View Full Version : Abandoning a vehicle

01-04-2024, 06:32 PM
My son had a car that stopped running so he parked it on the street around the corner from his place a month or two ago. It’s just been sitting there and his plan was to scrap it or sell it as a parts car or donate it. Anyways the car ended up getting towed by the city over the holidays. I told him to just let the city take it and auction it as the cost of the fees would exceed what he’d get for it anyways. Are there any ramifications of doing it this way or any red tape/loop holes that can dig him in further if he doesn’t deal with it?

01-04-2024, 06:55 PM
There is nothing stopping them from continuing to come after your son for the fine after the car has been forfeited. He’s still RO.

Don’t be a deadbeat? Pay the fine, call the kidney foundation / wreckers.

01-04-2024, 07:55 PM
What kind of car and what’s wrong with it? Probably could have sold it to Pick n Pull lol

01-04-2024, 08:49 PM
Easily could have had it donated or sold to pick n pull, gone before 72hrs.

01-04-2024, 08:50 PM
those storage fees at the tow yard are gonna be fun.

01-04-2024, 08:54 PM
X2 don't be a dead beat.

They can continue ticketing the vehicle and hit you up when you try to register your next vehicle and or renew your license.

01-04-2024, 09:32 PM
I let an older beater go to the city tow yard with no repercussions, but 20 years ago. The tow and storage fees were more than the car was worth, so I went down to collect whatever was left in the car and told them to keep it. They said ok and have a nice day.

01-04-2024, 09:37 PM
I let an older beater go to the city tow yard with no repercussions, but 20 years ago. The tow and storage fees were more than the car was worth, so I went down to collect whatever was left in the car and told them to keep it. They said ok and have a nice day.

This is the ideal outcome

01-05-2024, 08:49 AM
You can literally go down to the impound lot and arrange kidney car to remove it.

but yeah - your tow fee alone will way exceed the pick n pull $, but they have ways to help in these scenarios. But you're going to have a bill to pay.

01-05-2024, 10:17 AM
lol-the deadbeat comments…not sure what privileged, high horse you rode in on but you can go f*ck yourselves. All I’m trying to figure out are what scenarios can there be. The car isn’t worth much if anything at all so I’m trying to see what the best solution there is.

01-05-2024, 10:33 AM
Getting it out of the yard before you rack up a bunch of storage fees.

Fwiw if there was a dead car sitting on my street for weeks on end, Id have absolutely called to have it removed. Its like a 10min phone call for your kid to have it dealt with, he was just being lazy.

01-05-2024, 10:48 AM
Call Kidney Car line, find out if they have advice. Do not delay.

01-05-2024, 10:55 AM
Personal accountability is lost on people these days.

01-05-2024, 10:58 AM
Getting it out of the yard before you rack up a bunch of storage fees.

Fwiw if there was a dead car sitting on my street for weeks on end, Id have absolutely called to have it removed. Its like a 10min phone call for your kid to have it dealt with, he was just being lazy.

Is there a rule against that? Assuming it was plated, on wheels and not missing panel parts etc.

- - - Updated - - -

Personal accountability is lost on people these days.

Well to be fair we were all young and didn’t always do the right responsible thing right away etc

01-05-2024, 11:08 AM
Lol at Frozenrice signature

01-05-2024, 11:17 AM
Just went through this as my mom's car was stolen and got towed to the CPA lot on Manchester Rd. They have an option for you to surrender the car to them but you still need to pay the fee's and they keep going up daily so better go down quick and I can't remember if there was another surrender fee or not. It can take a while if there is a lineup and there are usually tow trucks sitting outside if you want it towed somewhere else.

01-05-2024, 11:22 AM
Is there a rule against that? Assuming it was plated, on wheels and not missing panel parts etc.

If it's on a city street it needs to move every 48 (72?) hours even if it's in front of your house though no one typically cares about that. If it's around the corner and sitting abandoned for a month then yeah someone probably would've called it in. Bylaw would put a sticker on it and then give you a few days to move it before having it towed.

If it's in their driveway or yard then it can sit and it's fine.

01-05-2024, 11:37 AM
Yea you can only leave a car on the street without moving it for a comically small amount of time.

Agree on the accountability comments. What are you teaching your son if you encourage him to just let the city deal with his bad decisions?

Go pay the fine and either find somewhere appropriate to store the car ( might I suggest your garage ) or dispose of it appropriately.

What I take offence to is your suggestion that just letting the taxpayers deal with disposing of your sons junker is even an option.

01-05-2024, 12:09 PM
If it's on a city street it needs to move every 48 (72?) hours even if it's in front of your house though no one typically cares about that. If it's around the corner and sitting abandoned for a month then yeah someone probably would've called it in. Bylaw would put a sticker on it and then give you a few days to move it before having it towed.

If it's in their driveway or yard then it can sit and it's fine.

oh i didn't know about that haha 2-3 days wow
i lived in crescent heights for 10 years and had cars parked out front for 2-3 weeks when I was on vacation lol ...
glad the neighbors didn't have beef with me lol but then I'm also presuming said car being towed didn't look so great

01-05-2024, 01:21 PM
lol-the deadbeat comments…not sure what privileged, high horse you rode in on but you can go f*ck yourselves. All I’m trying to figure out are what scenarios can there be. The car isn’t worth much if anything at all so I’m trying to see what the best solution there is.

I'm an asshole.
I'll own it.

The scenario is take care of your shit, be proactive, if it's not worth anything a call to the kidney foundation months ago should have happened.
Instead you left a dilapidated vehicle to sit on a street, likely inconveniencing many people with an eye sore, which has now been towed and you want it to be someone else's problem?

Man up, own it, teach your son not to be a burden to society and handle his own problems.

"Hai beyond, how can I weasel out of being a responsible human?"


01-05-2024, 02:04 PM
oh i didn't know about that haha 2-3 days wow
i lived in crescent heights for 10 years and had cars parked out front for 2-3 weeks when I was on vacation lol ...
glad the neighbors didn't have beef with me lol but then I'm also presuming said car being towed didn't look so great

I've heard the city only enforces that on a complaint-basis. If it's not a piece of garbage and moves semi-regularly, people usually won't care that much. Abandoning a hooptie down the street is a different story though :)

01-05-2024, 02:12 PM
I’ll own the deadbeat title then. That’ll give the assholes a reason to exist. I pay so much taxes, I am entitled to be a taxpayer burden.

01-05-2024, 02:26 PM
I've heard the city only enforces that on a complaint-basis. If it's not a piece of garbage and moves semi-regularly, people usually won't care that much. Abandoning a hooptie down the street is a different story though :)

And it takes the right complaint. I tried to get an asshole towed in my area and cpa told me to fuck off despite car being 1m from the curb, blocking the driving lane AND more than 72h.

01-05-2024, 02:27 PM
I've heard the city only enforces that on a complaint-basis. If it's not a piece of garbage and moves semi-regularly, people usually won't care that much. Abandoning a hooptie down the street is a different story though :)


I called on a busted ass truck that sat in front of our community mailboxes for months... I figured it was stolen cause it didn't move literally all summer and was total piece of shit. Ended up being a house across the way as it then moved into their driveway for a bit, only to be back parked in front of the mailboxes again. But now they move it a couple feet every few weeks.

01-05-2024, 02:33 PM
And it takes the right complaint. I tried to get an asshole towed in my area and cpa told me to fuck off despite car being 1m from the curb, blocking the driving lane AND more than 72h.

Well - they're still city employees, no one said they had to be any good!

01-05-2024, 03:08 PM
I'm an asshole.
I'll own it.

This guy PXGs.

01-05-2024, 04:16 PM
I’ll own the deadbeat title then. That’ll give the assholes a reason to exist. I pay so much taxes, I am entitled to be a taxpayer burden.

Well, kinda like parking tickets - the reason the city of calgary owns the impound lot, is it allows them to dump the costs onto your license - so at registration/licensing time - you're paying the bill. City just interim subsidizes disposal then you pay 10fold at renewal.

01-06-2024, 09:09 AM
.... I pay so much taxes, I am entitled to be a taxpayer burden.


01-06-2024, 10:28 AM
Well, kinda like parking tickets - the reason the city of calgary owns the impound lot, is it allows them to dump the costs onto your license - so at registration/licensing time - you're paying the bill. City just interim subsidizes disposal then you pay 10fold at renewal.

Maybe said son will never afford to drive again?

01-06-2024, 10:30 AM
City also calls the RO before they actually tow. Happened to me last summer, bought an extra car for kid to learn on, and at time we didn’t drive it for 3 or 4 weeks straight. Parked it across the street so it’s not my eyesore lol. City called me after someone complained and we moved the car 2 ft, they’re happy, problem solved.

Definitely lots of laziness to get to where it’s at.

01-06-2024, 10:47 AM

I called on a busted ass truck that sat in front of our community mailboxes for months... I figured it was stolen cause it didn't move literally all summer and was total piece of shit. Ended up being a house across the way as it then moved into their driveway for a bit, only to be back parked in front of the mailboxes again. But now they move it a couple feet every few weeks.

This is why Vyacheslav invented his infamous cocktail.

01-06-2024, 04:31 PM
I sold an explorer for next to nothing to a guy that picked it up with a trailer. Sometime later I got a call from the city that it was found abandoned and left it at that. Nothing came of it.