View Full Version : Grade School Gender Identity Issues... Are things that bad? (Mega?)

02-15-2023, 12:42 PM
Hey all, with young kids that will one day attend school, I seem to hear more and more disturbing stories about what is going on in grade school these days.

Recently a co-worker informed me that his 11 or 13 year old kids have 'Furries' in their classes or kids that believe they are animals. A letter went out to parents requesting litter boxes be put in bathrooms (no joke)

Here is an article from National Post about schools aiding gender transitions and keeping it secret from parents -


Here is an article from extremely liberal california, but I could easily see this stuff happening in BC


Now this gal is obviously a bit of a bible thumper, and you can call me old fashioned but if my teenager was at school and proclaiming they were a different gender I'd probably want to be kept in the loop on this and not have the school calling the shots.

Anyhow, just wanted to get a feel from any beyonders with kids in public school that are say, 11-18, is this becoming a real issue? Because to me it really sounds like it.

02-15-2023, 12:53 PM
Yeah it's a thing here. One of daughter's friends has her pronouns as "they".

02-15-2023, 12:55 PM
Oh ya this is interesting for sure, is it progress or encroachment pushing things

Is it a small issue or a big issue

Or it depends if you follow lw or rw things

02-15-2023, 01:02 PM
Fuck having kids in this day and age. Setting them up for mental health problems up the ying Yang.

02-15-2023, 01:07 PM
Several related questions on that post.
1) is this more common than we were young?
2) are schools "enabling" this?
3) are extreme cases common?
4) is it a problem?

Answers: yes, probably, probably not and dunno.

There certainly are more pronoun options than I remeber when I was a kid, but that doesn't really bug me.

02-15-2023, 01:08 PM
I met a person the other day whose pronouns were they/them. I said okay, and that was the end of it. I have enough of my own problems, I don't need to become a victim of something that doesn't involve me.

02-15-2023, 01:10 PM
When Nu-Metal started becoming popular, the amount of kids in Slipknot hoodies with baggy jeans and wallet chains shot up 10-fold

Good number of my high school chums have had coverups of goth tattoos and minor cosmetic surgeries to fix giant stretched out piercing holes...no ragrets

Right now, being the opposite gender from what you were born and changing your pronouns is what's popular...but I'd wager that reversing gender swapping stuff would be a little more difficult than the above...no ragrets again though

02-15-2023, 01:10 PM
Mainstreaming mental illnesses and I'm on the left.

I tried my best to explain to my nephews with humor (15 and 12 at the time re: male in class transitioning to female).
Some people might think their life is too easy and want to play on hard mode. Others just want attention.

I'm thinking this is mostly sensationalism of a fad. But that substitute trans teacher in Ontario worries me.

02-15-2023, 01:19 PM
There are a lot of fringe social policies we are pushing to mass adoption that are going to be looked at very critically by future historians.

Just like alot of social policies that were put in place “with the best intentions” that we condemn today.

Just leave me and my family out of it.

02-15-2023, 01:24 PM
This is part of the rationale for me getting off my wallet and putting our kids in private school (my first is starting school in Sept, had to write a cheque last week for this actually :cry: ).

02-15-2023, 01:24 PM
I did have a conversation with a professional in the adolescent mental health profession who said there were strong "clustering effects" meaning certain schools or regions see much more of this than others. This person had the opinion that Alberta, for whatever reason, had a much higher incidence than other parts of Canada. I did not ask for backup to that statement.

02-15-2023, 01:28 PM
There are a lot of fringe social policies we are pushing to mass adoption that are going to be looked at very critically by future historians.

Just like alot of social policies that were put in place “with the best intentions” that we condemn today.

Just leave me and my family out of it.


02-15-2023, 01:28 PM
While it is disappointing that it's affecting kids of that age, I think with a little more coordinated effort we could get that down to 3-4 year old ones through a properly structured daycare environment.

D'z Nutz
02-15-2023, 01:40 PM
I don't have kids, but have very close friends with kids in this age bracket so I hear and talk about it with them often.

My point of view is this is an age where kids are starting to explore their identities and try to figure out where they belong, and this includes gender. I feel a lot of them are actually trying to figure out who and what they are. I also feel a lot of them are doing it for the attention and "revert back" when the novelty wears off. My friend's daughter had a friend who identified as they/them. Okay, if that's how they identify, I'll go along. It was confusing as fuck when she was telling me stories about "them" as an individual and not "them" as a group of friends and I had to stop her every once in a while to ask which it was. Then one day, she started referring to this individual's pronouns as "him" and I had to stop her again to see if I was following correctly. "Oh, he's not 'they/them' anymore. He's back to 'he/him'."

Kids around age also think they know everything. Same friend's daughter has another friend who is a lesbian and she was furious about it because, according to her, you're not supposed to transition right into gay/lesbian, you're supposed to be bi-sexual first :facepalm: :rofl:

At the end of the day, I don't really care cause it's doesn't impact my life one bit so it's no skin off my back. But kids with litter boxes is fucking weird haha

Edit: I'm wondering if the litter box thing is legit cause I'm finding more articles about it being a hoax than anything. Sounds like OP's co-worker is one of those "a friend of a friend said" things.

02-15-2023, 01:41 PM
has it gone too far? Is it a problem? Yes and yes


from the article:

Linda Stone was censured by the Durham District School Board for questioning their policy of coordinating the gender transition of students without parental consent

02-15-2023, 01:57 PM
Child Me: "I don't really like mustard in my sandwich."

The World: "Tough shit. Eat it or you'll be hungry."



02-15-2023, 01:59 PM
It's actually amazing how flippantly school boards everywhere just glom onto the latest thing.

02-15-2023, 01:59 PM
I don't have kids, but have very close friends with have kids in this age bracket so I hear and talk about it with them often.

My point of view is this is an age where kids are starting to explore their identities and try to figure out where they belong, and this includes gender. I feel a lot of them are actually trying to figure out who and what they are. I also feel a lot of them are doing it for the attention and "revert back" when the novelty wears off. My friend's daughter had a friend who identified as they/them. Okay, if that's how they identify, I'll go along. It was confusing as fuck when she was telling me stories about "them" as an individual and not "them" as a group of friends and I had to stop her every once in a while to ask which it was. Then one day, she started referring to this individual's pronouns as "him" and I had to stop her again to see if I was following correctly. "Oh, he's not 'they/them' anymore. He's back to 'he/him'."

Kids around age also think they know everything. Same friend's daughter has another friend who is a lesbian and she was furious about it because, according to her, you're not supposed to transition right into gay/lesbian, you're supposed to be bi-sexual first :facepalm: :rofl:

At the end of the day, I don't really care cause it's doesn't impact my life one bit so it's no skin off my back. But kids with litter boxes is fucking weird haha

It's wild trying to keep up and the % too. when 1 goes to 2 omg that's 100% increase in they them

Thinking back to when I was a kid, it took me until grade 7 to be interested in girls but I knew early on I was definitely not into dudes.

Florida's bill aka don't say gay by the left was all the rage but really I think it was you couldn't teach the gender stuff to kids under 10.

02-15-2023, 02:00 PM
I have a theory that if parents immediately jump into this trend fully embrace the fluid furryness when the kids are just starting to explore, it will be immediately become uncool and problem solved.

It's just a theory, and I welcome any of you to test it.

02-15-2023, 02:03 PM
It's actually amazing how flippantly school boards everywhere just glom onto the latest thing.

Not really, they're just politicians with even shittier pay.

02-15-2023, 02:05 PM
Is this actually true or was it heard on a Joe Rogan podcast?

02-15-2023, 02:07 PM
If there's any outliers to the bell curve of this phenomenon, you can be sure those outliers get the bulk of the publicity.

02-15-2023, 02:07 PM
I have a theory that if parents immediately jump into this trend fully embrace the fluid furryness when the kids are just starting to explore, it will be immediately become uncool and problem solved.

It's just a theory, and I welcome any of you to test it.

Or as a parent just do it yourself! Kids always rebel against the parents... Show up at their school dressed like a dog or cat to pick them up and just squat in front of the doors and drop a deuce and piss on their friends legs. Maybe hump the principals leg or something. See how long it takes for your confused furry kid to change their mind.

02-15-2023, 02:08 PM
Few different topics seem to be coming up in this thread.

The furry / litterbox thing started as trolling when some conservative nutty parents that are scared of anything fell for a joke but made it a big enough deal to get a school board involved. It's also used as a form of argmentum ad absurdum when people discuss gender identities. Ex. If so and so can identify as something non-traditional then it means anyone can identify as an animal! It's quite a stupid topic continuing to be proliferated by people trying to gaslight discussions around trans kids.

The pronoun argument seems to be a topic a lot like to make fun of. It's funny that when most of you grew up there was no concern about having nicknames or preferred names. Don't call me Jim, everyone uses Jimmy. Call me Steve not Stephen, etc. No one batted an eye but now if someone says they want to be referred to as they instead of she adults seem to have to make a big deal of it. Ironically kids seem to realize it doesn't really matter and manage to use proper nicknames and references just fine. Adults seem stuck on the 'their generation is ruining the world' mentality. The same one their grand parents said about them.

02-15-2023, 02:14 PM
Few different topics seem to be coming up in this thread.

The furry / litterbox thing started as trolling when some conservative nutty parents that are scared of anything fell for a joke but made it a big enough deal to get a school board involved. It's also used as a form of argmentum ad absurdum when people discuss gender identities. Ex. If so and so can identify as something non-traditional then it means anyone can identify as an animal! It's quite a stupid topic continuing to be proliferated by people trying to gaslight discussions around trans kids.

The pronoun argument seems to be a topic a lot like to make fun of. It's funny that when most of you grew up there was no concern about having nicknames or preferred names. Don't call me Jim, everyone uses Jimmy. Call me Steve not Stephen, etc. No one batted an eye but now if someone says they want to be referred to as they instead of she adults seem to have to make a big deal of it. Ironically kids seem to realize it doesn't really matter and manage to use proper nicknames and references just fine. Adults seem stuck on the 'their generation is ruining the world' mentality. The same one their grand parents said about them.

I think you are missing that most people here just don't give a fuck about trans or not trans... What they give a fuck about is forcing others to conform to and force perspectives without consultation of parental rights. It is creating division and confusion in more areas rather than eliminating it.

And side note... Unless you are new to Beyond, and you are not of course, then you know this is exactly how every single issue goes here... Make the claim, rip it apart and start derailing with a ton of sarcasm and dark laughs while eventually coming around to and squeezing in some legit points. It is a recipe that works and helps us all get through our days full of stupid societal shit happening everywhere.

02-15-2023, 02:17 PM
a school board trustee being banned because they questioned school boards keeping secrets from parents is all you need to know if it's gone too far.

How in the $$#%#% is this deemed okay?

My kid has needed 100 permission slips in school where most of the time your left wondering why their wasting their time. For ex I had to sign something for an in school field trip one year... they were just going to the gym and they felt we needed to sign a permission slip.

Now a kid can pick a new gender, new name and new pro nouns and the parents don't need to be informed? Help this make sense.

02-15-2023, 02:22 PM
Or as a parent just do it yourself! Kids always rebel against the parents... Show up at their school dressed like a dog or cat to pick them up and just squat in front of the doors and drop a deuce and piss on their friends legs. Maybe hump the principals leg or something. See how long it takes for your confused furry kid to change their mind.

This is exactly my theory. FULLY embrace it, hump their principal, bite their friends, make them take you to the vet, get neutered etc.
Be a furry of focus, of commitment, of sheer fucking will.

02-15-2023, 02:23 PM
My niece is in Jr. High and went through a stint of this last year, she had a few friends that declared themselves trans, bi, started dressing in opposite genders clothes, etc. and it leached onto her.

Told my sister kids are idiots and don't know who they are at that age, going off whatever they watch on youtube and social media, give it some time and she'll move on from it.

As of today my niece dresses like a girly girl, has a boyfriend and doesn't talk about any of that business.

Kids are idiots.

02-15-2023, 02:24 PM
Has anyone with kids in school, heard of a furry identity in thier own child's school?
Like not on some podcast or shock news but real firsthand knowledge?

I think the furry thing is a distraction from worthwhile discussions about situations that truly exist.

02-15-2023, 02:30 PM
Has anyone with kids in school, heard of a furry identity in thier own child's school?
Like not on some podcast or shock news but real firsthand knowledge?

I think the furry thing is a distraction from worthwhile discussions about situations that truly exist.

My kid had a friend at school decide they were furry... I think it lasted all of about 23 minutes... That kid also went from her/she to he/him and back as well as a few other pronounny things. Eventually she/her (authorized pronoun these days) is a full time chick with boyfriend and is no longer confused.

It's not a distraction... It is an example of how kids who are confused about who they are as people can end up even more confused and fucked up by the realities we are trying to set. The point is I think as a society we have mostly moved to a point of pretty much overall acceptance of the trans/gay/straight things but that in trying to prove we are accepting, things are getting pushed way too far simply for that proof and it is going so far now as to creating issues where none need to be.

02-15-2023, 02:31 PM
As soon as someone I'm talking to says "these are my pronouns". I'll immediately walk the fuck away.

I asked my son last night if they're preaching gender identities at his school. He said no. Then I asked him how many genders there are. He said 2.

Then we went for blizzards at DQ like men.

02-15-2023, 02:34 PM
Has anyone with kids in school, heard of a furry identity in thier own child's school?
Like not on some podcast or shock news but real firsthand knowledge?

I think the furry thing is a distraction from worthwhile discussions about situations that truly exist.

I heard this verbatim from a coworker several days ago. In Calgary, As I said in the original post. He was completely flabbergasted at the whole thing

D'z Nutz
02-15-2023, 02:36 PM
Is this actually true or was it heard on a Joe Rogan podcast?

I wouldn't know. Joe Rogan identifies as someone who is funny and that I refuse to recognize.

02-15-2023, 02:43 PM
I heard this verbatim from a coworker several days ago. In Calgary, As I said in the original post. He was completely flabbergasted at the whole thing

It's not true.

02-15-2023, 02:45 PM
my co workers family member teaches grade 5 he has 5 different pro nouns to remember right now. Ouch.

02-15-2023, 02:46 PM
I wouldn't know. Joe Rogan identifies as someone who is funny and that I refuse to recognize.

Joe Rogan used to have hair and make people eat insects :rofl:

02-15-2023, 02:51 PM

02-15-2023, 02:52 PM
Joe Rogan used to have hair and make people eat insects :rofl:In one bizarre episode, the finalists had to eat a bulls penis warmed over a fire... No joke. It was uncomfortable as fuck to watch! lol

edit - Just found it on YouTube haha! Deer, elk and bull penises...


02-15-2023, 03:11 PM
As soon as someone I'm talking to says "these are my pronouns". I'll immediately walk the fuck away.

I asked my son last night if they're preaching gender identities at his school. He said no. Then I asked him how many genders there are. He said 2.

Then we went for blizzards at DQ like men.

LoL, I love that! Like, a lot...
Want to try that second hand smoking thing Disoblige was talking about???

02-15-2023, 03:14 PM
My kid had a friend at school decide they were furry... I think it lasted all of about 23 minutes... That kid also went from her/she to he/him and back as well as a few other pronounny things. Eventually she/her (authorized pronoun these days) is a full time chick with boyfriend and is no longer confused.

So a kid joked about it over a lunch recess is what you're saying. That's hardly the real issue you're making it out to be.

02-15-2023, 03:15 PM
LoL, I love that! Like, a lot...
Want to try that second hand smoking thing Disoblige was talking about???

Second hand smoke thing?

02-15-2023, 03:18 PM
So a kid joked about it over a lunch recess is what you're saying. That's hardly the real issue you're making it out to be.I never said furries are a huge issue... I made some facetious remarks about furries alluding to the larger general issue as a whole. My apologies if that did not come across to you.

02-15-2023, 03:19 PM

why litter box tho? three seashells type shit?

02-15-2023, 03:24 PM
This is part of the rationale for me getting off my wallet and putting our kids in private school (my first is starting school in Sept, had to write a cheque last week for this actually :cry: ).

Congratulations. The amount of accountability you just paid for should mean tears of joy. :)

02-15-2023, 03:28 PM
This is part of the rationale for me getting off my wallet and putting our kids in private school (my first is starting school in Sept, had to write a cheque last week for this actually :cry: ).

Which did you go with? Can pm if more comfortable

02-15-2023, 03:35 PM
My kid had a friend at school decide they were furry... I think it lasted all of about 23 minutes... That kid also went from her/she to he/him and back as well as a few other pronounny things. Eventually she/her (authorized pronoun these days) is a full time chick with boyfriend and is no longer confused.

It's not a distraction... It is an example of how kids who are confused about who they are as people can end up even more confused and fucked up by the realities we are trying to set. The point is I think as a society we have mostly moved to a point of pretty much overall acceptance of the trans/gay/straight things but that in trying to prove we are accepting, things are getting pushed way too far simply for that proof and it is going so far now as to creating issues where none need to be.

Nice bob

Also. Y’all follow libs of tik tok? It’s good stuff

02-15-2023, 03:47 PM
Nice bob

Also. Y’all follow libs of tik tok? It’s good stuff

I do not tik or tok... lol! too much the boomer in me I think. FB and IG take enough of a toll on my sanity to add even more to that heady brew.

02-15-2023, 03:49 PM
Here’s a sample lol https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1625856676715982848?s=46&t=AmNZ1WytTRu7D1fCR-36CQ

- - - Updated - - -

We should start a post op thread too. Smash or pass lol there’s some good looking conversions out there aha

02-15-2023, 03:56 PM
Second hand smoke thing?


PM if more comfortable.

02-15-2023, 04:03 PM
Few different topics seem to be coming up in this thread.

The furry / litterbox thing started as trolling when some conservative nutty parents that are scared of anything fell for a joke but made it a big enough deal to get a school board involved. It's also used as a form of argmentum ad absurdum when people discuss gender identities. Ex. If so and so can identify as something non-traditional then it means anyone can identify as an animal! It's quite a stupid topic continuing to be proliferated by people trying to gaslight discussions around trans kids.

The pronoun argument seems to be a topic a lot like to make fun of. It's funny that when most of you grew up there was no concern about having nicknames or preferred names. Don't call me Jim, everyone uses Jimmy. Call me Steve not Stephen, etc. No one batted an eye but now if someone says they want to be referred to as they instead of she adults seem to have to make a big deal of it. Ironically kids seem to realize it doesn't really matter and manage to use proper nicknames and references just fine. Adults seem stuck on the 'their generation is ruining the world' mentality. The same one their grand parents said about them.

You're missing the point.

Having nicknames for friends growing up and schools hiding your kids desire or want (however temporarily) to transition to a different sex is not the same thing

- - - Updated - - -

I met a person the other day whose pronouns were they/them. I said okay, and that was the end of it. I have enough of my own problems, I don't need to become a victim of something that doesn't involve me.

Meeting a full grown adult who uses different pronouns, as an adult, is not even remotely close to what this conversation is about.

02-15-2023, 04:17 PM
three seashells type shit?

Pun intended? Laughed regardless :D

02-15-2023, 04:22 PM
We should start a post op thread too. Smash or pass lol there’s some good looking conversions out there aha

Post? PM me if more comfortable.

Meeting a full grown adult who uses different pronouns, as an adult, is not even remotely close to what this conversation is about.

You believe that people want to shit in litter boxes. This conversation was fuck from the word go.

02-15-2023, 04:26 PM
Lol just realized one member is SKR and the other SJW

02-15-2023, 04:51 PM
My kid had a friend at school decide they were furry... I think it lasted all of about 23 minutes... That kid also went from her/she to he/him and back as well as a few other pronounny things. Eventually she/her (authorized pronoun these days) is a full time chick with boyfriend and is no longer confused.

It's not a distraction... It is an example of how kids who are confused about who they are as people can end up even more confused and fucked up by the realities we are trying to set. The point is I think as a society we have mostly moved to a point of pretty much overall acceptance of the trans/gay/straight things but that in trying to prove we are accepting, things are getting pushed way too far simply for that proof and it is going so far now as to creating issues where none need to be.

I think you're conflating the general acceptance of trans/gay/straight identities with the human desire to push limits. The former is a great thing. I had a trans teenager in my boxing gym and I was admittedly shocked at how accepting everyone at the gym was. Back when I was that age, I can't say we (myself included) would have been nearly that accepting of it all. The progress people in general have made is remarkable.

Unfortunately, there will always be people who push the envelope but that's no different than any other societal niche. There are outliers in all sub-cultures. Some do it because they legitimately feel that way, some do for the attention or as a fad. I don't think it's a societal problem that we're being "too accepting" and we're just adding to the confusion by doing so.

D'z Nutz
02-15-2023, 05:07 PM
In one bizarre episode, the finalists had to eat a bulls penis warmed over a fire... No joke. It was uncomfortable as fuck to watch! lol

edit - Just found it on YouTube haha! Deer, elk and bull penises...


But did they identify as does or cows?

02-15-2023, 05:15 PM
I think you're conflating the general acceptance of trans/gay/straight identities with the human desire to push limits. The former is a great thing. I had a trans teenager in my boxing gym and I was admittedly shocked at how accepting everyone at the gym was. Back when I was that age, I can't say we (myself included) would have been nearly that accepting of it all. The progress people in general have made is remarkable.

Unfortunately, there will always be people who push the envelope but that's no different than any other societal niche. There are outliers in all sub-cultures. Some do it because they legitimately feel that way, some do for the attention or as a fad. I don't think it's a societal problem that we're being "too accepting" and we're just adding to the confusion by doing so.

Some valid remarks no doubt...

02-15-2023, 05:21 PM
Recently a co-worker informed me that his 11 or 13 year old kids have 'Furries' in their classes or kids that believe they are animals. A letter went out to parents requesting litter boxes be put in bathrooms (no joke)


Everything else aside, your coworker listens to too much Joe Rogan and/or Facebook posts, and is also a liar. The litter box thing was a huge joke last year in the US.




02-15-2023, 05:27 PM
Lol just realized one member is SKR and the other SJW

Yeah, I hate that… would be nice if one of them would identify as something else :rofl:

02-15-2023, 05:29 PM
Everything else aside, your coworker listens to too much Joe Rogan and/or Facebook posts, and is also a liar. The litter box thing was a huge joke last year in the US.



I'd prefer litter boxes over that dude with the Double-K tits stapled on teaching woodshop.
That's real. That's in school.

But we need to listen to more teenagers regarding life-changing decisions. Let's take the horniest group on earth and severely limit their access to sex, then, take their advice on Global Environmental Policy and Cock Saws.

But, let's still not let them smoke, vote, drink or get tattoos because they're not ready.

Those are my feelings.

02-15-2023, 06:14 PM
Your feelings are ugly and wrong.

02-15-2023, 06:26 PM
Your feelings are ugly and wrong.

Took a lot of editing to get that out...

02-15-2023, 08:41 PM
Took a lot of editing to get that out...

I kept trying to link the video but I could only find it on some stupid fucking thing that wouldn't link.

- - - Updated - - -

Something called yarn.

02-15-2023, 09:07 PM
Grindr bought yarn, so....
Just sayin.

02-16-2023, 11:43 AM
Everything else aside, your coworker listens to too much Joe Rogan and/or Facebook posts, and is also a liar. The litter box thing was a huge joke last year in the US.




Whether or not this was a lie, the fact that furries even exist and kids are being allowed to pretend to be animals, is still a cause for massive concern.

Really in the end shit like that takes away from any things actual trans people struggle with and are trying to gain acceptance on.

- - - Updated - - -

I'd prefer litter boxes over that dude with the Double-K tits stapled on teaching woodshop.
That's real. That's in school.

But we need to listen to more teenagers regarding life-changing decisions. Let's take the horniest group on earth and severely limit their access to sex, then, take their advice on Global Environmental Policy and Cock Saws.

But, let's still not let them smoke, vote, drink or get tattoos because they're not ready.

Those are my feelings.

This is it right here. Kids are finding access to hormone blockers etc, and sometimes encouraged by these ultra left teachers. Like many inthis thread some kids do shit like this and 3 months later are back to normal. Imagine hormone blocking a kid that was just going through a period of uncertainty. That's what concerns me.

And while I hope the pendulum slowly swings back to the middle, for the past decade it just gets further and further to the left.

02-16-2023, 12:02 PM
Just look to the media and how celebrated Dylan mulvaney and Sam smith are etc. :D

02-16-2023, 01:01 PM
should split the furries discussion to a new thread. If your a parent and don't know your kids dressing that way your obviously oblivious.

A school keeping a kids gender, new name or pro nouns a secret is really the most important discussion as it seems school boards in alberta and Ontario seem to think secrecy is the best choice for our kids.

02-16-2023, 01:04 PM
should split the furries discussion to a new thread.
In addition to a school nurse, is there a school vet now?

02-16-2023, 01:24 PM
Wished my parent's hormone dosed me.
Hello pro athlete career.

02-16-2023, 02:25 PM
Wished my parent's hormone dosed me.
Hello pro athlete career.

Or if your parents kept you off pop and away from jobs you'd have time to learn to perfect multiple sports.

02-16-2023, 03:59 PM
"Learn to perfect" sounds so much cooler if you don't pronounce it as "learn to perfect".

02-16-2023, 09:54 PM
Learn to perfect or you are fuck.

02-17-2023, 09:41 AM
Mr. Perfect doesn't share the same ring as Mr. Perfect


02-17-2023, 09:46 AM
Mr. Perfect doesn't share the same ring as Mr. Perfect


Wasn't he in a Tag Team with The Genius?
I knew that The Genius was Macho Man's brother long before most people did.

*Every thread is "claim to fame" thread

02-17-2023, 09:57 AM
Yeah, I hate that… would be nice if one of them would identify as something else :rofl:

Maybe a fight to the death?