View Full Version : Acura Integra Or Honda Prelude

04-04-2004, 04:10 PM
Hey.. im gettin rid of the trooper and im gonna need a new ride.

i dont know what i should pic up next.
should i got with the 1994-1997 acura integra, or the 1992-1996 honda prelude.

Integra- 142 hp, 127 t......gsr 170hp, 128 t

prelude- 135hp, 142 t....si 160hp, 156 t.....srv 190hp, 158 t

ill have around 9500-10000g's to drop right off the batt

04-04-2004, 04:27 PM
Haven't read up on Honda's in a while so this might be inaccuate, but doesn't the most-recent generation Prelude run .1 or .2 faster than the GSR in the 1/4?
The SRV has less HP than the 97+ preludes, and is less attractive than the Integra imo.

I'd go for the GSR

04-04-2004, 05:01 PM
get the srv buddy!
i think its faster tahn a gsr
and it looks way better :thumbsup:

04-04-2004, 05:08 PM
the SR-V will run faster than the GS-R and faster than the newer preludes as well, stock for stock

both the top trim levels for both the integra and prelude are really nice cars, but for under 10G's they will be hard to come by.

In your range you could find a nice integra GS with leather and shit or a Prelude SR (H23 engine - great for turbo!)

either way, they're both nice cars so good luck.

04-04-2004, 05:26 PM
or maybe jeff you should stop caring what other people think and get what you want not what everyone else wants you to get

04-04-2004, 05:43 PM
i like both of those cars jared.. and its seriously come down to the point where i cant figure out which way to go man... its like picking either your left or right hand, just depends which one feels right i guess

04-04-2004, 05:46 PM
In all honesty, if you can get a nice 1996 SR-V, i'd go for it, even though I am biased. I chose my teg because it was priced right, and I think the interior looked better. I was, however, looking for a prelude - it just didn't come at the time I needed my car.

04-04-2004, 11:13 PM
srv's are more then 10gs though kidd, you should just get a integra ls or rs so you have money to put into it

04-04-2004, 11:37 PM
I would go for the lude just because of the dashboard (I love it) but like others have said, SR-V's are a little more than 10 grand, I've seen most of them 13- 15k