View Full Version : Where to buy internal retaining snap ring / c-clip / circlips in Calgary?

04-11-2024, 10:48 PM
Looking for internal retaining snap rings. Think I need 47mm. ANyone in Calgary stock these things? Need them to hold in the baffles in a motorcycle exhaust.


04-12-2024, 04:16 AM
Princess Auto has assortment kits, not sure if it would have the exact size you need.

As far as getting the exact size, Greggs or Grainger or Transmission Supply Limited would be my spots to try

Edit: snap ring in the picture is external btw

04-12-2024, 07:28 AM
Princess Auto has assortment kits, not sure if it would have the exact size you need.

As far as getting the exact size, Greggs or Grainger or Transmission Supply Limited would be my spots to try

Edit: snap ring in the picture is external btw

Perfect. Thank you. I'll try those 3 places. One of mine broke so I'll take it in and see if we can match it up. Unfortunately, I think I need pretty close to the exact size for it to fit in the muffler. Otherwise, I'll have to run baffles out and piss off the neighbours.

04-12-2024, 07:44 AM
Otherwise, I'll have to run baffles out and piss off the neighbours.

This is what I came here to suggest.

04-12-2024, 07:57 AM
Greggs has better service than Grainger. If you walk in, they will work with you for as long as it takes to find what you need. If you need to go any further, elite seal or Calgary fastener are also options.

04-12-2024, 08:05 AM
This is what I came here to suggest.

Baffles in seems to be the perfect. Baffles out and dudes on Harley's are giving me weird looks.

04-12-2024, 08:16 AM
If you're having trouble i'll order one from mcmaster carr for you the next time I put an order in. Just make sure the size.

04-12-2024, 08:43 AM
Just order it from the manufacturer via a dealer (blackfoot or Jack Carter) or the internet

04-12-2024, 06:38 PM
Greggs has better service than Grainger. If you walk in, they will work with you for as long as it takes to find what you need. If you need to go any further, elite seal or Calgary fastener are also options.

That’s only because the entire company is full of psychopaths with insanely stringent rules but carry on.

04-12-2024, 08:28 PM
I dunno about what the corporate structure is, but they've helped me numerous times and I appreciate it

04-12-2024, 11:47 PM
That’s only because the entire company is full of psychopaths with insanely stringent rules but carry on.

Are you shitting on a company because of their ability to provide a good CX? :rofl:

04-13-2024, 07:02 AM
Are you shitting on a company because of their ability to provide a good CX? :rofl:

No I should have provided some context. According to what I’ve seen and heard from ex employees at Gregg’s, they are basically held hostage under a ridiculous regime. Bathroom breaks are taken out of your vacation pay, they have weekly company wide meetings where the owner calls out and shames people who made mistakes, employees are forbidden from talking about anything but their job on company time, every employee is searched every day leaving the properties, and they keep a master list of employees and label them “high” or “low” maintenance. If the employee is labelled high maintenance they are disqualified from some bonus and pay structures. There’s supposedly so many layers of management that every single person is being watched daily all the way up to Gary Gregg. Apparently you call Gary Gregg if you’re sick and calling out, not your location/manager.

Essentially they have to provide the best experience for fear of punishment, which is good for the consumer but I feel bad for most of the employees. Gary Gregg sounds like he’s basically running a cult.

04-13-2024, 07:15 AM
That sounds like it’s partially exaggerated (not saying by you), and entirely not relevant to me as a customer haha.

If it’s that bad, something tells me people wouldn’t work there. And if they simply work there cause they can’t find other employment, then tough titties.

04-13-2024, 07:17 AM
So nobody stays there and the best employees are poached easily to other companies? Massive turnover? I don't know shit about fuck, but they have a lot of people in the building. Maybe they are mostly brand new hires?

Edit: BJ beat me to it.

04-13-2024, 07:31 AM
It sounded like they hired a lot of newcomers and pay above industry standard, and you can do well if you put your head down and do nothing but what they want, but otherwise sounded completely awful.

Personally I still do business with them sometimes but I feel bad for the employees if what they say is true.

04-13-2024, 07:39 AM
Yeah I'll believe that. Compensation above average for long term staff and employee satisfaction below average, particularly for those employees who don't "fit the program".

If you think about it, the folks who aren't going to work out, you want those ones to quit.