View Full Version : In topsy turvy land, the NDP asks conservatives for tax cuts to improve the economy

03-04-2023, 10:20 AM

Sask. NDP asks province to scrap PST on construction projects
NDP Leader Carla Beck said extra taxes are making Saskatchewan uncompetitive, arguing the province should be booming.

Jeremy Simes
Published Mar 02, 2023

The Saskatchewan NDP has joined municipalities in asking the provincial government scrap the PST on construction projects, arguing it is stalling economic activity when the province should be booming.

Alongside NDP infrastructure critic Trent Wotherspoon on Thursday, leader Carla Beck said the tax has increased project costs, contributed to delays and has resulted in municipalities raising taxes.

“It also makes us not competitive with jurisdictions, like Alberta,” Beck told reporters. “As Trent said, this is a province that should be booming. When you look at our natural resources, when you look at potash, those capital dollars are crucial. And they will go elsewhere if we’re not competitive.”

In 2017, the provincial government introduced the PST on construction and other service contracts as a measure that was meant to help balance the budget, projecting it would bring in $325 million in revenue.

At the time, municipalities, contractors and homebuilder groups slammed it as draconian, and have since asked the government to scrap it.

The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) has said that while they’re grateful for provincial grants, they believe not having a PST on construction would allow them to better spend the dollars.

For example, the City of Yorkton paid nearly $1 million in PST on infrastructure projects in 2021. Likewise, Prince Albert paid $2.8 million.

Those dollars could be used on a new recreation facility or upgrading roads, according to SUMA president Randy Goulden, but have instead become budget line items.

“What would be beneficial is for these dollars to go to other things that are absolutely necessary in the community,” said Goulden in an interview on Thursday. “We appreciate the revenue sharing, but we’re very concerned about the PST on construction.”

A study from SUMA found that medium-sized cities have returned 24-39 per cent of their total municipal revenue sharing grant back to the province in the form of PST on construction projects.

The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities has also asked the government to remove the PST on construction contracts because it led to higher costs.

Kevin Dureau, a CEO with the Saskatchewan Construction Association, echoed the need to remove the PST to help with competitiveness, but added that the carbon tax, inflation and supply chain issues have also caused strains.

Beck described the measure as a “gut punch to growth.”

“If you ask me, if you ask business leaders and municipal leaders, this is a government that seems more interested in flashy headlines than actually investing in our communities,” she said.

A spokesperson from Premier Scott Moe’s office said in an email that PST helps fund programs and that municipalities benefit through various forms of revenue sharing.

As well, the spokesperson said Saskatchewan needs to be “mindful in not creating an unsustainable expense base, because we know resource revenue can be volatile.”

Moe has long argued that Saskatchewan’s economy is growing, pointing to the province’s low unemployment rate, as well as a yearly increase in exports, building permit values and retail trade.

Moe has also made note of various potash and agriculture projects on the horizon.

The NDP, however, argues Saskatchewan’s economy isn’t doing as hot as Moe makes it out to be.

Beck has pointed to figures that show Saskatchewan has been at the bottom in employment growth and GDP growth. She has also showed figures that state average building permit values in the province are down when compared to other provinces.

Wotherspoon said removing the tax would be one measure to help economic activity increase.

He said the PST the province would forgo would be offset by more people working and moving to the province.

“The choice to add the PST to construction labour was a mistake from day one, the epitome of a job killing tax that stuck our economy in the ditch,” he said.

Beck said “we need to get back to common sense in this province,” adding that the government needs to listen to local industry and municipal leaders.

[email protected]

I don't have any thoughts on this, other than noting the hilarity of the Sask Party bringing in a tax to distribute wealth and the NDP wanting to get rid of it to encourage investment.

03-04-2023, 10:40 AM
Saskatchewan has always been a silly place.

03-04-2023, 10:48 AM

03-04-2023, 11:01 AM
Sask thinking PST is the reason people don’t want to live / building there while conveniently forgetting they are in fact talking about people wanting to be in Sask.

03-04-2023, 11:05 AM
I'm perfectly fine with people not wanting to come here. Keep the cactus club lunatics in the cities where they belong.

03-08-2023, 10:32 PM
Sask thinking PST is the reason people don’t want to live / building there while conveniently forgetting they are in fact talking about people wanting to be in Sask.

I've been trying to move back to Saskatoon for years but was cock blocked by my wife who grew up there and is glad to be in Alberta.

03-08-2023, 10:44 PM
I've been trying to move back to Saskatoon for years but was cock blocked by my wife who grew up there and is glad to be in Alberta.

She must've blown a lot of dudes there if she can't even fathom the idea of living in a place where she'd constantly be bumping into dudes whose cum she gargled.
A lot!
This is the most plausible explanation.

03-09-2023, 07:45 AM
This is actually a very good idea, im just shocked that the NDP came up with it.

03-09-2023, 09:13 AM
I've been trying to move back to Saskatoon for years but was cock blocked by my wife who grew up there and is glad to be in Alberta.

But… why? Saskatoon is not a nice place. It’s basically just like a smaller, shittier Calgary, with worse weather.

03-09-2023, 09:25 AM
But… why? Saskatoon is not a nice place. It’s basically just like a smaller, shittier Calgary, with worse weather.

I was just about to say this. Of all the places that would be great to live in Sask, Saskatoon and Regina are at the bottom of that list. With Regina being slightly lower than Saskatoon.

03-09-2023, 09:34 AM
I was just about to say this. Of all the places that would be great to live in Sask, Saskatoon and Regina are at the bottom of that list. With Regina being slightly lower than Saskatoon.


03-09-2023, 10:19 AM
I was just about to say this. Of all the places that would be great to live in Sask, Saskatoon and Regina are at the bottom of that list. With Regina being slightly lower than Saskatoon.

Please spread this to all your friends and people who are considering moving here.

03-09-2023, 11:11 AM
I was just about to say this. Of all the places that would be great to live in Sask, Saskatoon and Regina are at the bottom of that list. With Regina being slightly lower than Saskatoon.

Idk if I agree with this. If I had to move to Saskatchewan, I’d probably pick Saskatoon. My post is just a reflection of how undesirable that province is.

03-10-2023, 08:50 AM
But… why? Saskatoon is not a nice place. It’s basically just like a smaller, shittier Calgary, with worse weather.

I lived there for 5 years and loved it. I think its a super nice place as long as you stay on the east side or in the gentrified sections of the west side. And the weather may suck but at least its predictable and doesn't change every 5 minutes. They have defined seasons, do you know how nice that is?! Calgary is close to mountains, Saskatoon is close to lakes so thats kind of a wash. Overall it just feels a lot more relaxed and laid back compared to lots of other places I've lived.

I was just about to say this. Of all the places that would be great to live in Sask, Saskatoon and Regina are at the bottom of that list. With Regina being slightly lower than Saskatoon.
Found the Yorkton kid

03-10-2023, 10:07 AM
I lived there for 5 years and loved it. I think its a super nice place as long as you stay on the east side or in the gentrified sections of the west side. And the weather may suck but at least its predictable and doesn't change every 5 minutes. They have defined seasons, do you know how nice that is?! Calgary is close to mountains, Saskatoon is close to lakes so thats kind of a wash. Overall it just feels a lot more relaxed and laid back compared to lots of other places I've lived.

I didn't like it there at all. I liked visiting there and thought I'd like living there, but no. Drivers in that town could suck the fun out of Bozo. I pretty much just went to work and then back home again because I hated having to be on the road with those people. I heard something about Medicine Hat nurses being DTF so I moved back.

03-10-2023, 11:06 AM

Calgary sounds awesome.

03-10-2023, 11:12 AM
But… why? Saskatoon is not a nice place. It’s basically just like a smaller, shittier Calgary, with worse weather.

This description is unfairly kind to Saskatoon.

Saskatoon is just like a smaller, shittier Winnipeg, with worse weather.

03-15-2023, 09:08 AM
This description is unfairly kind to Saskatoon.

Saskatoon is just like a smaller, shittier Winnipeg, with worse weather.

Do you know how I know you've never been to either city for any longer than half a day?

03-15-2023, 09:19 AM
Do you know how I know you've never been to either city for any longer than half a day?

Just add it to the list of things they THINK they're an authority on (spoiler alert, it's absolutely everything).

03-15-2023, 09:24 AM
I've always had a good time in Saskatoon when I was there. Haven't spent much time in Regina...but that first impression wasn't great.

I've spent plenty of time in Winnipeg on account of my wife being from there. I hate that place.

03-15-2023, 09:32 AM
Regina sucks, even the people who live there think so haha

Never been to Winnipeg.

03-15-2023, 09:33 AM
Regina sucks, even the people who live there think so haha

Never been to Winnipeg.

Winnipeg is like being in the bad part of Calgary, but that's all it is.

03-15-2023, 09:40 AM
I have only spent a few weekends in Saskatoon but really enjoyed myself there. I would live there easy enough I think.

03-15-2023, 09:51 AM
Went to Saskatoon a couple of weeks ago, damn Sask is flat.

Saskatoon was nice I guess. Very small.

03-15-2023, 09:59 AM
Saskatoon is one of many places that are under my "Nice to visit, wouldn't live there" list

Anyone who actually enjoying driving should definitely avoid it. I've never experienced so many potholes in my life.

03-15-2023, 10:12 AM
Saskatoon is one of many places that are under my "Nice to visit, wouldn't live there" list

Anyone who actually enjoying driving should definitely avoid it. I've never experienced so many potholes in my life.

*laughs in edmonton*

03-15-2023, 11:34 AM
Do you know how I know you've never been to either city for any longer than half a day?

Go on.