View Full Version : What it's like to go to a holy roller university...

04-05-2004, 07:40 PM
Remember... this is for university...


Punishment: 30 Reprimands + $150 Fine
Possible offences
- Immorality
- Two or more individuals of the opposite sex together in motel room
- Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages
- Involvement with witchcraft, séances or other satanic or demonic activity
- Failure of three (3) Christian/Community Services without reconciliation
- Abortion

Punishment: 12 Reprimands + $70 Fine
Possible offences
- Attendance at, possession or viewing of, an "R," "NC-17" or "X"-rated movie
- Entering the residence hallway of the opposite sex or allowing the same
- Students of the opposite sex visiting alone at an off-campus residence
- Possession and/or viewing of pornography
- Participation in an unauthorized petition or demonstration

Punishment: 18 Reprimands + $100 Fine
Possible offences
- Association with those consuming alcohol
- Entering a residence hall apartment or quad of the opposite sex or allowing the same
- Entering bedroom of the opposite sex on/off campus or allowing the same

Punishment: 6 Reprimands + $35 Fine
Possible offences
- Attendance at a dance

Hockeybronx, I think you're going to need more than a du-rag to get through these years... better stock up on some hand lotion :thumbsup:

04-05-2004, 07:44 PM

GTS Jeff
04-05-2004, 08:00 PM
repost loser!!!


04-05-2004, 08:00 PM
other way around loser!!!

GTS Jeff
04-05-2004, 08:21 PM
haha yea i just tried to cover it up when i couldnt delete my post. thankfully a mod has now deleted my thread. whatever, its all good....we both made fun of honkeybronx.

04-06-2004, 09:47 AM
18 Reprimands + $100 Fine
(regardless of previously paid fines) + 18 hours Disciplinary Community Service + 50% Scholarship Reduction

Association with those consuming alcohol

Racial harassment

I like how "associating" with those consuming alcohol carries the same punishments as racism

WOW, thats an AWSOME school :thumbsdow

04-06-2004, 10:37 AM
What a load of shit. One step away from controlling their lives! I feel sorry for anyone that goes there or is forced to go to such a shitty school.

04-06-2004, 10:43 AM
You think that is bad, take a look at the BYU website.

no offense to mormons (i know your out there) but those are some wacky rules:drama:

04-06-2004, 12:52 PM

Punishment: 30 Reprimands + $150 Fine
Possible offences
- Immorality
- Two or more individuals of the opposite sex together in motel room
- Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages
- Involvement with witchcraft, séances or other satanic or demonic activity
- Failure of three (3) Christian/Community Services without reconciliation
- Abortion

Punishment: 12 Reprimands + $70 Fine
Possible offences
- Attendance at, possession or viewing of, an "R," "NC-17" or "X"-rated movie
- Entering the residence hallway of the opposite sex or allowing the same
- Students of the opposite sex visiting alone at an off-campus residence
- Possession and/or viewing of pornography
- Participation in an unauthorized petition or demonstration

Punishment: 18 Reprimands + $100 Fine
Possible offences
- Association with those consuming alcohol
- Entering a residence hall apartment or quad of the opposite sex or allowing the same
- Entering bedroom of the opposite sex on/off campus or allowing the same

Punishment: 6 Reprimands + $35 Fine
Possible offences
- Attendance at a dance

Well Shit! Looks like I'm screwed!

Last Nights Activities.

After returning some X rated movies to the porn shop beside a Dance Club just down the road from Campus, I decided I would check the place out and see if there was any hunnies Ripe for the Plucking. After entering the dance establishment, I grabbed myself a rum and coke, and parused the dance floor. After spotting a group of 4 very attractive females, whom I believe were in my 11:30 warship class, I invited them back to campus, first stopping at the Liquor store to stock up. Conveniently there was an unauthorized petition or demonstration occuring outside fighting for the right for free alcohol, so they gave us some free beer for being there. Right on! I love being in association with those consuming alcohol.

We arrive at my motel room just off campus, It was not the first time I had invited members of the opposite sex to my off campus love shack, certainly would not be the last. After taking part in a crazy Karma Sutra style séance sex act with the 4 women, we decide to head over to the dorms and cause some rukkus. Immorality is my middle name. One of the girls mentioned she had had an abortion, I consoled her and said If I was female, I would have one too. This made her feel better.

The hallways were very narrow, occupied heavily by members of the opposite sex. I mean come on, I had a four girl entourage following me on my quest for fun. Through the doors I could hear G rated movies being enjoyed. Screw that. Pulling out my pocket case of "R", "NC-17" and "X" rated DVD's, I pitch them under the doors. This tallies up my Failure of Christian/Community services without reconciliation up to well over 400 now. The TA's room was at the end of the corridoor, She was one of those sheltered repressed quiet by the book type irls whom never look to have any fun, but you know secretly they've got this pent up wild animal inside them...Kicking the door in, I found that it was not a wild animal that was inside her, but merely a 9" pink Energizer Powered Love wand. Things just get wierder and wierder at Liberty University.

04-06-2004, 01:12 PM
Does anyone else find it ironic that the name of the university is LIBERTY :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And now the graduating class of Liberty University for 2004:
:nut: :nut: :nut: :nut: :nut: :nut: :nut: :poosie: <--out of here you impure bastard time for some :whipped:

04-06-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Ben

Well Shit! Looks like I'm screwed!

Last Nights Activities.

After returning some X rated movies to the porn shop beside a Dance Club just down the road from Campus, I decided I would check the place out and see if there was any hunnies Ripe for the Plucking. After entering the dance establishment, I grabbed myself a rum and coke, and parused the dance floor. After spotting a group of 4 very attractive females, whom I believe were in my 11:30 warship class, I invited them back to campus, first stopping at the Liquor store to stock up. Conveniently there was an unauthorized petition or demonstration occuring outside fighting for the right for free alcohol, so they gave us some free beer for being there. Right on! I love being in association with those consuming alcohol.

We arrive at my motel room just off campus, It was not the first time I had invited members of the opposite sex to my off campus love shack, certainly would not be the last. After taking part in a crazy Karma Sutra style séance sex act with the 4 women, we decide to head over to the dorms and cause some rukkus. Immorality is my middle name. One of the girls mentioned she had had an abortion, I consoled her and said If I was female, I would have one too. This made her feel better.

The hallways were very narrow, occupied heavily by members of the opposite sex. I mean come on, I had a four girl entourage following me on my quest for fun. Through the doors I could hear G rated movies being enjoyed. Screw that. Pulling out my pocket case of &quot;R&quot;, &quot;NC-17&quot; and &quot;X&quot; rated DVD's, I pitch them under the doors. This tallies up my Failure of Christian/Community services without reconciliation up to well over 400 now. The TA's room was at the end of the corridoor, She was one of those sheltered repressed quiet by the book type irls whom never look to have any fun, but you know secretly they've got this pent up wild animal inside them...Kicking the door in, I found that it was not a wild animal that was inside her, but merely a 9&quot; pink Energizer Powered Love wand. Things just get wierder and wierder at Liberty University.

ben writes my favorite stories :)

04-06-2004, 01:35 PM
That, unfortunately for the 4 girls, was NOT a story.


04-07-2004, 11:52 AM
^ hahahahaha

04-07-2004, 11:58 AM
Liberty University's chancellor is Jerry Falwell, who is a laughing stock of most of the CHRISTIAN community for his idiotic claims (gay teletubbies and 9/11 caused by gays). It doesnt surprise me that they would have these rules.

04-09-2004, 02:34 PM
man...how the hell do they have fun?!