View Full Version : Where to Take Used Oil

05-19-2024, 11:43 AM
Why do so few places accept used oil in this silly region? I've got 12 gallons of this shit and it's so difficult to find a place to take it that I'm nearly considering pouring it into the toilet.
Back in BC, about 25% of the gas stations and 100% of the Canadian Tires took it, so it was easy as balls. Here? cLiMaTe EmErGeNcY but if you have used oil, you are fuck.

05-19-2024, 11:52 AM
collection stations near the firehall?

05-19-2024, 11:52 AM


05-19-2024, 11:55 AM
We have a waste oil heater at my shop and are glad to take it, as long as it's only oil/diesel/gasoline and no coolant in it.

05-19-2024, 12:20 PM
95% of trips to The Dump end up with a flat tire. Okay, only 90%.
But yes, it appears Google was letting me down a bit as I have trouble lumping "used oil" into the same category as HAZARDOUS WASTE. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going lube my shlong or brush my teeth with it, but I don't feel like Mr. Burns with a glowing green barrel either.

05-19-2024, 12:26 PM
Yeah our waste oil heater won't burn Cobalt 60 rods so don't bring any of those thx

05-19-2024, 03:19 PM
Fire stations ftw

05-19-2024, 04:45 PM
If you get oil on your hands you're allowed to wash it off in the sink and it all goes down the drain. Maybe you got 12 gallons on your hands. You're a clumsy boy.

05-19-2024, 04:50 PM
If you soak up 12 gallons of oil in kitty litter or other absorbent, it's magically safe to bury with other household trash vs just pouring 12 gallons of oil onto household trash.

05-19-2024, 04:57 PM
If you get oil on your hands you're allowed to wash it off in the sink and it all goes down the drain. Maybe you got 12 gallons on your hands. You're a clumsy boy.

Cardboard soaked in blood is not recyclable and eligible for Black Bin.... "So I'm told".
So, I guess oil is likely same same and I've got a garage full of cardboard from them fancy storage thingies, so I guess I better get to mashing them things together.


05-19-2024, 07:38 PM
I thought you city dwellers had a socialist colour coded system of garbage bins to sort everything into? Used oil goes into Orange, filter media goes into Fuschia, and anything that touched oil goes into Aquamarine with polka-dots (for prop 65 substances known to the state of California to cause cancer).

05-19-2024, 08:37 PM
Should be mayor approved, you’re just putting back what was withdrawn


05-19-2024, 09:38 PM
Take it to a laundromat and pour it into a washing machine. Hotels often have guest laundries too so you could try there. Should be able to get rid of a lot of it into a top loading machine.

05-19-2024, 10:35 PM
Take it to a laundromat and pour it into a washing machine. Hotels often have guest laundries too so you could try there. Should be able to get rid of a lot of it into a top loading machine.

Back when MrsVagMightier was a street urchin that I was banging in the tiny bachelor suite of the ludicrous QuadHouse she rented in, her awesome adjoining neighbours used to use all her laundry soap powder even though they were filthy hippie drug addicts. The guy's name was actually "Bern" so you can completely image the type of fuck-stain I'm talking about.
Anyways, I bought new laundry soap and we kept it in her place while I replaced the soap in the shared laundry room with Ph-Down hydroponic powder that turned their stolen laundry experience into an agitated bath of Ph:2 which completely fucked all of their clothes but only after they made it through the dryer and they attempted to wear them the next time.
Fuck, I laughed and laughed and pointed and laughed at those degenerates when I noticed them trying to still wear something where every seam and fold and cuff were completely >50% blown out or coming apart making their garments fully useless.
I found out Mrs. Bern consistently referred to me as "The Asshole" after I overheard her trying to assemble the words to regale the tale of me asking her to "stop stealing the stairwell lightbulbs, you useless, stoned bitch".

It was good times had by all. Once they got a dog, too! But I'll save that story for another time.
*Teaser - the story involves scissors!