View Full Version : RIP ZenOps

06-17-2023, 09:45 PM
We barely knew ye....

A family found 800,000 pennies in the basement of a deceased relative.

"The US reduced the copper content in its pennies in the 1980s, prompting Reyes' father-in-law to save the older coins, with the belief that they would appreciate in value."


06-17-2023, 10:00 PM
Legit got scared for a sec.

06-17-2023, 10:28 PM
Legit got scared for a sec.

Perhaps a mod should add a question mark to the

06-17-2023, 10:28 PM
LOL Had for a sec

06-17-2023, 10:30 PM
Lol saw the article first and considered posting it for Zenny to go balistic on some AI coin reader setup.

06-18-2023, 06:55 AM
800,000 x 3.11 grams = 5,480 pounds. Copper 8,390 KG per cubic meter.

Roughly the weight of a car. As for size, you couldn't even make a beanbag chair out of it. 2 out of 10 for hoard size.

Hoard by dragon definition has to at least be neck high, and room filling.


You *could* get an AI sorter, but arguably - you would need to have access to an actual horde to effectively utilize its speed. A beanbag horde would be sorted in less than a day - that is what the AI does best.

If you get a Venezuelan type inflation for a few years, coins *start* to become more valueable than bills. The undisputed most valueable item in Venezuela being a US $100 bill. That they have more oil than Canada does foreshadow how its not always just about what is in the ground.

If you plan on retiring in South America in the next decade, pennies might have been the correct play, transferring the maximum allowable export per day to live on. As is, the $100 bill in 2021 is still favoured for its portability. Ecuador has always favoured coins over bills. Most valueable thing to transport to Canada @ 2 tons? Margarine.


As is now, you want the AI to create digital mona lisa for $2 worth of electricity, which you can sell at a discounted rate to human mona lisa, say $40 million.

If you make a $Billion, don't forget to give me a 0.5% cut for the advice.

06-18-2023, 08:03 AM
Phew. You’re still here with us buddy. :thumbsup:

06-18-2023, 09:24 AM
I knew it was fake news as soon as I saw it was pennies. Nickels on the other hand....

06-18-2023, 11:00 AM
The title shocked me but only because it was JRSC00LUDE posting and my thoughts were I didn't know they knew each other intimately in that aspect to post about a death haha.

06-18-2023, 01:26 PM
I knew it was fake due to a lack of Rob Anders body pillow.

06-18-2023, 01:36 PM
Its also worth mentioning that if for some alternate reality Desantis becomes president - there is a chance he will be the guy who de-circulates the penny.

In that case - gloves off for inflation.

BTW: Article seems strange. You would not ever need to dump less than a million pennies at a "discount" there are literally people who do tonnage on small trucks every day, several times a day. I mean, if you had to bag it up and didn't have a couple wood palletes around, it might take a little bit longer. In the USA they prefer rolls (as does Canada) but in the UK, they still do it by bag - by weight if depositing to a bank.

Its not anywhere near as tricky as trying to load 62,000 pounds of wheat into a singular railcar.

Feels like a Iraqi disinformation article prepping for bank run.


7MWcnkWA4-g $2,000 truck would probably require two loads.

06-18-2023, 10:06 PM
This is totally AI Zenny now.