one already exists. Creating another one, or the threat of creating another one, is unnecessary other than to be a symbolic fuck you to the federal government - which I now is a popular stance in Alberta.

Exactly, even more reasoning to abolish RCMP. We already have the major logistic hurdle jumped

08-19-2022, 08:00 PM
Peace officers aren’t police. They’re fancy mall cops.

08-19-2022, 10:47 PM
Sure, if you want. My point is that the formation of a provincial police force isn't necessary because one already exists. Creating another one, or the threat of creating another one, is unnecessary other than to be a symbolic fuck you to the federal government - which I now is a popular stance in Alberta.

I understand and sympathize with your position on the matter, however I'd still spend every last cent of your tax bill to see a nudge toward more self deterministic governance. The fact is that the RCMP is broken and it was never ours to fix.

08-20-2022, 08:14 AM
Peace officers aren’t police. They’re fancy mall cops.

During the ft mac boom times, peace officers had full reign. They needed it.

Policing challenges in that city were difficult. You could be pulled over by a PO, Sheriff, rcmp, or fish cop at any given point.

08-20-2022, 08:43 AM
Sure, if you want. My point is that the formation of a provincial police force isn't necessary because one already exists. Creating another one, or the threat of creating another one, is unnecessary other than to be a symbolic fuck you to the federal government - which I now is a popular stance in Alberta.

It’s a silly one in this case. The feds don’t want to pay for things the provinces are willing to pay for entirely. Quebec doesn’t have its own provincial police force because they were trying to stick it to the feds and show how they can run things on their own. They have one because it predates the RCMP, just like Ontario and Newfoundland.

Alberta downloading costs and accepting more liability onto itself willingly isn’t the ‘fuck you’ people seem to think it is.

08-20-2022, 10:43 AM
The desire for a provincial police force has more to do with people's perception of the rcmp than it is to stick it to the feds. If you lived a sheltered life or live in a main city your probably happy with the way things are. Anyone rural or with any dealings with the rcmp see the need for some change.

Theres more positives for a provincial police force than there are negatives.

08-20-2022, 10:45 AM
It’s funny that everyone wants to defund the police until it becomes a topic about getting rid of the RCMP.

Then the lefties come out do the woodwork to say anything to keep them around.

08-20-2022, 11:17 AM
Alberta did have its own police force. kert with the fail yet again. Sigh.


08-20-2022, 12:02 PM
It’s funny that everyone wants to defund the police until it becomes a topic about getting rid of the RCMP.

Then the lefties come out do the woodwork to say anything to keep them around.

There’s nothing ‘defunding the police’ about spending more on a provincial police force.

The arguments for a provincial police force are: “it’s worth spending more on this because…” and go from there.

08-20-2022, 12:35 PM
Good ol’

“Repeat a lie over and over until…”


Stick to your segregationist identity politics.

08-20-2022, 01:11 PM

They’ve explicitly stated this won’t save money. Even called the focus on how it wouldn’t save money ‘a red herring because the costs will increase anyway when the feds stop subsidizing the contracts.’

Add in replicating a layer of bureaucracy (training, admin, etc) that is currently covered by the feds the costs will always increase. People grasping to this idea this is a sovereignty move are living in their own little world, thinking the federal government doesn’t want the provinces to take on these costs like the two biggest ones already do. The fact that they’re using the same rough justifications for the AHS reshuffle to talk about increased service efficiencies and reduced bureaucracy makes the blind support of the plan so hilarious.

But it will make us like Quebec in one way: more government jobs. So a win there I guess.

09-15-2022, 10:38 AM
NDP report out on costs for transitioning to Alberta Provincial Police.

For a family of four in Rocky Mountain House, a provincial police force adds $2,248 to their property taxes over the six-year transition. In Camrose taxes rise by $2,576. In Cochrane and in Chestermere, it’s almost $4,000 more. In Canmore, a family of four pays $10,400 in new taxes.


That's what you get with the NDP tho.

09-15-2022, 10:40 AM
I thought the NDP was all about making people pay more taxes for government services?

They should love this as they are describing it!

09-15-2022, 10:56 AM
I have a hard time knowing if that's accurate, but they sure choose to present it in an obscure way.

09-15-2022, 10:58 AM
I have a hard time knowing if that's accurate, but they sure choose to present it in an obscure way.
Yea, why not use 12 years for even more impact.

09-15-2022, 10:59 AM
How about average lifespan of an Alberta resident? What's that, about 85 years?

09-15-2022, 11:06 AM
Silly NDP, it's the residents of Calgary and Edmonton that will see more of their tax dollars going to fund the extra costs of a provincial police force, not the rural residents.

09-15-2022, 12:44 PM
how amazing is it when the ndp decide to do something their ideas pay for itself meanwhile the ucp propose something and the sky is falling.

Anyone see the article from the rcmp deleting phone recordings? Their covering their tracks..... we pay for their corruption and laziness.

09-15-2022, 08:36 PM
how amazing is it when the ndp decide to do something their ideas pay for itself meanwhile the ucp propose something and the sky is falling.

Anyone see the article from the rcmp deleting phone recordings? Their covering their tracks..... we pay for their corruption and laziness.

^^^ I read about that yesterday and was going to post something. It's mind blowing. "Yes there was a recording, no we don't know where it is, it's gone".....just wow

09-20-2022, 08:15 PM
just met a neighbor I haven't met before on the side of the road. He pulled into his driveway as some thieves were making off with their truck. High speed chase goes down... guys on the phone with rcmp. They won't be able to assist for 45 minutes.

Chase gets too dangerous as the thieves go through fields and across a highway.

Again rcmp unable to help or assist.

09-20-2022, 08:30 PM
just met a neighbor I haven't met before on the side of the road. He pulled into his driveway as some thieves were making off with their truck. High speed chase goes down... guys on the phone with rcmp. They won't be able to assist for 45 minutes.

Chase gets too dangerous as the thieves go through fields and across a highway.

Again rcmp unable to help or assist.

But Alberta Police would've sprinted into action because reasons?
Would they also do your taxes and clean up dog shit?


09-20-2022, 08:39 PM
It’s just good manners to clean up the dog’s shit after fucking it.

09-20-2022, 08:48 PM
You guys are right the RCMP ade amazing, how dare anyone want more rural officers out there. High risk, high speed chases don't deserve a response. My neighbor probably deserved to have his truck stolen....

09-20-2022, 08:52 PM
High speed chase in persuit of stolen property is not behaviour anyone should support.

09-20-2022, 10:39 PM
High speed chase in persuit of stolen property is not behaviour anyone should support.

You are right, the thief should be shot.

09-21-2022, 10:17 AM
The example of the aftermath in Nova Scotia is one of the reasons I would want a provincial police force. The Federal government pressured the commander of the RCMP to gather information that supports their agenda on guns. It's been discussed here before but the Federal agenda is not dictated by Albertans, it's dictated by big Cities in Ontario and Quebec.

I don't really believe that the level of service would raise significantly, but it would reduce these distractions from command. The other side of it is if we pour more money into it, we know the money is staying in the Province serving our people.

09-22-2022, 09:31 AM
To properly patrol vast areas it's probably cheaper to invest in drones and strategic posts for ground troops.

09-22-2022, 05:48 PM
Who are the Alberta police going to hire? The same inept RCMP officers, or is there a cache of good people somewhere that for some reason aren't currently working as police officers?

It kind of seems like the new police would just be the old police, with different stickers on the car doors.

09-22-2022, 06:27 PM
Cops follow orders. The fuckups come from higher up/in management.

Think of it like AHS/healthcare; it's not the nurses that are the problem for the most part.

09-22-2022, 06:48 PM
Who are the Alberta police going to hire? The same inept RCMP officers, or is there a cache of good people somewhere that for some reason aren't currently working as police officers?

It kind of seems like the new police would just be the old police, with different stickers on the car doors.

I imagine recruitment would be much more successful if you're paying an extra 40k/yr, and applicants don't have to worry about being sent to Buttfuck nowhere in NWT. There's plenty of good people that have the desire for public service, but not self deprecating enough to submit themselves to what is involved in joining the RCMP.

09-22-2022, 07:04 PM
The potential of being sent to buttfuck any province is a big deterrent to recruiting for RCMP. Reason city cops have eaoser time getting applicants. RCMP is very undesirable career for people with options.

09-22-2022, 07:15 PM
There's definitely no buttfuck nowhere Alberta, right? So zero chance of being sent there. Especially with all the extra detachments Albertans will be demanding.

09-22-2022, 07:37 PM
I think even the NDP would consider a 50% raise to public service employees as excessive.

09-22-2022, 07:45 PM
Who are the Alberta police going to hire? The same inept RCMP officers, or is there a cache of good people somewhere that for some reason aren't currently working as police officers?

It kind of seems like the new police would just be the old police, with different stickers on the car doors.

rcmp training requires you going to Saskatchewan for months and If you pass they randomly send you to another province that you didn't originally live In. You get 2 provide 2 preferred choices but your told you won't get them.

Had a buddy go through the training a couple years back. He got posted in northern ab which was a huge win for him for not being sent across the country. Sounds like there's some preferred locations people want to go. None of which is alberta.

09-22-2022, 08:45 PM
There's definitely no buttfuck nowhere Alberta, right? So zero chance of being sent there. Especially with all the extra detachments Albertans will be demanding.

I mean, if you live in Alberta, the distance and variety of the buttfuck places are both reduced. I mean, even high level or manning or fort chip are within 10 hour drive of civilization, which is not true of all the varied buttfuck places RCMP could send ya.

09-22-2022, 09:10 PM
The biggest problem with buttfuck nowhere isn’t the location, it’s the….communities that RCMP need to babysit.

09-22-2022, 11:18 PM
I think even the NDP would consider a 50% raise to public service employees as excessive.

No, no they wouldn't. But that's an irrelevant point anyway since nobody would be getting "Raises". New recruits would simply be getting a reasonable salary commensurate with the current industry and living costs. Something the RCMP does not do, which is half the reason they get such piss poor applicants, because you get what you pay for.

09-23-2022, 05:38 AM
No, no they wouldn't. But that's an irrelevant point anyway since nobody would be getting "Raises". New recruits would simply be getting a reasonable salary commensurate with the current industry and living costs. Something the RCMP does not do, which is half the reason they get such piss poor applicants, because you get what you pay for.

The RCMP has already given raises (retroactive to boot) to get in line with the highest paid police forces to help with recruitment and retention. Another $40K on top of that would make them the highest paid police force in the country by almost $40K a year. I’m not sure that would fly in a province where voters get mad when doctors are getting paid only slightly more than other provinces.

09-23-2022, 04:41 PM
The RCMP has already given raises (retroactive to boot) to get in line with the highest paid police forces to help with recruitment and retention. Another $40K on top of that would make them the highest paid police force in the country by almost $40K a year. I’m not sure that would fly in a province where voters get mad when doctors are getting paid only slightly more than other provinces.

Can't say I've seen anybody upset about doctors pay, or EPS and CPS pay for that matter. I'm guessing there would be about zero outcry for APP to be making salary in line with EPS/CPS.

09-23-2022, 05:21 PM

09-23-2022, 07:50 PM
Can't say I've seen anybody upset about doctors pay

You probably voted for them. It seems so long ago in the before times of 2019, but bringing doctor pay ' back down in line with other provinces averages' was a core part of the Alberta's healthcare reforms, which included cutting doctor compensation and unilaterally cancelling contracts. Albertans don't like having the highest paid public employees.

I'm guessing there would be about zero outcry for APP to be making salary in line with EPS/CPS.

So the recruitment strategy has gone from 'an extra $40K/year' to 'just matching what the RCMP makes now'? Brings us back to the original statement: It kind of seems like the new police would just be the old police, with different stickers on the car doors.

09-23-2022, 07:54 PM
You probably voted for them. It seems so long ago in the before times of 2019, but bringing doctor pay ' back down in line with other provinces averages' was a core part of the Alberta's healthcare reforms, which included cutting doctor compensation and unilaterally cancelling contracts. Albertans don't like having the highest paid public employees.

So the recruitment strategy has gone from 'an extra $40K/year' to 'just matching what the RCMP makes now'? Brings us back to the original statement: It kind of seems like the new police would just be the old police, with different stickers on the car doors.

It's all good. Nobody here expects you to understand numbers or logic.

09-23-2022, 08:16 PM
It's all good. Nobody here expects you to understand numbers or logic.

RCMP Constable Salary: $106,576
RCMP Corporal Salary: $116,703
RCMP Sergeant Salary: $127,204

EPS Constable Salary: $71,195-$115,825
EPS Sergeant Salary: $127,514

CPS Constable Salary: $67,621-$116,813
CPS Sergeant Salary: $124-842-$130,728

So now that we see the numbers are, are you suggesting we pay RCMP Constables $146K/year to attract better candidates?

09-23-2022, 09:12 PM
RCMP Constable Salary: $106,576
RCMP Corporal Salary: $116,703
RCMP Sergeant Salary: $127,204

EPS Constable Salary: $71,195-$115,825
EPS Sergeant Salary: $127,514

CPS Constable Salary: $67,621-$116,813
CPS Sergeant Salary: $124-842-$130,728

So now that we see the numbers are, are you suggesting we pay RCMP Constables $146K/year to attract better candidates?

I will say, it's rather hilarious that the strawman you're using is literally making my point of how we get no value from the RCMP, and taking it a step further by correcting my awareness of their pay increase.

09-23-2022, 11:07 PM

09-24-2022, 07:35 PM

The RCMP is full of incompetent idiots. Obviously we should keep them as our police force.

11-15-2022, 10:56 AM

Edit: shit link above that requires login... Heres another

Looking more like they're headed in this direction. My Fiance says more and more members are thinking this is happening.

The provincial election next year will be the deciding fate im sure.

04-01-2023, 09:54 AM
Making police provincial fixes problems.


TL;DR is:
In 2017, Constable Jason Redmond (OPP) was hanging out with a drunk chick doing blow and figured he'd rape her after she passed out, film it with his phone and show it to her and several others in order to mock the drunk girl. He had time on his hands since he has been on suspended, paid leave ($121k/yr) since 2015 for drug trafficking charges (convicted in 2018). He's also facing 17 other charges for being a puke-stain involving multiple other victims.

04-01-2023, 11:25 AM
Fake news nobody doing blow goes to sleep.

04-01-2023, 11:30 AM
What does that dickhead have to do with having a provincial police force? It really should be a thread of its own. That fuckwad deserves far more attention than having it buried here.

04-01-2023, 12:05 PM
What does that dickhead have to do with having a provincial police force? It really should be a thread of its own. That fuckwad deserves far more attention than having it buried here.

I was just suggesting that both Provincial and RCMP are capable of hiring a cancerous growth and then completely floundering pathetic attempts to get rid of it.