View Full Version : Why I'm personally sick of gay/trans jokes - Pride month 2023

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06-05-2023, 11:45 AM
So, I'm sick of gay and trans jokes, specifically, and since it's Pride month, these jokes have really ramped up, and it's been bothering me. I am a pretty open book on this forum, sometimes maybe more than I should be. I thought maybe explaining why I find them tiresome might be useful.

I'm not particularly "woke", and up till recently, I wasn't even particularly educated about the issues facing persons of diverse gender identity. I'm working to learn because this has become very personal to me. One of my children has "come out" to us as non-binary, and around the same time, it came to my attention separately that they were at significant risk of self-harm due to depression. The data is pretty clear that trans individuals have a massively higher suicide rate than cis-gendered persons. The data doesn't break out non-binary as granularly from what I can tell, but the whole trend is very concerning to me, on a very personal level.

Now one of the foundations of humor is some element of offensiveness or transgression. Much humor IS offensive, and it's easy to go over a line. I don't consider myself easily offended by "a joke". What's been bothering me lately is that it's not "a joke", but it's a constant, repetitive and tiresome effort to insert jokes about gender, identity and sexuality in EVERY discussion. It's a pattern, it's unnecessary, and I think it causes harm to people when it's so constant, because while most people can shrug off occasional jokes, hearing something like this multiple times a day, for months, or perhaps for your whole life, cannot help by impact your mental health. It diminishes something that you consider central to your own identity. On top of all that, it shows you really need to learn some more jokes.

I also realized that one of my closest friends is a real staunch "there's only two genders and I can pull down your pants and tell you which one you are" kind of dude. And that means for the safety and mental health of my child, I probably can't have that person around my child. That's sad to me, I don't have so many friends that I can lose one easily. My kid offered me a non-binary pride pin. I accepted it, but I realized that I'm too much of a coward to wear it out in public. Me a straight white middle aged man is afraid to wear a pin, because I'm worried about people judging me, mocking me, or having uncomfortable conversations with me. Being a teen is tough and frightening already. If I'm scared to wear a pin about it, how scary would it be to BE it?

Worrying about my kid's risk of suicide wears me down. This is on top of the medical (breathing) issues and learning disability issues we've been dealing in our family for years. As you can imagine, this takes up a lot of my mental energy, every single day, and it makes me tired.

So I was the guy who neg repped a member for making one of these jokes recently. I don't plan on making neg rep a habit, I try really hard to look on the positive side of life and to spread positivity as much as I can.

Happy Pride month everyone. Those of you who make jokes about it and consider it "problem for someone else" should realize just how lucky you are.

06-05-2023, 11:54 AM
It doesn't sound like you are sick of funny gay/trans jokes, just unfunny ones.

Which is a perfectly appropriate approach.

06-05-2023, 11:54 AM
I'm with ya buddy, big supporter of letting people live their lives, and often think people are taking the jokes/discussion to far. it's getting old and tired.

I will openly wear whatever pin is given to me, hat shirt, don't give a fuck lol. Would prefer to stir the shit up and find out whos a piece of shit to be honest. I often check my friends for the way they talk about things on these subjects too.

I have family members in the community, and my wife is deeply tied to it with work so that even further influenced me to support it.

..that said some of the budlight memes were pretty funny.. :angel:

06-05-2023, 11:56 AM
Online there's a lot of insecure people that need to 'jokingly' attack any topic they aren't comfortable with. A lot of it is hypocritical too, if William asks to go by Bill and no one says a thing but if someone asks if you can say they instead of he people throw a tantrum. Same thing but online has bred people to be offended by one of those and not the other.

Kids are hard as we all, everyone goes through phases growing up. Lots of kids had all sorts of goth, emo, rockstar, frat boy, etc. For some people those phases stick and they enjoy their lives, and some people it doesn't but in the end what does it matter to you. Kids are kids and most turn out just fine regardless.

Let them live their lives before they become adults and capitalism crushes their souls. It's weird how much certain groups feel the need to attack other peoples choices nowadays.

06-05-2023, 11:58 AM
My personal opinion is everyone should have the opportunity to be happy and if part of that is being trans/bi/non binary or anything else, I personally don’t think that hurts or harms anyone else and as such shouldn’t be an issue.

06-05-2023, 12:01 PM
My personal opinion is everyone should have the opportunity to be happy and if part of that is being trans/bi/non binary or anything else, I personally don’t think that hurts or harms anyone else and as such shouldn’t be an issue.

Until you get into the "who, who does not want to wear the Ribbon?!" situation and by not wanting to participate in gay pride events, or wear the pins, or wear the shirts, means you're a bigot.

06-05-2023, 12:01 PM
You can't swing a cat nowadays without hitting some kind of non-binary/trans teenager. Usually a girl.

The interesting discussion here is the idea of social contagion, especially amongst teenage girls...of which the trans/non-binary thing is just simply a recent manifestation.

06-05-2023, 12:05 PM
Until you get into the "who, who does not want to wear the Ribbon?!" situation and by not wanting to participate in gay pride events, or wear the pins, or wear the shirts, means you're a bigot.

Would you consider the hockey jersey fiasco as one of those situations?

06-05-2023, 12:14 PM
I do like how a lot of biological women are all of a sudden bi sexual. That’s nice

06-05-2023, 12:18 PM
I personally don't care either way and people can do whatever the hell they want.

Where I start having issues is when people want to start pushing their agendas and opinions onto me and that is where I draw the line.

Personally there are no good jokes that about this topic and most that people say are puns.

This thread also makes me feel like Extraslow is one of those drivers with the "Fuck Your Stick Families" sticker on the back ;)

06-05-2023, 12:19 PM
Personally there are no good jokes that about this topic and most that people say are puns.

Dave Chapelle says hi

06-05-2023, 12:20 PM
Dave Chapelle says hi

Dave Chapelle is not only an idiot but not funny either.

06-05-2023, 12:20 PM
I give you a ton of credit for this post.
Good for you and its appreciated.

I have a fair number of gay friends, and colleagues.
The resounding statement they all make is they all wish the pride and LGBTQ awareness wasn't pushed down everyone's throats.
If its constantly in everyone's face people get sick of hearing about it and thus rebel against it.

Does their need to be awareness of the societal pressures and discrimination faced by groups like this? Absolutely.
Does it need to be rammed down everyone's throats online, media etc? No.

What is the answer? I'm not sure...

As Buster said, kids these days see having a pronoun as a right of passage or essentially a "must".
I have a much younger cousin currently going to high school and the peer pressure to adopt a pronoun, change gender or be "different" in some way is astounding.
There is no such thing as just being a "normal kid" anymore.
This same pressure is corroborated by my sister who is a psychologist / guidance counsellor in a high school on the island.

The pendulum has swung so far the other way that its creating a whole new subset of issues.
Its not only fascinating, its unfortunate as there is a whole new subset of people who are now the ones being discriminated against.

06-05-2023, 12:21 PM
Dave Chapelle is not only an idiot but not funny either.


06-05-2023, 12:22 PM
Okay but on a serious note don’t disagree with anything you said extraslow bro. My gf is big on the LGBTQIA’s community and pride month is huge for her so it also influences me heavily. I’ve never been one to wear any pins or anything like that but will be attending things with her and I do enjoy going to twisted element, it’s a fun place.

06-05-2023, 12:26 PM
Dave Chapelle is not only an idiot but not funny either.

How about Hanna Gadsby?

06-05-2023, 12:29 PM
How about Hanna Gadsby?

No clue who that even is :dunno:

06-05-2023, 12:31 PM
On the free speech front, and the NHL jersey fiasco, my fundamental stance is that there needs to be freedom from compelled speech. That's been upheld in court case at times, but it seems to be not widely accepted.

I did have a medical professional tell me that there is a strong "clustering" effect for trans and non-binary identifying in teens. Apparently it's much more common in Alberta compared to other provinces. Weird.
I'm certainly not unbiased here. Glad to spark a conversation. I find it much easier to be fully open in writing vs face to face.

06-05-2023, 12:34 PM
I have a much younger cousin currently going to high school and the peer pressure to adopt a pronoun, change gender or be "different" in some way is astounding.
There is no such thing as just being a "normal kid" anymore.
This same pressure is corroborated by my sister who is a psychologist / guidance counsellor in a high school on the island.

The pendulum has swung so far the other way that its creating a whole new subset of issues.
Its not only fascinating, its unfortunate as there is a whole new subset of people who are now the ones being discriminated against.

Let me make sure I'm understanding this. If a kid didn't want to use pronouns, they would be peer-pressured into identifying as 'something'? As in, the idea of that kid having the mentality of 'let me live my own life how I want to without judgement' is being taken away from them?

Fuck me and the irony of that.

06-05-2023, 12:40 PM
Let me make sure I'm understanding this. If a kid didn't want to use pronouns, they would be peer-pressured into identifying as 'something'? As in, the idea of that kid having the mentality of 'let me live my own life how I want to without judgement' is being taken away from them?

Fuck me and the irony of that.


06-05-2023, 12:40 PM
I go around yelling gay pride as much as I go around yelling straight pride. IDGAF what you want to be called. If I don't jump on your ship, don't fuck with me, because you haven't jumped on my ship either.

Live and let live.

06-05-2023, 12:44 PM
On the free speech front, and the NHL jersey fiasco, my fundamental stance is that there needs to be freedom from compelled speech. That's been upheld in court case at times, but it seems to be not widely accepted.

I did have a medical professional tell me that there is a strong "clustering" effect for trans and non-binary identifying in teens. Apparently it's much more common in Alberta compared to other provinces. Weird.
I'm certainly not unbiased here. Glad to spark a conversation. I find it much easier to be fully open in writing vs face to face.

The answer is that transgender is one of two things: an innate quality, or the result of social contagion.

given what we know about social contagion on other contexts, especially with teenage girls, it is highly likely that a very small percentage of girls who currently identify as trans have it as an innate quality. Rather, it is likely more a result of their social environment.

06-05-2023, 12:56 PM
Live and let live.

This is how I roll except if you are a deer. You're gonna die come fall.

06-05-2023, 12:59 PM
Luckily these days you look like an idiot in our society if you don't support being LGBTIQA+.

There is going to be a ton of hate, but there is also a lot of support. But yeah, I can see how kids these days are scared. ES you gotta "man up" and wear the pin. Why you so worried about what others think? Stop being a wuss and support your kid.

Your kid has more balls than you.


06-05-2023, 01:00 PM
I like to think you know me and that I am the one of the least judgemental about people and gay and trans and any other way someone wants/have to live their lives and be comfortable in their skin, so please do not think this is any kind of judgement as much as thought and observations on what you are seeing and experiencing in the current world around us.

While this kind of lowbrow attempt at humour has always been around, I think what you are seeing is more of a backlash to the other side of this where the "woke" mindset is undeniably aggressive about their pursuit of inclusiveness, to the point of being exclusive of any opinion outside of it's own. Again, I am not saying they is good, bad or otherwise. I am just saying it should be expected as with anything when anyone of a different opinion does not feel heard, they will almost always escalate.

My point to that is more one that you should not be "offended" as much as you should be aware, and you should always be prepared to evaluate and defend your position(s) and not be afraid to disagree or be disagreed with. If you feel strongly about any aspects you should be willing to have uncomfortable discussions, which I think for the most part you are, at least in my observations about you have shown.

Now this all being said, you touched upon a very important aspect, which is mental health. I think one of the very best things we can do as parents to constantly reinforce in our children self confidence and that because the world is not always fair and full of varying opinions, they need to know that it is okay to be different and outside the norm and also that is okay for other people to not agree. I think the biggest problem with the woke movement as we know it is the expectation that everyone needs to be celebratory for someone else's lives and how they live them even if they are not in agreement rather than simply being tolerant of differences. Both sides of that argument need to be tolerant and that does not seem the be the case currently. When something is presented as one sided with zero understanding of another's views, the other side will always react negatively.

The day we can all just live together as we are without pomp and circumstance is the day we will be good. Until that day, you are much better off expecting pushback and learning how to deal with it as an individual because the online jokes etc are not going to stop anytime soon I think but I certainly hope I personally am not ever going to be a contributor.

I am sorry you are experiencing some personal turmoil with all this bro... I do hope for your entire family that it ends up a positive force in all your lives as all your inner strength is found and fostered.

06-05-2023, 01:06 PM
Bob coming in with the real talk

06-05-2023, 01:09 PM
I hate to say it but I think the world was a better place when the world was making fun of gingers and South Park was stoking that fire. And I say that as a ginger who grew up in the peak "kick a ginger" era.

I really like how you said it tirebob, we all need to learn to tolerate differences. I am fully on board with that approach - I don't need to celebrate something I may not personally agree with but I also have no right to oppose it if its not harming me or anyone else. Like and let live, I like it.

06-05-2023, 01:20 PM
As my kids get older, I'm realizing that all of the things we normally think of as "parenting" - whether showing up to the recital, giving a little advice, taking the time to listen, etc - really all boils down to the same thing, and that's making them feel like, no matter what, they've got you in their corner...

ES - I think you need to do something to acknowledge the pin... I can only imagine what your child is going through, and for them to make a gesture like that to a parent - to me - is a cry for recognition and acceptance.

06-05-2023, 01:22 PM
I reiterate.

The priority is clear. Support your kid and be that rock for their self-confidence. Fuck your close friend. If he's really that close to you, then he will need to understand.
Your close friend isn't going to kill himself.

06-05-2023, 01:25 PM
Take it as a positive that your kid felt comfortable and supported enough to come out to their parents.

06-05-2023, 01:26 PM
One side of the argument:

"I'm all for free speech, buuuutttttt......."

Other side of the argument:

"I'm all for live and let live, buutttttt......"

06-05-2023, 01:27 PM
I reiterate.

Your close friend isn't going to kill himself.

Everybody is has their own battle and not always apparent. You might be surprised, as I was very much reminded of this year.

06-05-2023, 01:28 PM
Everybody is has their own battle and not always apparent. You might be surprised, as I was very much reminded of this year.
C'mon man, I mean in this context. His friend isn't going to kill himself if he knew ES' kid was non-binary.

06-05-2023, 01:29 PM
I reiterate.

The priority is clear. Support your kid and be that rock for their self-confidence. Fuck your close friend. If he's really that close to you, then he will need to understand.
Your close friend isn't going to kill himself.

I agree fully. As much as most of us grew up knowing we might have kids, the reality is, we probably all thought our kids would be straight.

The other reality is, once you have kids the more you don't care what their sexual preference is, it's not going to change a thing, so support it as mich as you can.

I say this because i honestly don't just go around supporting and flaunting gay anything, I actively don't do it, because I don't feel the need to, but if my son asked me to, I would.

ES put the pin on and fuck what anyone thinks.

06-05-2023, 01:32 PM
I agree fully. As much as most of us grew up knowing we might have kids, the reality is, we probably all thought our kids would be straight.

The other reality is, once you have kids the more you don't care what their sexual preference is, it's not going to change a thing, so support it as mich as you can.

I say this because i honestly don't just go around supporting and flaunting gay anything, I actively don't do it, because I don't feel the need to, but if my son asked me to, I would.

As was already touched on in this thread... I feel that a lot of kids are simply making these choices because of "peer pressure" and how its a "cool" thing to do.

I will say there is definitely kids out there who may perhaps feel honest about their choice but I bet a lot of them are just there for the ride.

This is a topic that I won't really get into because of how I see things and my opinions, but I speak of this from a place of knowing and it can truly mess a kid up.

06-05-2023, 01:39 PM
I reiterate.

The priority is clear. Support your kid and be that rock for their self-confidence. Fuck your close friend. If he's really that close to you, then he will need to understand.
Your close friend isn't going to kill himself.

Truth... You can be my friend and disagree, but you still keep your shit in check around my family or my family win's out, each and every time.

06-05-2023, 01:49 PM
My kid offered me a non-binary pride pin. I accepted it, but I realized that I'm too much of a coward to wear it out in public. Me a straight white middle aged man is afraid to wear a pin, because I'm worried about people judging me, mocking me, or having uncomfortable conversations with me. Being a teen is tough and frightening already. If I'm scared to wear a pin about it, how scary would it be to BE it?

Get a second pin and I'll buy you a coffee and wear it.

06-05-2023, 02:23 PM
Good luck with your kid. Hope all goes well. Based off what I'm reading I'm sure all will be fine. As long as the conversations and trust is there I can't see any outcome that isn't positive.

Curious if you've heard why they've come out as non binary.

06-05-2023, 02:28 PM
Good luck with your kid. Hope all goes well. Based off what I'm reading I'm sure all will be fine. As long as the conversations and trust is there I can't see any outcome that isn't positive.

Curious if you've heard why they've come out as non binary.

:werd: full support :werd:

06-05-2023, 02:44 PM
C'mon man, I mean in this context. His friend isn't going to kill himself if he knew ES' kid was non-binary.

I meant if there was some sort of confrontation about it. If the guy is that strongly opinionated against it, there’s probably a 50/50 chance he’s living it.

06-05-2023, 02:47 PM
I meant if there was some sort of confrontation about it. If the guy is that strongly opinionated against it, there’s probably a 50/50 chance he’s living it.
Oh, you mean that ES' friend might be in the closet. I see I see.
Interesting take...

ES could mention that if a confrontation happens. He either is going to get punched or tears will stream from the friend. Or both.

06-05-2023, 03:03 PM
Thanks all. Been some good "real talk" here in this thread. And yeah, we are starting from a good place where the kid felt comfortable telling us, and talking to us. That's a big win. None of us have our head in the sand about any of it, which is a nice start.

06-05-2023, 03:06 PM
A real parent would actually bring guidance to their child versus letting them do whatever they want.

Acquiescing to your child's silly daydreams is not what I consider support.

There are volumes of stories and news about how this is pushed on kids and the problem with the public school system being overran with this ideology. Almost all "trans" kids that are left alone (over 80%) turn out to be gay. The other 20% suffer from autism and other psychological disorders. Which is interesting, as I believe one of your kids (if not more) do suffer some challenges.

Girls experience puberty differently then boys, so are much more prone to the transgender cult. Non-binary is the most fluid of these terms, and generally are for attention seeking.

I think you are trying to be a good parent, but you are clearly on one ideological side of this perspective as there is a great volume of actual science to negate a lot of what you are saying you've "learned".

It's pretty humorous that you'd throw a friendship away over your child's feelings, ones that are based in confusion sown by the system you placed them into to teach them, while objectively his opinion is correct.

John Money is the father of the trans movement and critical gender ideology. I suggest you read up on him and his ilk.

06-05-2023, 03:11 PM
A real parent would actually bring guidance to their child versus letting them do whatever they want.

Acquiescing to your child's silly daydreams is not what I consider support.

There are volumes of stories and news about how this is pushed on kids and the problem with the public school system being overran with this ideology. Almost all "trans" kids that are left alone (over 80%) turn out to be gay. The other 20% suffer from autism and other psychological disorders. Which is interesting, as I believe one of your kids (if not more) do suffer some challenges.

Girls experience puberty differently then boys, so are much more prone to the transgender cult. Non-binary is the most fluid of these terms, and generally are for attention seeking.

I think you are trying to be a good parent, but you are clearly on one ideological side of this perspective as there is a great volume of actual science to negate a lot of what you are saying you've "learned".

It's pretty humorous that you'd throw a friendship away over your child's feelings, ones that are based in confusion sown by the system you placed them into to teach them, while objectively his opinion is correct.

John Money is the father of the trans movement and critical gender ideology. I suggest you read up on him and his ilk.


06-05-2023, 03:32 PM
Uhh, if there ever was a time to turn some green bars red, this is it. What the fuck.

06-05-2023, 03:40 PM
I think, not everything in that is wrong. There's without a doubt some instances of kids who are pressured into "acting" trans, or non-binary, or something, so they "pretend" enough to convince themselves. it is a time when kids are finding themselves and shaping their self-image. From the outside, it's very hard for anyone to say if that's the situation with a particular kid.

06-05-2023, 03:50 PM
Could the greatest determining factor of 'who you are' be your browsing history on Pornhub?

06-05-2023, 03:51 PM
Could the greatest determining factor of 'who you are' be your browsing history on Pornhub?


06-05-2023, 04:16 PM
This topic was covered by a podcast back in November last year. Its the Joe Rogan episode with Matt Walsh. Episode#1895.

I was listening to it yesterday on my drive. I did not finish it but I got near the end.
ExtraSlow I encourage you to listen to this. It covers most of this subject and the situation you are facing. I hope it can give a better understanding and direction to seek further knowledge. Especially as a parent.

I don't think the argument is pro gay or anti gay. People dressing up or partnering with the same sex is not a new thing. Its goes back centuries in all cultures including my own. That is not the issue at hand. I would even argue that most people are tolerant. When it comes down to this issue, nobody really cares what one does.
What I am seeing is different groups are being pitted against each other like animals in a cage without rational thought or critical thinking.

A parent or any adult has a responsibility to protect children from harm. Be it Physical or Psychological. As someone who has suffered abuse as a very young adult and had a ton of therapy I don't take this topic lightly.

I encourage anyone on this forum or outside to listen to this podcast objectively first to understand the transgender arguments before just pressing a button to rep or negative rep on this topic. Then place your arguments/discussion forward.

06-05-2023, 04:35 PM
It’s a shitty time to be in our public school system. When I was in grade school, late 90s, early 2000s, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to be an architect, a hockey player or a pilot. Now, kids are having to decide what they identify as, seems like it’s almost being forced on them. I don’t think it gets any easier in our extreme left colleges either. What the hell happened in the last 20 years.

06-05-2023, 04:39 PM
There is a reason why certain things have age limits.

06-05-2023, 05:41 PM
The cluster effect isn't 0. Friend diffuse his kids being trans by not opposing it but let her grow up some more and let her decide in her 20s when she's sure.

If you kick it off as a no right off the bat, you'll lose your kid right the way.

06-05-2023, 05:55 PM
Similar thing happened to my niece, suicidal thoughts and even attempts, became gender nonbinary. Has been going to therapy which seems to help. Also grade 7 was a fucking nightmare for her when most of it transpired. Grade 8 this year and she seems to be happier with everything really. No idea where she will end up on the identity spectrum, but she is seemingly in a good place.

06-05-2023, 06:13 PM
It's pretty humorous that you'd throw a friendship away

I don't think it would be ES that would be "throwing" a friendship away, if his friend can't be civil in front of his children about a subject that affects them regardless of what the subject is.

Also, they aren't silly daydreams if it's causing serious depression that leads to suicide, again, regardless of subject matter or how they got there. Even if it's a "phase" they grow out of, they need support to actually GROW and not die (literally)

06-05-2023, 06:27 PM
I dunno man. I knew a few gay guys in school and my desire to go gay was somewhere between zero and zero.

06-05-2023, 06:40 PM
I dunno man. I knew a few gay guys in school and my desire to go gay was somewhere between zero and zero.

Twenty bucks is twenty bucks, amirite?

06-05-2023, 06:47 PM
Twenty bucks is twenty bucks, amirite?

Come on man. Let's respect the OP in just one thread.

06-05-2023, 06:51 PM
yep, the intolerance is disgusting.

06-05-2023, 06:55 PM
Twenty bucks is twenty bucks, amirite?

Lol. Must spread rep.

06-05-2023, 06:59 PM
yep, the intolerance is disgusting.

Go fuck off.

06-05-2023, 07:04 PM
As a native guy, beyond can be a shitty place to navigate through social/political topics. I'm not easily offended by these kind of jokes, but they do get tiresome. I just stay clear of those kinds of threads.

Onto the trans/non binary topic, in my personal experience, this topic is heavily pushed in schools now. In my son's grade 5 class, the teacher asked the kids what they identify as, and separated them into groups. Most of the kids in his class identified as non binary or some other identity. I find it troubling such topics are often pushed onto kids whom are entering a difficult phase of their life. Let kids be kids.

06-05-2023, 07:10 PM
the teacher asked the kids what they identify as, and separated them into groups

That sounds very much the opposite of what should be happening.

06-05-2023, 07:18 PM
As a native guy, beyond can be a shitty place to navigate through social/political topics. I'm not easily offended by these kind of jokes, but they do get tiresome. I just stay clear of those kinds of threads.

Onto the trans/non binary topic, in my personal experience, this topic is heavily pushed in schools now. In my son's grade 5 class, the teacher asked the kids what they identify as, and separated them into groups. Most of the kids in his class identified as non binary or some other identity. I find it troubling such topics are often pushed onto kids whom are entering a difficult phase of their life. Let kids be kids.

I think if they are ready for sex ed, they are ready for this talk. Grade 5 is a bit early, but who knows, may be in this internet age, it's not.

I always thought sex ed in Grade 10/11 back in my days is a bit too late with a few popping out kids already at that point.

Anyway, be balance and talk to your kids about it and make sure you don't paint yourself into a corner you can't get out of.

06-05-2023, 07:18 PM
if his friend can't be civil in front of his children about a subject that affects them regardless of what the subject is.

Also, they aren't silly daydreams if it's causing serious depression that leads to suicide, again, regardless of subject matter or how they got there. Even if it's a "phase" they grow out of, they need support to actually GROW and not die (literally)

Apparently I'm the only one who actually read ES post. His friend has not made any jokes or derogatory comments aimed at his child. ES, currently, is emotionally overreacting to a made up situation in his head that has not actually occurred.

You also have the correlation/causation backwards. These kids have problems, and this ideology is presented to them as a solution. If left alone, most grow out of it.

Teen suicide is a new phenomena of the past two decades, virtually non-existent prior. Also, trans people have a 41% suicide (attempt?) rate. And it goes up after transitioning. Gay kids are not offing themselves at a crazy rate, being gay is widely accepted.

I'm also not trying to insult ES. I actually feel for the guy, whether he agrees with my perspective or not, he has a tough road ahead of him.

There are ways to fix this issue, but they will require massive sacrifices (pulling the kid out of the toxic school situation as an example). I simply do not want his kid to be miserable, and people are remarkably capable about lying about being ok when they clearly aren't.

Also, the 50/50 on the reps made me chuckle, good job Beyond.

The long and short of it is that (especially if this is a girl) he will shortly be dealing with a trans issue.

He has to make the choice whether he will allow that to happen. Parent's have a large influence on their kids, the fact this is a surprise highlights that ES might have thought he was involved with his kid but was not as much as was necessary.

Like I said, tough situation, nobody likes to be blamed for their children's issues, and really in this situation it's you against the world if you try and go against the (political) science.

ES has as much power to help his child as he had power to prevent it. Whether he exercises that is his prerogative.

And just so you know ES, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is what they use to un-gay kids.

It's also what they use to trans the kids. It is the most effective form of psycho-analysis, and it also is the most morally and ethically hazardous as it is effectively a form of brainwashing.

Gotta ask why it is ok to use it one way but not the other.

I really hope you take into consideration that your child is confused and is not non-binary. And also, words are words. A lot of you need to grow up and act like actual men. Someone makes a joke in poor taste, who gives a fuck? Once again, don't raise children like that. You have the power.

06-05-2023, 07:20 PM
There is a reason why certain things have age limits.

Please go on..

06-05-2023, 07:25 PM
Apparently I'm the only one who actually read ES post. His friend has not made any jokes or derogatory comments aimed at his child. ES, currently, is emotionally overreacting to a made up situation in his head that has not actually occurred.


Teen suicide is a new phenomena of the past two decades, virtually non-existent prior.

So you know for a fact that his friend has never said anything about the topic in front of ES's kids? Are you psychic?

Also... wat?

Suicide Rates for Teens Aged 15–19 Years, by Sex — United States, 1975–2015


06-05-2023, 07:29 PM
Please go on..

Brain fully develops at age 25?

Grown adult, do whatever you want?

06-05-2023, 07:42 PM
Brain fully develops at age 25?

Grown adult, do whatever you want?

Please, please, let ol’ 89coupe dig his own grave

06-05-2023, 07:50 PM
I think if they are ready for sex ed, they are ready for this talk. Grade 5 is a bit early, but who knows, may be in this internet age, it's not.

I always thought sex ed in Grade 10/11 back in my days is a bit too late with a few popping out kids already at that point.

Anyway, be balance and talk to your kids about it and make sure you don't paint yourself into a corner you can't get out of.

Sex ed is important around this age. But I think there is a line crossed when asking kids to commit to a sexual identity when they still have a lot to learn about themselves, others and haven't reached puberty yet. There's also a peer group/influence factor when put on the spot and publicly asked what you identify as in front of your classmates.

06-05-2023, 07:53 PM
Go fuck off.

point validated.

06-05-2023, 08:07 PM
This thread is as fun as a root canal.

06-05-2023, 08:54 PM
I'd be curious to hear how a kid decides he's non binary. Where's the influence in this kid coming from that they think this is what they need/want.

Not sure how people can dismiss the influences in their kids lives as having a direct impact on things.

06-05-2023, 09:19 PM
And yeah, we are starting from a good place where the kid felt comfortable telling us, and talking to us. That's a big win.

Your kid was groomed and taught things you weren't aware of.

Not a big win. If the kid had such great faith in you, said kid would have come to you first with questions and asked YOU for help with this issue.

This is textbook grooming 101, and you are being played. Your kid came to you after someone else assured them this was good for them and said they'd support them even if you reacted negatively.

06-05-2023, 11:39 PM
So you know for a fact that his friend has never said anything about the topic in front of ES's kids? Are you psychic?

Also... wat?

Suicide Rates for Teens Aged 15–19 Years, by Sex — United States, 1975–2015


I think zechs was specifically referencing suicide by transgender, non binary etc. If that is the case (Im not trying to be Pedantic). then er...technically that graph is the wrong one. It refers to suicide by those who are male or female.

06-06-2023, 07:09 AM
Some of the replies here put the polarizing covid thread to shame. Jeeze.

06-06-2023, 07:59 AM
Some of the replies here put the polarizing covid thread to shame. Jeeze.

You should find yourself a reddit sub, maybe you'll feel safer in an eco-chamber you agree with. Zechs just sheds light on the real very issue of kids being manipulated and indoctrinated by the public education system, this was never a problem 20 years ago. It's not like being non-binary was even a thing, it just didn't exist. The left have lost their fucking minds and are inflicting this cancer into the education system. Parents can only do so much.

The Cosworth
06-06-2023, 08:08 AM
Well posted, I'm definitely from a family that exposed me to the LBGT community early. My uncle was a founder of Twisted Element, one of the first people to start Calgary Pride, and my brother is asexual. So I hear ya.

I hate to say it, because it is the wrong approach, but I've just given up arguing with people about it.

You should find yourself a reddit sub, maybe you'll feel safer in an eco-chamber you agree with. Zechs just sheds light on the real very issue of kids being manipulated and indoctrinated by the public education system, this was never a problem 20 years ago. It's not like being non-binary was even a thing, it just didn't exist. The left have lost their fucking minds and are inflicting this cancer into the education system. Parents can only do so much.

I disagree, I think it was just not labelled or accepted. When I was a kid (and I assume you too) there were guys who were Metro(sexual) who weren't gay but could have been.

06-06-2023, 08:08 AM
Well this is timely.


06-06-2023, 08:29 AM
point validated.

Amazing how you can make someone else's issues all about you.

- - - Updated - - -

You should find yourself a reddit sub, maybe you'll feel safer in an eco-chamber you agree with. Zechs just sheds light on the real very issue of kids being manipulated and indoctrinated by the public education system, this was never a problem 20 years ago. It's not like being non-binary was even a thing, it just didn't exist. The left have lost their fucking minds and are inflicting this cancer into the education system. Parents can only do so much.

It's always been a thing.

It has been a part of Asian culture for a very, very, very long time.


06-06-2023, 08:31 AM
Zechs, It's pretty impressive how much information about this individual situation you can surmise from a couple forum posts. You're fucking amazng... :bigpimp:

Jutes, you didn't have any tomboys or young men that seemed to roll with the girls more than the boys at school? Interesting..

06-06-2023, 08:32 AM
I rolled with girls because I was hoping to get laid. Nope just friendzoned.

The Cosworth
06-06-2023, 08:34 AM
I rolled with girls because I was hoping to get laid. Nope just friendzoned.

I feel this :cry:

06-06-2023, 09:01 AM
That sounds very much the opposite of what should be happening.

Segregation is the only way, just ask kert!

06-06-2023, 09:01 AM
I rolled with girls because I was hoping to get laid. Nope just friendzoned.

Lol I was closer, I was like family, the god brother to a lot of them …. And it’s nothing like the current trend of step siblings close ahaha

Whew glad things kinda worked out for me cuz man those were dark days aha clueless in the abyss

06-06-2023, 09:08 AM
You should find yourself a reddit sub, maybe you'll feel safer in an eco-chamber you agree with. Zechs just sheds light on the real very issue of kids being manipulated and indoctrinated by the public education system, this was never a problem 20 years ago. It's not like being non-binary was even a thing, it just didn't exist. The left have lost their fucking minds and are inflicting this cancer into the education system. Parents can only do so much.

Reddit is for porn and product reviews only. Everyone knows that. My comment was directed towards the extreme sides some of the replies in here have with zechs being one of them for sure. I think regardless what "side" you're on, summarzing what he seemed to do through ES's original post is a bit outlandish.

I also 100% disgree with you that it didn't exist or wasn't a problem 20 years ago. People strugging with who they are has always existed, it was just a lot more represed or hidden out of fear of retribution. How many kids do you know got beat up for "being gay" because they might have done something that someone preceived as soft or feminin like wearing tight pants or sucking at sports? I got called gay all through highschool because where I grew up that was the worst thing you could be, one day a group of older kids called me a homo and it stuck for the next 6 years. I don't even think I knew what gay was the first time I got called it much less had the capacity to act in any sort of sexual way, straight or otherwise. Throughout the next few years I had my vehicles vandalized and was jumped despite the gayest thing I ever did in my teens was enjoy a little chocolate milk with my burger instead of pop or listen to Nickleback. I am sure it didn't help being a red head, but if a kid who was actually gay/trans/non binary (which I admit I don't actually know what that is) sees a straight kid going through that hell because another group of kids preceived them as something different then what they are then they will never feel comfortable in ther own skin. So maybe yeah, it could be a function of feeling safe identifying with a group of people even if deep down they aren't "that" but thats something that the parents need to help them navigate understanding that it could come out either way.

I will agree with you that its gone to far to the extreme on the other side though, but society currently is unfortunately filled with extremes. The government's approach to Covid is a huge one: you were either a brainless sheep or an inbred redneck, no inbetween. I think the general approach here should be not to get too wound up over things that don't effect you (like pride month), or obvious jokes. If its a topic that does effect you (such as OP) then no one knows better how to deal with your family than you.

But maybe I'm just a big gay liberal cuck :dunno:

06-06-2023, 09:40 AM
This is all just a classic nature vs nurture debate. When it comes to trans vagina'd people in their teens - the evidence is that the vast majority of the time it is a nurture thing. Puberty is tough on girls psychologically and identifying as trans is an "out" that is right in front of them. And often comes with the reward/incentive of being seen as "brave". Trading universal acceptance for a limited but very dedicated group of allies would seem like a reasonable compromise I assume. Unfortunately, none of this seems to solve the problem of the psychological difficulty of puberty in girls, and eventually seems to compound the problem.

Now back to the thread... Where the funny trans jokes at?

06-06-2023, 09:42 AM
I feel like you guys are confusing non-binary with trans being the same, as far as i know it's not the same thing? One identifying as neither sex, the other identify as the opposing sex you were birthed as? But i was wrong about equity so i'm treading lightly lol

06-06-2023, 09:44 AM
I feel like you guys are confusing non-binary with trans being the same, as far as i know it's not the same thing? One identifying as neither sex, the other identify as the opposing sex you were birthed as? But i was wrong about equity so i'm treading lightly lol

Parenting is always a battle. That's all I have for input in this thread.

06-06-2023, 09:50 AM
Parenting is always a battle. That's all I have for input in this thread.

I'm too busy trying to keep my child from running into everything, mauling her baby sister and eating food off the floor to worry about this stuff yet.. all in good time.

06-06-2023, 09:52 AM
I feel like you guys are confusing non-binary with trans being the same, as far as i know it's not the same thing? One identifying as neither sex, the other identify as the opposing sex you were birthed as? But i was wrong about equity so i'm treading lightly lol

The "identifying as" part is the operative concept here, not the blank that is filled in subsequent to that statement.

06-06-2023, 09:55 AM
Jutes, you didn't have any tomboys or young men that seemed to roll with the girls more than the boys at school? Interesting..

I'm sure there were a few, I don't remember those details because they weren't given a label or treated any different. It's out of control now with kids outing as non-binary, still don't know what the hell that means, and using they thems.

06-06-2023, 10:00 AM
The "identifying as" part is the operative concept here, not the blank that is filled in subsequent to that statement.

Maybe for you, but Zechs seems to be going off on a pretty random tangent and make assumptions that being binary is directly leading to trans.. I don't follow the political threads, is he a crazy person?

I'm sure there were a few, I don't remember those details because they weren't given a label or treated any different. It's out of control now with kids outing as non-binary, still don't know what the hell that means, and using they thems.

Honestlty, i don't disagree, some of the shit is wildly out of control (from both sides..) like others have said. But saying it didn't exist is ignorant, people just didn't know what to call it, or didn't want to accept it.

06-06-2023, 10:00 AM
I'm sure there were a few, I don't remember those details because they weren't given a label or treated any different. It's out of control now with kids outing as non-binary, still don't know what the hell that means, and using they thems.

Haha, what?

The 90s/00s were a rough fucking time to be anything but conforming to the current fad. You know school shootings started in the 90s, right?

06-06-2023, 10:02 AM
I think the general approach here should be not to get too wound up over things that don't effect you (like pride month), or obvious jokes. If its a topic that does effect you (such as OP) then no one knows better how to deal with your family than you.

The only issue I have with this statement is it actually DOES affect us all.
Right down to fiscal or monetary policy of the government.

Example: Why is the government spending $1.5 million in taxpayer funds for "security" for the pride parade?
Did they provide the same security for the truck convoy protesters? Other major protests?
Different ideologies, but why is one more valid than the other?

At the end of the day both groups have the same message, "we want to be heard, we want to be recognized, we want our freedoms to be granted".

Why do we even celebrate pride for an entire month?
Do we celebrate Jewish history month?
Indigenous history month?
Women's rights history month?

Why is pride specifically so important?

Morgan Freeman said it best when asked directly about "Black history month".
He essentially said "I don't want black history month, its division... My history is American History".

As I said earlier in this thread, my gay friends don't even celebrate or WANT Pride month OR the Pride parade, they flat out say its embarrassing and sends the wrong perception and message.

06-06-2023, 10:28 AM
You should find yourself a reddit sub, maybe you'll feel safer in an eco-chamber you agree with. Zechs just sheds light on the real very issue of kids being manipulated and indoctrinated by the public education system, this was never a problem 20 years ago. It's not like being non-binary was even a thing, it just didn't exist. The left have lost their fucking minds and are inflicting this cancer into the education system. Parents can only do so much.

lol it wasnt an "issue" because because the manipulation aligned with your views.

It was HEAVILY influenced and manipulated by the catholic church views.

06-06-2023, 10:37 AM
Things were so much better before the internet.

06-06-2023, 10:44 AM
Things were so much better before the internet.

And vastly better before the addiction to internet in the palm of your hand.

06-06-2023, 10:46 AM
Honestlty, i don't disagree, some of the shit is wildly out of control (from both sides..) like others have said. But saying it didn't exist is ignorant, people just didn't know what to call it, or didn't want to accept it.

Mental Health is a bitch.

06-06-2023, 10:55 AM
Maybe for you, but Zechs seems to be going off on a pretty random tangent and make assumptions that being binary is directly leading to trans.. I don't follow the political threads, is he a crazy person?

A girl coming out as "non-binary" is the first step in transgenderism.

If she was gay, she'd say she was a lesbian. If she wanted social clout, she'd say she is bi.

I'm not the crazy one for not wanting my kid to indulge in faggotry. You guys are off your god damn rockers, but then again, almost half of Beyond voted NDerP so it is of no surprise.

06-06-2023, 10:58 AM
Things were so much better before the internet.

Lol no way
No Internet no beyond no way Jose